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TC Res. No. 2000-38
RESOLUTION NO.00-38 SERIES OF 2000 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2000 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES BY FUND AND AMENDING THE 2000 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 2000, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 2000. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has adopted the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, the Town Council reviewed the revised estimated revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it necessary to amend the 2000 budget to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures for 2000; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated revenues and expenditures for the following fund is as follows for 2000: Original or Previously Amended 2000 Budget General Fund Beginning Fund Balance. Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Ending.Fund Balance $ 4,431,166 9,976;105 10,250,523 $ 4,156,748 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ 4,849,928- 10,274,404 10,548,822 $ 4,575,510 1 Original or Previously; Amended 2000 Budget Fire Operations Fund Beginning Fund Balance $ 29,051 Revenues and Other Sources 2,327,354 Expenditures and Other Uses 2,327,354 Ending Fund Balance $ 29,501 Current Proposed Amended 2000 Budget $ 38,772 2,829,040 2,829,040 $ 38,772 Section 2. That the budget, as submitted, amended, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon for the year stated above. Section 3. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made part of the public record of the Town. ADOPTED this 22°d day of August 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO JOY Yodeg, yor 2 General Fund Amendment #2 Fund~Summa ~ Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease)_ - REVENUES Taxes $ 5,859,214 $ 6,095,992 $ 6,731,744 $ 6,731,744 $ - Licenses and Permits 312,278 277,810 294,000 294,000 - Intergovernmental 599,815 587,886 572,498 572,498 - Charges for Services 1,283,954 1,381,846 1;406,096 1,406,096 - Fines and Forfeitures. 51,376 55,125 52,125 52,125 - Investment Earnings 444,423 375,000 375,000 375,000 - Other Revenue 367,019 513,670 422,105 720,404 298,299 Total, Operating Revenues 8,918,079 9,287,329 9,853,568 10,151,867 298,299 Other Sources 464,874 155,000 122,537 122,537. - TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,382,953 $ 9,442,329 $ 9,976,105 $ 10,274,404 $ 298,299 EXPENDITURES General Govemment $ 1,721,277 $ 1,794,543 $ 1,847,204 $ 21145;503 298,299 Community Development 460,628 624,954 605,648 605,648 - Public Safety 1,024,811 1,264,317 1,578,926 1,578,926 - Public Wo*s 2,422,355 . 2,408,831 2,486,418 2,486,418 - Recreation and Culture 1,776,425 2,238,203 2,213;333 2,213,333 - Total Operating Expenditures 7,405,496 8,330,848 8,731,529 9,029,828 298,299 Other Uses Transfers-Out to Mall Maintenance Fund 31,558 41,628 35,000 35,000 - Transfers-Out to Fire Operations Fund 303,334 344,216 294,333 294,333 - Transfers-Out to.Employee Housing Fund - 22,156 - - - Transfers-Out to Debt Service Funds 695,352 1,040,974 723,434 723,434 - Transfers-Out to Capital Projects Fund 559,507 - - - - Transfers-Out to Transit Enterprise Fund 519,427 439,287 366,227 366,227 - Transfers-Out to Equipment Replacement Fund - 200,000 100,000 100,000 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,514,674 10,419,109 10,250,523 10,548,822 298,299 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS (131,721) (976,780) (274,418) (274,418) - FUND BALANCES, Beginning of Year 5,539,667 5,407,946 4,431,166 4,849,928 418;762 FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ 5,407,946 $ 4,431,166 $ 41156,748 $ 4,575,510 $ • 418,762 Page 1 General Fund Amendment #2 Revue une a Detail Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Taxes: 51101 General Property Tax 51201 Specific Ownership Tax 51301 Sales Tax 51302 Utility Tax 51304 Penalties and Interest 51402 Franchise Fees 51000 Total Taxes Licenses and Permits: 52101 Liquor Licenses 52102 Business Licenses 52103 Contractor's Licenses 52201 Building Permits 52202 Electrical Permits 52203 Plumbing Permits 52204 Mechanical Permits 52205 Road Cut Permits 52206 Other Licenses and Permits 52000 Total Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental: Federal Grants: 53101 Federal Drug Forfeiture Funds 53101 COPS Subtotal: Federal Grants State Grants: 53299 Other Miscellaneous State Grants Subtotal: State Grants State/County Shared Revenue: 53301 Conservation Trust 53302 Motor Vehicle Registration 53303 Highway User's Tax 53304 Cigarette Tax 53305 County Sales Tax 53306 Road & Bridge Fund Subtotal: Shared Revenue 53000 Total Intergovernmental $ 1,082,154 $ 1,119,418 $ 1,298,616 $ 1,298,616 $ 141,948 145,000 150,000 150,000 - 4,373,880 4,592,574 5,018,128 5,018,128 - 63,698 59,000 65,000 65,000 - 10,174 2,500 10,000 10,000 - 187,360 177,500 190,000 190,000 - 5,859,214 6,095,992 6,731,744 6,731,744 - 3,555 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 18,463 17,250 17,500 17,500 - 10,000 8,560 9,000 9,000 - 170,397 180,000 185,000 185,000 - 23,143 17,500 20,000 20,000 - 50,935 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 24,951 15,000 25,000 25,000 - 2,035 2,000 2,500 2,500 - 8,799 10,000 7,500 7,500 312,278 277,810 294,000. 294,000 - 5,799 - - - - 55,117 65,000 - - - 60,916 65,000 - - 24,564 22,500 25,000 25,000 - 20,504 17,500 20,000 20,000 - 130,008 132,886 152,498 152,498 - 53,819 45,000 55;000 55,000 - 214,787 205,000 225,000 225,000 - 95,217 100,000 95,000 95,000 - 538,899 522,886 572,498 572,498 - 599,815 587,886 572,498 572,498 - Page 2 General Fund Amendment #2 Revenue~Detail Original or Current . Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number _ Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) Charges for Services: General Government: 54101 Sale of Map and Publications 35 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 54102 Photocopying Charges 350 500 500 500 - 54103 License Hearing Fees - 100. 100 100 - 54104 Other Fees and Charges 2,512 1,500 1,500 . 1,500 - 54201 Plan Check Fees 104,035 140,000 140,000 140,000 - 54202 Subdivision Review Fees 5,290 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 54203 Design Review Fees 12,623 11,500 12,500 12,500 - 54204 Animal Control Fees 455 800 1,000 1,000 - 54301 Police Reports 357 250 250 250 - 54302 _ Police Contract Services 6,226 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 54303 Fingerprinting Fees 1,172 250 1,000 1,000 - 54304 VIN Inspection Fees 10,831 7,000 10,000 10,000 - Subtotal: General Govern. 143,886 173,900 178,850 178,850 - Recreation Facility: 54601 Admission Fees 844,760 880,000 920,000 920,000 - 54602 Program Fees 68,239 40,000 40,000 40,000 - 54603 Rentals 5,665 6,500 6,500 6,500 - 54604 Merchandise Sales 7,082 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 54605 Childcare 11,300 8,500 8,500 8,500 - 54606 Rec Center Services 16,094 18,000 18,000 18,000 - 54607 Fitness Program Revenues - 11,378 11,378 11,378 - Other Recreation: 54651 Adult Program Revenues 87,229 36,016 36,016 36,016 - 54652 Cabin Equipment Rentals 39,584 41,000 41,000 41,000 - 54653 Athletic Field Rentals 3,953 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 54654 Cabin Concessions 6,497 7,880 7,880 7,880 - 54655 Youth Program Revenues - 86,872 86,872 86,872 - 54676 Sponsorships 29,819 26,700 25,050 25,050 - 54677 Advertisements 2,934 2,600 3,600 3,600 - 54678 Event Fees 16,912 33,000 12,950 12,950 - Subtotal: Recreation 1,140,068 1,207,946 1,227,246 1,227,246 - 54000 Total Charges for Services 1,283,954 1,381,846 1,406,096 1,406,096 Fines and Forfeitures: 55101 Court Fines.- Traffic 9,170 12,000 9,000 9,000 - 55102 Court Fines - Criminal 32,050 32,000 32,000 32,000 - 55103 Court Fines - Parking 5,048 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 55104 Court Fines - General 675 500 500 500 - 551,05 Court Costs 2,420 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 55106 Jury Fees 340 350 350 350 - 55107 Court Restitution 1,671 1,750 1,750 1,750 - Page 3 General Fund Amendment #2 Revenue~Defa'il Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Account Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase Number Description 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) 55108 Food Fines 2 25 25 25 - 55000 Total Fines and.Forfeitures 51,376 55,125 52,125 . _ 52,125 Investment Earnings: 57101 Interest Earnings 444,423 375,000 375,000 375,000 - 57000 Investment Earnings 444,423 375,000 375,000 375,000 Other Revenues: 58101 Recreational Amenity Fees 160,832 165,000 160,000 160,000 - 58201 Lease of Town-Owned Property 120,697 248,670 162,105 162,105 - 58999 Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenues 85,490 100,000 100,000 398,299 298,299 58000 Total Other Revenues 367,019 513,670 422,105. 720,404 298,299 Other Sources: 59101 Sales of Foxed Assets 36,200 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 59201 Transfer in from AMD Debt Service Fund - 130,000 - 59303 Capital Lease Proceeds 428,674 - 97,537 97,537. - 59000 Total Other Sources 464,874 155,000 122,537 122,537 - 50000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,382,953 $ 9,442,329 $ 9,976,105 $ 10,274,404 $ 298,299 Page 4 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: General Government/Legislative #110 Department, NIA Program: Public Relations #114 Account Number Account Description Commodities: 62802 Food and Beverage Total Commodities Purchasedand Contracted Services: 63199 Other. Professional Services 63203 Printing and Reproduction Services 63999 Other Purchased and Contracted Services 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services Other Operating Costs: 64104 Meeting Expenses 64301 Postage 64901 Advertising and Legal Notifies 64902 Financial Support, Donations, and Contributions 64904 Operating Fees, Assessments, and Charges 64000 Total Other Operating. Costs 60000 Total Expenditures Original or Current Prev.•Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) $ 889 $ 554 $ - $ - $ 889 554 - 4,069 - - - - 4,853 3,249 6,000 6,000 - 1,376 980 - - 10,298 4,229 6,000 6,000 - 164 - - - - 1,708 5,500 5,500 - 4,606 2,549 - - - 273,700 2871200 270,000 568;299 298,299 29,225 20;297. 13,000 13,000_ _ 307,531 311,918 288,500 .586,799 298,299 $ 318,718 $ 316,701 294,500 $ 592,799 $ _ 298,299 _ Page 5 Fire Operations Fund . Amendment #1 un W ummary Original or. Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 (Decrease) REVENUES Intergovernmental $ 1,251,803 $ 1,416,943 $ 1,606,721 $ 1,786,721 $ 180,000 Other Revenue 2,246 25,424 - - - Total Operating Revenues 1,254,049 1,442,367 1,606,721 1,786,721 180,000 Other Sources Transfers-In from General Fund 303,334 344,216 294,333 294,333 - Capital Lease Proceeds 200,698 213,615 426,300 747,986 321,686 TOTAL REVENUES 1,758,081 2,000,198 2,327,354 2,829,040 501,686 EXPENDITURES Public Safety: Fire 1,729,030 1,990,477 2,327,354 2,829,040 501,686 Total' Operating Expenditures 1,729,030 1,990,477 2,327,354 2,829,040 501,686_ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,729,030 1,990,477 2,327,354 2,829,040 501,686 NET SOURCE (USE) OF FUNDS 29,051 9,721 - - - FUND BALANCES; Beginning of Year - 29,051 29,051 38,772 9,721, FUND BALANCES, End of Year $ '29,051 $ 38,772 $ 29,051 $ 38,772 $ 9,721 Page 1 Fire Operations Fund Amendment # 1 Description Intergovernmental: State Grants:. Wildland Study Grant Local Government/Other Agency Local Intergovernmental Participation Fire: Contracted Fire Operations Non-District Fire Protection ,Other Fire Revenues Total Intergovernmental Other Revenue Lease of Town-owned Property Miscellaneous Nonclassified Revenue Total Other Revenue Other Sources: Operating Transfers In - General Fund Capital Lease Proceeds Total Other Sources TOTAL REVENUES Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed Difference Actual Actual Budget. Amendment Increase 1998 1999 2000 2000 _ __(Decrease) $ 4,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 1,000 - - - - 1,233,465 1,355,751 1,581,721 .1,761;721 180,000 7,766 24,042 20,000 20,000 - 5,572 37,150 5,000 5,000 - 1,251,803 1,416,943 1,606,721 1,786,721 180,000 2,170 14,040 - - - 76 11,384 - - - 2,246 25,424 - - - 303,334 344,216 294,333 294,333 - 200,698 213,615 426,300 747,986 321,686 504,032 557,831 720,633 1,042,319 321,680 $ 1,758,081 $ 2,000,198 $ 2,327,354 $ 2,829,040 $ . 501-,686_ Page 2 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Fire #320 Program: Emergency Response #322 Account Number Account Description ctual 1998 ctual 1999 riginal or Prev. Amend. Budget 2000 urrent Proposed Amendment 2000 J Difference Increase (Decrease) Personnel Services: 61101. Regular Full-time Salaries $ 368,411 $ 401,049 $ 465,910 $ 645,910 $ 180,000 61162 Regular Part-time Salaries 51,286 54,558 68,000 68,000 - 61122 PTS Bonuses - 700 - - - 61151 Overtime Wages 40,859 41,847 54,000 54,000 - 61361 FT Pension 39,095 45,502 51,250 51,250 - 61302 PTS Pension 1,598 1,472 938 938 - 61303 Wellness 1,600 1,950 3,650 3,650 - 61304 Employee Assistance Program 334 372 864 864 - 61401 PICA/Medicare 6,500 7,603 8,514 8,514 - 61561 Group Health and Life Health Insurance 30,823 51,170 71,567 71,567 - 61505 Long-term Disability Insurance 4,766 7,297 6,563 6,563 - 61507 Dental Insurance 5,429 5,991 8,784 8,784 - 61509 Worker's Compensation 9,029 9,149 9,567 9,567 - 61510 Unemployment Insurance 1,928 1,497 1,761 1,761 - 61000 Total Personnel Services 561,658 630,157 751,368 931,368 180,000 Commodities: 62141 Firefighting Equipment 15,555 28,100 33,625 33,625 - 62142 Rescue Equipment and Materials 5,347 3,908 6,035 6,035 - 62143 HAZMAT Equipment and Materials 5,539 1,807 13,920 13,920 - 62144 Protective Clothing and Materials 17,203 18,149 48,625 48,625 - 62401 Gasoline 414 330 594 594 - 62402 Diesel 4,515 6,376 4,795 4,795 - 62403 Oil and Lubricants 29 86 500 500 - 62464 Shop and Mechanical Tools and Supplies 649 1,947 650 650 - 62405 Automotive and Equipment Replacement Parts 9,015 15,289 - - - 62406. Automotive and Equipment Maintenance Supplies 437 461 1,500 1,500 - 62802 Food and Beverage 331 902 800 800 - 62805 Clothing and Uniforms 23,466 17,474 17,200 17,200 - 62806 Safety - Materials and Supplies 12,319 7,464 7,500 7,500 - 62807 Consumable Tools/Small Equipment 3,829 3,037 3,000 3,000 - 62811 Communication Supplies - - 2,200 2,200 - 62000 Total Commodities 98,648 105,330 140,944 140,944 - Purchased and Contracted Services: 63199 Other Professional Services 197 2,075 2,350 2,350 - 63205 Police Checks 20 - - - - 63501 R&M - Buildings and Facilities 73 - - - - 63507. R&M - Machinery & Equipment - - 6,000 6,000 - 63999 Other Contract Services 122,689 129,967 133,800 133,800 - 63000 Total Purchased and Contracted Services 122,979 132,042 142,150 142,150 - Page 3 Town of Avon Line Item Detail Function: Public Safety #300 Department: Fire #320 Program: Emergency Response #322 Account Actual Actual Number Account Description 1998 1999 Other Operating Costs: Original or Current Prev. Amend. Proposed 'Difference Budget Amendment Increase 2000 2000 (Decrease) 64201 Telephone - 174 - - - 64206 Cellular and Paging - 5,408 6,000 6,000 - 64401 Fleet Maintenance Charges 13,706 68,918 66,743 66,743 - 64907 Paid Claims 5,952 704 - - - 64000 Total Other Operating. Costs 19,658 75,204 72,743 72,743 - . Debt Service: 65201 Capital Lease Payments 50,195 66,927 87,478 . 87,478 - 65000 Total Debt Service 50,195 66,927 87,478 87,478 - Capital Outlay: 66402 Computers and'Peripheral Equipment 3,211 10,005 - - - 66405 Radios and Communication Equipment 5,175 - 66,000 66,000 - 66406 Public Safety Equipment 119,960 48,905 45,300 5,300 (40,000) 66501 Automobiles and Light-duty Trucks 37,079 - - - - 66599 Other Transportation Equipment 73,019 113,516 325,000 686,686 361,686 66000 Total Capital Outlay 238,444 172,426 436,300 757,986. _ 321,686 60000 Total Expenditures $ 1,091,582 $ 1,182,086 $ 1,630,983 _ $ 2,132,669 $ 501,686 Page 4 Town of Avon Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thm: Bill Efting, Town Manager From Scott Wright, Finance Director Date: August 17, 2000 Re: Resolution 00-38, Budget Amendment Sum - _ A budget amendment is proposed for the 2000 budget for the following item: Fire Operations Fund • Previously approved expenditures in the amount of $180,000 for salaries for the staffing of the Wildridge Fire Station. • Replacement of the wrecked pumper in the amount of $321,686 to be financed through a supplement to the existing 1999 master lease (see Resolution 00-37). • Final fund balance amounts from the 1999 audit. General Fund • Receipt of CIRSA insurance proceeds from the wrecked pumper truck in the amount of. $298,299 and an offsetting contribution to the fire protection district in a corresponding amount. • Final fund balance amounts from the 1999 audit. Recommendation-. Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution discussed above as presented. Town Manager Comments: Attachme A - Resolution 00-38 B -Financial Statements of Amended Funds Page 1