TC Res. No. 2000-31Town of Avon Resolution No. 00-311. Series of 2000. A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST AND TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, WHEREAS, Policy A3.9 of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan states that the Town shall work to facilitate trades of U.S. Forest Service land that are in the' best interest of the community, while being sensitive to potential impacts on existing neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, Goal C.2 of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan states that the Town shall provide affordable housing for permanent and seasonal residents that is attractive, safe, and integrated with the community; and WHEREAS, Policy A3.4 of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan states that the Town should provide for the acquisition and maintenance of available federal. and state land's adjacent to the Town as open space and for other public purposes; and WHEREAS, the Town Council, in cooperation with Vail Associates, Inc., wishes to provide increased affordable housing and open space opportunities to its residents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, That the Town Council of the Town of Avon hereby endorses the proposed land exchange between the White River National Forest and the Town of Avon, Town of Minturn, Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District, Upper Eagle River Regional Water Authority, Vail Associates, Inc., Sonnenalp Resort, and Norrie Colony Inc., and more specifically F:\COUNCIL\RESOLUTI\usfslandexchange00.doc for the purpose of acquiring the `West Avon' parcel for affordable housing and open space, attached hereto as Exhibit A. ADOPTED THIS 27h DAY OF JUNE 2000. . Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council J y Yoder; ayor F:\COUNCIL.\RESOLUTAasfslandexchange00.doc Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thrm Bill Elting, Town Manager From: Tambi Katieb, AICP, Planner We - June 21, 2000 Re: . Resolution No. 00-31 [Vassar Meadows Land Exchange] Summary: The White River National Forest is considering an exchange of land with the Western Land Group, Inc., managing agent for the Vassar Meadows Land Exchange proponents, which include the Town of Avon, the Town of Mintutn, Eagle-Vail Metropolitan District, Upper Eagle River Regional Water Authority, Vail Associates, Inc., Sonnenalp Resort, and Norrie Colony Incorporated. The National Forest lands being considered for exchange are in Eagle and Pitkin Counties, and total approximately 569.5 acres. Of particular interest to the Town is the F-1 `West Avon' parcel being proposed for exchange to the Town of Avon and Vail Associates, located directly west and adjacent to Benchmark at Beaver Creek Tract A. This parcel is approximately 478.09 acres, and is being considered for exchange to the Town and Vail Associates in return for the conveyance of the Vassar Meadows and four other smaller private `inholdings' that will allow the Forest Service to create a more manageable forest boundary. Recommendation: Attached for your reference is a resolution regarding the `West Avon' parcel and the White River National Forest Vassar Meadows Land Exchange. The US Forest Service has requested the Town comment on the proposal, and as such, staff has drafted this resolution for your approval. Staff recommends that the Town Council support the land exchange with the adoption of this resolution, and discuss with the Forest Service, Vail Associates, and Town residents how a permanent restriction on the majority of the `West Avon' parcel (excluding the 40-acre area programmed for affordable housing) be implemented. We recommend that a deed restri ction or similar tool be used to protect both wildlife and open space values, characteristics of the parcel that all parties of the exchange and Town residents wish to preserve. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 748-4002. VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, state of Colorado FEDERAL PARCELS F-1 & F-4 "West Avon" & "Sonnenaln Gnlf C_mirenis 1 I'---""'-""'-'"""'"'"I N EDWARDS QUADRANGLE VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, State at Colorado FEDERAL PARCEL F - 2 "Town / Minturn Public Works" NON -FEDERAL PARCEL C "Town of Minturn" Z S S I•--------------•------I N R.81 W. MINTURN QUADRANGLE 1/2 MILE t EAGLE COUNTY, CO VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, State of Colorado FEDERAL PARCEL F-3 "EAGLE -VAIL GOLF COURSE" NON - FEDERAL PARCEL B "EAGLE - VAIL METRO. DIST." EDWARDS QUADRANGLE T S Q Q Al w VAIL WEST QUADRANGLE GROUSE MTN QUADRANGLE N MINTURN QUADRANGLE EAGLE COUNTY, CO I-•--------------------I EAGLE COUNTY, CO VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, State of Colorado FEDERAL PARCEL F-5 "Beard Creek Water Tank" 1______________________1 N EDWARDS QUADRANGLE 1/2 MILE T EAGLE COUNTY, CO VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, State of Colorado FEDERAL PARCEL F-6 "NORRIE COLONY" NON-FEDERAL PARCEL D "NORRIE PARCEL" \ L ~a~ lll i i I \X\\% ;iL".; IiUif "l/11 :T?J"i'Ta' \ IfL~'~. ~1 `',~ilL~``'.`1~ -1` "V/"~~ ,T4-)-T.""; • i T- MEREDITH QUADRANGLE PITKIN rnUNTV_ CA VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County, State of Colorado N . p .o T 7 r Flats 9600 9600 QUADRANGLE NON-FEDERAL PARCEL "A" ° VASSAR MEADOWS/ EAST BRUSH CR." VASSAR MEADOWS LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST Eagle County and Pitkin County. State of Colorado NON-FEDERAL PARCEL 'rE'r °MID-CONTINENT COAL PREP. PLANT" r. f CO i mI l ~ l~ PLACITA QUADRANGLE PITKIN COUNTY r0 ----------------------I N JIL