TC Res. No. 2000-12RESOLUTION NO.2000-12 SERIES OF 2000 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A TOWN OF AVON C01MUTTEE ON DISPOSITION OF FORFEITED PROPERTY WHEREAS the Town of Avon is desirous of providing for the receipt .and expenditure of property or proceeds which has been forfeited pursuant to State or Federal Law, and WHEREAS Colorado State Statutes provide for the creation of a committee to approve the use or expenditure of forfeited proceeds, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THERE IS HEREBY ESTABLISHED THE TOWN OF AVON COMIVHTTEE ON DISPOSITION OF FORFEITED PROPERTY, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That such committee shall consist of the district attorney of Eagle County or designee, the Town of Avon Police Chief or Acting Police Chief, and a representative of the Town Council. Section 2. The members of the committee may select other members to serve on the committee-by unanimous agreement. Section 3. The committee shall meet as necessary to approve the use of forfeited property or the expenditure of forfeited proceeds. Section 4. The committee shall, each year, submit a written report to the Town Council concerning forfeited moneys or property received during the year and an accounting of how such monies were expended during the year. ADOPTED this 22°a day of February, 2000. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yoder a