TC Res. No. 1999-23RESOLUTION NO. 23 SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF AVON TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE AVON ARTS COUNCIL PURSUANT TO WHICH THE TOWN' 'WILL ACQUIRE OWNERSHIP OF THE COUNCIL'S STATUE TITLED "THE CLASSICS." WHEREAS the Avon Arts Council is the owner of a statue titled "The Classics" (the "statue"), which is located in the front of the Avon Library (the "library"), and WHEREAS the Council desires to convey ownership of the statue to the Town (without cost) on the condition that the Town continue to exhibit-the statue at its current location, or; if the library is ever relocated, in front of the library at its new location, and WHEREAS the Town desires to accept ownership of the statue subject to the condition above stated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the Town and the Avon Arts Council, according to the terms set forth in the above recitals, and in a form 'the same or substantially similar to the unexecuted contract attached hereto. ADOPTED this 2 day of June '1999. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J Yoder r CONTRACT This contract, entered into this " day of 1999, by and between the Avon Arts Council (the "Council") and the Town of Avon (the "Town"), WITNESSETH, WHEREAS the Council is the owner of a statue titled "The Classics" (the "statue"), which is located.in the front of the Avon Library (the "library"), and WHEREAS the Council desires to convey ownership of the statue to the Town on the condition that the Town continue to exhibit the statue at.its current location, or, if the library is ever relocated, in front of the library at its new location, and WHEREAS the Town desires to accept ownership of the statue subject to the condition above stated, now therefore, the parties hereto do contract as follows: ' 1. The Council agrees to and hereby does convey ownership of the statue to the Town subject to the condition that the statue continue to be exhibited in front of the library, or, if the library is ever relocated, in front of the library at its new location. 2. In the event the condition above stated is not met by the Town, ownership of the statue shall revert to the Council. AVON ARTS COUNCIL By: TOWN OF AVON