TC Res. No. 1998-48TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 98-48 SERIES OF 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN, OF AVON SETTING FORTH FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS REGARDING ANNEXATION 1 OF THE VILLAGE AT AVON WHEREAS, annexation proceedings were heretofore initiated by the filing on June 26, 1998 of Petition for Annexation No. 1 and Petition for Annexation No. 2 for property to be known as The Village at Avon; and WHEREAS, at a special meeting `on the 30th day of June, 1998, the Town Council passed and adopted Resolutions No. 98-40-1 and 98-40-2 finding substantial compliance of Petition for Annexation No. 1 and Petition for Annexation No. 2 respectively, and setting a hearing to determine if the proposed serial annexation complies with Sections 31-12-104 and 31- 12=105, C.R.S., and is eligible for annexation to the Town; and WHEREAS, following notice given as required by law, the Town Council has held a hearing on said serial annexation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO THAT: Section 1. The Town Council hereby finds that Petition for Annexation No. 1 complies with the provisions of Section 31-12-107, C.R.S. Section 2. The Town Council hereby finds that, with respect to Petition for Annexation No. 1, the requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., have been met. Section 3. The Town Council hereby finds that the signers of Petition for Annexation No. 1 comprise the owners of one hundred percent (100%) of the property to be annexed. Section 4. The Town Council hereby finds that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon annexation of that portion of The Village at Avon included in Petition for Annexation No. 1. Section 5. 'The Town Council hereby finds that an election is not required under Sections 31- 12-107(2) or 31-12-112(1), C.R.S. Section 6. The Town Council hereby finds that notice was given and a hearing was held regarding the annexation in accordance with the requirements of Sections 31-12- 108 and 31-12-109, C.R.S., as applicable. \\NTSERVER\FILE SERVER\COUNCIL\RESOLUTI\98-48 VAAFindingsAnnex1.doc Section 7. The Town Council concludes that the area proposed to be annexed in that portion of The Village at Avon included in Petition for Annexation No. 1 is eligible for annexation to the Town of Avon. ADOPTED THIS 11th ;DAY OF August 1998 Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Jack awcett, Mayor T: ash, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: To Attorney \\NTSERVER\FILE SERVER\COUNCIL\RESOLUTI\98-48 VAAFindingsAnnexl.doc