TC Res. No. 1998-40 (2)SENT BY:ATTORNEYS ; 6-26-88";11:57AM ;Q [STN-+
RESOLUTION NO. 98 - 40-2
9708494280;# 5/ 6
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 31-12-104(1)(a) C.R.S.,
two Petitions for serial annexation to the Town of Avon of
certain parcels of real property, being parcels of land,.located
in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range.82 West of the 6th
Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, and Sections 7, 81 9
and 17, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal
Meridian,:Eagle County, Colorado (comprising, collectively,
.petition No_ 1), and Sections 8, 9 and 10, Township 5 South,
Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
Colorado (comprising, collectively, Petition No. 2), more
particularly described on Exhibits "All and 'IB," attached hereto
and made apart hereof,.have been submitted to the Town Clerk of"'-
the.Town of Avon and referred therefrom to the Town Council;
Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of
Avon has referred to.the Town Council two petitions for
annexation of certain parcels of real property (hereinafter
referred to as the "subject property," and as more specifically
described in Exhibits "A" and "B," attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference) being parcels of -land,
located in Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the 6th
Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, and Sections 7, 8, 9
SENT SY:ATTORNEYS 6-26-98 ;11:57AM ;D ISTN 9709494280.;#-6/ 6
and 17, Township 5 South", Range 81 West of the 6th Principal,.,
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado (comprising, collectively,
Petition No. 1), and Sections 8, 9 and 10, Township 5 South,
Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
Colorado (comprising, collectively, Petition No. 2),gtand the Town
Council specifically finds upon review of said petitions that
Petition No. 2 is in substantial compliance with the requirements
of Section 31-12-107(1), C.R.S.
Section 2. Hearing. A hearing on the petitions shall
be held at 5:30 P. M. on August 11, 1998, at the Council Chambers
in the Avon Municipal Building, 404 Benchmark Road,,Avon,
Colorado,,to determine if the proposed annexation complies with
Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., and whether the subject
property is eligible for annexation to the Town.
Section 3. Publication. This Resolution No. 98-40-2
shall be published once a week for four successive weeks (five
times) in The Avon Deaver Creek Times/veil Valley Times, and-TIM
Eagle yalley Enterprise, newspapers of general circulation in
Eagle County, commencing no latex than July 8 and July 9, 1998,
Section 4. Effective Data. This Resolution shall be
effective immediately.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting the 30"' day of
June, 1998.
Legal Description of Annexation Property
See attached page A-1.1
tisooao. I ua.niEe 0049a s•» PM
THE VILLAGE (at Avon) NO. 2
That part of Sections 8, 9 & 10, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to
the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted
November.l, 1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land
Office in Washington, D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 8; thence along
the northerly line of said Section 8, N88°42'58"E 850.00 feet, to
the True Point of Beginning; thence, continuing along said
northerly line, N88°42'58"E 1920.72 feet, to the Northwest corner
of said Section 9; thence, along the northerly line of said Section
9, N83°29130"E 2773.27 feet, to the North 1/4 corner of said
Section 9; thence, continuing along said northelly line,
N83°24'12"E 2772.60 feet, to the Northwest corner of said Section
10; thence, along- the northerly line of said Section 10,
N86°39'24"E 2681.23 feet; thence, departing said northerly line,
S01°34'07"W 2699.66 feet, to southerly line of the SE 1/4 NW 1/4 of
said Section 10; thence, along the southerly line of said SE 1/4 NW
1/4, S86°3212311W 1304.06 feet, to the Center West 1/16 corner of
said Section 10; thence, along the easterly line of the NW 1/4 SW
1/4 of said Section 10, S01°32'50"W 1349.33 feet, to the Southwest
1/16 corner of said Section 10; thence, along the southerly line of
said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, S86°32'47"W 1384.91 feet, to the South 1/16
corner- of said Sections 9 & 10; thence, along the southerly line of
the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 9, S77°10'15"W 1413.37 feet, to
the Southeast 1/16 corner of said Section 9;, thence, along the
easterly line of the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 9, S01°33'02"W
1475.32 feet, to the East 1/16 corner of said Section 9 and Section
16 of said township 5 South, Range 81 West 'of the Sixth Principal
Meridian; thence, along the southerly line of said SW 1/4 SE 1/4,
S72°20'31"W 1450.43 feet, to the South 1/4 corner of said Section,
9; thence, along the westerly line of said SW 1/4 SE 1/4,
N01°34'18"E 1601.52 feet, to the Center South 1/16 corner of said
Section 9; thence, along the southerly line of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of
said Section 9, S86°07'30"W 1378.19 feet, to the Southwest 1/16
corner of said Section 9; thence, along the easterly line of the SW
1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section' 9, S01°33'13"W 903.02 feet, to the
existing Town of Avon Boundary; thence, departing said easterly
line, the following five courses along said existing Town of Avon
Boundary: (1) West 2595.53 feet; (2) North 899.93 feet; (3)
N27°39'30"E 2121.59 feet; (4) N17°38'30"W 1593.20 feet; (5)
N56°30'00"W 1274.62 feet, to the True Point of Beginning,
containing'922.16 acres, more or less.
Legal Description of Property Owned
by Each Petitioner
Name of Landowner/Petitioner: EMD LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, a. Colorado
limited liability company
Legal Description of Land Owned'by EMD LIMITED LIABILITY
COMPANY. a Colorado limited liability company
See attached pages B-1.1 - B-1.10
)W30 I W"YU 06 4MB 6•37 PM B-1
Those parts of SE 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4, Section 8, and W 1/2 NW
1/4, Section 9, all in Township 5 South;--Range -81 West of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at, the common northerly corner of said Sections 8 & 9;
thence, along the northerly line of said Section 9, N83°29'30"E
160.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence, continuing
along said northerly line, N83°29'30"E 486.63 feet; thence,
departing said northerly line, S17°38'30"E 897.81 feet; thence
S27°39'30"W 4811.41 feet; thence West 40.45 feet; thence North
462.14 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 2756.99 feet; thence N17°38'30"W
428.18 feet; thence East 459.06 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 945.51
feet; thence N54°00'00"W 385.00 feet; thence N17°38'30"W 720.00
feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing 35.1000 acres,
more or less.
That part of the NW 1/4, Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 81 West
of the Sixth-Principal-Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according
to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted
November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land
Office in Washington, D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence
S63°08'46"W 1560.98 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
S86°48'37"E 414.57 feet; thence S19°00'00"E 290.00 feet; thence
S36°00'00"E 410.00 feet; thence S28°00'00"W 1223.80 feet; thence
S89°0010011W 1080:77 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 1951.35 feet, to the
True Point of Beginning, containing 37.0748 acres, more or less.
Those parts of E 1/2 NW 1/4, W 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4, N. 1/2 SW
1/4, Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in.
Washington, D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence
S08°04'12"E 836.43 feet-, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
S58°00'00"E 810.34 feet; thence S28°00'00"W 2281.05 feet.; thence
S8403810711W 1445.71 feet; thence S89°00'00"W 1113.26 feet; thence
N27°39'30"E 238.99 feet; thence N89°00'00"E 2079.68 feet;•thence
N28°001 0011E 1909.74 feet; thence N41°00-'00"W 900.00 feet; thence,
S88°00'00"E 440.00 feet,, 'to the True Point of Beginning, containing
35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of NE 1/4 SE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4, Section 9, Township 5
South, Range, 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and
Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior
General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4; thence,
along the'southerly line of said'NE 1/4 SE 1/4, S77°1011511W 1413.37
feet, to the southwest corner of said NE--i/A-SE 1/4; thence, along
the easterly line of said W 1/2 SE 1/4, S01°33'02"W 1475.32 feet,
to the southeast corner of said W 1/2 SE 1/4; thence, along the
southerly line of said W 1/2 SE 1/4, 597.96 feet; thence, departing
said southerly line, N01°34'18"E 1726.15 feet; thence N75'030'00"E
1232.87 feet; thence N02°00'00"E 635.00 feet; thence N84°00'00"E
255.00 feet; thence S33000'00"E 865.00 feet; to the point of
beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of NE i/4- SE 1/4, W 1/2 SE 1/4, Section 9, NW 1/4 SW
1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the South 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence, along
the westerly line of said W 1/2 SE 1/4, NOI-34118"E 1951.52 feet;
thence, departing said westerly line, N75°30'00"E 1800.00 feet;,
thence N02°00'00"E 761.84 feet; thence N84°00'00"E 1088.66 feet;
thence S51°00'00"E 1540.47 feet, to the southerly line of said NW
1/4 SW 1/4, Section 10; thence, along said southerly line,
S86°32'47"W 619.91 feet; thence, departing said southerly line,
N51°00'00"W 1380.00 feet; thence S84°00'00"W 430.0.0 feet; thence
S02°00'00"W 720.00 feet; thence S75030'00"W 1633.61 feet; thence
S01°34'18"W 1861.71 feet, to" the southerly line of said W 1/2 SE
1/4, Section 9; thence, along said southerly line; S72°20'31"W
342.11 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 35.1000 acres,
more"or less.
Those parts of SE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 8, W 1/2 SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SW
1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 14E.1/4, Section 9, SW.1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4
SW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section
10; thence, along the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4,
N01°32'50"E 340.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence,
departing said easterly line, N51°00'00"W 1431.81 feet; thence
S84°00'00"W 1324.67 feet; thence S02°00'00"W 912.01 feet; thence
S75°30'00"W 3155.79 feet, to the easterly line of said W 1/2 SW
1/4, Section 9; thence, along said easterly line, S01°33'13"W
1108.21 feet; thence, departing said easterly line, West 2312.07
feet; thence 1427039'30"E 185.71 feet; thence East 2146.00 feet;
thence 1401°33'13"E 1021.76 feet; thence N75°30'00"E 3150.00 feet;
thence N02°00'00"E 1030.00 feet; thence N84°00'00"E 1600.00 feet;
thence S51°00'00"E 1200.00 feet, to the easterly line of said NW
1/4 SW 1/4, Section 10; thence, along said easterly line,
901°32'50"W 369:33 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing
35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of SE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 8, W 1/2 SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SW
1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 91 S 1/2 NW 1/4, NW 1/4
SW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5-South, Range 81 West of the.
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November,l,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section
10; thence, along the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4,
S01°32'50"W 230.00 feet; thence, departing said easterly line,
N51°00'00"W 339.40 feet; thence N01°39'03"E 430.00-feet; thence
S84°00'00"W 2350:00 feet; thence S02°00'00"W 123.0.00 feet;'thence
S75°30'00"W 3150.00 feet; thence S01°33'13"W 820.56 feet; thence
West 1975.07 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 234.17 feet; thence East
1812.45 feet; thence N01°33'13"E 684.56 feet; thence N75°30'00"E
3100.00 feet; thence N02°00'00"E 1350.00 feet; thence N84°00'00"E
2790.00 feet; thence S01°39'03"W 635.00 feet, to the southerly line
of said S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10; thence, along said southerly
line, S86°32'23"W 60.00 feet, to the point of beginning, containing
35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of N 1/2 SW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4, S 1/2 NE 1/4, Section
9, S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 9 South, Range 81 West
of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle.County, Colorado, according
to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted„
November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land
Office in Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 10; thence,
along the southerly line of said S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
S86°32'23"W 81.37 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence,
continuing along said southerly line, S86°32'23"W 714.06 feet;
thence, departing said southerly line, 1414°00'00"W 843.07'feet;
thence S84°00'00"W 3136.36 feet, to the easterly line of the SW 1/4
NE 1/4 of said Section 9; thence, along said easterly line,
S01°39'05"W 797.47 feet, to the southeast corner of said SW 1/4 NE
1/4; thence, along the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SE 1/4, Section
9,S01°33'02"W 680.24 feet; thence, departing said easterly line,
S75030100"W 3101.25 feet; thence N01°33'13"E 158.21 feet; thence
N75°30'00"E 2947.51 feet; thence N02.000'00"E 1489.10 feet; thence
N84°00'00"E 3442.89 feet; thence S14°00'00''E 514.13 feet; thence
S72°00'00"E 660.00 feet; thence S01°34'07"W 235.00 feet, to the
True Point of Beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of N 1/2 SW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4, S~1/2 NE 1/4, Section
9, S 1/2 NW 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5
South, Range 81'West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,.Eagle County,
Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township'and
Range,,accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior
General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described 'as, a whole as
Beginning at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 10; thence,
along the southerly line of said S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
S86"3212311W 81.37 feet; thence, departing said southerly line,
N01°34'07"E 560.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
N72°00'00"W 490.00 feet; thence N20°00100"W 430.00 feet; thence
S84°00'00"W 3660.00 feet; thence S18°35'18"W 1813.91 feet; thence
S75°30'00"W 2331.49 feet; thence N01°33'1311 72.84 feet; thence
N75°30'00"E 1932.55 feet; thence N26°44'52"E 2196.07 feet; thence
N83°43'05"E 3642.20 feet; thence S41°00'00"E 361.34 feet; thence
S72°00'00"E 400.00 feet; thence S01°34'07"W 390.00 feet, to the
True Point of Beginning, containing 36.6241 acres, more or less.
Those parts of N 1/2 NE 1/4, Section 9, N 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
the Department.of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C., described'as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said N 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10;
thence, along the southerly line of said N 1/2 NW 1/4, S86°35'53"W
81.36 feet; to the True Point of Beginning; thence, departing said
southerly line, N75°00'00"W 470.00 feet; thence S83°43'05"W 430.00
feet; thence N50°00'00"W 388.02 feet; thence S84°00'00"W 3122.18.
feet; thence N05°00'00"W 408.00 feet; thence N84°00'00"E 2898.27
feet; thence S50°00'00"E 725.28 feet; thence S81°00'00"E 250.00
feet; thence N10°00'00"W 120.00 feet; thence N79°00'00"E 680.00
feet; thence S01°34'07"W 449.83 feet, to the True Point of
Beginning, containing 35.1854 acres, more or less.
Name of Landowner/Petitioner: PVRT NOTT I LLC. a Colorado limited liability company
Legal Description of Land Owned by PVRT NOTT I LLC, a Colorado
limited liability company
See attached pages B-2.1 -.B-2.9
]SMIR0I MLkvn MMAMA A 17 0M R~7
Those parts of the N 1/2 NE 1/4, SE 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4,
Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range,.accepted November 1, 1943 by
the Department of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,-
D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of said
Section 8; thence, along the northerly line of said Section 8,
N88°42'58"E 630.49 feet; thence, departing said northerly line,
S17°38'30"E 2227.66 feet; thence S27°39'30"W 2756.99 feet; thence
North. 437.79 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 2121.59 feet; thence
N17°38'30"W 1593-.20 feet; thence N56°30-'QO_'W 1274.62 feet, to the
northerly line of said Section 8; thence, along said northerly
line, N88°42'58"E, 535.36 feet, to the point of beginning,
containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of E 1/2 NW 1/4, W 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4, Section 9,
Township 5 South; Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said
Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of
the Interior General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence
S45°54'24"W 777.62 feet, to the True Point of Beginning;
S41°00'00"E 1260.00 feet; thence S28°00'00"W 1909.74-feet; thence
S89°00`00"W 2079.68 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 323.40 feet; thence
N89°00'00"E 1859.77 feet; thence N28°00'00"E 1330.29 feet; thence
N41°00'00"W 230.00 feet; thence N63°00'00"W 470.00 feet; thence
N36000 100"W 410.00 feet; thence N19°00'00"W 290.00 feet; thence
N66°00'00"E 460.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing
35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of W 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4, N 1/2 SW 1/4, Section
9, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said
Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of
the Interior General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence
S08°04'12"E 836.43 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
N410 00'00"E 425.00 feet; thence N84°00'00"E 650.00 feet; thence
S05°00'00"E 809.08 feet; thence S26°44'52"W 2196.07 feet; thence
S75°30'00"W 1932.55 feet; thence N01°33'13"E 314.64 feet; thence
N84°38'07"E 1445.71 feet; thence N28°00'00"E 2281.05 feet; thence
N58°00'00"W 810.34 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing
36.6240 acres, more or less.
Those parts of WE 1/4 SE 1/4, W 1/2•SE--1 C4;*Section 9, NW 1/4 SW
1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to•the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November - l,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a.whole as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section
thence N33°00'00"W 865.•00 feet; thence- S84°00'00"W 255.00 feet;
thence S02°00'00"W 635.00 feet; thence S75°30'00"W 1232.87 feet;
thence 901°34'18"W 1726.15 feet, to the southerly line of said W
1/2 SE 1/4; thence, along said southerly line, S72°20'31"W 510.34
feet. thence, departing said southerly line, 1401°34'18"E 1861.71
feet; thence N7503010011E 1633.61 feet; thence N02000'00"E 720.00
feet;, thence N84°00'00"E 430.00 feet; thence S51°00'00"E 1380.00
feet, to the southerly line of said NW'1/4 SW 1/4, Section 10;
thence, along said southerly line, S86°32'47"W 685.00 feet, to the
point of beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of N 1/2 SE 1/4, NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 9, NW 1/4 SW
1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 9;
thence, along the westerly line of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4, N01-3311311E
205.19 feet; thence, departing said westerly line, N75' 30100"E
3155.79 feet; thence N02°00'00"E 912.01 feet; thence N84°00'00"E
1324.67 feet; thence S51°00'00"E 1431.81 feet, to the easterly line
of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 10; thence, along said easterly
line, S01°32'50"W 340.00 feet, to the southeast corner of said NW
1/4 SW 1/4;'thence, along the southerly line of said NW 1/4 SW J/4,
S86°32'47"W 80.00 feet; thence, departing said southerly line,
N51°00'00"W 1540.47 feet; thence S84°00'00"W 1088.66 feet; thence
S02°00'00"W 761.84 feet; thence S75°30'00"W 1800.00 feet; to the
easterly line of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 9; thence, along said
easterly line, S01°34'18"W 350.00 feet, to the southeast corner of
said NE 1/4 SW'1/4; thence, along the southerly line of said NE 1/4
SW 1/4, S86°.07'30"W 1378.19 feet, to the point of beginning,
containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of SE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 8, W 112 SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SW
1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 9, SW 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4
SW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the,
Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1,
1943 by the Department of the Interior General Land Office in
Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the southeast, corner of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section
10; thence, along the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4,
N01032'50"E 709.33 feet, to the True-.Point--of Beginning; thence,
departing said easterly line, N51°00'00"W 1200.00 feet; thence
S84°00'00"W 1600.00 feet; thence S02000'0 011W 1030.00 feet; thence
S75°30'00"W 3150.00 feet; thence S01°33'13"W 1021.76 feet; thence
West 2146.00 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 249.43 feet; thence East
1975.07 feet; thence N01°33'13"E 820.56 feet; thence N75030'00`1E
3150.00 feet; thence N02°00'00"E 1230.00 feet; thence N84°'00'00"E
2350.00 feet; thence S01°39'03"W 430.00 feet; "thence S51°00'00"E
339.40 feet, to the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section
10'; thence, along said easterly line, S0 1°32'50"W 410.00 feet, to
the True Point of Beginning, containing. 35.1000 acres, more or
Those parts of SE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 8, W 1/2 SW 1/4,,NE 1/4 SW
1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4, SE 1/4 NE ,1/4, Sectiorx_9,.S. 1/2 NW 1/4, Section
10, all in Township-5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth-Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by
the Department of the, Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C., described asa whole as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of the SE 1/4 NW 1/4, said
Section 10;'thence, along the southerly line of-said S 1/2 NW 1/4,
Section 10, 1486032'23"E 60.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning;
thence; departing said southerly line, N01039'03"E 635.00 feet;
thence S84°00'00"W 2790.00 feet; thence S02°00'00"W 1350.00 feet;
thence S75°30'00"W -3100.00 feet; thence 801°33'13"W 684.56 feet;
thence West 1812.45 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 245.58 feet, to the
northerly line of said SE 1/4 SE 1/4-, Section 8; thence, along said
northerly line; S89°54'54"E 536.83 feet, to the northeast corner of
said SE 1/4 SE 1/4; thence, along the northerly line of the SW 1/4
SW 1/4 of said Section 9, N86°07'30"E 1137.85 feet; thence,
departing said northerly line, N01°33'13"E 441.68 feet; thence
N75°30'00"E' 3101.25 feet, to the westerly line of the NE 1/4 SE.1/4
of said Section 9; thence,.along said westerly line, N01°33'02"E
680.24 feet, to the northwest corner of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4; thence,
along the westerly line of. the said SE 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 9,
N01°3910511E 797.47 feet; thence, departing said westerly line,
N84°00'00"E 3136.16 feet; thence S14°00'00"E 843.07 feet, to the
southerly line of said S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10; thence, along said
southerly line, S86°32'23"W 530.00 feet, to the True Point o,f
Beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.,
Those parts of N 1/2 SW 1/4, NW 1/4 SE 1/4,-S 1/2 NE 1/4, Section
9,'S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West
of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according
to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted
November 1, 1943 by the Department of the_Interior General Land;
Office in Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 10; thence,
along the southerly line of said S 1/2 NW '1/4, Section 10,
S86°32'23"W 81.37 feet; thence, departing said southerly line,
N01°34'07"E 235.00 feet, to the True Point' of Beginning; thence
N72°00'00"W 660.00 feet; thence N14°00'00"W 514.13 feet; thence
S84°00'00"W 3442.89 feet; thence S02°00'00"W 1.489.10 feet; thence
S75°30'00"W 2947.51 feet; thence N01°33'13"E 78.04 feet; thence
N75°30'00"E 2331.49 feet; thence N18°35'18"E 1813.91 feet; thence
N84°00'00"E 3660.00 feet; thence S20°00'00"E 430.00 feet; thence
S72°-00'00"E 490.00 feet; thence S01°34'07."W 325.00 feet, to the
True Point of Beginning, containing 36.6241 acres, more or legs.
Those parts of N 1/2 NE 1/4, Section 9, N 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado,, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November- 1, 1943 by'
the Department of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the northerly common corner of said Sections 9 & 10;
thence, along the northerly line of said Section 10, N86°39'24"E
2681.23 feet; thence; departing said northerly line, S01°34'07"W
900.00 feet; thence S79°00'00"W 680.00 feet; thence N28°00'00"W
925.23 feet; thence S84°00'00"W 3281.79 feet; thence N05°00'00"W
199.73 feet, to the northerly line of said Section 9; thence, along
said northerly line, 1483°24112"E 1742.60 feet, to the point of.
beginning, containing 35.1854 acres, more or less.
Name of Landowner/Petitioner: PVRT NOTT II LLC, a Colorado limited liability company
Legal Description of Land Owned by PVRT NOTT II LLC, a Colorado
limited liability company
See attached pages B-3.1 - B-3.5
ISO1e I M -AV" eMAM f-T? VU R_Z
Those parts of NE 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 8, and NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section'
9, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent;
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by
the Department of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C.,' a whole as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4; thence,
along the southerly line of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4, N89°54154"W 536.83
feet; thence, departing said southerly line, N27°39'30"E 1266.41
feet; thence N89°00'00"E 1113.26.feet; thence S01°33'13"W 1065.42
feet,.to the southerly line of said'NW 1/4 SW 1/4; thence, along
said southerly line, S86°07'30"W 1137:85 feet, to the point of
beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of E 1/2 NE 1/4,'Section 8, and W 1/2 NW 1/4, Section
9,'all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by
the Department of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the common northerly corner of said Sections 8 & 9;
thence, along the northerly line of said Section 9, N83°29'30"E
160.00 feet; thence, departing said northerly fine, S17°38'30"E
720.00 feet; thence S54°00'00'•E 385.00 feet; thence S27°39'30"W
945.51 feet; thence West 459.06 feet; thence N17°38'30"W 1799.48
feet, to the northerly line'of said Section 8; thence, along said
northerly line, N88°42'58"E 754.86 feet, to the point of beginning,
containing 35.1000 acres, more or less.
Those parts of WE 1/4 NW 1/4, S 1/2 NW 1/4, WE 1/4'SW 1/4, Section
9, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Eagle County, Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said
township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of
the Interior General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence
S25°44'39"W 1481.10 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
S63°00'00"E 470.00 feet; thence S41°00'00"E 230.00 feet; thence
S28°00'00"W 1330.29 feet; thence S89°00'00"W 1859.77 feet; thence
N27°39'30"E 558.38 feet; thence N89°00'00"E 1080.77 feet; thence
N28°00'00"E 1223.8,0 feet, to the True Point of Beginning,
containing 37.0748 acres, more or less.
B-3.3 - - -
Those parts of WE 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 WE 1/4, Section 9, Township 5
South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County,
Colorado, according to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and
Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior
General Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as follows:
Beginning at the North 1/4'corner of said Section 9; thence, along
the northerly fine of said NW 1/4 NE 1/4, N83°24'12"E 1030.00 feet;
thence, departing said northerly line, S05°00'00"E 590.92 feet;
thence 984°00'00"W 650.00 feet; thence S47°00'00"W 425.00 feet;
thence N88°00'00"W 440.00 feet; thence N41°00'00"W 360.00 feet;
thence S6-6"00100"W 460.00 feet; thence -M&P-48' 37"W 414.57 feet, to
the westerly line of said NE 1/4 NW 1/4; thence, along said
westerly line, N01°33'46"E 548.16 feet, to the northwest corner of
said WE 1/4 NW 1/4; thence, along the northerly line of said WE 1/4
NW 1/4, N83°29'30"E 1386.64 feet, to the point of beginning,
containing 35.7928 acres, more or less.
Those parts of NE 1/4, Section 9, NW 1/4, Section 10, all in
Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Eagle County, -Colorado, according to-the-Dagendent Resurvey of said
Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of
the Interior General'Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as
a whole as follows:
Beginning at the Center 1/4, corner of said Section 10; 'thence,
along the southerly line of said S 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
S86032123"W-81.37 feet; thence, departing said southerly line,
N01°34'07"E 950.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence
N72°00'00"W 400.00 feet; thence N41*0a'0011W 361.34 feet; thence
S83°43'05"W 3642.20 feet; thence N05°00'00'W 401.08 feet; thence
N84°00'00"E 3122.18 feet; thence S50°00'00"E 388.02 feet; thence
N83°43'05"E 430.00 feet; thence S75°00'00"E 470.00 feet; thence
S01°34'07"W 399.83 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, containing
35.1854 acres, more or less.
Name of Landowner/Petitioner: PVRT NOTT III LLC, a Colorado limited liability
Legal Description of Land Owned by PVRT NOT'T III LLC, a Colorado
limited liability company
See attached pages B-4.1 - B-4.2
3500101 MLAYER 004MB 6.77 PM
Those parts of SE 1/4 NE 1/4, E 1/2 SE 1/4, Section 8, and W 1/2 NW
1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4, Section 9, all in Township 5 South, Range 81
West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado,
according to the Dependent Resurvey of said Township and Range,
accepted November 1, 1943 by the Department of the Interior General
Land Office in Washington, D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the.northeast corner of the W 1/2 NW 1/4, Section 9;•
thence, along the easterly line of said W 1/2 NE 1/4, S01.33146"W
548.16 feet; thence, departing said easterly line, S27°39130"W
5253.43 feet; thence West 243.00 feet; thence N27°39'30"E 4811.41
feet; thence N17"38' 30"W 897.81 feet, to the northerly line of said
W 1/2 NW 1/4; thence, along said northerly line, N83°29'30"E 740.00,'
feet, to the point of beginning, containing 35.1000 acres, more or
Those parts of N 1/2 NE 1/4, Section 9, N-1/2 NW 1/4, Section 10,
all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West-of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, Eagle County," Colorado, according to the Dependent
Resurvey of said Township and Range, accepted November 1, 1943 by`
the Department of the Interior General Land Office in Washington,
D.C., described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at the North 1/4 corner of said Section 9; thence, along
the northerly line of said Section 9, N83 24'12"E 1030.00 feet;
thence, departing said northerly line, S05°00'00"E 199.73 feet, to
the True Point of Beginning; thence N84°00'00"E 3281.79 feet;
thence S28°00'00"E 925.23 feet; thence S10°00'00"E 120.00 feet;
thence N81°00'00"W 250.00 feet; thence N50°00'00"W 725.28 feet;
thence S84°00'00"W 2898.27 feet; thence N05°00'00"W 391.19 feet,'to
,the True Point of Beginning, containing 35.1854 acres, more or