TC Res. No. 1998-05Town of Avon Resolution No. 98 - 5 Series of 1998 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PROCEDURES, RULES AND REGULATIONS, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, WHEREAS, Section 2.16.010 of the Avon Municipal Code established the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, Section 2.16.070 of the Avon Municipal Code provides that the' Planning &'Zoning Commission shall operate by rules of procedure approved by the Town Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, That the Planning & Zoning Commission Procedures; Rules and Regulations, attached as Exhibit A hereto, are hereby approved. ADOPTED THIS 27"b DAY OF JANUARY 1998. Patty' Lambert, IC, Town Clerk Town of Avon, Colorado Town Council Jac Fawcett, Mayor JACOUNCIURESOLUTI\98-5 PZRR&P.doc Exhibit A to Resolution 98-5 Town Of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules and Regulations Adopted January_, 1998 SECTION L PURPOSE :..:...3 1.10 AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................................................3 1.20 PURPOSE ......................................................................................:..............................................................3 1.25 SCOPE .........................................................................................................................................................3 1.30 COMPATIBILITY ..........................................................................................................................................3 SECTION 2 PROCEDURES ............................................:...................................................................................3 2.10 MEETINGS ..................................................................................................................................................3 2.20 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW ............................................................................................................4 2.30 SCHEDULE FOR APPLICATION .....................................................................................................................4 SECTION 3 EXEMPTIONS ....................................:............................................................................................A SECTION 4 DESIGN STANDARDS .........................................................................................................:....:.:...5 4.10 DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA .........................................................................................:...............................5 4.20 DESIGN STANDARDS ..6 4.21 GENERAL ..6 4.22 SITE IMPROVEMENTS ..6 4.23 LANDSCAPING 8 4.24 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ..9 4.25 BUILDING DESIGN 10 SECTION 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PROCEDURE 11 5.10 STAFF REVIEW 11 5.20 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW 12 5.30 BASIS FOR APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF PROJECT DESIGN 12 5.40 TIME LIMITATIONS 12 SECTION 6 APPROVAL BY THE COMMISSION » 12 6.10 NOTIFICATION OF ACTION BY COMMISSION 12 6.15 REQUIREMENT TO VOTE 13 6.20 TRANSMITTAL OF ACTION TO COUNCIL 13 6.30 SCOPE OF APPROVAL 13 SECTION 7 EXCEPTIONS FROM THIS REGULATION 13 SECTION 8' APPEAL TO TOWN COUNCIL ......................................................................................»..........13 8.20 COUNCIL REVIEW OF COMMISSION ACTION 13 8.30 DISAPPROVAL BY COUNCIL OF COMMISSION DECISION 13 SECTION 9 LAPSE OF FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL ..................................................................................13 9.10 TERM OF DESIGN APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................13 SECTION 10 SEVERABILITY ....................................................................:.......................................................14 Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 1 Adopted January, 1998 SECTION 11 SAFETY CLAUSE .......................................................................................................................:.14 'SECTION 12 ENFORCEMENT ...........................................................................................................................14 SECTION 13 AMENDMENT ........14 SECTION 14 ADOPTION .......................................................................................:...........................:......:.......».14 APPENDIX 1 RECOMMENDED PLANT LIST ................................................................................................15 APPENDIX 2 DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION CONTENTS ....»..........19 2.45 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN .........................................................................................................................19 2.46 SITE PLAN SUMMARY TABLE .............................................................................:.........................:.............20 2.47 BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND FLOOR PLANS 20 2.48 LANDSCAPE PLAN 2.49 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST .......................................................................................................21 2.51 SPECIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR R-1 AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS .........................................21 2.60 CONCEPT REVIEW FOR R-1 AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ........................................................................21 APPENDIX 3 APPLICATION AND DESIGN REVIEW FEES ..............................................:....................23 Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 2 Adopted January , 1998 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING AND ZONING CONDIISSION RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR DESIGN REVIEW Section I Purpose 1.10 Authority Chapter 2.16 of the Avon Municipal Code. 1.20 Purpose To establish procedures by which the Commission shall receive, review and rule on applications for the design of proposed alterations to real property, including land and any improvements on that land, within the Town of Avon. 1.25 Scope The scope of these procedures for design review includes but is not limited to site grading, excavation or fill; the location and configuration of structures on a site; the architectural design of structures including color and materials; landscaping of sites including number, size, placement, species of plantings and provisions for maintenance systems of same. The Commission shall review and act upon the general design and appearance of any building, construction, paving, grading, or landscaping proposed on any lot or parcel of land within the Town, including municipal and other government projects. It shall be unlawful to begin any such work prior to approval by the Commission. 1.30 Compatibility These Rules of Procedure are in accordance with Section 2.16.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, and details the procedures for approval of development plans required by Section 17.12.020 of the Avon Municipal Code. These Rules are intended to complement other ordinances of the Town, and shall not duplicate nor supersede them. Section 2 Procedures 2.10 - Meetings The Commission shall regularly meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at the time and location designated on the official meeting Agenda. The Chairman may call special meetings of the Commission when deemed necessary. A notice and Agenda of each meeting shall be posted in the official posting places of the Town, by the Recording Secretary to the Planning and Zoning Commission, at least 48 hours prior to any meeting of the Commission. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. The printed Record of Proceedings, prepared by the Recording Secretary and approved by vote of the Planning & Zoning Commission shall constitute the only official record of Commission meetings. All records, including proceedings of meetings, Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 3 Adopted January , 1998 applications for review, plans, reports, and resolutions, shall be maintained in the Community Development Department by the Recording Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 2.20 Application for Design Review Prior to applying for a building, construction, landscaping, grading, sign, or use permit, any individual or entity shall apply to the Commission for project design approval. Application shall be made on forms provided by the Town, available in the Community Development Department. 2.30 Schedule for Application All required materials, information, and fees must be submitted to the Community Development Department, during regular office hours, according to the following schedule An application is considered complete when all supporting materials, information, fees, and signatures are received by the Department. A determination of completeness or incompleteness, with missing elements noted, will be made by staff and transmitted in writing to the applicant within one calendar week of receipt. The following schedule contemplates complete applications only. Incomplete or insufficient applications will not be placed on the meeting Agenda. A. Applications for commercial projects, mixed-use projects, and residential projects containing 4 or more dwelling units: at least 21 days prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting at which the application is to be considered. B. Applications for miscellaneous items requiring design review, and residential projects containing less than 4 units: 14 days prior to the meeting at which the application is to be considered. C. All other applications, including projects which have been formally reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission, and have been requested to provide new, additional, or revised information, may be placed on the Agenda if such material is submitted at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which the material is to be considered. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Director of Community Development. Section 3 Exemptions 3.10 The following listed items of development or improvements are exempted from application and review provisions of these Rules and Regulations: A. Maintenance and repair of grounds or buildings currently in conformance with all other applicable regulations. B. Replacement of exterior materials and repainting of structures with the like materials and colors so long as they are currently conforming. Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 4 Adopted January , 1998 C. Replacement of currently conforming plant materials, including trees, shrubs, plants, grasses, and sod. D. Gardens of vegetables, flowers, or rock, of an area not exceeding 600 square feet on any one lot. E. Landscaping in addition to required landscaping, provided that the additional landscaping is consistent with the required landscaping, and does not encroach on easements, setbacks, vision clearance areas adjacent to drives and streets. F. Municipal projects Municipal projects including but not limited to paving and associated street improvements; drainage improvements; modifications to structures or facilities necessary to comply with state or federal regulations; temporary storage of material, equipment or vehicles; or temporary faclities constructed or installed for special events conducted by or in cooperation with the Town. Municipal projects requiring construction of buildings, significant site modification, major roadway configuration changes, streetscape improvements, and other similar projects will be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission by the Town Council. The Commission will review the projects and forward their comments to the Council. The Commission's role in reviewing municipal projects is advisory only. 3.20 The following listed items of development or improvements may be exempted from Commission review, at the discretion of the Director of Community Development. A. Minor remodeling projects such as, but not necessarily limited to, replacement of doors, windows, vents, or grills. B. Repairs or other minor modifications, which do not significantly affect the overall design or appearance of a building or site. C. Changes in wall openings or the addition of wall openings, such as windows, doors, or louvers, which conform to the pattern established in the original building design. D. Temporary structures, such as material storage and trailers, incidental to, and necessary for active construction projects. Section 4 Design Standards 4.10 Design Review Criteria The Commission shall evaluate the design of a proposed project using the following criteria: A. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. B. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. C. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 5 Adopted January , 1998 D. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights-of-way and easements. E. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. F. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. G. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. H. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies . and Programs for the Town of Avon. 4.20 Design Standards 4.21 General A. Conformance with Zoning Regulations; B. General conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan; C. Adequate development rights for proposed improvements. 4.22 Site Improvements A. Access to Site Adequate distance from intersections and proper relation to other entrances; 2. Satisfactory width, grades radii etc. 3. Turn lanes if required. 4. Residential projects with-6 or fewer units shall be restricted to a single point of vehicle access from the public right-of-way. Additional points of access must be approved specifically by the Planning & Zoning Commission, with the finding that additional access points are required for the project to otherwise conform to these Design Standards and other applicable Town regulations. B. Parking and Loading 1. Required spaces provided; 2. All spaces accessible and meet minimum size requirements; 3. Loading spaces properly located to function with improvements and accessible to delivery vehicles without restricting street traffic or on-site circulation; Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 6 Adopted January , 1998 4. Pavement design compatible with proposed use. C. Site design Site layout and proposed improvements consider solar and views of neighboring properties; D. Easements Dedicated easements remain unobstructed or are officially vacated; E. Site Grading 1. Site improvements should be designed to conform with existing site topography to minimize required grading and effect'on adjacent properties. All grading shall occur within the property boundaries; 2. Parking lot grades should not exceed 6% and driveway grades should not exceed 8% for multi-family residential and commercial projects or 10% for small residential projects; 3 The grade of the first 20 feet of driveway adjacent and perpendicular to the paved public way shall not exceed 4% grade. 4 The grade of the first 20 feet of driveway adjacent to the garage or outside parking space shall not exceed 4% grade. 5. Maximum slope of disturbed slopes shall not exceed 2 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (2:1) without special documentation and review. F. Drainage All drainage easements shall remain unobstructed; 2. All structures shall be located above or be protected from the 100 year flood; 3. Minimum setback of thirty feet shall be maintained from mean annual high water mark of all continuously flowing streams; 4. All development shall conform to the Town of Avon Drainage Design Manual. 5. All construction projects shall conform to the Town of Avon Pollution Control Plan Manual. G. Snow Removal and Storage 1. An area equal to 20% of the impermeable surfaced area upon which aboveground construction does not occur shall be designated and developed as a snow storage area; 2. Designated snow storage areas shall be located and developed to be compatible with snow removal operations, not less than 6feet wide, and shall be adjacent to the impermeable area from which the snow is to be removed; 3. Runoff from snow storage areas shall be directed through a treatment facility as required for treatment of runoff from parking and driveway areas; Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 7 Adopted January, 1998 4. On-site snow storage requirements may be waived by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon the demonstration that an appropriate alternative snow-storage site is available and that arrangements have been made for the continuation of snow removal and off-site storage. Excavation, retaining walls, or other structures within slope maintenance and snow storage easements adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be confined to those strictly required for effective site access. H. Water and Sewer Each structure designed for human occupancy shall be connected with water and sewer facilities made available by existing water and sewer districts; 2. No private wells or sewer systems shall be used within the Town except as provided in the Subdivision Regulations; 3. Letters of commitment from the appropriate districts may be required. 1. Sidewalks Sidewalks or walkways should be provided as necessary for efficient pedestrian circulation within the project and with neighboring properties; 2. Walkways should be separated from vehicular traffic where possible; 3. Walkways should be constructed of attractive, durable materials such as decorative concrete or brick pavers; 4. Walkway widths should be compatible with anticipated uses d. Trash Storage 1. Each project shall have receptacles for the temporary storage and collection of refuse; 2. All such receptacles shall be screened from public view and protected from disturbance; 3. Design details shall be included with project design review; 4. Refuse storage area shall be accessible by collection vehicles and should be incorporated into building design when possible. K. Emergency Vehicle Access Project site plans shall include provisions for emergency vehicle access when required by Code. 4.23 Landscaping A. Design Landscaping design should be compatible with other site improvements and with neighboring properties; Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 8 Adopted January , 1998 2. . Not less than 50% of the, useable open space area required, shall consist of pervious landscaped areas: The remaining useable open space requirements may be satisfied by impervious patio or mall type areas containing seating, decorative fountains, planters, recreational amenities and similar type facilities; 3. Consideration should be given to use of landscape material for snow fencing, visual screening and wind breaks when applicable; 4. Plant materials should be adaptable to the area and selection' and placement should include consideration of function and color coordination; 5. All lots to, be covered by grass lawns shall utilize healthy sod material for complete coverage. All grass sod shall extend to the property line or, where adjacent to a roadway, to the bottom of adjacent drainage ditches or back of curb, as applicable. B. Maintenance An automatic irrigation system is required to reduce losses and for ease of maintenance. C. Lighting 1. Lighting should be provided for all parking, drive and walkway areas and may be required as a condition of design approval; 2. Lighting should be considered as a design feature as well as providing illumination; 3. Area lighting shall generally be by metal halide, cut-off type fixtures with a maximum mounting height of 15 feet for walkways and 25 feet for parking areas.. Flood lights are discouraged except as accent for architectural features. Light spillover to adjacent properties must be minimized. D. Retaining Wall's 1. . Retaining walls shall be constructed of permanent type materials such as concrete, gabions, reinforced earth, etc. railroad ties are not acceptable. Retaining wall design details may be required for design review; 2. Walls over 4 feet high shall be structurally designed or certified by a licensed engineer (P.E.) 3. - A series of lower retaining walls with landscaped terraces is preferable to a high wall with an unbroken vertical face. 4.24 Miscellaneous Items A. Temporary Structures 1. Temporary structures including construction storage and office trailers, and tents shall not be allowed except as may be determined'to be necessary during construction; 2. Permits for allowed temporary structures may be issued by the Director of Community Development without review by the Commission. Permits shall run concurrent with building permit. Planning And Zoning Commission, Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 9 Adopted Jariuary , 1998 B. Fences and Signs 1. Fences, walls, or similar type barriers shall have separate approval of the Commission, except that functional or decorative fences or walls may be approved as an integral part of a building design. Wood fences are generally more acceptable than metal. Limited use of fences is encouraged; 2. No signs, billboards, or other advertising of any kind shall be erected constructed, or maintained on any lot or structure unless approved in accordance with the provisions contained in the Sign Code of the Town of Avon. C. Communications & Satellite Dish Antennae All antennas shall be located so as to be screened from view from any public right-of- way or neighboring-property. Screening may be accomplished by, or-through the use of landscaping materials, fencing, existing structures subgrade placements or other means that both screen the antennas and appear natural to the site; , 2. All wiring and cable related to antennas installation shall be installed underground or be incorporated entirely within the structure; 4. Color selection for dish antennas should be made with respect to the characteristics of the site or structure. Unpainted surfaces and dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed. No advertising, logos or identification shall be allowed on any dish antenna. D.- Above Ground Tanks and Miscellaneous Structures 1. Oil, gasoline or liquid petroleum gas tanks will not normally be permitted on or above ground. Temporary installations for a period not exceeding 2 years may be approved provided the installation complies with all applicable regulations and is fully screened from view from all public rights-of-way and neighboring properties; 2. No outdoor clotheslines, trash receptacles or storage areas will be permitted unless screened; 3. Screening details shall be reviewed and approved by the Commission prior to installation. 4.25 Building Design A. General Design Characteristics 1. Conforms with setback, building area ratios and height limitations of applicable zone district; 2. Building oriented to take advantage of solar gain and views; 3. Building design and location minimizes impacts on solar and view corridors of neighboring properties; 4. Minor image duplexes are not permitted.; Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations; Page 10 Adopted January , 1998 B. Large Commercial Projects Use of pedestrian circulation through the inclusion of Malls, Atriums and covered walkways is encouraged; 2. Building design should provide for the convenient delivery of goods and services. C. Building Materials 1. The use of high quality, durable, low maintenance building materials is highly encouraged; 2. The following materials and wall finishes will not ordinarily be permitted on the exterior of any structure: asphalt siding, imitation brick, asbestos cement shingles or siding, imitation log siding or plastic. Metal siding, concrete or concrete block will be permitted only with specific approval of the Commission; 3. Natural or earth tones are encouraged as the dominant color with brighter colors used for accent. 4 All flues, flashing and other reflective materials shall be painted to match or appropriately contrast with adjacent materials. 5 Electric and other utility meters shall be attached to the main structure and screened to minimize contrast with adjacent materials. D. Roofs 1. All roofs, except the flat portion thereof, shall have a rise of not less than, 4-inches in 12- inches of distance; 2. Pitched roofs shall be oriented such that excessive snow and ice does not accumulate over, or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection may be required for roofs so oriented; 3. Overhangs are required on pitched roofs, and shall extend at least one and one-half feet from the point where the wall meets the roof. 4. Roofing materials should be durable, weather resistant and suitable for environmental conditions encountered in this area. Colors should be natural or earth tones. Large expanses of bright, reflective materials will not be acceptable. Asphalt and fiberglas composition shingles must be of high quality and minimum weight of 300 pounds per square. Section 5 Planning and Zoning Commission Procedure 5.10 Staff review The Town Planner shall review all material-,submitted for design review to determine whether an applicant has met the requirements of Appendix 2. If the material is found to be adequate, the application and supporting material shall be submitted-to the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Section 2.30. If the application and supporting material is Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 11 Adopted January , 1998 found to be inadequate, the Town Planner shall not schedule the application for consideration by the Commission but shall notify the applicant of any inadequacies. Such notice will be in writing and within one calendar week of receipt of application. 5.20 Planning & Zoning Commission review The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the application and supporting material and shall approve, conditionally approve, deny approval or continue the design review of the project within 45 days of the date of the meeting at which the complete application and supporting material is first reviewed by the Commission. If the Commission determines that advice or assistance of professional consultants is needed, or that additional information is required from any source, an additional 45 days shall be permitted for action by the Commission. 5.30 Basis for approval or denial of project design If the design of the project is found to comply with the purposes prescribed in Section 1 of these Regulations and applicable Ordinances of the Town of Avon and the design guidelines prescribed in Section 4 of these Regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve the project. If the Commission determines that a conflict exists with the purposes, the design guidelines, or any other provision of those Regulations or any Ordinance of the Town of Avon which would prevent approval of such project, the Commission shall disapprove the project. If the Commission determines that conflicts exist which are subject to correction, the Commission may conditionally approve or request changes to conform with the design guidelines or other provisions of those regulations. Any disapproval conditional approval or request for changes shall be in writing and shall specifically describe the purpose, statement, or design guidelines with which the design of the project does not comply and the manner of . noncompliance. 5.40 Time limitations The time limitations contained in these Regulations shall be interpreted as requiring the Commission to conduct a review or make the determinations or decisions required by these Regulations. Failure of the Commission to act within the prescribed time limitations shall be considered as conditional approval for design of the project subject to conformance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. Section 6 Approval by the Commission 6.10 Notification of Action- by Commission Within 10 working days following action of the Planning and Zoning, Commission, ,the Commission's decision to approve, conditionally approve, deny approval or continue design review of a project, shall be forwarded to the applicant and his designated agent by first class mail, and posted in a conspicuous manner in the Community Development Department: The decision shall become final if no written appeal is made to the Town Council by any aggrieved person within 30 days following the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 12 Adopted January - , 1998 6.15 Requirement to Vote Unless specifically excused or prohibited from voting by Ordinance or Resolution of the Town or the Planning and Zoning Commission or unless abstaining for reasons made a part of the record, all members present for the consideration of any issue shall vote on that issue. 6.20 Transmittal of Action to Council All actions by the Commission shall be transmitted to the Town Council for information at its next regular meeting. 6.30 - Scope of Approval All approvals are site specific. Variations and changes, without Commission approval, are not allowed, except as otherwise provided in these regulations. Section 7 Exceptions From This Regulation 7.10 The Commission may grant exceptions from the provisions of these regulations, upon specific request by the'applicant, where there are demonstrated practical difficulties or particular hardships preventing the strict provisions of these Regulations to be met. Section 8 Appeal, to Town Council 8.10 A decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to the Town Council by the applicant or any aggrieved person or at the request of the Mayor at any time before the decision becomes final. 8.20 Council Review of Commission Action Not more than thirty (30) days following the filing of an appeal, the Town Council shall review the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Town Council shall, in writing, confirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Commission within thirty (30) days following the commencement of review. If it deems insufficient information is available to provide the basis for a sound decision; the Town Council may postpone final action for not more than thirty additional days. Failure of the Council to act within thirty additional days shall be deemed a granting of the approval, unless the applicant consents to a time extension. 8.30 Disapproval by Council of Commission Decision Any decision by the Town Council which results in disapproval of the Planning and Zoning Commission decision shall specifically describe the reasons for disapproval. Section 9 Lapse of Final Design Approval 9.10 Term of Design Approval Final design approval for a project, as prescribed by these regulations, shall lapse and become void 2 years following the date of final approval unless a building permit for project Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 13 Adopted January , 1998 construction is issued. If a building permit expires more than 2 years following final design approval, the final design approval also lapses and becomes void. The applicant may apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of a maximum extension of one (1) year. Section 10 Severability 10.10If any provision of this Regulation or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of law, such invalidity should not affect other provisions or applications of this Regulation which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application,'and to this end the provisions of this Regulation are declared to be severable. Section 11 Safety Clause 11.10 The Town Council hereby finds determines and declares that this Regulation is necessary for the preservation of the public health, welfare and safety. Section 12 Enforcement 12.10 The Department of Community Development and the Police Department of the Town of Avon shall be responsible and are both hereby jointly charged with the Enforcement of the Provisions of this Regulation. Section 13 Amendment- 13. 1 OThese Procedures, Rules and Regulations and any proposed amendments thereto shall be submitted by the Commission to the Town Council which by motion shall approve the Rules or Amendment and direct their adoption by the Commission or disapprove the proposal with directions for revision and resubmission. Section 14 Adoption 14.10 The Commission shall adopt and promulgate these Procedures, Rules and Regulations as well as any Amendments thereto immediately following the approval of these Rules and Regulations by the Town Council. Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 14 Adopted January, 1998 Appendix 1 Recommended Plant List Evergreen Trees minimum planting height 6 feet Engleman Spruce Picea englemanni Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens Not for extremely dry locations Bristlecone Pine Lodgepole Pine Pinus aristata Pinus contorta latifolia Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa scopulorum Rocky Mountain Juniper juniperous scopulorum & var. Acer saccharinum Deciduous Trees minimum planting size 2 inch caliper Amur Maple Acer ginnala Box-elder Acer negundo There are other more desirable landscape trees, but may be useful in difficult growing conditions Norway Maple & varieties Acer platanoides & var Silver Maple European Birch varieties Betula pendula & var. Common Hackberry Russian Olive Green Ash Thornless Honeylocust Varieties: Shademaster, Skyline, Imperial Crabapple varieties Varieties: Hopa, Dolga, Sargents White Poplar Quaking Aspen Cottonwood Species Celtis occidentalis Elaeagnus angustifolia Pines need well drained soils Available in native form or a wide selection of varieties offering different size, shape and foliage colors In protected locations with adequate deep soil moisture Mass plantings not recommended - Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata Gleditsia triacanthos inermis Survival of young trees may be questionable in exposed situations Maus var. Populus albs Populus tremuloides Populus sp. Species: augustifolia Group plantings only Most dependable large'trees Plann=ing And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 15, Adopted January , 1998 & sargentii Shubert Chokecherry Prunus virginiana "Shubert" European Mountain Ash Sorbus aucuparia Survival of young trees may be questionable in exposed situations Evergreen Shrubs minimum planting size: 5 gallon Pfitzer Juniper Juniperous chinensis "Pfitzeriana" Chinese J u niper, varieties Juniperous chinensis var. Prostrata Juniper varieties Juniperous horizontalis var Snow cover may be desirable for winter hardiness Tammy Juniper Bird's Nest Spruce Swiss Mountain Pine Mugho Pine Juniperous sabina tammariscifolial Picea abies nidifomis Pinus mugo Pinus mugo mughus Deciduous Shrubs minimum planting size: 5 gallon Serviceberry Amelanchier Japanese Barberry varieties Siberian Peashrub Red Osier Dogwood Peking Cotoneaster Winged Euonymus Berberis thunbergi var. Caragana arborescens Cornus stolonifera coloradensis Cotoneaster acutifolia Euonymus alatus Wintercreeper Euonymus Euonymus vegetus 'Coloratus' Forsythia Common Privet Zabel Honeysuckle Tatarian Honeysuckle Oregon Grape Forsythia intermedia Ligustrum vulgare Lonicera korolkoui "Zabel" Lonicera tatarica Mahonia aquifolium Hardiness may be questionable in exposed situations Need good mulch or snow cover to insure winter hardiness Hardiness may be questionable in exposed situations Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 16 Adopted January , 1998 Potentilla varieties Potentilla var. Purple-leaved Sand Prunus cistena Cherry Nanking Cherry Prunus tomentosa Russian Almond Prunus tenella Skunkbush Sumac Rhus trilobata Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum Harison's Yellow Rose Rosa harisonii Redleaf Shrubrose Rosa rubrifolia American Elder Sambucus canadensis Ural False Spirea Sorbaria sorbifolia Froebel Spirea Spiarea bumalda Thunberg Spirea Spiraea thunbergi Vanhoutte Spirea Spiraea vanhouttei Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus laevigatus Indian Currant Coralberry Symphorearpos orbiculatus Persian Lilac Syringa laciniata persica Common Lilac Syringa villosa Wayfaringtree viburnum Vibumum lantana European Cranberrybush Vibumum opulus Ground Covers Carpet Bugle Ajuga reptans Goutweed Aegopodium variegatum Snow-in-Summer Cerastium tomentosum Leadwart Ceratostigma plumbaginofdes Wintercreeper Euonymus Euonymus vegetus "Coloratus" Mint mentha spicata Goldmoss Stonecrop Sedum acre Most ground covers will require snow cover or mulch to insure winter hardiness Most ground covers will require snow cover or mulch to insure winter hardiness Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 17 Adopted January, 1998 Orange Sedum Sedum kamtschaticum Two-Row Stonecro Sedum spurium White Clover Trifolium repens Lawn Grasses Common Kentucky Poa pratensis Bluegrass Merion Kentucky Poa pratensis "Merlon" Bluegrass Park Kentucky Bluegrass Poa pratensis "Park" Manhattan Perennial Lolium perenne "Pennfine" Ryegrass Pennfine Perennial Ryegrass Fescue Varieties: Creeping Red FeSCUe, Pennlawn. Lolium perenne "Pennfine" Festuca rubra commutata Use only as a mix with Kentucky Bluegrass Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 18 Adopted January..,__, 1998 APPENDIX 2 Design Review Application Contents 2.41 Completed application form signed by the project land owner or authorized agent. If person other than owner signs, attach written authorization by the owner to act as agent with regard to the application and review process) 2.42 Fee = in accordance with'Appendix 3 of these rules and regulations. 2.43 Any required statements or reports further describing or in support of the project. 2.44 A complete project plan set will consist of the following: ❑ Site plan ❑ Property survey w/ RLS stamp and signature ❑ Floor plans ❑ Building elevations (all elevations, labeled north, south, east, west) ❑ Landscape plan ❑ Exterior lighting fixture cut sheets ❑ 24 x 36 inch plan sets - 4 copies ❑ 11 x 17 inch plan sets - 24 copies 2.45 Site development plan ❑-North arrow & scale (110' or 20') ❑ Vicinity Map ❑ Title block 0 Property lines, w/ bearings and distances ❑ Setback lines (labeled and dimensioned) 0 Easements (labeled and dimensioned) 0 Adjacent right-of-ways ❑ Existing topography (dashed lines) extended through building, 10 feet beyond all property lines, and to the center line of adjacent right-of-way. ❑ Proposed grading (solid lines) ❑ Limits of site disturbance ❑ Building footprint w/ roof plan and driplines (dimensioned to property line) ❑ On-site detention structures, if applicable Significant landforms/outcroppings Existing structures ❑ Existing utility lines, manholes, transformers, etc. El Driveways, parking and turnarounds ❑ Driveway grades ❑ Streams, if applicable Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 19 Adopted January , 1998 El Riparian zone/wetlands, if applicable 0 Fire hydrants (location on site or distance & direction from a known point) 0 Culverts, ditches, detention, etc. 0 Water (connection w/ main, shutoff and meter) 0 Sewer (connection w/ main, cleanouts) 0 Gas (connection w/ main, meter) 0 Electric (connection w/ main, meter) 0 Phone (connection w/ main) 0 Cable (connection w/ main) 0 Snow storage area 0 Walkways, stairs (dimensioned) 0 Building and area lighting, by type 0 Fencing, retaining walls 0 Trash enclosures 2.46 Site plan summary table 0 Current zoning 0 Number of dwelling units 0 Floor area for each dwelling unit 0 Total floor area of all units 0 Building height allowed and proposed 0 Off-street parking spaces required and proposed 0 Garage parking spaces available 0 Surface parking spaces available 0 Area and % of site > 40% slope 0 Area and % of building lot coverage 0 Area and % of site landscaped 0 Area and % of impermeable surface 2.47 Building elevations and floor plans O Floor plans, dimensions and areas 0 Building elevations (labeled north, south, east, west) 0 Natural and finished grades for all elevations 0 Numeric elevation of all roof ridgelines 0 Utility meter locations 0' Address(es) on building or site 0 Location of exterior lighting fixtures, by type Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 20 Adopted January , 1998 ❑ Materials and colors labeled on elevations 0 Summary table of materials and colors ❑ Standard notes (see attached sheet) 2.48 Landscape plan 0 Location of plantings 0 Location of existing shrubs and trees ❑ Limits of site disturbance ❑ Location and type of erosion control measures ❑ On-site detention structures, if applicable ❑ Sprinkler system type noted on plan 0 Plantings summary table ❑ Existing vegetation general 2.49 Application Submittal Checklist Community Development staff shall review all application material submitted for design review to determine whether an applicant has met the requirements outlined above. If the material is found to be adequate, ,the application and supporting material will be placed on the next available agenda and presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Section 2.30. If the application and supporting material is found to be incomplete or inadequate, the application will not be placed on the agenda. The applicant will be notified of the inadequacies within 7 days of the date application is received. 2.51 Special Submittal Requirements For R-1 and Commercial Projects The Commission may require the submittal of a mass model, samples of proposed exterior building materials and color finishes, charts, graphs and other exhibits to determine impact of proposed project on solar and view corridors of adjacent properties, and any additional studies or information required for a complete review of the application. Models and other special submittals must be available for review by Community Development staff at least one week prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. 2.60 Concept Review for R-1 and Commercial Projects On many developments, the applicant may request an informal review during the conceptual stages of the project. The owner, developer or agent may request agenda time for an informal presentation of a proposed project to the Commission. One informal presentation per project may be made without payment of fees. Additional presentations, shall conform with requirements for a Preliminary Review. 2.70 Preliminary Review for R-1 and Commercial Projects On large developments, it may be desirable to ask for a preliminary review during the early planning stages of the project. The owners developer, or agent may make application for a Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page'21 Adopted January , 1998 preliminary review of a project upon submittal of applicable materials and payment of appropriate fees. 2.71 Preliminary Review submittal For preliminary review of a project, all items listed in Appendix 2, Sections 2.41, 2.42, 2.44, and sketches showing items outlined in Sections 2.45 and 2.47 shall be submitted, along with information regarding any special features of the project for which consideration is desired. 2.72 Preliminary Review Fees Each preliminary review request- shall be accompanied by a separate application, and fees shall be paid with each application, in accordance with Appendix 2 Additional preliminary reviews will require payment of a fee equal to 25% of the design review fee. Fees paid for these additional preliminary reviews will not be applied towards the design review fee. 2.80 Final Review When final approval is desired; the balance of the data required by Appendix 2, and any other special requests by the Commission will be required. Planning And Zoning Commission Procedures, Rules And Regulations Page 22 Adopted January, 1998