TC Res. No. 1997-67TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 97 - 67 Series of 1997 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED WATER SERVICE CHARGE SCHEDULE TO OFFSET TREATED WATER COST INCREASE WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has assumed the provision of water services previously provided by the Avon Metropolitan District; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon provides treated water to its customers through contract services with the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority; and WHEREAS, the cost of these services provided to the Town of Avon by Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority has increased; and WHEREAS, this increased cost to the Town of Avon is $ 1.75 per SFE (single family equivalent) per month plus $ 0.05 per 1000 gallons of metered water consumption. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that the Water Service Charges Schedule shall be increased by $ 1.75 per SFE per month plus $ 0.05 per 1000 gallons of water consumption to, $ 14.50 per SFE per month plus $ 2.40 per 1000 gallons of water consumption, with said increase to be effective beginning with the January 1998 water service billing. ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF December ,1997. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J y Yoder, ayor Protem TTEST: Patty L ert, Town Clerk