TC Res. No. 1997-10RESOLUTION NO. 97-10
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of
Avon, Colorado, that the policy of the Upper Eagle Regional Water
Authority re: treated water storage requirement, as set forth in
the attached letter dated October 15, 1996, is hereby approved.
ADOPTED the 28th day of January, 1997.
ERW5~R 09 '97 Oe:36AM TOWN OF~AU'0 7640$9
JAN 06'97 9:20 Na. 0" 5 P . 04
Emu Rim
9Nalp & 11mrrainco Di miry
bas VW= ft" • Val. C*W* 0 PINT
(sip) 679-rdw • FAX OM 4n.00
Ocwtw 15. 19%
Arrowhead 1V1cV0psWhw District
Beaver Cook Metropolitan District
Dwy Creek Metropolitan District
Eagle-Vail McU vpolitan District pw ~g cA
Edwards Mnropolium District
Town of Avon
Dear Board and Council Members:
The Upper Eagle ftional Water Authority is raquasting approval of a policy to allow it to
require constrtiedon of trattted water storage tacks, or pay=nt of a fee in lieu of providing
tteau d crater storage, for property owners requestiog inchasion of their property into a
member d1aft or do Towns of Avon; and for property owoets requesting "up-=Mug" of
their propaty which is already inoluded in a member district or the Town of Avon.
As you know the UIBRWA recently aagaired Avon Tank No. 1, add beer cotnttvction of a
1.5 million gallon water storage tank is Badwlorr t3 &h. The Authority has also negot oW an
agreement to pay for upstaing of the Cordillera Valley Chub ttmk aW has discussed acquiring
all water stomp tenths within its serviw area.
The purpose of this policy is to allow tlw Authority tenant all property owners to provide
treated Water storage staciens to mac the needs of ttreir property or to snake a cash paymttnt
to the Attthorit3► radw thatt ra pvmg theta to c=trW water storage tanks. Tlae Authority
Would use f 4nrQeu payments to offset the am of coAStrr a ttg mgiotte~l water storage tanks
which serve all eustomm. It is often more cost af'focave for the Authority to construct latMer
regional storage tanks than to ask isndividual property owners to construct smaller tanks to
servo only their properties. All pmp M owners will then be able to cuntribum to the cost of
providing treated water storage by either coastmaing water tubs or cown'buting a cash
equivalent, at the option of the Authority.
JAN-06-1977- 7 25 9?24?64W9 9C P.04
tKwJAN1 08 '97 08:37AM TOWN OF-
JAN 06' 97 9:21 No.OP'6 P.07
NOVIUM lut 1,19%
11 shall be flu p0UCy of the Upper Eagle Regiaaal Weer Authority to require aA QW= of
ptQporcy Indudigg iato a Member District (the terra Member Dlst*ict &Mu inclttda the Town of
Avon) and an owner of pQ+operty cbaoft to zorft Of a prcp*M already witbaa a Member
bistrict to provide treated Waoer storage adeguare to moot the needs of do properties, or atthe
option of EMRWA, to pay a he in lieu of provW!ng new heated water Fwrage.
For propertim with lees tha 400 SFE'S the amt of wwr stake reggWnd shall be apW to the
culebbW vQhmm Of water calatlated 10 meat the faux[ for Equlization Swap, PazW=y
SDOMP and Vim Flow StoragQ for fire property. Equalization Storage Shall be opal to 25 % of
Average Daily Demand (ADD), Bey Stomp sbau be equal to 50% of ADD, and Fire
Flow Storage titan be apt to 75 % of ADD. Average Daily Dew (ADD) lion be dofi=d as
350 Bbou per Sbogle Pau* Equivalent unit Water Storage requiretue= for properties with
flora than 'A00 SM's wi8 be da*rahted by the UMWA's Fagg .
Wham the UERWA tequm consmuca of new treated water stomga, the properly owner shall
provide a water storage teak or tools and flee WW tbudar,
For ono Single FaWly EgWrd=-im#-*e gaga .fW treated water Stomp is:
sgttahudon Storage 350 x .23 a 87.5
HOMB Y Sim 330 x .50 175.0 gallons
Fite Flaw 9torape 350 x .75 = 262.5 gd[m
Total Storage per WE ~ 523.0 gallm
If the UMMA agmeS to accept a cash payauM in lien of providitlg t,Katnd. wager storage, the
aunt of do be d3aU be S1.50 bears do gallons of treated Water Sto p calculated to meat the
needs of the propeaw.
In ARRO y, tht: treated water storage repair iS equal to Say -gallons or $787.50 per Siege
Family Bgtllvalent Unit (SPR) for propordea with leas than 400 MM's.
PAgtld treated water storage Shall be placed in service prior to time delivery of wagon Sarvire to
the property by the UERWA. hYUM of a foe M Belt of treated water storage shO be made
prior to delivay of Warex servioke to dw properly by the UERWA.
JAN-436-1997 99'- 26 970475~{fd$9 9ai P.07
EPW JAN 08, '97 08=37AM TOWN OF AM4764099
UERWA Member Boards
October 3s, 1996
Paso 2
JAN 06'97 9:21 Na . C~. ~ P . 0S
The & mom of a `fi:e in Beat" payrttetu would be dvterminod by the ealeulated demand of the
subject property for water storage for egwgbadon. eanergencies eed fits pro= ion. The
demand for egwlingWn and dies is calcetletad based upon ttae SFE`s psojOCW ft the
property. The Authority has detarmsiaed that the nice protection demand zbould be, actual to the
cmbiaed demand for equalization and erfees gencia. I ft Cost to be assessed is proposed to be
equal to $1.50 per gallon times dw gales Calea w for the stmt regauew= for ttt6
subject property.
St. Claire of Assisi Paris} has requested khrmstion regardb% inclusion hero Edwards
Metropolitan District. If we apply this pnlicy to Its property the calculated fee would be:
Bqualiation Storap plus rgertcy Stomp z 36,840 gellws
Fire Flow Stor4e a 34,840 gallons
Total Stogy Requirmmt 4- 69,680 WON
Tkm 53.30 pot gallon $104,320
If we apply this policy to a do* SR-the rslatladon would be:
Equalisation Storage plus Emergency SW= p a 262 gallons
Fin Flow Store m 262 gallons
Total Storage: Ptequitm=at - SU gallons
Times $1.50 per gallon = $796
Properties we are aware of today which may be affected by ti15 policy are St. Claire of Assisi
Pariah. Chate vu St. Claire attd BRU Ranch.
We would appreciate it if you would pass a maolutkm adapting this policy as presented in tltit
emclosed policy atatamnt.
If you have arty questions or nerd addidomesl i donation please lea mz know.
-TAN H3&-i997 091126 9704764089 94%
ERWJAN 08 '97 08:37AM TOWN OF~AVON'~7640$9
UERWA Member Bcwds
CWober 13. 19%
Page 3
Dumb advIT4 Comm Kamm
cc: Rick A tcheou
lAffy DM b
Norm Wood
Xsn Meroboti
JAN 06'97 9:21 No. OP. s P .06
JAN-06-1997 291.25 WM 4764089 93'/.