TC Res. No. 1996-60TOWN OF AVON RESOLI:TION NO.96-60 Series of 1996 A RESOL€3TIO4 APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE 'DATER MAIN EXTENSION INSTALLED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR NOTTINGHAM STATION PAID„ AMENDMENT NO, 2 AND ESTABLISHE'tiG %VARR.ANTV PERIOD FOR SAID WATER MAIN EXTENSION WHEREAS, the Toun of'Avon and Canyon Run Limited Liability Company entered into a SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT in connection with the approval of the Final Plat for Nottingham Station P. U. D., Amendment No. 2, a Resubdivision of Lot 3, Nottingham Station, To%%m of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established certain public improvements to be constructed in conjunction with said subdivision; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in conjunction with said subdivision included a water main extension; and WHEREAS, the water main extension portion of the public improvements was substantially complete as of December 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, said Agreement established requirements for the provision of security deposits to assure completion of the improvements in accordance with the Agreement and to assure correction of warranty items identified during the specified warranty period. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWNT OF AVON, that: 1. The water main extension required to be constructed in conjunction with Nottingham Station P.U.D., Amendment No. 2 was substantially complete as of December '1, 1996, in accordance with the SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT and the stipulated one year warranty period for said water main extension. shall extend to December 1, 1997. I. Successful completion of the iv-arra.IInty period and subsequent release of security deposit shalt be contingent upon receipt of: a, deed to the Towen of Avon for the main lutes and appurtenances, free and clear of all Hurts andencumbranccs~ b. reproducible as-built dra%-wings. and c. statement of certified costs of the main lines. ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF December 1996. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO .lack Fawcett, Mayor ATf EST: