TC Res. No. 1996-10TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 96-10 SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE REVISED 208 WATER QUALITV MANAGEMENT PLAN AS PREPARED BV NWCCOG AND ADOPTING THE EAGLE RIVER WA'T'ER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN PORTION OF THE 208 PLAN AS A GUIDELINE FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON WHEREAS, the Eagle River is a critical natural resource which provides valuable habitat for aquatic life; and WHEREAS, the Eagle River is a critical aesthetic feature and valuable for maintaining the character of Avon; and WHEREAS, regional cooperation is needed to effectively protect and manage this resource; and WHEREAS, the Federal Clean Water Act and the implementation of that Act by the State of Colorado requires development of a Regional Water Quality ( 208 )Plan, and WHEREAS, the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG) has developed a regional water quality plan in conformance with these requirements; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is the administrative body responsible for administration of the plan within it's corporate limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, that the Town Council hereby adopts the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments 208 Plan and specifically the Eagle River Water Quality Management Plan as a planning document of the Town of Avon to be used in establishing long range policies and land use guidelines with respect to land development impacting upon the Eagle River. ADOPTED THIS 23rd _DAV OF April 1996. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Z~- - - J/ /4- - YZ Al ert J. Re olds, yor /)91 7 ATTEST: CMC Patty NeyhartN Town Clerk