TC Res. No. 1996-08TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 96 -8 SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEDULES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1101 and 1102 OF THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has determined that local conditions are such that speed limits varying from the Model Traffic Code are desirable in certain locations; and .WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has evaluated local conditions on various streets and roads within the Town and has determined that the speed limit should be zs specified in traffic control schedules pursuant to sections 1101 and 1102 of the Model Traffic Code; and WHEREAS, speed limits on public streets within the Town of Avon shall be 25 m.p.h. on all streets unless otherwise posted or as noted on the traffic control schedules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon the following traffic control schedule attached as Schedule A is adopted pursuant to sections 1101 and 1102 of the Model Traffic Code. ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1996. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT ST: Patty Ney art Town Clerk Albert J/-Rey ds, Mayor SCHEDULE A DECREASED AND INCREASED SPEED LIMITS- In accordance with the provisions of sections 1101 and 1102 and when official signs are erected giving notice thereof, the speed limit shall be as specified for the following intersections or approaches thereto and upon the following streets or portions thereof: NAME OF STREET POSITION AFFECTED SPEED LIMIT OR INTERSECTION (TERMINAL LIMITS) .Avon Road All 30 mph (by CDOT) Hwy 6 All 45 mph (by CDOT) Mountain Star Drive All 30 mph Benchmark Road All 20 mph I-70 Within Town Limits Metcalf Road All 65 mph (by CDOT) 35 mph TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 96 -8 SERIES OF 1996 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEDULES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 1101 and 1102 OF THE MODEL TRAFFIC CODE WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has determined that local conditions are such that speed limits varying from the Model Traffic Code are desirable in certain locations; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has evaluated local conditions on various streets and roads within the Town and has determined that the speed limit should be as specified in traffic control schedules pursuant to sections 1101 and 1102 of the Model Traffic Code; and WHEREAS, speed limits on public streets within the Town of Avon shall be 25 m.p.h. on all streets unless otherwise posted or as noted on the traffic control schedules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon the following traffic control schedule attached as Schedule A is adopted pursuant to sections 1101 and 1102 of the Model Traffic Code. ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1996. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT ST: Patty Ney art Town Clerk Albert J Rey* ds, Mayor .n A M~ y .1 r- ,t ' F ',ty ' n~Y4 a 'Al i' • ~r,7 vt , ''S JF 1 SCHEDULE A DECREASED AND INCREASED SPEED LIMITS- In accordance with the provisions of sections 1101 and 1102 and when official signs are erected giving notice thereof, the speed limit shall be as specified for the following intersections or approaches thereto and upon the following streets or portions thereof: NAME OF STREET POSITION AFFECTED SPEED LIMIT OR INTERSECTION (TERMINAL LIMITS)- Avon Road Hwy 6 Mountain Star Drive Benchmark Road I-70 Metcalf Road All 30 mph (by CDOT) All 45 mph (by CDOT) All 30 mph All 20 mph Within Town Limits 65 mph (by CDOT) All 35 mph w4 ' k; Aye, -i A TOWN OF AVON §PTHy- OVERSI: ~ I N FRONT COVER STAMPING F f 1 TOWN OF AVON TOWN OF AVON S RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS 19 % 19 % (Coil f, Spine Imprint? CLOTH COLOR I FOIL-COLOR) Yes No Originals of the 1996 Town of Avon Resolutions were misplaced by the microfilmer and the attached are recreated from the microfiche.