TC Res. No. 1995-35RESOLUTION NO. 95- 35
RE 50J
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ("the Town"), and the Eagle
County School District Re 501 ("the School District") entered
into a Joint Use Agreement dated August 24, 1988, relating to a
portion of Tract P, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of
Avon, County of Eagle and State of Colorado ("the Agreement");
WHEREAS, the Agreement was terminated by the School
District effective July 1, 1995; and
WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that, upon termination,
the Town shall deliver to the School District a deed or bill of
sale quit claiming to the School District all of the Town's
right, title, and interest in and to said portion of Tract P and
any improvements constructed thereon;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of
the Town of Avon, Colorado, that the proper officers of the Town
are authorized to deliver to the School District a quitclaim
deed, a copy of which is attached hereto.
ADOPTED the 13tYday of Jun , 1995.
TEST: Town Cler
Recorded at _
Reception No
o'clock fv ;
THIS DEED, Made this ,kkaCN day of June 1995
of the 'County of Eagle and State of
Colorado, grantor(s), and
whose legal address is
of the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, grantee(s),
WITNESSETH, That the grantor(s), for and in consideration of the sum of
the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ha s remised, released, sold and QUITCLAIMED, and by
these presents do eS remise, release, sell and QUITCLAIM unto the grantee(s), its XXft successors and assigns,
forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor(s) ha s in and to the real property, together with
improvements, if any, situate, lying and being in the county of Eagle and State of
Colorado, described as follows:
A portion of Tract P, Block 2, Bencbnark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon,
County of Eagle and State of Colorado, being more particularly described
in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof.
also known by street and number as:
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in
anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest anCdc ~claim whatsoever, of the grantor(s), either in law or equity,
to the only, ply use, benefit and behoof of the grantee(s) its/ SUX)IDipts~anrd assigns forever.
Irf iti(Tj NESSt WHEREOF, The grantor(s) ha s executed this deed on the date set fo above.
, mayor
County of Eagle
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
bAlbert J. Reynolds, a Mayor, and Patty
of Avon.
My commission exp) -p SM08 NOISSIMOO AB ,19
9. 1
*If in Denver, insert
\'k 4h day of June 1995
Neyhart. as Town Clerk, of the Town
my hand a6t~fticial seal.
A ~
Na 933. Rev. 6-92. QurraLAIM DEED - 10
Bradford Put4is Hm 1743 waaee SL, Demeti Co 80202 - (303) 292-2500 - 6-93
A parcel of land lying partially within tract G, Block 2,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Eagle County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as follows;
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Tract-P, Benchmark
at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 4, town of Avon, Eagle County,
Colorado, said point also lying on the north right-of-way of
the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad; thence along said
right-of-way line 187.00 feet along the arc of a curve to theo
left, whose radius is 2914.93 feet and Whose chord bears 'M h
48' 25" W. 186.97 feet; thence departing said ri vht-~of-way line
N 180 25' 32" E 329.73 feet; thence S 730 27' 22 E,
220.96.feet to a point on the easterly line of Tract P, said line
also being the common line between-said Tract P and Tract G,
Block 2, benchmark at Beaver Creek; thence S 240 01' 52" W,
contai containing 69,0 113 ssaid quare afeet or11.584oacres, moreoorblessning,
contain g 3
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 24th day of August, 1988,
between the Town of Avon, Colorado, a municipal corporation,
hereinafter called "the Town" and Eagle County School District Re5W,
hereinafter called "the School District", a governmental subdivision
of the State of Colorado.
WHEREAS the Town of Avon has embarked upon a program of improving
a portion of a parcel of land now described as Tract P, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado,
designated for a school site. Said portion of parcel is further
described as:
A.parcel of land lying partially within tract G, Block 2,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Eagle County,
Colorado, being more particularly described as-follows:
.Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Tract P, Benchmark
at Beaver Creek, Amendment No. 49 Town of Avon, Eagle County,
Colorado, said point also lying on the north right-of-way of
the Denver and'Rio Grande Western Railroad, thence along said
right-of-way line 187.00 feet along the arc of_a curve to the
left,, whose radius,is 2914.93 feet and whose chord bears N 670
48' 25" W, 186.97 feet; thence departing said right-of-way line
N 180 25' 32" E 329.73 feet; thence S 730 27' 22" E,
220.96 feet to a point on the easterly line of Tract P, said line
also being the common line between said Tract P and Tract G,
Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek; thence S,240 01' 52" W,
350.95 feet along said easterly line to the point of beginning,
containing 69,013 square feet or 1.584 acres, more or less.
WHEREAS the School District may at sometime in the future be the
record owner of the above described real property,,and if so, is
agreeable to joint and mutual use of said portion of Tract P by the
the School District and the Town; and
WHEREAS the Town desires to cooperate with and protect the School
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the performance of each of
the agreements and covenants set forth,.the Town and the School
District agree as follows:
1. School District's use for educational purposes is of
paramount use.
2. A nonexclusive use agreement is granted by the School
District to the Town of Avon to construct an athletic field
and related outdoor recreation facilities on said portion of
Tract P as described above.
3 The athletic field area, as used in this agreement, shall
require the leveling and grading of said area along with the
construction of related outdoor recreation facilities. It
is understood and agreed that final plans for the athletic
field area have been approved by the School District.
4. The intent of this agreement is to prioritize use based on
demand as mutually agreeable between parties to allow maxi-
mum utilization of the improvements to accomodate both
first priority to the School District for use of premises
and second priority to the Town. It-is further agreed that
typical use by the Town shall occur after school hours dur
ing normal school calendar and during the summer as defined
by the normal school calendar. In the event that the
-School District will need to use said portion of Tract P
.during normal use-time by the Town, the School District
will provide 10 days advance notice to the Town for use
during normal school year and will notify the Town of any
.summer use-no later than April 15 of any calendar year.
5.' The Town shall not make any substantial structural alter-
ations or changes in said facilities without the written
approval of the School District.
6. The Town agrees fully to save harmless and defend the School
District and the School District's Directors, Officers,
Employees, and/or Agents personally from all suits, actions,
demands, expenses or claims in law or in equity, arising out
of the execution of this Agreement, or the design, engineer-
ing, use, construction, and maintenance of the real property
herein described. The Town shall be responsible for any
liability resulting from any litigation and shall pay the
costs of suit, attorneys' fees, appellate costs, and any
other costs or expenses which may be assessed against the
School District's Directors, Officers, Employees, and/or
Agents personally as'a result of any suit, demand, or claim
fi.l ed concerning this Agreement.
7. The premises shall be used solely for the facility and,pur-
pose described herein or for such other purposes as the
School District may approve. The Town wil not carry on or
permit upon the premises any offensive,, noisy, or dangerous
activity or any nuisance to the public or to the adjoining
neighbors. The Town,will pay, upon demand, any damages to
the premises caused by the misuse of same by the Town or
Town's agents_ or by the Town's employees. The Town shall
not exercise any control over the-routine use of the fac-
ilities by the School District. The School District shall
be responsible to pay upon demand by, the Town for any dam-
ages to the premises caused by the misuse of same by the
School District, or School District's agents, or by the
School District's employees.
8. The Town agrees to maintain, at the Town's expense, public
liability insurance with property, bodily and personal
injury limits of no less than statutory limitations as def-
ined in Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Article 10,
Section 24-10-114 with an amount of $150,000 per occurrence
and $400,000 aggregate on said athletic field and related
outdoor recreation facilities, in the name of the Town, or
in the name of the Town and the School District. Said pub-
lic liability insurance shall cover liability for injuries
resulting from the use to be made of said facilities by the
9. The Town agrees to keep said facilities insured against
loss or damage by fire or other casualty as part of the
Town's insurance coverage. The Town further,agrees that
if said facilities are damaged, or destroyed by fire, the
'Town will proceed with due diligence to repair or restore
the same to the condition existing before such damage or
destruction, and, as soon as possible thereafter, will
allow the'School District to make use of'said facilities
in accordance with the rights of the School District set
forth herein. If,,in the opinion of the parties hereto,
it is not feasible to repair or rebuild the said facilities
in case of total destruction or severe damage by fire or
other casualty, then either party shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement instead of rebuilding the improve-
10. The school District further agree to maintain, as part of
the School District's insurance coverage, liability
insurance with property, bodily and personal injury limits
of no less than statutory limitations as defined in Colorado
Governmental Immunity Act, Article 10, Section 24-10-114,
with an amount of $150,000 per occurrence and $400,000
aggregate on said property as approved by the'School Dis-
trict pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, except as
otherwise provided.
11. The Town agrees to pay promptly when due and payable, all
charges for electricity, water, sewage, trash collection,
gas and other utilities as related to the improvements
heretofore mentioned.
12. The Town responsible for the coordination of all
non-school related activities. The School District shall
be responsible for the coordination of all school related
activities and-shall have priority over use of facilities.
13. No amendment or modification of the Agreement shall be valid
or binding unless reduced to writing,-formally approved by
the Town Council of the Town of Avon and the School Dis-
trict's Board of Education and executed by the President of
the Board of Education.and appropriate officials of the
Town of Avon hereto in the same manner as this Agreement
is executed.
14. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties
and all negotiations and understandings have been merged
15. Both parties shall have the right to terminate this Agree-
went effective on July 1 of any year hereafter provided that
either party give the other party written notice of such
termination not later than the preceding November 1, and
further provided that the Town delivers to the School
District on or before the effective,date of such termination
a deed or bill of sale quitclaiming-to the School District
all of the Town's right, title, and interest in and to said
facilities. Such termination shall "relieve either party
.from any further- obligations under this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties. hereto have hereunto set their
hands and seals the day and year first above written.
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