TC Res. No. 1990-48a .0 RESOLUTION NO. 90-48 Series of 1990 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSED AMENDMENT #1 OF THE COLORADO CONSTITUTION WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment #1 to the Colorado Constitution will be submitted to the voters at.the General Election on November 6, 1990; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 will impose severe limitations on the ability of the Town of Avon to raise existing or new revenues related to any tax, license, permit or fee to provide needed services; and ' WHEREAS, Amendment #1 will impose severe limitations on the ability of the Town of Avon to issue all types of debt related to General Obligation Bonds, short term borrowing, lease purchasing, or debt refinancing; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 will cause many service level reductions in the Town which heretofore have been desired and/or mandated by the citizens of the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Charter and the Town Ordinances adopted by the citizens of the Town of Avon contain reasonable and practical provisions for the self-government of Avon by its citizens and elected Town Officials; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 creates a state-wide approach to taxation and fails to recognize special local needs or the desires of the citizens of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 undermines local control, threatens continuation of current services, and impairs the ability of the Town to respond quickly and effectively to find solutions to problems affecting the Town; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 requires the Town to set aside emergency reserves from fiscal year spending of one percent (1$) in 1991, two percent (2%) in 1992 and three percent "(3-%) in 1993 and each year thereafter; and . WHEREAS, emergency reserves can be spent only for declared emergencies which exclude economic conditions and revenue shortfalls; and WHEREAS, Amendment #1 will have an adverse affect on Town's bonds rating thus increasing the cost of borrowing funds for further growth; and i WHEREAS, Amendment #1 will decrease the Town's revenue generated from property taxes over a ten year period; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: The Town Council hereby sets forth its strong opposition of proposed Amendment #1 of the Colorado Constitution and urges all registered voters to reject Amendment #1 at the General. Election on November 6, 1990. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS Z3./.:~PDAY OF OCTOBER, 1990. Gloria McRory, May o-Tem ATTEST CTatricii-a Doyle, own Cl