TC Res. No. 1989-220 0 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 89 - 22 SERIES OF 1989 A RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONTINUANCE OF A SPECIAL REVIEW USE TO ALLOW AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR IN THE MOUNTAIN CENTER BUILDING, UNIT B-2 ON LOT 26/27, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, Jerry Vekre, owner of Jerry's Auto Repair has requested approval of continuance of a Special Review Use to allow automotive repair in the Mountain Center Building, Unit B-2, located on Lot 26/27, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, which is located in the IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone District; and WHEREAS, automotive repair is allowed in the IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone District as a Special Review Use; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing and has determined that the proposed use: 1. Otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code; and 2. Is consistent with the objectives and purposes of the Zoning Code; and 3. Is deemed compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado hereby, approves the continuance of a Special Review Use to allow automotive repair in the Mountain Center Building, Unit B-2, located on Lot 26/27, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, which is located in the IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone District, subject to the following: • 0 1. Approval of car storage area and associated regrading as submitted with application to continue the Special Review Use. 2. The Special Review Use shall be re-evaluated at the time of application of re-development of the Lot 26/27, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. 3. All existing and proposed disturbed areas shall be reseeded with native grasses and all approved regrading, surfacing and revegetation shall be complete on or before August 1, 1989. 4. The dumpster be screened and the details of the materials and colors be brought back to staff for review and approval. 5. No additional parking be permitted outside of the intended screened area. 6. This application be reviewed no later than July 1, 1990. APPROVED AND PASSED THIS 27th DAY OF June 1989• TOWN OF AVON TOWN COUNCIL Allan Notti am, Mayor M E M O TO: Norm Wood FROM: Lynn Fritzlen DATE: June 21, 1989 RE: Resolution 89-22, Approval of a Special Review Use for Automotive Repair in the IC Zone District Jerry's Auto Repair, Mountain Center Building Lot 26/27, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision At'the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission June 20, 1989 the Commission approved Planning and Zoning Resolution 89-6 recommending the Town Council approve continuing a Special Review Use for Jerry's Auto Repair to allow automotive repair in the IC zone district. Jerry Vekre, owner of the business and Les Shapiro owner of the Mountain Center complex submitted a car storage area plan with the application for continuance of the Special Review Use that was reviewed,by the Commission. The Commission approved the proposed improvements with conditions. The Resolution 89-22 approves the continuance of the Special Review-Use with the following staff recommended conditions: - Approval of car storage area and associated regrading as submitted with application to continue the Special Review Use. - All existing and proposed disturbed ares shall be reseeded with native grasses and all approved regrading, surfacing and revegatation shall be complete on or before August 1, 1989. and the following Commission recommended conditions: - The Special Review Use shall be re-evaluated at the time of application of re-development of Lot 26/27 Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. - No, additional parking shall be permitted outside of the intended screened area. - The dumpster be screened and the details of materials and colors,be brought back to staff for review and approval. - This application be reviewed not later than July 1, of 1990.