TC Res. No. 1989-13RESOLUTION 89 - 13
WHEREAS, the Avon Metropolitan District ("the
District"), in the Town of Avon, County of Eagle and State
of Colorado, is a quasi-municipal corporation and political
subdivision duly organized and existing under the Constitu-
tion and laws of the State of Colorado in particular Article
1, Title 32, Colorado Revised Statutes, and the District as
originally incorporated has never been reorganized nor
wholly or partially.annexed to or consolidated with-Any
other public corporation; and
WHEREAS, at least eighty-five percent of the
territory encompassed by the District lies within the
corporate limits of the Town of Avon;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Town Council
of the Town of Avon that an application be filed with. the
board of directors of the District to dissolve said Dis-
ADOPTED the 11th day of April, 1989.
/s/ a460yl
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