TC Res. No. 1989-12-0 • RESOLUTION NO. 89-12 SERIES OF 1989 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN AVON WHEREAS, the Eagle County School District, RE-50J has land located on Tract P in Avon available for construction of an elementary school; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon and Eagle County School District has cooperated in jointly planning the area on Tract P; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon and the Eagle County School District have entered into agreements on joint use of Tract P and Tract G; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon has invested in a new softball and athletic field on Tract P to the benefit of the Town and the School District; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon considers r an elementary school on Tract P to be a vital community asset and will provide a centrally located facility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado: 0 • 1. That the Avon Town Council continues to support an elementary school on Tract P and encourages the School Board of Eagle County School District to do the same and build an elementary school on said site at the earliest date possible. ADOPTED this 11th day of April, 1989. ,TT 'T / / atricia Do er ?atricia J. Doyle, Town C TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO C~E~Q Allan . Nottingham, Mayor -2-