TC Res. No. 1986-180 0
WHEREAS, Robert Warner, Jr., dba Metcalf Ventures has
requested a Special Review Use to allow Automotive Repair (Body
and Frame Shop) on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek,
which is located in IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone District; and
WHEREAS, automotive or other vehicular sales and
repair shops are allowed in the IC Zone District as a Special
Review Use; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a
public hearing and has determined that the proposed use:
1. Otherwise complies with all requirements imposed
by the Zoning Code; and
2. Is consistent with the objectives and purposes of
the Zoning Code; and
3. Is deemed compatible with surrounding land uses
and uses in the area; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town
has approved the Special Review Use to allow Automotive Repair
(Body and Frame Shop) on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek, subject to:
Design review approval of building and site
development plans specifically designed for the
proposed use.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council
of the Town of Avon, Colorado, concurs with the findings and
determinations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and
hereby approves the Special Review Use to allow Automotive Repair
(Body and Frame Shop) on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek, subject to:
Design review approval of building and site
development plans specifically designed for
the proposed use.
ADOPTED THIS 14th day of
October , 1986.
A an R. N tting am, yor
TO: Bill James, Town Manager
FROM: Norm Wood, Director of Engineering and Community Development
DATE: October 9, 1986
RE: Resolution 86-18
Special Review Use - Automotive Repair (Body and Frame Shop)
Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek is an undeveloped lot located on the
west side of Metcalf Road approximately one-half mile north of the Nottingham
Road intersection. The requested special review use is to allow the operation
of an automobile body repair and frame shop on this property.
Plans for construction of a building to house the proposed operation have been
submitted by the applicant and were given design review approval by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. The proposed site development plans utilize the natural
features of the site to screen activities associated with the Special Review Use
and to minimize impacts to surrounding properties. The plans show a low profile
building set into the hillside at the northwesterly corner of the lot. The
parking lot is screened by a landscaped earthen berm with the top approximately
10 to 12 feet above Metcalf Road. A small automobile storage yard (4 to 6 spaces)
will be screened by a wooden fence as well as the building and earthen berm.
In the approval process, the Commission stated that they felt this area was
appropriate for the proposed use, as an automobile shop was previously approved
and is currently located on Lot 13. They further felt the approved design
sufficiently mitigated any negative impacts which may result from the proposed
No negative comments were received during the public hearing process.
Adopt Resolution 86-18.
Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Special Review Use - Automotive Repair, IC Zone District
Public Hearing
Robert Warner, Jr., dba Metcalf Ventures has submitted an application for a
Special Review Use to allow automotive repair (body and frame shop) on Lot 11,
Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. Lot 11 is an undeveloped lot on the west
side of Metcalf Road in the IC (Industrial and Commercial) Zone District.. Plans
for an approximately 7,000 square foot building have been submitted for design
review in conjunction with the requested special review use.
Automotive or other vehicular sales and repair shops may be allowed in the IC
Zone 'District when approved as a special review use. The required Notices of
Public Hearing for the special review use have been mailed and posted.
In accordance with Section 17.20.020 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Commission
shall determine the following in considering the suitability of a special review
1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed
by the zoning code;
2. Whether the proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes
of the zoning code and the applicable zoning district; and
3. Whether the proposed use is designed to be compatible with surrounding
land uses and uses in the area.
In addition, the Commission shall consider:
A. The adequacy of access to the site with respect to the width of adjacent
streets, their grades, intersection safety, visibility and entrance into
the lot to be developed;
B. Whether there exists safe access and sufficient water pressure to provide
fire protection;
C. The existant water pressure in the area and the ability of the water
system to supply domestic needs;
D. Whether there will be provided sufficient off-street parking as determined
by (1) the intended use of the property; (2) walking distance to the
downtown area; and (3) the availability of public transportation;
E. The impact of the development considering the potential for stream and
air pollution, the availability of public transportation and other public
or private services, and any other factors affecting the overall development
and the surrounding areas, including but not limited to building height, view
plane, drainage and other physical and aesthetical features.
Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 10/7/86
Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Special Review Use - Automotive Repair, IC Zone District
Public Hearing
Page 2 of 3
Staff Comments with regard to the preceeding determinations are:
1. The proposed special review use complies with requirements imposed by
the zoning code;
2. The proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of the
zoning code and IC zone district; and
3. The design review process for building design and site development can be
used to assure the proposed use is compatible with surrounding land uses
and uses in the area. An automobile repair shop currently exists on Lot 13
which is in the same general area as the requested special review use;
A. The proposed use does not increase access requirements beyond those for
allowed uses within the zone district;
B. The proposed use is located on property served by-Avon Metro District
which provides both water service and fire protection services. Access
and special fire protection measures, if required, can be dealt with
through the design review and building permit process;
C. The proposed use does not increase domestic water supply demands beyond
those required for allowed uses within the zone district;
D. The design review process should assure that minimum off-street parking
requirements are met;
E. The impact of the development and proposed use should be thoroughly
addressed in the design review process. The proposed development is
specifically designed for the proposed use.
Staff recommends approval of the requested special review use for automotive
repair (body and frame shop) on Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek if
the Commission concurs with the above Staff comments. If the special review
use is approved, it should be contingent upon design review approval of
building and site development plans specifically designed for the proposed use
in order to mitigate impacts to surrounding properties.
Staff recommends that action on this application be taken in the form of adopting
Resolution No. 86-4. The resolution can easily be modified for any action the
Commission would take. The Resolution will then be forwarded to the Town Council
for final action. ,
Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 10/7/86
Lot 11, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Special .Review Use - Automotive Repair, IC Zone District
Public Hearing
Page 3 of 3
1. Introduce application;
2. Presentation by applicant;
3. Public Hearing; .
4. Review by Commission (consider SRU criteria);
5. Adopt Resolution No. 86-4 as presented or with modifications.
Respectfully Submitted,
Norm Wood
Director of Engineering
and Community Development
Planning & Zoning Action:
Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions )
Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) ied QZZ
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Date flatricia Cuny, Secretary Adopt Resolution 86-4 as presented and recommend Council approve the
Special Review Use. The Special Review Use complies with Section 17.20.020
Findings Required, use is appropriate for the IC Zone District because there
is another business of that nature currently in existence in that zone district.