TC Res. No. 1985-41i • RESOLUTION NO. 85-41 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 1986 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION SUMMARIZING EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES FOR EACH FUND AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1986, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1986. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Avon, has appointed the Town Manager to prepare and submit a proposed budget to said governing body at the proper time; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager has submitted a proposed budget to this governing body on October 1, 1985, for its consideration; and WHEREAS, upon due and proper notice, published or posted in accordance with the law, said proposed budget was open for inspection by the public at a designated place, a public hearing was held on October 22, 1985 and November 26, 1985, and interested taxpayers were given the opportunity to file or register any objections to said proposed budget; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. That estimated expenditures for each fund are as follows for 1986: General Fund $ 2,079,934 Public Improvements 530,000 Transit Fund 580,300 Debt Service Fund 223,905 3,414,139 Section 2. That estimated revenues for each fund are as follows: General Fund Revenues $ 1,994,850 Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 85,084 Total General Fund $ 2,079,934 Public Works Fund Revenues $ 222,500 Transfers 193,500 Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 114,000 Total Public Works Fund $ 530,000 Transit Fund Revenues 580,300 Total Transit Fund $ 580,300 Debt Service Fund Transfers $ 223,905 Total Debt Service Fund $ 223,905 Section 3. That the budget as submitted, and hereinabove summarized by fund, hereby is approved and adopted as the budget of the Town of Avon, for the year stated above. Section 4. That the budget hereby approved and adopted shall be signed by the Town Manager and made a part of the public records of the Town. ADOPTED, this ~1l day of JA~Lz 1985. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO I Allan R. ottingham, Mayor AMMPQM• -2- 6 0 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: William D. James, Town Manager DATE: November 21, 1985 SUBJECT:Budget Changes 1) Sales Tax - Decreased by $60,000 as a result of applying 1% to utility rather than 4%. 2) Recreational Maintenance Fees - Increased by $50,000 - Transit Operating Budget $340,300 times 35.8% Christie Lodge ridership $121,828 divided estimated number of lodge owners in 12/31/85 12,000 $ 10.15 per week 1986 Budget includes $10.00 per week. 3) Contingency - Increased by $10,900 - moved contributions of other agencies not related to marketing, from marketing account to contingency. 4) Marketing - Reflects $30,250 contribution to the 1989 World Cup. 5) Police - Increased by $1,530 to purchase bullet proof vests for police officers. 6) Special Events - Decreased by $28,000--4th of July was taken out of the budget. 7) Transfer to other Funds - Transit-added $28,000 for night time bus service during ski season 8) Transit Fund - Increased by $28,000 for night time bus service. I will have justification for the 1% Amenities Tax available at the work shop. Also, you have a resolution to amend the 1985 budget. This resolution is a routine matter to reflect our revised revenue and expenditure estimates. 0 a RESOLUTION NO. 85-42 SERIES OF 1985 WHEREAS, the fourth Tuesday in each month is set aside for the regular meetings of the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, the fourth Tuesday in December, 1985 is also Christmas Eve Day. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: The regular meeting of the Town Council scheduled for Tuesday, December 24, 1985 is hereby vacated and canceled. ADOPTED this 10th day of December, 1985. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Allan R. Notting a Mayor • f ,D,,-~3-/5