TC Res. No. 1985-370 0 RESOLUTION NO. 85-37 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDOMINIUM MAP OF COYOTE RIDGE CONDOMINIUMS-PHASE I, PART OF LOT 56, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE, TOWN OF AVON, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, Coyote Construction and Development, a Colorado General Partnership, has submitted a Condominium Map of Coyote Ridge Condominiums-Phase I, Part of Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge, Town of Avon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Condominium Map has been reviewed by the Town Engineer and the Town Attorney, and found to be substantially in accord with the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Avon, and is recommended for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Avon, that this Condominium Map is hereby approved by the Town of Avon subject to: 1. the Title Insurance Company or Attorney's Certi- ficate be completed and signed in a manner satis- factory to the Town Attorney; 2. the Certificate of Dedication and ownership be ex- ecuted in a manner satisfactory to the Town Attorney; 3. the Certificate of Release be executed in a manner satisfactory to the Town Attorney; 4. the Surveyor's Cert ificate be executed in a manner satisfactory to the Town Attorney; 5. the Condominium Dec larations, By-Laws, and Articles of Incorporation be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney; and 6. the Condominium Map be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney prior to recording. ADOPTED AND DATED THIS 12th day of November ATTEST: TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO . 1985 Allan R. N ttingham, ayor