TC Res. No. 1985-19RESOLUTION NO.-85-19 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE TO ALLOWRETAI_L SALES AND PERSONAL SERVICES IN THE WOLFF WAREHOUSE ON LOT 23, -BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK WHEREAS, Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. has requested a Special Review Use to allow retail sales and-personal services in the Wolff Warehbuse.-on Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek which is located in IC (Industrial Commercial) Zone District; and WHEREAS, retail sales and personal service outlets are allowed in the IC Zone District as a Special Review Use; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing-and has determined that the proposed use: l.. otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code; and 2. is consistent with:. the-obj~ectives,arid -purposes,,of the Zoning Code; and 3. is deemed compatible with surrounding land use and uses'in the area; subject to: 1: Submittal of a document,,.by owner of property, and approval by the Town Attorney, agreeing to restrict uses within the project to uses which do not exceed parking requirements for the currently available 15 parking spaces or additional parking spaces provided in accordance with Chapter 17.24 of the Avon Municipal Code. 2. All changes in occupancy or use'within--the-:project shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for compliance with parking requirements. 3. Parking for the Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. shall be .calculated at the rate of 3.0 spaces per 1000 square feet for a parking requirement of 8 spaces for the proposed retail sales, gun repair and archery court. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town Council of the Town of Avon concurs with the determinations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and hereby approves the Special Review request to allow retail sales and personal services for Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. to be located in the Wolff Warehouse on-Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek subject to: 1. Submittal of a document, by the owner of the property, and approval by-the Town Attorney, agreeing to restrict uses within the project to uses which do not exceed parking requirements for the currently available 15 parking spaces or additional parking spaces provided in accordance with Chapter 17.24 of the'Avon Municipal Code. -2. All changes in occupancy or use withim the project shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning and-Zoning Commission for compliance with parking requirements. 3. Parking for.the Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. shall be calculated at the rate of 3.0 spaces per 1000 square feet for a parking requirement of 8 spaces for the proposed retail sales,, gun repair and archery court. ADOPTED this 11th day of, June , 1985. -2- STAFF REPORT TO-.PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION -'5/30/85 .Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek .(Wolff Warehouse) Special Review Use - Retail Sales, IC Zone District Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. INTRODUCTION Jerry Galle, representing Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. has submitted an application for a Special Review Use approval to allow retail sporting goods store, service center., and archery court in the Wolff Warehouse located on Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. Lot 23 is located in the IC Zone District with allowed uses consisting of: Warehouse, laboratories, electrical substation, light manufacturing plants, wholesale sales outlets, showrooms, industrial, construction -and wholesale offices, accessory building. Special Review Uses consist of: Residential unit when used in connection with business operation, automotive or other vehicular sales and repair shops, retail sales and personal service outlets, restaurants, public uses, outside storage areas, general commercial offices. The proposed use appears to be retail sales and personal service outlet which can be allowed as a Special Review Use in this zone district. Sectioff 17.20.030 Rules of Procedure for Special Review Approval A. The concurring vote of a majority of the total authorized number of members of the design review board shall be necessary for approval of a special review use; 1. Notice shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area at least twelve days prior to the hearing date. In lieu of actual publication, the notice shall.also be effective by posting the notice in at least three public places within the town in addition to posting at the office of the town clerk. A written notice of said hearing shall be sent by first class mail at least twelve days prior to the hearing date to property owners within the area of proposed use and within three hundred feet thereof. Owners of residential multifamily condominium units may be served by mailing a copy of any such required notice to the record address of the manager of their homeowners' association; 2. A fee of fifty dollars shall be charged to cover the cost of processing. The applicant shall also pay the actual costs of providing the notification referred to-in subdivision 1 of this subsection; Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 5/30/85 Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Wolff Warehouse) Special Review Use - Retail Sales, IC Zone District Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. Page 2 of 4 3. The design review board, in approving a special review use, shall make a finding that the conditions in this section are satisfied by the reasons set forth in the application and that granting the special review use will make possible the reasonable use of the land; building and structure, 4. The design review board, in approving a special review use, may pre- scribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the zoning laws of the town, violation of which-shall be deemed a violation of this section; 5. If a special review use is approved as outlined above, the town council shall-be notified in writing by.'the recording secretary of the design review board and the town council shall take final action granting, denying or granting with conditions identical to or different from those prescribed by the design review board, based upon testimony or-evidence presented to either the design,review board or the town council. In approving a special review use, the town council may prescribe appropriate conditions and.safe- guards in conformity with the zoning laws of the town, violation of which shall be deemed a violation of this section. (Ord. 83-24 S1, Ord. 83-15 S1; Ord. 82-17 S1, Ord. 79-12 S3.4). Section 17.20.020 Granting of Special Review Use Whenever a use has been designated a special review use, a permit for such use may be issued only upon approval of the design review board and town council. A. All applications for approval of a special review use shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.20.030; B. In considering the suitability of the special review use, the board shall . determine: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; 2. Whether the proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this zoning code and the applicable zoning district; and 3. Whether the proposed use is designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the area; C. No approved special review use may be modified, structurally enlarged or expanded in ground area, unless such modification, enlargement or expansion receives the prior approval of the design review board and the town council, which approval shall be obtained by repetition of the granting procedures provided in this chapter. (Ord. 79-12 S3.3). • Staff Report to-Planning & Zoning Commission - 5/30/85 Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Wolff Warehouse) Special Review Use - Retail Sales, IC Zone District Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. Page 3 of 4 SPECIAL REVIEW USE CRITERIA The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve or deny Special Review Use request after considering certain factors, including but not limited to: A. The adequacy.of access to the site with respect to, the width of the adjacent streets, their grades, intersection safety, visibility and entrance into the lot to be developed; B. Whether there exists safe access and sufficient water pressure to provide fire protection; .C. The existent water pressure in the area and the ability of the water system to supply domestic needs; D. Whether there will be provided sufficient off-street parking as determined by: 1. The intended use of the property; 2. Walking distance to the downtown area; and 3. The availability of public transportation. STAFF COMMENTS The Wolff Warehouse consists of two separate but connected buildings. The southerly building has a floor area of approximately 5,040 SF and is vacant at this time. The northerly building currently houses Benchmark Cleaners cleaning operations, approximately 2,520 S, and contains the proposed location of Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc., approximately 2,520 SF, as well as approximately 1,300 SF. of office space which was approved as a Special Review Use on August 20, 1980. (Minutes of that meeting are attached for your information). Parking requirements for the Wolff Warehouse using minimum level use requirements are: Benchmark Cleaners @ 1/800 SF 3.15 Spaces Proposed Gun Shop area @ 1/800 SF 3.15 Spaces Vacant (South building) @ 1/800 SF 6.30 Spaces Office Space @ 3/1000 SF 3.90 Spaces Parking Requirements - Min imum Use 16.50 Spaces wSb__'si*~'MF+f.__ -::.1~'y^`.;18'.~'1s:~b2~,'~?~'kC+{`Se,•,.,.~r. y:-- ~ e,o.-. - - .csirtrxews+~v^. ~r~~~_ Iw • Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 5/30/85 Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Wolff Warehouse) Special Review Use - Retail Sales, IC Zone District Blue Steel Gun Shop, Inc. Page 4 of 4 If parking requirements for the Gun Shop are calculated at the rate of 4/1000 SF as required for shopping and convenience goods retail, the parking requirements would be 10.08 spaces which increases total parking requirements to 23.43 spaces. If parking requirements are calculated at the rate of 3/1000 as required for personal services and repair establishments, the Gun Shop parking requirements 'Vould be 7.56 spaces for total project requirement of 20.91 spaces. The Wolff Warehouse currently has 6 parking spaces in front of-the northerly building where the Gun Shop is proposed and 9 spaces in front of the southerly building for a total of 15 on-site spaces. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS 1. Introduce Special Review Use request; 2. Open Public.Hearing; 3. Close Public Hearing; 4. Make determinations and findings as required Special Review Use action; 5. Act on Special Review Use request. Respectful Submitted, Norm Wood Director of Engineering and Community Development Planning and Zoning Action: Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions (k') Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) Denied ( ) Withdrawn ( ) Date .1 s Patricia Cuny, Secretary. eel. let NW/mml / 'i~ Y/ 1 -rr ~ `ice J G lob ~e FIN. F ~ O AC d~ - a a i a co i f i ` ~ tl 1 •5 i ~S 1 t i • ~f 1 i I ~j .L. i 1 i i 5TAT! STICS: 1 S i i i i 1 i t i FIN 5o• r` 4 r L • Q r