TC Res. No. 1985-13r i RESOLUTION NO. 85-13 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR THE TRANSFER OF 50 HOTEL/LODGE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS FROM LOTS 5, 52A AND 52B, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK (BUCK CREEK AREA TO BE REPLATTED AS WILDF?OOD RESORT) SPA ZONE DISTRICT, TO PARCEL 1 AND PARCEL 2, SWIFT GULCH ADDITION, SPA ZONE DISTRICT WHEREAS, Section 36, Inc., a Colorado Corporation and TFildridge Development Co., a Colorado Partnership as owners of Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Buck Creek area to be replatted as Wildwood Resort) and Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, Swift Gulch Addition have requested a Special Review Use to transfer 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Fights from Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Buck Creek area to be replatted as Wildwood Resort) to Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, Swift Gulch Addition and to convert said Hotel/Lodge Development Rights to 25 Residential Development Rights, and; WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has held a Public Hearing and has determined that the proposed use; 1. otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code; and 2. is consistent with the objectives and purposes of the Zoning Districts; and 3. is deemed compatible with the surrounding land use and uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council concurs with the determinations of the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission. r 9 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town Council hereby approves the Special Review Use request to transfer 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights from Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Buck Creek area to be replatted as Wildwood Resort) to Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, Swift Gulch Addition and to convert said Hotel/Lodge Development Rights to 25 Residential Development Rights. Transfer of Development Rights shall result in the assignment of 50 Residential Development Rights and 150 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights to Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Buck Creek area to be replatted as Wildwood Resort) and 105 Residential Development Fights to Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, Swift Gulch Addition. DATED: APPROVED: April 9 1985 She a R. Davis, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: G tricia 37(/Doyle-j, T n Clerk 6 0 'own of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 9494280 OPP" April 1, 1985 TO: AVON TOWN COUNCIL FROM: AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RE: ORDINANCE #85-4 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE #83-21 AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON BY THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING SPECIALLY PLANNED AREAS IN THE BUCK CREEK AND SWIFT GULCH AREAS OF THE TOWN OF AVON. Section 36, Inc., a Colorado Corporation and Wildridge Development Co., a Colorado Partnership as owners of Wildwood- Resort a Resubdivision of Lots 5, 52A, and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, and Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition have requested a change in the Town of Avon Zoning Code to amend the approved Wildwood Resort SPA Plan and the approved Swift Gulch Addition SPA Plan. The proposed amendments would include: 1) Transfer 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights from Lot 1, Wildwood Resort (formerly Lot 5, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek) to Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition. 2) Amend the Buck Creek (to be renamed Wildwood Resort) SPA Plan by reducing the allowed 200 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights to 150 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights and to allow related commercial uses as permitted in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zone districts. Other permitted uses shall include snow storage, landscaping, parking, signage, and open space on designated tracts. 3) Amend the Swift Gulch Addition SPA Plan by changing the 80 Residential, or 160 Hotel Lodge Development Rights to 105 Residential Development Rights and/or commercial use as allowed in the SC (Shopping.Center) zone district. In accordance with Section 17.28.050 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing regarding the requested changes at the March 28, 1985 meeting. After review of the requested changes and upon conclusion of the Public Hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the Town Council approve the requested changes by adopting Ordinance #85-4 in its entirety. NW/ j e March 15, 1985 HAND DELIVERED MAR i 5 1985 Town of Avon, Planning & Zoning Commission--'.. Attn: Dan Fogland,' Zoning Administrator P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Application for SPA plan Amendment and Density Transfers for the Wildwood Resort (Buck Creek) and the Swift Gulch Addition Plans. This letter is to serve as an application in triplicate for the above referenced actions, as stated in the attached' APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL, pursuant to Code Sections 17.20.030 and 17.28.050. Attached for your information and review are the following required and supplemental items: 1. An application fee of $250 ($50 for one special review and $200 for two SPA Amendments). 2. Survey maps and the Plat of Record for Parcels 1 and 2 of the Swift Gulch Addition to the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. 3. List of names and addresses of property owners to be affected by the proposed action. 4. List of names and addresses of owners within 300 feet of the property to be affected. 5. Notices of public hearing and stamped envelopes for the owners listed in item 4. above (to be mailed out by the Town Staff and posted by March 15, 1985). Additionally, the following applicable information has previously been submitted (March, 1983) which should be referred to by the Staff but is not necessary to be resubmitted by the Applicant: 1. Conceptual plan map(s). 2. Detailed description of the conceptual plan. 3. Sketch plan map (for information only). 4. Letter from Avon Metropolitan District regarding water service. 5. Letter from Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District regarding sewer. 6. Soils engineer letter. 7. Traffic report. 8. Colored Master Plan of the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision dated September, 1978 showing land use and living density units. Note: Lot 5, Block 1 was zoned for commercial/hotel-lodge, 230 units. Lot 5, Block 1, will become Lot 1 of the Wildwood Resort replat and will have only 150 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units. A Section 36, hi& D"euelopineint Box 329, Avon, Colorado 81620 Phorie (303) 949-5743 Town of Avon, Planning & Zoning Commission Attn: Dan Fogland, Zoning Administrator March 15, 1985 Page 2 Previously provided to the Design Review Board (now the Planning and Zoning Commission), Town Staff, Town Council and Town Manager were copies of the Wildwood Hotel Feasibility Study (see attached copy of the Jim Wells letter to Dick Blodgett dated March 23, 1983). -This study provides a considerable amount of information regarding the viability of the conceptual plan area, as a hotel site supplemented by an adjacent athletic club and condominium development. The enclosed combined Notice of Public Hearing has been reviewed by the Town Attorney and Manager, therefore I assume that they are correct. The hereinabove submitted items should provide all the necessary information to enable the Planning & Zoning Commission to hold the required public hearing and consequently recommend to the Town Council approval of the application. If you have any questions or comments in advance of the March 28, 1985 hearing, please notify Alvaro Testa or Mike Blair so that any necessary clarifications or information can be provided prior to the meeting. Respectfully submitted for the owner of the Wildwood Resort and Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition to the Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Section 36, Inc. GAL ~ By: / 44 -Z I La ry D. Goad Executive Vice President LDS/nmc cc: Bill James John Dunn Norm Wood • APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL Of Density Transfers (Special Review), and SPA Plan Amendment (Zoning): By the Planning & Zoning Commission, Town of Avon, Colorado Submitted as of March 15, 1985 'ROPERTY OWNERS: 1. Wildwood Resort: Section 36, Inc., a Colorado corporation, and Wildridge Development Company, a Colorado partnership;` 2. Swift Gulch Addition:, Section 36, Inc., a Colorado 'co'rporation APPLICANTS: Same .EGAL DESCRIPTION OF 1. The Wildwood Resort, a 'replat of Lots 'ROPERTIES: 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; to be replatted as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Wildwood Resort, and 2. Parcels 1 and 2 of the Swift Gulch Addition per the plat recorded in Book 348 at Page 296, County of Eagle, State of Colorado LEQUEST FOR APPROVAL: 1. Transfer 50 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units from Lot 5, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivi- sion, to the Swift Gulch Addition. 2. Amend the Buck Creek (to.be renamed the Wildwood Resort) SPA Plan by changing from 200 hotel,, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units, to 150 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units and related commercial as allowed in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial), zone district; and to allow uses of snow storage,' landscaping, parking, drainage, signage and open space on designated tracts. 3. Amend the Swift Gulch Addition SPA Plan from 80 residential multi=family dwelling units or 160 hotel, motel and/or lodge (accommodation) units, or a combination thereof, to 105 residential multiple family dwelling units and/or commercial as allowed in the SC (Shopping Center) zone district. r _ ;Y: i • rry D. Goad, Exec. Vice President Section 36, Inc. P.O. Box 329 Avon, CO 81620 • STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COIVISSION - 3/28/85 Lots 5, 52A & 52 B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Parcel 1 & 2, Swift Gulch Addition Special Review Use - Transfer of 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights This is a Special Review Use for the transfer of 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights from Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Ruck Creek area) SPA Zone District, to Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition, SPA Zone District. With this transfer, the Buck Creek area will retain 150 Hotel/Lodae Development Rights in accordance with the proposed Holiday inn development plans for that area. The 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights transfered to the Swift Gulch Addition would be converted to 25 residential Development Rights for a total of 105 residential Development Pinhts for the Swift Gulch Addition. The following information may be pertinent to this requested action: 1. Upon annexation and zonina, the Swift Gulch Addition was assigned 180 Residential or 360 Hotel/Lodae Development Riahts. These rights could be utilized in any combination at a ratio of 2 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights per each Residential Development Right; 2. Subseouently, 200 Hotel/Lodge Development Riqhts were transfered fror; the Swift Gulch Pddition to the Buck Creek area leaving 80 Residential Develop- ment Rights or 160 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights on the Swift Gulch Addition; 3. This proposed transfer results in an assignment of 150 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights assigned to the Buck Creek area and 105 Residential Development Rights assigned to the Swift Gulch Addition. This is less than the previously approved densities of 200 Hotel/Lodge on Buck Creek and 180 Residential on Swift Gulch. RECO(`MENMED P & Z ACTION: 1. Present requested action; a. Approve Special Review Use for the transfer of 50 Hotel/Lode Development Rights from Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek to Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition and convert the 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights being transfered to 25 Residential Development Rights. Transfer to result in the assignment of 150 Hotel/Lodae Development Rights to Lots 5, 52A and 52B, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, and 105 Residential Development Riqhts to Parcels 1 and 2, Swift Gulch Addition: Fem.' Staff Report to Planning & Zonina_ Commission - 3/28/85 Lots 5, 52A & 528, Block 1, BM BC Parcel 1 & 2, Swift Gulch Addition Special Review Use - Transfer of 50 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights Paoe 2 of 3 2. Open Public Hearing; 3. Close Public Hearing; 4. Make determinations as required for action on a requested Special Review Use: a. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zonina Code; b. Whether the proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this Zoning Code and the applicable Zoning District; and c. Whether the proposed use is designed to be compatible with surrour•dina land uses and uses in the area; 5. Act on the requested Special Review Use in accordance with the above determinations. STAFF COMIMENTS: A Final Plat for the Buck Creek area has been filed for approval. Should this Plat be approved prior to final approval of this Special Review Use, the official description for the Holiday Inn site would be Lot 1, Wildwood Resort, a P.esubdivision of Lots 5, 52A and 526, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek. It is adviseable to incorporate this description into any approval to further desionate the location of the 150 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights. respectfully Submitted, Norm 1,!ood Town Engineer Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 3/28/85 Lots 5, 52A & 52B, Block 1, BM @ BC Parcel 1 & 2, Swift Gulch Addition Special Review Use - Transfer of 50 Motel/Lode Development Rights Pace 3 of 3 Planninn and Zoninq Action: Approved as Submitted ( Approved with Recomrended Conditi ns !Approved v.,ith "?odified Conditions Continued ( ) De ed Withdrat•rn Date • 7i8- °u ecretary NWIMml _ - ~a y~ i~~~'rt •=i:r'.y,F%.'~. k`~: r .1;., =,+~i'Yrr'•t f+X c ,~,,~~'PS - _ - _ _ , y'' ;may': ~>!r";"•'.:' ~;`';',,,:`~i. s~r?.ff"r: ~ • STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING is BONING CONPIISSICN -3/28%t3~~Y`.,~,. • Applicants: Section 36, Inc. a Colorado Corooratiori -and't7,i.ldr.Tdne Development Company a Colorado Partnership :J :•z.., . Location: Lots 5, 52A 52B, 'Block:'i,,. Qenciimark` at` f e ver C`reek' (to be. renlatted as Wildwood Re.Ort Buck: Creek `SPA. Swift Gulch.Addition Requested Action: ` A. Pmend Swift Gulch SPA Plan to allow develonment of 10~e9jdential multiple family dwelling units and/or commercial as all., le the SC (Shonpine Center) zone district: B . Amend Buck Creek SPP Plan (to be renamed Wi 1 dwood Resort) to allow the folloviinn uses in development of such lands: 1. Lot 1, 1'!i ldr-ood (resort - 150 hotel, notel and/or lodoe (accommodation) units, tohether with accessorv uses and related cormercial uses as allowed in the,.NC (Meinhborhood Comr+ercial) zone district; 2. Lot 2, I•Jildwood Resort - Private park and recreation and re+':fcl! commercial uses including clubhouse buildinn for indoor and outdoor snorts activities and customary support facilities: si•+i►^c'ina pools, tennis courts, archerv ranee, restaurant/ir'+,n-,., rro shop and other sirilar activities or services; 3. Lot 3, 1!ildwond Resort - !;0 residential r;ultinle far+il d►:cllino units, together with accessory uses; Lot 4, Vildrood Pesort - only neri,dtted uses shall he rover. drainane, landscanina and signane; 5. Triicts and P(,, "ildt-rood Resort - only nernitted uses sh,-,11 be sno;: :t;''arv~, landscaninn, narkinn, drainane, sinnane and ones space. % GENEUL INF-ONIATiON: Item 7 and Item, have' been combined in this report. Item 7 is for 1~1-onored amendment of the Gucl. Creel: SPA Plan (l•Ji ldwood Resort) and I te►n i' o.• oroposed ai»endr•ent of the Swift Gulch Addition SPA Plan. Both SfP•. lar• amendr,ents have been included in trroposed Ordinance ;.o. F;S- hicl+ +1.'• incorporates the Special Reviet•; Use density transfer ,frori:-.4t t ;G or the anenda. In order to expedite this matter, Ordinance iJo: a5~-4 traas arlnrr,ved on first readinn by the Torn Council at the tiarch 26;_198 :-meetinn. cc c:'nd readinn has been scheduled for April 9, 1985 with Council~.action nerdi+i- recei pt of report with recorrienda t ions from the Pl anni nd'and' Zoni no ')n . :.~L'', ''•<:>.,,~.av-"fix;:. r. Y•/+.: y.• off`"'. M~.•,. Staff Report to Planning L Zoning Comanission - 3/28/85 Lots 5, 52A A 52E, Block 1, BM 0 EC (to be replatted Wildwood Resort) Amendment of Swift Gulch & Buck Creek SPA Plan Page 2 of 3 General Infornation, Con't.: Major chanties in the two amended SPA Plans are summarized as.-folIows: Buck Creek SF'r'. (Pi 1 dv!ood Resort) - Reduces development rights on Lot I., Uildwood Pesort from 200 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights (accoiinodation units) to 150 Kotel/Lodce Development Rights (accovirodation units). Swift Gulch Addition SPA - Increases Swift Gulch Addition Development Rinhts from 80 Residential or 160 Hotel/Lodge Development Rights to 105 Pesidential Development Rinlits. Other portions of the two SPA Plans remain essentially the sarie as current nlans. F;ECOF'T'?E'N0E' P 7 PROCEDUPE: 1. Introducc.- nronosed 7one Chanoes (SPA Plan Amendments), 2. Open Public 1:earino for Amendment to Buck Creek SPA Plan (Vildt-ood Resort) and Aron-dr,en~. to Swift Gulch Addition SPA Plan; Close P,cbl is liearinn; 4. Revi•.:•' ,Proposed f-mendwent to Buck Creek SPA Plan (tJldt•!ood P.esort) for co Pli,ince .-!ith Haster Plan at its current stare of development and for ccr,,rnaLiL,ility t•,ith existino uses in the area; 5. Revie:, ~n~,rused Amendrent to Swift Gulch fddition SPA Plan for conmliance with Nilst(:r Plan at its current stage of development and for corona' bi 1 i ty with existino uses in the area; 6. Authorize nreparation of Report to Town Council recomriendinq an action on Ordinance No. 35-4 at second reading. Anpronriate actions iray include: a. Ar);rr•oval of Ordinance in its entirety-, b. ^nhrcrval of portion renarding amended glen for Buck Creek SPA ('P i 1 d:•:ood Resort) o r portion regardi na amended plan" for Swift Gulch Addition SPA; c. Appr,,val of any of the above with specified modifications or conditions; _ d. Disapproval of Ordi nance and resultinn SPA., P1an"Amendments. W-,M 0~'a.`f~~r~f'='"~..i1~`':'~.••^•'t'y,,''~irq:, ~ ~ i~ '/'lY .ice.`. } , x =1 ~ r , F..' V%" r • _ ' s ~ J Y J, J ~r`YY C ..X rf 15i ~:y :•y-i~.^ 71 } • maw ` ; Staff Report to Planning t •Zoninn Commission 3/28/85",'.';- Lots 5, 52A w 52B, Block 1, BM @ BC (to be repl a tted 1-!i 1 dwood Resort) ` Amendw-ent of Swift Gulch R. Buck Creek SPA Plan Pace 3 of 3 STAFF COPUENTS • - - ' A Final Plat for the Buck Creek SPA (Wildwood Resort) has beeri.'submitted for approval. In order to maintain consistency between Plat Maps'and the Zoninn Maps, approval of the amended Suck Creek SPA (Wildwood Resort) Plan is recommended subJect to approval and recording of Final Plat for Vildwood Pesort. P.espectfully "uhldtted, Norm !flood Town Ennineer Planning and Zonino Action: Approved with i?cciified Conditi Continued P ri i I !i thdriv.-in .97.4• ~S^'r I .•~h NVI/mml Approved Submitted ( ) Approved with Recom,rended Conditions ons ( ) ( )1, ~?j•_ ~ . ~ ~~°9- M~1~ ' Date • -";~rtV.f-~:vy..x~- Secretary .•:.f;,~'~,-; l."a~a"=~'a~r, '~1~.].'~y' ~":.j°~~"r'kAi4M.'~'