TC Res. No. 1985-10RESOLUTION NO. 85-10 SERIES OF 1985 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR A REDUCTION-IN PARKING REQUIREMENTS-FOR THE ' LODGE AT AVON CONDOMINIUMS, FORMERLY-LOTS"457=60, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, The Lodge at Avon Associates,;has requested a Special Review Use for a mixed use reduction'in parking requirements for the Lodge at Avon Condominiums., formerly lots# 57-60,'Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has conducted a ,public hearing and has determined that the reduction, in parking requirements: 1.- Complies with all requirementsimposed.-.by-the Zoning Code, 2. Is consistent with the Objective and purpose of this•Zoriing Code and the applicable zoning district, 3. Will'be-compatible with.surrounding land use and uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the Lodge at Avon Condominium-Preliminary Plat shows that'the project,has a total of 164 full size parking spaces available on.site; with an approved State Highway Department lease, and 143•spaces with the loss of the Highway Department lease; and WHEREAS,, the total parking space requirements for the proposed uses in the Lodge at Avon project, can be provided without -the State Highway Department lease, with the mixed use parking reduction which would provide compliance with Chapter 17.24 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a reduction of 17 parking spaces, from the-158 parking spaces required, is within that allowable mixed use reductions which.could be allowed as a Special Review Use in accordance with Chapter 17:24 of the Avon Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby approves the Special Review Use for a 17 space reduction in parking requirements for The Lodge at Avon Condominiums, formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. ADOPTED THIS; day of , 1985. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF - AVON Allan R: Nottingham, Mayor ATTEST: Patricia J. Doyle, Town Clerk -2- 0 • MEMO TO: Bill James FROM: Norm Wood RE: The Lodge at Avon Condominiums - Special Review Use for Mixed Use Parking Reduction Parking requirements for the Lodge at Avon have been calculated as follows: Accommodation Units 8910 1-Unit 89 spaces office Space 3/1000 sq.ft. x 1829 sq.ft. 5.5 spaces Retail Space 4/1000 sq.ft. x 7942 sq.ft. 31.8 spaces Restaurant Space 1/60 sq.ft. x 1880 sq.ft. 31.3 spaces Total Projected Requirements: 158 spaces Section 17.24 of the Avon Municipal Code allows for a reduction in parking requirements through the Special Review Use process. For mixed use lots, the reductions accountable to any specific use may be no more than 25% of its normal parking requirements, and the total reduction for any parking requirement shall be no more than 20% of the sum of normal requirements. The allowable mixed use reduction was calculated at follows: Accommodation Units 89 spaces Commercial Uses 69 spaces Total 158 spaces 25% x 69 spaces = 17 spaces 20% x 158 spaces = 31 spaces Allowable Mixed Use Reduction = 17 spaces The Preliminary Plat shows a total of 164 spaces on site, but 21 of these spaces could be lost with the loss of a lease agreement with the Highway Department. The 164 spaces provided initially exceed the projected requirement of 158 spaces. However, if the Highway Department lease agreement should be cancelled, for any reason, the loss of the 21 spaces would leave the project with 15 spaces less than the projected requirements. With the approval of the Special Review Use for a mixed use lot parking reduction of 17 spaces, the project would still exceed the projected requirement of 141 spaces by 2 spaces, with 143 spaces being available. Approval of Resolution No. 85-10, Series of 1985, approving the Special Review Use for Mixed Use Lot Parking Reduction, is recommended. STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COWIISSION - 2/28/85 The Lodge at Avon Condominiums (Formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek) Special Review Use - Parking Reduction for Mixed Use A condition recommended to Council for Preliminary Plat approval for the Lodge at Avon Condominiums was that the site plan be revised to meet minimum parking requirements in the event some spaces should be lost due to possible cancellation of lease agreement with the Colorado Department of Highways. The site plan has been revised to provide a total of 143 spaces without the Highway Department lease and 164 with the Highway Department lease. Parking requirements for the Lodge at Avon are projected as follows: Accommodation Units Office Space Retail Space Restaurant Space 89 @ 1/unit 3/1000 SF x 1829 SF 4/1000 SF x 7942 SF 1/60 SF x 1880 SF 89.0 Spaces 5.5 Spaces 31.8 Spaces 31.3 Spaces TOTAL 157.6 Spaces (158 Spaces) Section 17.24 of the Avon Municipal Code allows for a Reduction in Parkina Re- quirements through the Special Review Use process. Mixed Use Lots: The reductions accountable to any specific use may be no more than 25% of its normal parking requirements and the total reduction for any parkino requirement shall be no more than 20% of the sum of normal requirements. Maximum Allowable Mixed Use Reduction: Accommodation Units 89 Spaces Commercial Uses 69 Spaces TOTAL 158 Spaces 25% x 69 Spaces = 17 Spaces 20% x 158 Spaces = 31 Spaces Maximum Mixed Use Reduction = 17 Spaces Staff Report to Planning & Zoning'Commission - 2/28/85 The Lodge at Avon Condominiums (Formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek) Special Review Use - Parking Reduction for Mixed Use Page 2 of 3 Large Lot Reduction: Parking requirements may be reduced based on the total size of a parking area based on the following chart if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission as a Special Review Use: TOTAL REQUIRED MAXIMUM REDUCTION Up to 50 Spaces 50 to 100 Spaces 100-to 250 Spaces 250 and Over No Reduction 5% 10% 15% Reduction in parking spaces for large lots shall not be taken i6 combination with a reduction allowed for mixed use parking requirements. Maximum Large Lot Reduction = 10% x 158 = 15 Spaces In considering the suitability of the Special"Review Use, the Commission shall determine: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code; 2. Whether the.proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this Zoning Code and the applicable zoning district; and 3. Whether the proposed use is designed to be compatible with surrounding land uses and uses in the,area. The following information may be pertinent in making the above determininations: 1. The revised site plan shows 164 spaces of which 21 spaces could be lost with the loss of lease agreement with Highway Department leaving 143 spaces in this event; 2. With maximum mixed use reduction, and based upon the projected commercial uses, minimum parking requirements would be 141 spaces; 3. With maximum large lot reduction, and based upon the projected commercial uses, minimum parking requirements would be 143 spaces; Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 2/28/85 The Lodge at Avon Condominiums (Formerly Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek) - Special Review Use - Parking Reduction for Mixed Use Page 3 of 3 4. Pervious open space area exceeds the minimum allowable useable open space requirement of 20% on revised site and landscaping plans as shown; 5. A mixed use reduction has been requested, but large lot reduction may also be considered; Recommended Actions: 1. Introduce Special Review Use request; 2. Open Public Hearing; 3.. Close Public Hearing; 4. Make required determinations for determining suitability of Special Review Use; 5. Action regarding Special, Review Use approval or.disapproval. Respectfully Submitted, Norm Wood Director of Public Norks Planning and Zoninq Action: Approved as Submitted ( ) Approved with Recommended Conditions (L-4-, Approved with Modified Conditions ( ) Continued ( ) Denied ( ) l,!i thdrattn ( ) Date Secretary,i 677' , s _ - s" I NW/mml