TC Res. No. 1984-47TOWN OF AVON
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon Police Department is presently
maintaining police employees in the Colorado Fire & Police Pension
Association; and,
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon Police Department has directed
the Police Chief to investigate alternative investment plans
for its employees; and,
WHEREAS, the police employees of the Town of Avon Police
Department have expressed a strong interest in establishing a
defined contribution (money purchase) plan; and,
WHEREAS, sixty five percent (65%), of the current
employees agreed to withdraw from the Colorado Fire & Police
Pension Association to establish a defined contribution (money
purchase) plan as evidenced by a letter of agreement dated and
attached hereto;
POLICE DEPARTMENT, Town of Avon, Colorado that:
Section 1. The Town of Avon Police Department intends
to withdraw from the State of Colorado Fire & Police Pension
Association for the purpose of establishing a defined contribution
(roney purchase) plan.
Section 2. The Town of Avon Police Department intends to
withdraw all of its police employees.
Section 3. Notice of intent to withdraw if filed pursuant
to Section 31-30-1003(2)(b)of the C.R.S. 1973, as amended, as well
as any applicable Fire & Police Pension Association,rules, with
intended date of withdrawal from the Fire & Police Pension
Association hereby set at January 1, 1986.
READ, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 27th day of November, 1984
by the Town of Avon Police Department, Avon, Colorado.
Allan R. tting am Mayor
ricia J. Do , Town Cler
Town of Avon
Police Dept. P.O. Box 931 Avon, CO 81620
Joseph W. Olson, Chief of Police
November 27, 1984
To Whom It May Concern,
As it is the request of all police employees of the Town
Of Avon Police Department to withdraw from the Colorado
Fire & Police Pension Association, this letter shall serve
as an indication of their intention as indicated by their
signatures below..
Furthermore-, the signatures below are representative of 100%
of the current police employees of the Town of Avon Police
Department to date.
'ry T!h~o a s
v/ ~
A- I
Fritz K eu&h-
S=m tPerez
Lee. ilson
Sworn and subscribed before me on Z lr-
Signed +
My Commission Expires On