TC Res. No. 1984-31• 0 RESOLUTION NO. #84-31 SERIES OF 1984 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE FOR DOCK-OFF UNITS ON LOTS 57-60, BLOCK 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION LAB, Lodge at Avon Associates has requested a Special Review Use to allow Lock-off Units on Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchr ark at Beaver Creek Subdivision; and WEMREAS, the Planning and Zoning Camussion has held a public hearing and has determined that allowing lack-off Units: 1. Complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code, 2. Is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this zoning Code and the applicable Zoning District, 3. Will be compatible with surrounding land uses, and uses in the area, subject to: a. no more than three (3) bedrooms per unit and no more than two (2) lock-offs per unit, b. resubdivision of said Lots 57-60 into a single tract of land having a total assigned density of 70 units, c. completion of the project design review and approval process, including compliance with ,oning regulations and design guidelines. NOW 11-DUMFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby approves the Special Revie-,T Use allowing Lock-offs on Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, subject to: 1. No more than three (3) bedrooms per unit and no more than two (2) Lock-offs per unit, 2. Resubdivision of said Lots 57-60 into a single tract of land having a total assigned density of 70 units, within one year. 3. Completion of the project design review and ap- proval process, including compliance with Zoning regulations and design guidelines .within one year. ADOP'T'ED THIS 24th day of July , 1984 ATTF atricia J. Dcy , Town C1 k TOWN COUNCIL T(XW OF AVON By Allan R. 1,tt~.ngai , yor STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION = 6/28/8 Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision Special Review Use - Lodge at Avon Lock-off Units in TC Zone District This requested Special Review Use is to allow construction of 31 efficiency and one bedroom units with additional lock-off accommodation units. Section 17.08.375-of the Municipal Code defines.a lock-off unit as "a room or group of rooms which, although built as part of a dwelling or accommodation unit, may be locked-off from the main portion of the unit-and entered without going through the main living unit.. Such room or rooms shall be considered and treated as accommodation units for density and parking requirements., All.such rooms must be capable of functioning as part of the main living unit: Lock-off units used as accommodation units may include bathroom facilities, but shall not include a cooking area or cooking facilities." Section 17.20.040C further states, "For purposes of-calculating allowable density -in any district in which locked-off accommodation units are allowed as Special Review Uses, each bedroom in excess of three bedrooms in a living unit shall.be counted as an additional one-third of a density unit. No more than two such accommodation units shall be permitted to be locked-off from a main living unit." In accordance with Section 17.20.010, lock-offs are permissable in the TC Zone District, subject to Special Review Use approval.- In considering a Special Review Use, the Commission shall determine: 1.- Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; 2. Whether the proposed use is consistent with the objectives and purposes of this zoning code and the applicable zoning district; and 3. Whether the proposed use is designed to be compatible with surrounding land use and uses in the area. The following information maybe pertinent in making the above determinations: 1. The proposed unit design appears to conform to the requirements of Sections 17.08.375 and 17.'20.050C for lock-off units requiring only one density unit; 2. Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision are currently zoned TC; 3. Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, have not been resubdivided to vacate interior lot lines and easements as required to allow construction of project as proposed; e • • Staff Report to Planning & Zoning Commission - 6/28/84 Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision Special Review Use Lodge at Avon Lock-off Units in TC Zone District Page 2 of 4. Density for Lots 57-60, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision is currently allocated as follows: Lot 57 0 Units Lot 58 20 Units Lot 59 0 Units Lot 60 50 Units 5. This project has been submitted for a Master Planning Conceptual Review only and is still subject to a 'complete design review for compliance with zoning regulations and design guidelines. Based upon the above information, the Commission may wish to attach one or more of the following conditions, if it makes the necessary determinations for approving a Special Review Use to allow lock-offs: 1. Approval limited to a combination of 31 efficiency and one bedroom units ranging in size from 1,000 to 1,500 square feet including one or two lock- off accommodation units per each unit; 2. Approval contingent upon Lots 57-60, being resubdivided into a single tract of land having a total assigned density of 70 units; 3. Approval contingent upon completion of the project design review and approval process including compliance with zoning regulations and design guidelines. Respectfully ubmitted, Norm Wood Director of Public Works Planning and Zoning Action: Approved as Submitted: Approved with Modified Conditions: Continued: To TWE M nnn i nA . NW/mml intratect p.o box 57 vail Colorado 81658 July 10, 1984 827 5732 Planning Commission Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 re: SPECIAL REVIEW USE THE LODGE AT AVON LOTS 57, 58, 59, 60; BLOCK 2 BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK Ladies and Gentlemen, The Lodge at Avon Associates request your approval of a Special Review Use that will permit incorporation of "lock-off" hotel rooms into the thirty one dwelling units that will be constructed in Phase I of The Lodge at Avon. The Lodge at Avon is located on Lots 57-60, Block 2, and is zoned Town Center. Town Center zoning promotes "short-term tourist accomodations". The request is based upon our desire to permit a range of accom- odation in the building which will be operated as a hotel. Approval of our request will permit our guests the choice of: -a hotel room -a studio apartment -a one bedroom dwelling -a two bedroom dwelling -a three bedroom dwelling Our request is to provide a maximum of two "lock-off"-units per dwelling although our current planning does not reach the permitted limit. There will be no cooking divices within the "lock-off" portion and sufficient parking is available. On behalf of the Lodge at Avon Associates, I thank you for your consideration of this issue.