TC Res. No. 1984-23,i i ~ RESOLUTION NO. 84-23 Series of 1984 A RESOLUTION BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL APPROVING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING ACTIVITIES IN AND AROUND NOTTINGHAM PARK, THE AVON TOWN CENTER MALL, AND MUNICIPAL COMPLEX WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has passed Ordinance No. 84-6, empowering the Town Manager to establish rules and regulations governing the use of certain town-owned facilities upon the concurrence and approval of such rules and regulations by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager of the Town of Avon has proposed that the rules and regulations listed below be approved by the Town Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Avon that the following rules and regulations are approved pursuant to Ordinance No. 84-6 and are hereby placed into effect. I. RULES AND REGULATIONS GENERALLY APPLICABLE The following rules and regulations shall apply to Nottingham Park, The Avon Town Center Mall and Municipal Complex: 1. The softball and athletic fields can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Those with reservations have priority. 2. The following activities are prohibited on Town property: a. Camping over night. b. Starting or maintaining an open fire on Town property other than in barbeque grills. C. Engaging in archery or golf, other than whiffle golf, in areas other than the soccer field, on any Town property. d. Operating or placing any motorized vehicle on any Town property except roadways and designated parking areas. . e._ Disturbing traps or bait set out for ground squirrels or other pests on Town property. f. Cleaning fish or disposing of fish or any part or parts of fish on Town property (including Nottingham Lake), except in designated refuse containers. g. Engaging in group activities involving more than fifty people or,installing any permanent or above-ground structure on Town property without a Special Event Permit. Such Special Event Permits shall be issued by the Town Clerk upon the determination that the proposed event (1) does not unduly:.conflict with any previously scheduled use, (2) will not harm Town property and (3) will not create a clear and present danger to the public. 0 • h. Engaging in softball or baseball activity except on the softball field and general area on the west side of Nottingham Lake below the dam. i. Soliciting or selling any merchandise or article without the specific permission of the Town, which shall be granted only in conjunction with -a Special Event Permit. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR NOTTINGHAM LAKE 1. The following activities are prohibited on Nottingham Lake: a. Placing or operating any vessel on Nottingham Lake except non-motorized vessels less than 16- feet in length. b. Placing or operating on Nottingham Lake any vessel not registered with the State of Colorado and in compliance with all applicable laws. C. Launching any vessel into Nottingham Lake except in designated areas. d. Launching any vessel into Nottingham Lake by trailer other than by'being carried by hand from legal parking areas to launching areas. e. Permitting any pet in any'vessel placed or operated on Nottingham Lake. f. Placing or operating any vessel on Nottingham Lake except during daylight hours, from sunrise to sunset. g. Swimming or wading in Nottingham Lake. h. Placing or operating on Nottingham Lake any kayak, inner tube, wind surfing equipment or swimming-pool floating device. 2. All vessels must be,-licensed with the Town of Avon Recreation Department before being allowed into Nottingham Lake. Such-license shall be issued only upon submittal of 'ari annual. fee-of $10.00,, a completed application form, and a liability waiver by a ,responsible person over.the age of 18 years. ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF-THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON ON THE 26th DAY OF June , 1984. KWy2tA_~_ Allan R. Notting a , Mayor Patricia Town Cle T. CHARLES WILSON INSURANCE SERVICE P. 0. Box 22168, Denver, Colorado 80222 - Telephone: 758-2557 June 14, 1984 RICHARD W. MOORE Mr. Dan Sunday Public Works Manager Town of Avon P.O. Box D Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Alcohol in Boats on the Lake Dear Dan: Per our *_reeting of 6/13/n4 and our conversation regarding the above, I contacted The Hartford Insurance Company upon my return to Denver to see what their attitude would be regarding this. It is as I thought, The Hartford would be reluctant to provide coverage in the future on the boats if alcohol would be allowed therein. Therefore, I think that it would be to our distinct advantage to forbid any alcoholic beverages in or around these boats. I am sure the town council will agree with this decision, and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate in letting me know. Sin rely-_, 99 Ri and Moore RWM/tla