TC Res. No. 1984-0411 0 RESOLUTION NO. 84-4 SERIES OF 1984 WHEREAS, by agreement signed May 11, 1982, RICHARD D. BLODGETT ("Blodgett") was employed as Town Manager of the Town of Avon; and WHEREAS, said agreement provides that Blodgett shall not receive any severance pay upon his discharge should the Town Council make the determination that his discharge is because of misfeasance, malfeasance or non-feasance of office; and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the conduct of Blodgett has constituted misfeasance, malfeasance or non-feasance of office in that on January 25, 1984, as well as on other dates previous thereto, he refused to follow the direction of the Town Council and of the Mayor of the Town; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Richard D. Blodgett is discharged without severance pay effective at 7:30 P.M. on January 31, 1984. A Allan R. Nottingham, /11ayor K30131084