TC Res. No. 1984-014b 0
WHEREAS, RICHARD L. (DICK) EVANS has served as the Town's
Building Administrator since December, 1979; and
WHEREAS, Dick has submitted his resignation as Building
Administrator for retirement effective.December 31, 1983; and
WHEREAS, Dick has been a long-time resident of Upper Eagle
Valley and has contributed to its growth in both Vail and Avon in
particular; and
WHEREAS, Dick-has been a professional in his field and a
friend to the Town and its residents;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the
Town of Avon, Colorado as follows:
1. The Town Council hereby extends its thanks to Dick Evans
for his contribution to the Town and the area in his capacity as
Building Administrator.
2. The Best Wishes and Congratulations upon Dick's
retirement are hereby extended to Dick and his family by the Town of
Avon and its residents.
3. This Resolution shall be spread-at-large upon the minutes
of this meeting and a certified copy hereof shall be promptly
transmitted to said Dick Evans.
ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town
of Avon on January 10, 1984.