TC Res. No. 1983-55i 0 RESOLUTION NO. #83-55 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1984 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1984 BUDGET FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon, has adopted a 1984 Budget, and WHEREAS, the Town Council has approved certain items in the 1984 Budget and has set a final Public Hearing on December 13, 1983 on the 1984 Budget; and WHEREAS, whatever increases may have been made in the expenditures, like increases were added to the revenues so that the budget remains in balance, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL of the-Town of Avon, Colorado: Section I. That estimated expenditures for each fund are as follows: follows: General Fund Public Works Fund Capital Projects Fund Transit Fund Recreational Amenities Fund Conservation Trust Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Debt Service Fund Lift Bus Fund Special Assessment Fund Mall Maintenance Fund Marketing/Promotions Fund 1984 1984 AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,572,074.00 $ 1,565,486.00 215,000.00 109,500.00 194,100.00 198,800.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 17,300.00 215,000.00 218,479.00 225,136.00 18,644.00 100,000.00 Section II. That estimated revenues for each fund are as General Fund Revenues Transfers Fund 3alance (Unappropriated) 1984 1984 AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET $ 1,486,028.00 $ 1,478,128.0( 11,500.00 11,500.0( 88,939.00 85,939.0( 1 Total General Fund $ 1,586,467.00 $1,575,567.0 0 1984 Public Works Fund BUDGET Revenues $ 150,000.00 Transfers 65,000.00 Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 2,551.00 Total Public Works Fund $ 217,551.00 Capital Projects Fund Revenues $ 3,000.00 Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 123,085.00 Total $ 126,085.00 Transit Fund Revenues Total Transit Fund 1984 AMENDED BUDGET NO CHANGE NO CHANGE $ 194,100.00 $ 198,800.00 $ 194,100.00 $ 198,800.00 Recreational Amenities Fund Revenues $ 40,000.00 NO CHANGE Total Recreational Amenities Fund $ 40,000.00 Conservation Trust Fund Revenues $ 5,000.00 NO CHANGE Total Conservation Trust Fund $ 5,000.00 Revenue Sharing Revenues $ 17,300.00 NO CHANGE Total Revenue Sharing $ 17,300.00 Debt Service Fund Transfers 215,000.00 NO CHANGE Total Debt Service Fund $ 215,000.00 The Lift Fund Revenues $ 80,043.00 NO CHANGE Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 138,436.00 Total The Lift Fund $ 218,479.00 Avon Center Mall Maintenance Fund Revenues $ 18,644.00 NO CHANGE Total Avon Center Mall Maintenance Fund $ 18,644.00 • • 1984 Special Assessment Fund BUDGET Revenues $ 240,136.00 Fund Balance (Unappropriated) 233,377.00 1984 AMENDED nn n r T NO CHANGE Total Special-Assessment Fund $ 473,513.00 Marketing/Promotions Fund Revenues Transfers $ 20,000.00 80,000.00 NO CHANGE :.Total Marketing/ Promotions Fund $ 100,000.00 Section III. That the Town Manager and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to amend the 1984 General Fund and Transit Fund Budgets. ADOPTED, this 13th day of December A.D., 1983. ATTEST: Allan R. Nottingham, ayor Patricia J. Doyle, Town glerk • 0 MEMORANDUM TO: Richard D. Blodgett, Town Manager FROM: William D. James, Finance Director DATE: December 9, 1983 RE: 1984 Budget - Final Amendments Please find attached, a resolution amending the 1984 Budget. This resolution finalizes the recommended and authorized budget adjustments by the Town Council. Included in the resolution are: 1) Adjustments for Merit Increases. 2) An additional $4,700 added for lease/purchase of the new bus. 3) A reduction of $7,900 for Road and Bridge Fund revenues. (See attached letter from Eagle County). County Commissioners reduced mill levy from 5 mills to 4.123 mills because of a 7% property tax limitation. Also I have completed a preliminary review of the 1983 Budget status. We should overall be within the budget established with some carryover. A more detailed report will be forthcoming on the 1983 Budget. I have requested that.the Council bring in their budgets Tuesday afternoon so that new pages reflecting the above changes for 1984 can be added. TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 • EAGLE COUN?Y Eagle, Colorado 81631 , qsy Assessor Ext 202 Clerk and Recorder Ext 217 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 211 Basalt: 927-3244 Gilman: 827-5751 Treasurer Ext 201 November 21, 1983 Dick Blodget, Town Manager Avon Town Hall Box D Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr.-Blodget! Administration Ext 241 Animal Shelter 949-4292 Building Inspection Ext 226 or 229 Community Development Ext 226 or 229 3 Last week the Board of Commissioners set the mill levy for Eagle County and the seven different funds that are needed by the county. I am writing you to advise you that based upon the re-evaluation the county was forced by the state to reduce its overall mill levy. We had to reduce 1.8 mills in order to comply with the 107% limitation. County Attorney This reduction may or may not affect you in your street and Ext263 highways budget. The overall revenue generated by the mill levy for the County Road and Bridge is a 54% increase from 1984. That Engineer should not be taken to mean you will experience a 54% increase Ext236 in your revenues generated by this mill levy. Environmental Health The estimated amount you can expect to receive through 1984 is Ext 238 $46,296. JVWz Extension Agent I hope this advance information will be helpful as you plan Ext 247 projects for 1984. Library If you have any questions or I can be of help please call me at Ext 255 32$-7311. Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Sincerely, Vail: 476-5844 Personnel Ext 241 Brad ones Purchasing County Manager/Eagle County Budget Officer Ext 245 ' Road and Bridge Ext257 xc: Board of County Commissioners Beth Whittier, County Attorney Social Services 328-6328 ~ r G~~~ • s~ X -