TC Res. No. 1983-500 0 RESOLUTION NO.#83-50 SERIES OF 1983 ACCEPTANCE OF WEST WILDV700D ROAD IN BLOCK 5 OF WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION BE IT RESOLVED THAT: WHEREAS, West Wildwood Road from Station 0+44.93 to Station 34+75.65, in Block 5 of Wildridge Subdivision, has been completed essentially in accordance with approved plans and specifications. Therefore, said section of West Wildwood Road is hereby accepted by the Town of Avon subject to the following conditions: 1. Guardrail be installed at locations previously identified in the field. 2. The one-year warranty period shall begin September 24, 1983 and extend through September 23, 1984. INTRODUCED, PASSED, RESOLVED AND ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL THIS 25TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1983. DATED: APPROVED October 25, 1983 '1'r;SiT Patricia J Q ZL Sheila R. Davis, Mayor Pro-Tem le, Towyf- Clerk • 0 TO: Dick Blodgett FROM: Norm Wood DATE: October 19, 1983 SUBJECT: Wildridge Roads - Block 5 We have reviewed construction procedures, test reports and other data regarding the construction of West Wildwood Road from Station 0+44.03 (Intersection of Metcalf Road) to Station 34+75.65. As a result of this review, I recommend the Town Council accept West Wildwood Road from Station 0+44.93 to Station 34+75.65 subject to guardrail being installed at the locations identified in the field and agreed to by Al Testa of Benchmark Companies. It is recommend that the one-year warranty period for this road begin September 24, 1983 and extend through September 23, 1984. October 13, 1983 Mr. Norm Wood, Engineer Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Request for Acceptance of Wildridge Block 5 Roads Dear Mr. Wood: Wildridge Development Company (WRDC) would like to formally request the acceptance of the roads within Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision, by the Town of Avon, as they have been completed since September 24, 1983. I formally would like to request that the warranty period of said roads be started as of September 24, 1983 through September 23, 1984. Although the guardrail to be installed within the next three weeks is part of WRDC's subdividers agreement with the Town, I feel that it is not a part of the structure of the road, and it should not become a barrier in the process of acceptance and even less on the starting date of the warranty of the roads. Due to the final construction (paving) of the above mentioned roads, it is felt that WRDC has fulfilled its obligation with the Town and acceptance of said roads should be granted. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Cordia_ _y yours, Alvaro J. Testa, Ph.D., P.E. Vice President, Engineering and Construction AJT:lcb P.O. Box 954, Avon, Colorado.-81620 (303) 949-5743