TC Res. No. 1983-26a r RESOLUTION NO. 83-26 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT FOR'CONSULTANT SERVICE WITH, PLUM STREET PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATES WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town.of Avon desires to continue to promote the growth of the Town in an orderly fashion through development of an updated Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has selected Plum Street Professional Associates as the consultant group to aid in the development of the updated Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,_the Scope of Services detailing the work to be carried out has been finalized; and WHEREAS, the Scope of Services for Tasks R. and L. shall be limited to those services shown on the Schedule of Production (Exhibit B) through month four except that ten hours of consultanting services' shall be included.in Task L. for assistance in drafting the,Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, after the completion of work shown on Exhibit B to be completed by the fourth month, a meeting shall be held with the Consultant and Town Council to review the status of the Comprehensive Plan prior to proceeding with additional work on the Comprehensive Plan; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the Towniof Avon is hereby authorized to sign the Agreement for Consultant Services between the Town of Avon and Plum Street Professional Associates for the maximum amount of $ 63,700.00 ADOPTED this 7th day of June , 1983. TOWN COUNCIL TOWN-OF AVON ATTEST: B 2 ` Allan R. Nottingham, Mayor Patricia.J. Town of Avon P. O. Box 975, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-4280 May 19, 1983 CJ TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Dick Kvach, Planning Director P RE: Proceeding with development of the Comprehensive Plan. The Scope of Services and Consultant Agreement has been developed to a form satisfactory to both local staff and Plum Street Professional Associates. The total cost of the study has remAined the same. The cost of the individual items are (1) $ 54,150.00 for the development of the Plan, (2) $ 6,200. 00 for development of the Design Review Standards, and (3) $ 3,350.00 for development of a first draft of the Zoning Ordinance. Total cost will be $ 63,700.00. The last remaining step to get the plan development pro- cess underway is to pass a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agreement. Assuming this is done at your May 24, 1983 meeting, the current schedule calls for the first public meeting to be hosted by the P & Z on June 9, 1983. RK/rf