TC Res. No. 1983-15L 0 RESOLUTION #83-15 SERIES OF 1983 A RESOLUTION TO PROCLAIM APRIL 17-23, 1983 AS VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION WEER WHEREAS, Colorado has a long history of volunteerism, dating back to our pioneers who conquered rugged terrain and hostile environments to build new lives for themselves, their neighbors and their frontier communities; and WHEREAS, from the frontier days to the present, Coloradans have exhibited independence, creativity and innovation by working together to improve the quality of life in our majestic state; and WHEREAS, volunteers, working in partnership with government, business and industry, fulfill many needs and perform numerous tasks that would otherwise remain incomplete; and WHEREAS, dedicated volunteers in state programs for the mentally and physically handicapped, and for the elderly and the young, as well as those volunteers who serve on state and local boards and commissions, deserve to be recognized for their many hours of service; NOW, THEREFORE I, Allan R. Nottingham, Mayor, do hereby proclaim April 17-23, 1983, as Volunteer Recognition Week in the Town of Avon, Colorado. DATED: APPROVED: ATTEST: rC11F-i 1U.LCX V . Allan R. Nottingham Mayor