TC Res. No. 1982-39RESOLUTION NO.#82-39
WHEREAS, a conflict exists between the present Design
Review Board.meeting schedule and the deadline for submitting
material to the Town Council for their consideration at their
regularly scheduled meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Notice and Agenda of each meeting is
being posted by the Secretary,to the Design Review Board and
all records are being maintained in the office of the Secretary
to the DRB; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Design Review Board'is
directed to delete this-existing=Section,2:10 Meetings and
,insert'in lieu thereof the.following revised Section 2:10
Meetings into the Design Review Board Rules, and Regulations.
2.10 Meetings: The Board.shall regularly"meet on the Thursday
following the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays'of each month at 7:30
o'clock p.m. in the official meeting room of the Town.
The Chairman may call special meetings,of the Board when
deemed necessary. A Notice and Agenda of each meeting
shall-be posted in,the official posting places of the
Town by the Secretary to the Design Review Board at least
forty-eight (48) hours prior to any meeting of the Board.
All meetings of the Board shall be open to the.public.
All records, including proceedings of'meetings, applica-
tions for review,'plans, reports, etc., shall be main-
tained in the office-of the Secretary to the Design
Review Board.
ADOPTED this- 14th day of December 1982.
Allan.No ingham, yor
Zvfun of ~~Vn
_ (9. ~Rux 975
(falaraba 81620
(303) 949-4280
December 9, 1982
TO: Town Council
FROM: Dick Kvach
RE: Changing the Design Review Board meeting dates and
responsibilities for maintaining DRB records from the
Town Clerk to the Secretary to the DRB.
The Design Review Board at it's regular meeting of December 2,
1982, recommended that Section 2.10 Meetings of the DRB Rules
& Regulations be revised so that the DRB meeting will be on the
Thursday following the Town Council meeting. This will allow
staff additional time to prepare any material required to go to
the Council._ Also this.section states that all posting of notices
and maintenance of records shall be done by the Town Clerk. This
is actually being done by the Secretary to the DRB. The DRB also
recommended this section be revised to state that these duties be
carried out by the Secretary to the DRB. The following paragraph
indicates the proposed changes. The final action necessary to
effectuate the change is passage of a resolution by the Council.
A proposed resolution for your consideration is attached.
2:10 Meetings: The Board shall regularly meet on the t4:rst-amen
th4trd-Thursday Thursday following the second and fourth
Tuesday of each month at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the official
meeting room of the Town. The Chairman may call special
meetings of the Board when deemed necessary. A Notice and
Agenda of each meeting shall be posted in the Tewn-Meet+ng
Reem official posting places of the Town by the Tewm-elerk
Secretary to the DRB at lease forty-eight (48) hours prior
to any meeting of the Board. All meetings of the Board
'shall be open to the public. All records, including pro-
ceedings of meetings, applications for review, plans, reports,
etc., shall be maintained in the office of the T5wn-elerk
Secretary to the DRB.
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