TC Res. No. 1981-19RESOLUTION NO. #81-19 SERIES OF 1981 WHEREAS, this Board has been notified that there is imminent danger of losing our Planner and advisor; and WHEREAS', this Board does not have the time or capacity to technically review all applications that come. before it-nor does the current staff or other offices have the time to make all the proper reviews; and WHEREAS, applicants and Board Members wastermuch time and money by submitting and reviewing improper and inadequate applications; now THEREFORE, it is urgent that the Town Council seek and,hire competant qualified Planning Assistant for the Design Review Board and for other offices of the Town of Avon. PASSED AND ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE-DESIGN REVIEW BOARD at ,a regular meeting on December 2, 1981. Motion by'Mike Blair, Second by Tom Landauer, Vote: Unanimous Vice-Chairman ATTEST: Recording Sf~retary 3' 9