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TC Ord. No. 2006-04 Amending Title 17 Muni Code of the TOA adding definitions for alloweduses in the industrial and commercial zone, adding self storage as an allowed use in the industrial and commercial zone district and amending the parking standards f
TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 06-04 SERIES OF 2006 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, ADDING DEFINITIONS FOR ALLOWED USES IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE, ADDING SELF STORAGE AS AN ALLOWED USE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE DISTRICT, AND AMENDING THE PARKING STANDARDS FOR USES ALLOWED IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Section 17.08. Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is as follows: 17.08.515 Manufacturing. "Manufacturing" means the conversion of raw materials or parts into finished products. Facilities generally have ancillary office, warehouse, research, and associated functions. 17.08.715 Self-storage. "Self Storage" means buildings in which a number of storage units or vaults are rented for the storage of goods. Each unit is physically separated from other units, and access is usually provided through an overhead door or other common access point. Units are non-habitable, contain no plumbing or running water, or electric outlets. 17.08.725 Showroom. "Showroom" means a room where goods are displayed for advertising or sale. 17.08.830 Warehouses. "Warehouses" are primarily devoted to the storage of materials and may also include office and maintenance areas. 17.08.840 Wholesale sales outlet. "Wholesale sales outlet" means the sale of merchandise to retailers rather than directly to the public. Municipal Code, is as follows: Section 2. Amendment. Section 17.20.10, Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Industrial and Commercial--IC. A. Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. B. Allowed Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: 1. Warehouses; 2. Laboratories; 3. Electrical substations; 4. Light manufacturing plants; 5. Wholesale sales outlets; 6. Showrooms; 7. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; 8. Self-Storage; 9. Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. C. Special Review Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district subject to the issuance of a special use permit: 1. Four residential units per lot in conjunction with business operation; 2. Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops; 3. Retail sales and other personal service outlets; 4. Restaurants; 5. Public uses; 6. Outside storage areas; 7. General commercial offices. D. Development Standards. 1. Minimum lot size:.5 acre; 2. Maximum building height: forty-eight feet; 3. Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five feet; Side: 7.5 feet; Rear: ten feet; 4. Maximum site coverage: fifty percent; 5. Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent; 6. Maximum density: four dwelling units per lot when approved as a special review use. (Ord. 75-08 §§1,2; Ord. 91-10 §I(part)). Section 3. Amendment. Section 17.24.020.C, Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is amended by addition of a new definition as follows: 3. Industrial and Commercial Minimum Parking Requirements a. Warehousing 1.2/1000 sg. ft. GFA b. Light manufacturing plants 1/800 sq. ft. GFA c. Wholesale sales outlet/ Showrooms 1/800 sq. ft. GFA d. Self storage 1/2,500 sq. ft. GFA e. Utility company 1/800 sq. ft. GFA Ordinance No. 06-04 IC Zone Amendment Page 2 of 3 plus 1 space per employee vehicle parked on site. f. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices 3/1000 sq. ft. GFA g. Laboratories 1/800 sq. ft. GFA INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 14th day of February, 2006, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on the 28th day of February, 2006, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, INTRODUCED, FINALLY APP OVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED POSTED the I L( day of G , 2006. ATTEST: P-~ c<~ Pay Kenn Town Clerk APPROVED AS ORM: John W. Dunn, Town Attorney Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor E s= Ordinance No. 06-04 IC Zone Amendment Page 3 of 3 • Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council Thru: Larry Brooks, Town Manager From: Eric Heidemann, Senior Planner Tambi Katieb, Community Development Direc Date: March 8, 2006 Re: Second Reading of Ordinance 06-04, amendments to the Avon Municipal Code, Title 17 - Zoning Parking Standards (PUBLIC HEARING) Summary: • Attached to this memo is an ordinance being forwarded to you for review, discussion, and approval on second reading that proposes amendments to the Industrial and Commercial Zone ("I/C zone") parking standards. The proposed amendment would define allowed uses, as well as reconcile allowed uses with associated parking standards. The primary goal of this amendment is to clarify that the 1/800 ratio is a minimal parking standard that works for some uses, but not all uses. As staff has discussed, this practice was erroneously employed over the course of many years in calculating parking for I/C projects. A more efficient way of addressing these parking conditions is to establish standards based on uses at the time of plan review for a project, and reconcile parking at the time uses change over the years. This review and reconciliation is currently done for all businesses in all zone districts as part of the business licensing process coordinated with the Town Clerk. Also included in this memo is the information requested by Council. This information includes data staff used as the basis for the proposed parking ratio for self-storage, and existing self-storage and other mixed-use buildings in the IC Zone and their associated parking. This amendment was approved by Council on first reading February 28, 2006. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of these amendments through Resolution 06-05 at their February 21St 2006 meeting. The proposed ordinance recommend by staff and the version of the ordinance recommended by the Commission are identical with the exception of one modification to the definition of showroom. The Commission added "in conjunction with an allowed use" as qualifying language to the definition. Discussion: The current I/C Zone includes the following group of allowed uses: warehouses; laboratories; electrical substations; light manufacturing plants; wholesale sales outlets; showrooms; Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; and additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. In the past, all these uses have been assigned to the "Industrial Land Uses" parking ratio, which required a parking ratio of 1/800 GFA. Staff believes this practice exacerbates parking problems in this zone as the mix of uses changes over time. Although 1/800 works for some of the uses in the I/C zone, applying one standard to a broad range of allowed uses (office - self-storage) creates either a parking surplus or, in several cases, a parking deficit. The same holds true in all zone districts, however, because the allowed uses in the IC Zone have such different parking demands the approach taken by staff was to segregate parking standards based on parking demand in order for the development to operate efficiently. The remaining uses assigned to the 1/800 ratio as a result of this amendment are: light manufacturing, wholesale sales outlets and showrooms, and laboratories. Staff is recommending the existing ratio apply to only these uses as properties develop and redevelop. The tables provided below are examples of a developed property and the breakdown of uses included in the development. The tables illustrate parking required by the proposed ordinance, parking required currently in the IC zone, and the number of spaces that exist. Table 1 is an example of an existing property which we required reconciliation of parking during recent changes to the tenant mix. Table 2 is an example of an existing project parked at the existing 1/800 requirement at the time of approval. Table 1: Evans Chafee Buildin - 77 Metcalf Road Use GFA Parking Code Spaces Required VC 1/800 Existing Spaces Office 11,282 3/1000 34 Pre-school 2026 2/1000 5 Warehouse 456 1/800 1 Total 40 17 46 Page 2 March 14, 2006 Town Council Meeting Second Reading Ordinance 06-04, Zoning Code Amendments PUBLIC HEARING 0 • " r • • Table 2: Metcalf Commercial Building- 281 Metcalf Road Use GFA Parking Code Spaces Required I/C Existing 1/800 Spaces Office 6,849 3/1000 21 Manufacturing 3,720 1/800 5 Showroom 3,680 1/800 5 Personal Service* 2,297 3/1000 7 Storage 16,058 1/2500 7 Warehouse 8,859 1/800 12 Total 57 52 67 What these tables demonstrate is that given the range of uses in the IC zone, the current IC parking ratio provides the least amount of parking. What this table also shows is that a change in use from a less intensive use (warehouse) to a more intensive use (office) can have a significant impact on parking. Without reconciling parking prior to the change in use, properties have the potential to operate inefficiently. We believe the solution lies in the reconciling of parking on a tenant by tenant basis, and not a single ratio for all uses. This approach is also consistent with all zone district parking ratios. Further, as the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan update contemplates redevelopment of this area, this amendment is consistent with the district planning principle of requiring development to provide for proper on-site parking. Council also requested that staff include the data used as the basis for the proposed ratios. Attached to this report are two models from the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The models demonstrate peak hour traffic demands on empirical date form existing developed properties, and in this case the trip generation factor. Staff has included data based on gross floor area as well as per storage unit. The proposed amendment affects the following Sections of the Title 17: Section 1: This section of the amending ordinance provides clarity by establishing definitions for allowed uses in the IC Zone. New definitions are as follows: 17.08.515 Manufacturing. "Manufacturing" means the conversion of raw materials or parts into finished products. Facilities generally have ancillary office, warehouse, research, and associated functions. • 17.08.715 Self-storage. "Self Storage" means buildings in which a number of storage units or vaults are rented for the storage of goods. Each unit is physically separated from other units, and access is usually provided through an overhead Page 3 March 14, 2006 Town Council Meeting Second Reading Ordinance 06-04, Zoning Code Amendments PUBLIC HEARING door or other common access point. Units are non-habitable, contain no plumbing or running water, or electric outlets. 17 08 725 Showroom. "Showroom" means a room where goods are displayed for advertisina or sale in coniunction with an allowed use. 17 08.830 Warehouses. "Warehouses" are primarily devoted to the storage of materials and may also include office and maintenance areas. 17.08.840 Wholesale sales outlet. "Wholesale sales outlet"means the sale of merchandise to retailers rather than directly to the public. Section 2: This section of the amending ordinance adds self-storage as an allowed use in the IC zone. In the past, staff has relied on the Zoning Administrator or the Planning and Zoning Commission to make interpretation regarding among other things permitted land uses that are similar to the allowed uses. As a result of past interpretations, there are several existing self-storage facilities in the Town (Avon Self Storage Lot 25, Block 1, BMBC; AAA Mini Storage Lot 14/15, Block 1, BMBC; Mountain Center Self-storage). 17.20.010 Industrial and Commercial - IC. A. Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. B. Allowed Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: 1. Warehouses; 2. Laboratories; 3. Electrical substations; 4. Light manufacturing plants; 5. Wholesale sales outlets; 6. Showrooms; 7. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; 8-.8 Self-Storage: 9. Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed intent of this zone district. uses in accordance with the Section 3: This section of the amending ordinance segregates the uses and assigns parking standards based on the use. 3. Industrial and Commercial Minimum Parking Requirements a. Warehousing 1.2/1000 sq. ft. GFA b. Light manufacturing plants 1/800 sq. ft. GFA C. Wholesale sales outlet/ Showrooms 1/800 sq. ft. GFA Page 4 March 14, 2006 Town Council Meeting Second Reading Ordinance 06-04, Zoning Code Amendments PUBLIC HEARING • • • • d. Self-storage e. Utility company f. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices g. Laboratories Recommendation: 1/2,500 sq. ft. GFA 1/800 sq. ft. GFA plus 1 space per employee vehicle parked on site. 3/1000 sq. ft. GFA 1/800 sq. ft. GFA Staff recommends that you deliberate on the proposed revisions, hold the required public hearing, and approve Ordinance 06-04 on second reading. Alternatives: The following options are available for action on this ordinance: Approve one second reading. Deny on second reading. Table on second reading. • Proposed Motion: "I move to approve Ordinance 06-04 on second reading". To n Manager Comments: Attachments: A. Ordinance 06-04 B. Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 06-05 & Staff Memo C. 2005 Aerial Photo of I/C District D. Trip generation data • Page 5 March 14, 2006 Town Council Meeting Second Reading Ordinance 06-04, Zoning Code Amendments PUBLIC HEARING EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE NO. 06-04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, ADDING DEFINITIONS FOR ALLOWED USES IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE, ADDING SELF STORAGE AS AN ALLOWED USE IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE DISTRICT, AND AMENDING THE PARKING STANDARDS FOR USES ALLOWED IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Amendment. Section 17.08. Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is as follows: 17 08 515 Manufacturing "Manufacturing" means the conversion of raw materials or parts into finished products Facilities generally have ancillary office warehouse, research, and associated functions. • 17 08 715 Self-storage "Self Storage" means buildings in which a number of storage units or vaults are rented for the storage of goods Each unit is physically separated from other units and access is usually provided through an overhead door or other common access point. Units are non-habitable contain no plumbing or running water, or electric outlets. 17 08 725 Showroom "Showroom" means a room where goods are displayed for advertising or sale. 17 08 830 Warehouses "Warehouses" are primarily devoted to the storage of materials and may also include office and maintenance areas. 17.08.840 Wholesale sales outlet. "Wholesale sales outlet" means the sale of merchandise to retailers rather than directly to the public. Section 2. Amendment. Section 17.20.10, Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is as follows: Industrial and Commercial--IC. A. Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. C7 ~4 • B. Allowed Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: 1. Warehouses; 2. Laboratories; 3. Electrical substations; 4. Light manufacturing plants; 5. Wholesale sales outlets; 6. Showrooms; 7. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; 8. Self-Storage; 9. Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. C. Special Review Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district subject to the issuance of a special use permit: 1. Four residential units per lot in conjunction with business operation; 2. Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops; 3. Retail sales and other personal service outlets; 4. Restaurants; 5. Public uses; 6. Outside storage areas; 7. General commercial offices. • D. Development Standards. 1. Minimum lot size:.5 acre; 2. Maximum building height: forty-eight feet; 3. Minimum building setbacks: Front: twenty-five feet; Side: 7.5 feet; Rear: ten feet; 4. Maximum site coverage: fifty percent; 5. Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent; 6. Maximum density: four dwelling units per lot when approved as a special review use. (Ord. 75-08 §§1,2; Ord. 91-10 §I(part)). Section 3. Amendment. Section 17.24.020.C, Chapter 20 of Title 17, Avon Municipal Code, is amended by addition of a new definition as follows: 3. Industrial and Commercial Minimum Parking Requirements • a. Warehousing 1.2/1000 sq. ft. GFA b. Light in nufacturing plants 1/800 sq. ft. GFA c. Wholesale sales outlet/ Showrooms 1/800 sq. ft. GFA d. Self storage 1/2,500 sq. ft. GFA e. Utility company 1/800 sq. ft. GFA plus 1 space per employee vehicle parked on site. f. Industrial constriction and wholesale offices 3/1000 sq. ft. GFA g. Laboratories 1/800 sq. ft. GFA INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 14th day of February, 2006, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on the 28th day of February, 2006, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED POSTED the day of 12006. Ronald C. Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Patty McKenny, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: John W. Dunn, Town Attorney • • 1b EXHIBIT B Or TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 06-05 SERIES OF 2006 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE TOWN COUNCIL-OF AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 17, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, AS IT RELATES TO THE DEFINITIONS, ALLOWED USES IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE DISTRICT, AND ESTABLISHING PARKING STANDARDS FOR ALLOWED USES IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ZONE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Title 17 of The Avon Municipal Code requires review and revision on a periodic basis in order to continue to serve the public interest; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission have reviewed the attached revisions "Exhibit A" ("Exhibit A") to Resolution 06-05 Series of 2006, and held a public hearing as required by the Avon Municipal Code to review the proposed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the Town Council the approval of changes set forth in Resolution 06-05 Series of 2006 in order to amend the existing Avon Municipal Code as adopted. ADOPTED THIS 21'd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006 Signed: Date: Z 0 ef~is Evans, Chair Attest Date: I/O G Phil Struve, Secretary l Memo 0 To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Eric Heidemann, Senior Planner Date February 14, 2006 Re: Proposed amendments to the Avon Municipal Code- Title 17 (Zoning) Resolution 06-05 PUBLIC HEARING Background & Summary: Attached to this memo is a resolution being forwarded for review, discussion, and recommendation to Town Council regarding a staff initiated zoning code amendment. The proposed amendment is intended to provide clarification of parking standards for allowed uses in the Industrial and Commercial Zone ("I/C zone") by define said uses, as well as reconcile allowed uses with associated parking standards. Specifically, the ordinance will create a definition and parking standard for self-storage, as well as define currently allowed uses and clarify the overall parking standards for the zone district. • The current I/C Zone includes a group of allowed uses (warehouses; laboratories; electrical substations; light manufacturing plants; wholesale sales outlets; showrooms; Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; and additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district). In the past, all these uses have been assigned to the "Industrial Land Uses" ratio, which required a parking ratio of 1/800 GFA. Staff believes this practice was erroneous and the minimal parking standard, as evidenced by existing parking and loading conditions in the district, was not appropriately matched to the broad range of uses permitted. .Further, once a project was constructed at the "Industrial" ratio, uses migrating in the range of permitted uses over the years clearly create parking conflicts to the detriment of the project. In some cases the allowed uses have different parking demands and require the standards to be segregate in order to operate efficiently. Most importantly, the use of a variance procedure to 'assign' a parking standard for uses such as self storage is not the appropriate process. The proposed clarification to parking ratios for Industrial Commercial Zone District uses were developed, in large part, using the most recent Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation manual. The manual models peak hour traffic demands on • empirical date form existing developed properties, and in this case the trip generation 1110 0 factor is based on 1000 square feet gross floor area. Where necessary, staff has also proposed amendment to the zoning definitions section for certain uses. It is important to note that the proposed amendments would be applicable to all new development and anticipated re-development of properties in zone district. Existing development properties are subject to the standards that were in place at the time of development. Staff has provided written notice of the proposed amendments to all property owners in the zone district in addition to the required notice provisions of the Avon Municipal Code. The discussion section below outlines the individual definition proposed for amendment and a brief description of the rationale for the amendment and its applicability. Discussion: Resolution 06-05 proposes to amend the Avon Municipal Code - Title 17 (Zoning) with respect to the following definitions. The underline text is language added, and the strike through text would be eliminated: Section 1: This section of the amending ordinance provides clarity by establishing definitions for allowed uses in the IC Zone. New definitions are as follows: 17.08.515 Manufacturing. "Manufacturing" means the conversion of raw materials or parts into finished products. Facilities generally have ancillary office, warehouse, research, and associated functions. 17.08.715 Self-storaae. "Self Storage" means buildinas in which a number of storage units or vaults are rented for the storage of goods. Each unit is physically separated from other units, and access is usually provided through an overhead door or other common access point. Units are non-habitable, contain no plumbing or running water, or electric outlets. 17.08.725 Showroom. "Showroom" means a room where goods are displayed for advertising or sale. 17.08.830 Warehouses. "Warehouses" are primarily devoted to the storage of materials and may also include office and maintenance areas. 17.08.840 Wholesale sales outlet. "Wholesale sales outlet' means the sale of merchandise to retailers rather than directly to the public. Section 2: This section of the amending ordinance adds self-storage as an • allowed use in the IC zone. In the past, staff has relied on the Zoning Administrator or the Planning and Zoning Commission to make interpretation regarding among other things permitted land uses that are similar to the allowed uses. As a result of past interpretations, there are several existing self- • storage facilities in the Town (Avon Self Storage Lot 25, Block 1, BMBC; AAA Mini Storage Lot 14/15, Block 1, BMBC; Mountain Center Self-storage). 17.20.010 Industrial and Commercial - IC. A. Intention. The industrial and commercial zone district is intended to provide sites for light industrial and manufacturing uses, wholesale outlets, warehousing, offices and storage facilities. B. Allowed Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district: 1. Warehouses; 2. Laboratories; 3. Electrical substations; 4. Light manufacturing plants; 5. Wholesale sales outlets; 6. Showrooms; 7. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices; 8.8 Self-Storage: 9. Additional uses determined to be similar to allowed uses in accordance with the intent of this zone district. C. Special Review Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the IC district • subject to the issuance of a special use permit: 1. Four residential units per lot in conjunction with business operation; 2. Automobile or other vehicular sales and repair shops; 3. Retail sales and other personal service outlets; 4. Restaurants; 5. Public uses; 6. Outside storage areas; 7. General commercial offices. D. Development Standards. 1. Minimum lot size:.5 acre; 2. Maximum building height: forty-eight feet; 3. Minimum building setbacks: Front: 25 feet; Side: 7.5 feet; Rear: 10 feet; 4. Maximum site coverage: fifty percent; 5. Minimum landscaped area: twenty percent; 6. Maximum density: four dwelling units per lot when approved as a special review use. (Ord. 75-08 §§1,2; Ord. 91-10 §1 (part))., • \7 • Section 3: This section of the amending ordinance segregates the uses and assigns parking standards based on the use. 3. Industrial and Commercial Minimum Parking Requirements a. Warehousing 1.2/1000 sq. ft. GFA b. Light manufacturing plants 1/800 sq. ft. GFA C. Wholesale sales outlet/ Showrooms 1/800 sq. ft. GFA d. Self storage 1/2,500 sq. ft. GFA e. Utility company 1/800 sq. ft. GFA plus 1 space per employee vehicle parked on site. f. Industrial, construction, and wholesale offices 3/1000 sq. ft. GFA g. Laboratories 1/800 sq. ft. GFA Recommendation: We anticipate that the Commission will have questions on the proposed changes during your meeting. We would like your feedback and any proposed changes to the resolution in order to present this set of Zoning Code revisions to Town Council for first reading at their February 28, 2006 regular meeting. We recommend that you hold the public hearing and deliberate on the proposed • revisions, and recommend approval to Town Council of Resolution 06-05. Should you choose to amend any language of the proposal, staff is able to make those changes as part of your motion and codify them in the signed resolution to Council. Proposed Motion: "I move to approve Resolution 06-05, recommending to Town Council the adoption of specific revisions to Title 17 (Zoning) of the Avon Municipal Code" Exhibits: A. Resolution 06-05 Amending Title 17 of the Avon Municipal Code, including Ordinance 06-04. 0 i EXHIBIT C lndustrW and Commercial Zone Change _ Feel 0 ,Op aDO © Industrial and Commercial Zone Property Boundaries Residential Street H A • EXHIBIT D Mini-Warehouse (151) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a: Saturday, Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 6 Average 1000 Sq. Feet GFA: 62 Directional Distribution: Not available Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation r n do 0.24-0.60 0.64 Data Plot and 1 40 • • 1 30 W a r m 20 i a Q 1C x x x: X x .1~ 1-L 10 20 30 w au w X = 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area X ActuN DOW Polnb Fitted Curve Avers Rate Fitted curve Equation: T = ((3.05 - 0.003"r1 R2 - 0.92 Trip Generation. January 1991 Institute of Transportation Engineers J 80 90 i • Mini-Warehouse (151) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Storage Units On a; Saturday, Peak Hour of Generator Number of Studies: 6 Average Number of Storage Units: 613 Directional Distribution: Not available Trip Generation per Storage Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.04 0.02-0.06 0.20 71 uata riot ana 40 30 W t- ' 24 D W a n 10 X X X : ir.... ........5........ •X X a 100 200 300 400 500 600 X = Number of Storage Units X Actual Oats POWN Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: T = 1(33.979/X) - 0.008421-1 700 600 900 I Average Rata R2 . 0.91 Trip Generation, January 1991 Institute of Transportation Engineers • 0 sales office fir model home self-storage facility plus 1 space per employee whichever is the larger th L (S Mi h 10 036 yon, ou c pop. , ) i • 1 parking space for each 3 persons allowed within the S maximum occupancy load as established by local, v county or state fire, building or health codes, plus 1 - space per employee. In those instances where mem- berships are provided for, not less than 1 space per sales office for model home (see model home sales each 4 memberships shall be provided, plus 1 space unit) per employee (Wixom, Mich., pop. 13,263) salvage yard (see automobile salvage yard; junk sawmill (see also industrial use, unless otherwise yard) specified; lumberyard; paper products manufacturing sand and gravel operation (see quarry) establishment) • 0.6 per employee (Hickory, N.C., pop. 37,222) sanitarium/sanitorium (see also clinic; convalescent • 1 per employee, plus 1 per commercial vehicle, plus center, health care facility; hospital) ~ 1 per 400 square feet of floor area (Charleston County, • 1 space per 2.25 beds. (Sunnyvale, Calif., pop. 131,760) S.C., pop. 309,969) • 1 space per bed for first 100 beds; 1 space per 2 beds for next 100 beds; 1 space per 4 beds thereafter (Co- I school (see educational facilities) I hunubia, Mo., pop. 84,531) second-hand store (see also antique shop; • 1 space per 2 beds, plus 1.5 spaces per 1 emergency consignment clothing store; pawn shop) room bed (Bloomington, Ind., pop. 69,291) • 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area in excess • 1 for each 3 beds (Dansville, N.Y., pop. 4,832) of 4,000 square feet (Minneapolis, Minn., pop. 382,618) • 2.37 per 1,000 square feet (Hickory, N.C., pop. 37,222) • 1 for each 300 square feet of floor area or 5 spaces, Minimum: 0.5 space per bed based on maximum whichever is greater, plus 1 for each business vehicle capacity (Memphis, Tenn., pop. 650,100) Maximum: 0.6 space per bed based on maximum • 4 per 1,000 square feet (Hickory, N.C., pop. 37,222) capacity (Gresham, Ore., pop. 90,205) Minimum: 1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area Minimum: 1 per 400 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area (San Antonio, Tex., pop. 1,144,646) . (San Antonio, Tex., pop. 1,144,646) Minimum: 1 per employee of largest shift Minimum: 1 space for each 6 beds Maximum: 1.25 per employee of largest shift Maximum: 1 space for each 2 beds (Jefferson County, (Glenville, N.Y., pop. 28,183) Ky., pop. 693,604) self-storage facility (see also miniwarehouse) Minimum: 1 per 3 beds • Minimum of 5 additional spaces or 1 space per 100 Maximum: 1 per 2 beds (Glenville, N.Y., pop. 28,183) storage units, whichever is greater (Jupiter, Fla., pop. Bicycle Parking Standard: 1 space per 20 39,328) beds for first 100 units;1 per 40 beds thereaf- • 1 space per 20 rental units, plus 2 spaces for the office; ter. (Gresham, Ore., pop. 90,205) rows between storage buildings shall be designed to sauna bath (see also bathhouse; health spa) allow for simultaneous vehicle parking and passage 1 per each 3 patrons based on maximum occupancy (Columbia, Mo., pop. 84,531) as established by local, county or state fire, build- 1 space per 75 storage bays; minimum of 3 spaces ing or health codes, whichever is greater, plus 1 I (Lenexa, Kans., pop. 40,238) space per employee at peak shift, plus such space . 1 parking space for every 2,000 square feet of storage as required for affiliated uses such as but not lim- space (Santa Clarita, Calif., pop. 151,088) ited to restaurants, bars, pro shops, satellite therapy ' 1 per 5 storage bays or 1 per 1,000 square feet, which services, and the like (Beverly Hills, Calif., pop. 33,784) ever produces more spaces (Blue Springs, Mo., pop. • 1 parking space for each 3 persons allowed within the 48,080) maximum occupancy load as established by local, county or state fire, building or health codes, plus 1 i • 1 space per 900 square feet of gross floor area (Mesa, space per employee. In those instances where mem- Ariz., pop. 396,375) berships are provided for, not less than 1 space per Minimum: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of site area each 5 memberships shall be provided, plus 1 space i Maximum: 1.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of site per employee or 1 space for each 2 clothing lockers, I i area (Gresham, Ore., pop. 90,205) 157 seminary shooting range, indoor Mininnnn: 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area Maxinnnn: 1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area (Glenville, N.Y., pop. 28,183) Bicycle Parking Standard: 2 or 0.1 space per 1,000 square feet of site area (Greslunn, Ore., pop. 90,205) Bicycle Parking Standard: 1 per 40 storage units (Tigard, Ore., pop. 41,223) seminary (see also conventlmonastery; religious retreat) 1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area (Yon- kers, N.Y., pop. 196,086) 1 parking space shall be provided for each 1,000 square feet of floor area (Gurnee, Ill., pop. 28,834) senior center (see also community center) Mininnon: 2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area Maxinnnn: 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of.floor area (Greslunn, Ore., pop. 90,205) Bicycle Parking Standard: 0.2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area (Gresham, Ore., pop. 90,205) servant quarters (see accessory structure) service station (see automobile maintenance, quick service establishment, automobile repair service establishment, gas station; nnotor vehicle repair service establishment) sewage treatment facility (see also utility facility) • A parking area equal to one-fourth of the gross floor area in all structures containing the use by right (Denver, Colo., pop. 554,636) 1 per vehicle normally required to service each facil- ity (York, Pa., pop. 40,862) • 1 parking space shall be provided for each 2 employ- ees, plus parking spaces in adequate number, as determined by the zoning administrator, to serve the public (Madison, Wisc., pop. 208,054) 1 space for each 3 employees of the maximum work- ing shift, plus 1 space for each 3 company vehicles using the site (Kings County, Calif., pop. 129,461) • 1 per employee (Gaithersburg, Md., pop. 52,613) • 1 per 400 square feet devoted to office use, plus 1 per 800 square feet devoted to other uses (Noblesville, Ind., 28,590) • I per employee (Hillsborough, County, Fla., pop. 998,948) • 1 for every 1,000 square feet (Cincinnati, Ohio, pop. 331,285) • 2.50 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area (Rapid City, S.Dak., pop. 59,607) Minimum: 1 per employee of largest shift Maxinnnn: 1.25 per employee of largest shift (Glenville, N.Y., pop. 28,183) • shelter (see also homeless shelter, social service facility) • 1 space for each 4 persons (St. Cloud, Minn., pop. 22,652, which uses the terra "temporary shelter") • 1 for every 3 employees, plus 1 for every facility vehicle (Cincinnati, Ohio, pop. 331,285, which uses the term "special assistance shelter") 1 space for every 4 residents, plus 1 space per 2 employees (Wayne, Nebr., pop. 5,583, which uses the term "domestic shelter") • 1 per 400 net gross floor area (York, Pa., pop. 40,862, which uses the term "emergency shelter") 1 per 200 square feet of floor area (El Paso County, Colo., pop. 516,929) shipyard (see boat manufacturing facility) shoe repair (see also cornnnercial use, unless otherwise specified) • 1 per each 330 square feet of floor area (Eugene, Ore., pop. 137,893) • I for each 800 square feet of usable floor area. (For that floor area used in processing, l additional space shall be provided for each 2 persons employed therein.) (South Lyon, Mich., pop. 10,036) • 1 parking space shall be provided for each 250 square feet of floor area (Gurnee, Ill., pop. 28,834) 1 parking space for each 600 square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of 3 spaces (Des Moines, Iowa, pop. 198,68) 3 parking spaces, or 1 parking space for each 600 feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater (San Bruno, Calif., pop. 40,165) 4 per 1,000 square feet (Hickory, N.C., pop. 37,222) Minimum: 1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area (San Antonio, Tex., pop. 1,144,646) Mininnum 1 per 350 square feet of gross floor area Maximum: 1 per 250 square feet of gross floor area (Glenville, N.Y., pop. 28,183) shooting range (see also archery range; rifle range) l for every 1,000 square feet (Cincinnati, Oltio, pop. 331,285) 1 space per range position, plus 1 space per 200 square feet of indoor meeting area (San Diego, Calif., pop. 1,223,400) shooting range, indoor (see also archery range; rifle range) 1 parking space per 250 square feet of gross floor area, or fractional part thereof. Office, retail, restaurant 158