TC Ord. No. 2005-14 Amending Title 8 Avon muni code prohibiting smoking in certain places and providing fines for the violation hereofTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO
WHEREAS, numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to
indoor air pollution and that breathing secondhand smoke is a cause of disease, including heart
disease, respiratory disease and lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute determined in 1999
that secondhand smoke accounts for an estimated 53,000 deaths annually in the U.S. At special
risk are children, elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular disease, and individuals with
impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway disease;
WHEREAS, secondhand smoke has been classified as a Group A carcinogen equally
hazardous as asbestos by the Environmental Protection Agency; and
WHEREAS, secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, including arsenic,
formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and radioactive elements. More than 60 of these chemicals
have been identified as carcinogens; and
WHEREAS, studies have shown there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke;
WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that the best interests and the health,
safety and welfare of the citizens of, workers of, and visitors to the Town of Avon will be served
by enacting regulations prohibiting smoking in public place and places of employments, as
defined herein, within the Town;
Section 1. Amendment. Title 8, Avon Municipal Code, is amended by the
addition of a Chapter 8.24 to provide as follows:
8.24.010. Purpose.
The Town Council finds and declares that the purposes of this Chapter are (1) to protect
the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in public places and places of employment;
(2) to guarantee the right to breathe smoke-free air, and 3) to recognize that the need to breathe
smoke-free air shall have priority over the desire to smoke.
8.24.020. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this Chapter, shall be construed as
defined in this section:
Bar means a bar area of a restaurant or an establishment which is devoted to the serving
of alcoholic beverages for consumption by guests on the premises and in which the serving of
food is only incidental to the consumption of such beverages, including, but not limited to,
taverns, nightclubs, and cocktail lounges. As used in this Chapter, the term bar shall include any
outdoor seating or serving areas within the exterior walls, fences or otherwise defined limits
Business means any sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other
business entity, either for-profit or not-for-profit, including retail establishments where goods or
services are sold as well as professional corporations and other entities where legal, medical,
dental, engineering, architectural or other professional services are delivered.
Commercial Bingo and Gaming Facility means premises used for the purpose of
conducting games of chance.
Employee means any person who is employed by any employer for direct or indirect
monetary wages or profit and any person who volunteers his or her services for a non-profit or
business entity.
Employer means any person, partnership, corporation or other business entity, including
municipal corporations or non-profit entities, which employs the services of one or more
individual persons.
Enclosed Area means all space between a floor and ceiling which is enclosed on all sides
by solid walls or windows (exclusive of doors or passage ways) which extend from the floor to
the ceiling, including all space therein screened by partitions which do not extend to the ceiling
or are not solid "office landscaping" or similar structures.
Place of Employment means any area under the control of a public or private employer
which employees normally frequent during the course of employment, including, but not limited
to, work areas, employee lounges, restrooms, conference rooms and classrooms, employee
cafeterias, private clubs and hallways. Place of employment includes all bars and restaurants. A
private residence is not a Place of Employment unless it is used as a childcare, adult day care or
health care facility.
Private Club means an organization, whether incorporated or not, which is the owner, lessee,
or occupant of a building or portion thereof used exclusively for club purposes at all times, which is
operated solely for a recreational, fraternal, social, patriotic, political, benevolent, or athletic purpose,
but not for pecuniary gain, and which only sells alcoholic beverages incidental to its operation. A
Private Club shall not include an establishment that is open to members of the general public upon
payment of a nominal fee. A Private Club must have established bylaws and/or other written
operating standards to govern its activities, including written definitions and descriptions of its
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membership policies, including a description of eligibility for membership. A Private Club must
administer its membership system consistent with adopted policies and must maintain a written list of
current members. A Private Club must structure its memberships so as to provide for membership
status to be ongoing as opposed to one-time, weekly or incidental memberships. A Private club must
charge a fee or membership in an amount intended to defray the ongoing cost of providing services to
members as opposed to a "cover charge" or other nominal fee intended to pay for a single night's or
week's entertainment. A Private Club must have been granted an exemption from the payment of
federal income tax as a club under 26 U.S.C. Section 501. A Private Club must not be open to the
general public, although infrequent, occasional public functions are permissible so long as they
constitute an insignificant proportion of the establishment's operation and so long as smoking is
prohibited during any such public function. A Private Club must be physically separate from any
public place.
Public Place means any enclosed area to which the public is invited or in which the
public is permitted, including but not limited to, banks, commercial bingo and gaming facilities,
convention halls, covered parking structures, public or private educational facilities, childcare,
adult daycare or medical or healthcare facilities, guest rooms in any commercial lodging
establishment, Laundromats, performance halls, polling places, professional offices, public
transportation facilities and vehicles, reception areas, restaurants, bars, retail food production and
marketing/grocery establishments, retail service establishments, retail stores and theaters; every
room, chamber, places of meeting or public assembly; all areas of an establishment that are open
to, or customarily used by, the general public, including but not limited to elevators, restrooms,
lobbies, reception areas, hallways, waiting rooms and other common areas in apartment
buildings, condominiums, trailer parks, retirement facilities, nursing homes and other multiple-
unit residential facilities. A private residence, only when in use as a childcare, adult daycare, or
healthcare facility is a Public Place. A Private Club is not a Public Place unless it is being used
for a function, to which the general public is invited.
Recreational Facility means indoor or outdoor sports pavilions, stadiums, gymnasiums,
health spas, boxing arenas, swimming pools, roller and ice rinks, bowling alleys, fairgrounds,
skate parks, soccer fields, ball fields, playgrounds and other venues similar to those listed above
where members of the general public assemble either to engage in physical exercise, participate
in athletic competition or witness sports or other events, including all the spectator stands for
such events. Recreational Facility shall not include the outdoor parking lots of said facilities;
however, smoking in said parking lots remains subject to the smoke free perimeter requirements
set forth in Section 8.24.070 hereunder.
Restaurant means any coffee shop, cafeteria, sandwich stand, open food stand, private
and public school cafeteria and any other eating establishment which gives or offers food to the
public, guests or employees, as well as kitchens in which food is prepared on the premises for
serving elsewhere, including catering facilities, except that Restaurant shall not include a
cocktail lounge or tavern if said cocktail lounge or tavern is a bar as defined above. A facility
shall conclusively be considered to be a Restaurant for the purposes of this Chapter, regardless
of the category of liquor license under which that facility operates, if such facility: (a) serves
malt, vinous, and/or spirituous liquors; and (b) includes a restaurant, as defined by C.R.S. 12-47-
103(30), or operates a kitchen used for preparing meals, as defined by C.R.S. 12-47-103(20). As
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used in this Chapter, Restaurant shall include any outdoor seating or serving areas within the
exterior walls, fences or otherwise defined limits thereof.
Retail Tobacco Store means a retail store utilized primarily for the sale of tobacco
products and accessories and in which the sale of other products is merely incidental.
Service Line means any indoor and outdoor line at which one (1) or more persons are
waiting for or receiving service of any kind, whether or not such service involves the exchange
of money, including but not limited to, movie ticket lines, theater lines, concert lines, sporting
events lines, food vendor lines, lift ticket lines, and chair lift/gondola lines. For purposes of this
Chapter, Service Line as it relates to chair lift/gondola lines shall include both the line to embark
on a chair lift/gondola and the time spent riding the chair lift/gondola until disembarking.
Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe,
or other lighted plant or combustible substance in any manner or in any form.
Smoke free describes an establishment, facility or the premises controlled by said
establishment or facility that has been declared to be a place in which smoking is prohibited,
whether by the terms of this Chapter or by the owner or operator of said establishment or facility.
8.24.030. Application of Chapter to Town-Owned Facilities.
All facilities including buildings and vehicles owned by the Town of Avon shall be
subject to the provisions of this Chapter. No person shall smoke in any motor vehicle owned or
operated by Town of Avon; in any public meeting room or during any public meeting held in any
building owned or operated by the Town of Avon; or in any entrance way,
steps, porticos or other area adjacent to, but which is on the exterior of, a building owned or
operated by the Town of Avon except as set forth herein or as otherwise designated as an
allowed outside smoking area by the Town Manager.
8.24.040. Smoking in Public Places Prohibited.
It is unlawful to smoke in any public place within the Town of Avon, except as expressly
permitted by Section 8.24. 100 hereof.
8.24.050. Smoking in Places of Employment Prohibited.
(a) It is unlawful to smoke in any enclosed facility within any Place of Employment,
including common work areas, auditoriums, classrooms, conference and meeting rooms, private
offices, elevators, covered parking garages, hallways, medical facilities, clinics, cafeterias,
employee lounges, stairs, restrooms and any other enclosed facility.
(b) This prohibition on smoking in Places of Employment shall be communicated to
all existing employees prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter and to
all prospective employees upon their application for employment.
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8.24.060. Smoking in Service Lines Prohibited.
It is unlawful to smoke in any Service Line or within twenty-five (25) feet of any Service
8.24.070. Smoking at Recreational Facilities Prohibited.
It is unlawful to smoke in any Recreational Facility or within twenty-five (25) feet of any
Recreational Facility.
8.24.080. Smoking at Outdoor Seating Areas Prohibited.
It is unlawful to smoke within the exterior walls, fences or otherwise defined limits of an
outdoor seating or serving area of a Restaurant or Bar or within twenty-five (25) feet thereof.
8.24.090. Smoking within Smoke-free Perimeter Prohibited.
It is unlawful to smoke within twenty-five (25) feet outside of an entrance, passageway,
operable window, ventilation system or other opening of an enclosed smoke-free area.
8.24.100. Where Smoking is Not Prohibited.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter to the contrary, the following
areas shall not be a violation of this Chapter:
(1) Private residences, except when used as a childcare, adult care or
healthcare facility.
(2) Hotel and lodge rooms that are rented to guests and are designated as
smoking rooms; provided, however, that not more than ten percent (10%) of rooms
rented to guests in a hotel or lodge may be so designated. All smoking rooms on the same
floor must be contiguous and smoke from these rooms must not infiltrate into areas where
smoking is prohibited under the provisions of this Chapter. The status of rooms as smoking
or nonsmoking may not be changed except to add additional nonsmoking rooms.
Employees of such establishments must be notified in the hiring process that the
establishment is not a Smoke-free Place of Employment.
(3) Retail tobacco stores, provided that smoke does not infiltrate into areas
where smoking is prohibited under the provisions of the Chapter and provided that
employees of such establishments are notified in the hiring process that the establishment
is not a Smoke-free Place of Employment.
(4) Outdoor areas of Places of Employment except as prohibited by Sections
8.24.060 and 8.24.070 hereof.
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(5) Private Clubs that have no employees, except when being used for a
function to which the general public is invited.
(6) Outdoor, uncovered parking lots for upper levels of parking garages
meeting the perimeter requirements of Sections 8.24.060 through 8.24.090 hereof.
(7) Smoking by performers as part of a stage production at a facility primarily
used for exhibiting drama performances.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any owner, operator,
manager or other person who controls any establishment described in this section may declare
the entire establishment, facility or grounds Smoke-free.
8.24.110. Posting of Signs.
Signs indicating that smoking is prohibited, or the international "No Smoking" symbol
(consisting of a pictorial representation of a burning cigarette enclosed in a circle with a bar
across it) shall be clearly and conspicuously posted in every building or other areas where
smoking is prohibited by this Chapter or by the owner, operator, manager or other person having
control of such building or other area.
8.24.120. Enforcement.
(a) Enforcement of this Chapter shall be implemented and enforced by the Police
Department, the Community Service Officer or his or her authorized representative, or both.
(b) Any person who desires to register a complaint under this chapter may initiate
enforcement with the Town of Avon Police Department.
(c) Any Town of Avon Police Officer or the Community Service Officer may inspect
for compliance with this Chapter while an establishment is undergoing otherwise mandated
inspections by the Town or by Eagle County.
(d) Any owner, manager, operator or employee of any establishment regulated by this
Chapter shall inform persons violating provisions of this Chapter of the appropriate provisions
thereof and request their compliance.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, an Employee or private
citizen may bring legal action to enforce the provision hereof.
8.24.130. Retaliation Prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any Employer to discharge, refuse to hire or retaliate in
any manner against any Employee or applicant for employment because such Employee or
applicant for employment exercises any rights afforded by this Chapter or reports or attempts to
prosecute a violation of this Chapter.
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(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to retaliate in any manner against any customer
because such customer exercises any rights afforded by this Chapter or reports or attempts to
prosecute a violation of this Chapter.
8.24.140. Violations and Penalties.
(a) It is unlawful for any person who owns, manages, operates or otherwise controls
the use of any premises subject to regulation under this Chapter to allow or condone smoking in
a prohibited location within such premises or otherwise fail to comply with any of the provisions
of this Chapter.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to smoke in any area where smoking is prohibited by
the provisions of this Chapter.
(c) Any person who owns, manages, operates or otherwise controls the use of any
premises or any other person who violates any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a
violation of this Chapter, punishable by:
(1) A fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) for a first violation.
(2) A fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200) for a second violation.
(3) A fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) for each additional
(d) Violation of this Chapter is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, which may be
abated by the Town by restraining order, preliminary and permanent injunction, or other means
provided for by law, and the Town may take action to recover the costs of the nuisance abatement.
(e) Each day of continuing violation shall be deemed to be a separate violation.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, an Employee or private
citizen may bring legal action to enforce the provisions of this Chapter.
8.24.150. Public Education.
The Town, alone or in cooperation with Eagle County, may engage in a continuing
program to explain and clarify the purposes and requirements of this Chapter to citizens affected
by it and to guide owners, operators and managers in their compliance with it. Such program
may include publication of a brochure for affected businesses and individuals explaining the
provisions of this Chapter. However, the provision of such an educational program shall not be a
prerequisite to the applicability of the terms and conditions herein.
8.24.160. Other Applicable Laws.
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This Chapter shall not be interpreted or construed to permit smoking where it is otherwise
restricted by other applicable laws.
8.24.170. Liberal Construction.
This Chapter shall be liberally construed so as to further its purposes.
Section 2. Severability. If any provision, clause, sentence or paragraph of this Ordinance or the
application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not
affect the other provisions of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid
provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be
Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective sixty (60) days from and after the
date of its adoption on final reading.
Section 4. Penalties. It is unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this
Ordinance. Every person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance
shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not
exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment.
ORDERED POSTED the 13th day of December, 2005, and a public hearing on this ordinance
shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Co cil on the 10th of January, 2006, at
5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Muni~lpal uilding, 400 Ben mark Road, Avon,
Patty c envy, To n Jerk
AND ORDERED POSTED the 10th day of Jan r , 20 6.
onald C. Wolfe, Mayor
Patty Mc nn Town Clerk
-4, ~A
Jo W. Dunn, Town Attorney
Ordinance No. 05-14 Smoking Ban
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Tauun cfAwn
/ P.O. Box975
400 Bend nBk Road
AV O-K Awn, Cdaado8162D
Office of the Town Manager
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
From: Larry Brooks, Town Manager
Date: January 5, 2006
Regarding: Ordinance 05-14, an ordinance prohibiting smoking in certain places, and
providing fines for the violation thereof.
Attached for your consideration, you will find an ordinance that would prohibit smoking in
• _ specified places within the Town of Avon. This ordinance has been prepared by John Dunn,
and is a direct effort to mirror the legislation currently being considered by Eagle County at
this time. It has been the expressed intent of the Avon Town Council to create seamless
legislation with Eagle County, so that Avon residents and guests can enjoy a consistent level
of expectations regarding smoke free environments.
The Avon Council is entertaining this legislation after reviewing and discussing the results of
Eagle County Ballot question on November 1,2005. For that question, 72% of, the
responding electors voted in favor of an ordinance prohibiting smoking in Eagle County.
Mayor Wolfe and I attended the Eagle County Commissioners meeting on December 6th to
observe the passage of the County ordinance on first reading. It is the staff intent to parallel
not only the content of the legislation with the county, but to.shadow the implementation
timeline as well.
We have been in contact with the County Attorney throughout this process, and have
shared our minor modifications of our ordinances as they have gone through first reading.
For second reading, John Dunn will provide the council with a verbal summary of the
changes requested from the last meeting. The County will consider their ordinance on
second reading at 11 am on the 10th of January just prior to our discussion the same
evening. Bryan (County Attorney) will call me after takes place to share the actual income
with the Town.
• Recommended Action:
Approve Ordinance 05-14, an Ordinance Amending Title 8, Avon Municipal Code,
Prohibiting Smoking in Certain Places, and Providing Fines for the Violation thereof.
C 0 L 0 R A D 0,
Tom d Am
P.O. Bccc975
400 Berdmwk Road
Awn, Cob acb 81620
Office of the Town Manager
To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
From: Larry Brooks, Town Manage ~-r
Date: December 7, 2005
Regarding: Ordinance 05-14, an ordinance prohibiting smoking in certain places, and
providing fines for the violation thereof.
Attached for your consideration, you will find an ordinance that would prohibit smoking in
specified places within the Town of Avon. This ordinance has been prepared by John Dunn,
and is a direct effort to mirror the legislation currently being considered by Eagle County at.
this time. It has been the expressed intent of the Avon Town Council to create seamless
legislation with Eagle County, so that Avon residents and guests can enjoy a consistent level
-of expectations regarding smoke free environments.
The Avon Council is entertaining this legislation after reviewing and discussing the results of
Eagle County Ballot question on November 1,2005. For that question, 72% of the
responding electors voted in favor of an ordinance prohibiting smoking in Eagle County.
Mayor Wolfe and I attended the Eagle County Commissioners meeting on December 6t" to
observe the passage of the County ordinance on first reading (see attached). It is the staff
intent to parallel not only the content of the legislation with the county, but to shadow the
implementation timeline as well.
We have included both the County Ordinance and Town of Avon Ordinance for comparison
purposes. I anticipate attending the County meeting to understand the County Ordinance
after final adoption by the Commissioners.
Recommended Action:
Approve Ordinance 05-14, an Ordinance Amending Title 8, Avon Municipal Code,
Prohibiting Smoking in Certain Places, and Providing Fines for the Violation thereof.
Colorado Restaurant Association
Government Restrictions on Smoking
In Restaurants and Public Foodservice Outlets
Revised August 4, 2005
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Patty McKenny
r.c.wolfe []
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 5:22 PM
'Finnegans Wake'; Ron Wolfe
Cc:;; Patty McKenny; Larry Brooks
Subject: RE: Smoking ban
Thanks Rodney for the input. Please come to the next Council Meeting and give us
your suggestion during the Public Hearing. As you can see I am sending a copy of
your e-mail to staff and the rest of the Council as advance info.
Ron Wolfe
-----Original Message-----
From: Finnegans Wake []
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:46 AM
Subject: Smoking ban
Hello Mr. Wolfe,
I am writing in regards to the proposed smoking ban in the Town of Avon. I
have been in contact with the Colorado Restaurant Association President Pete
Meersman and following our conversation. We discussed the fact that maybe
the council could hold off on the smoking ban ordinance until after the
state legislature session at which time they are reviewing a statewide ban
on smoking, at which time if they do impose the statewide ban it would make
all municipalities equal with the smoking ban ordinance that is passed. If
they do not impose the smoking ban then at that time the town of Avon could
implement the ban that is currently proposed. If you could get back to me on
the possibility of making this happen I would greatly appreciate it.
Rodney Johnson
President of the Vail Valley Chapter of The Colorado Restaurant Association
General Manager of Finnegan's Wake Traditional Irish Pub Avon, CO
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The Colorado Restaurant Association (CRA) recognizes there is growing public concern
about the effects of smoking, not only on the health of smokers but also on the health of
non-smokers, including foodservice employees, who are exposed to tobacco smoke. This
public concern has resulted in a proliferation of laws at local levels of government that
attempt to restrict or regulate the smoking of tobacco in public buildings and in private
businesses that serve the public.
It is the opinion of CRA that the diversity of these laws has created confusion among the
public as to what is legal, what is restricted, and who is responsible for enforcement of
the laws in both public buildings and private businesses.
In order to promote a clear understanding of what is acceptable behavior by smokers,
non-smokers, business operators and their employees, CRA adopts the following official
position concerning smoking in restaurants and foodservice outlets that serve the general
public and cater to private groups and organizations:
Official Position
It is the CRA's official position to preserve the right of its members to make business
decisions based. on customer demand, rather than government mandate.
However, because of the current proliferation of local ordinances that vary from location
to location CRA recommends that the Colorado legislature adopt a statewide law
governing the regulation of smoking in all restaurants and foodservice outlets serving the
public that pre-empts all existing county and municipal provisions.
In addition, CRA wishes the following provisions be made part of any state statute, and,
until such a statute is enacted, CRA will attempt to include these provisions in all city and
county ordinances:
■ That all outdoor areas of restaurants and other retail food service outlets be exempted
from all mandated restrictions on smoking;
■ That all licensed bars, taverns, bowling alleys, casinos and other businesses in which
foodservice is not the primary source of business be included in any restrictions on
smoking in public places;
■ That all functions catering to private groups, parties or organizations be exempted so
long as they take place in an area separate from the general public;
■ And, that the owners, managers and employees not be responsible for enforcement.