TC Ord. No. 2005-05 Ordinance amending Title 16 muni code of the TOA relating to approval of subdivisions of land and granting of variances in association therewithTOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ORDINANCE NO. 05-05 SERIES OF 2005 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16, MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF AVON, RELATING TO APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND AND GRANTING OF VARIANCES IN ASSOCIATION THEREWITH COLORADO: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, Section 1. Amendment. Section 16.16.010, Chapter 16.16 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is repealed and reenacted to provide as follows: Any person proposing to subdivide land shall submit a sketch plan in the form and mariner described in Article II of this Chapter, together with required supplemental information, to the Town Council at least thirty (30) days prior to the regularly scheduled Town Council meeting at which the applicant wishes sketch plan review. Section 2. Amendment. Subsection (1), Section 16.16.030, Chapter 16.16 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is repealed and reenacted to provide as follows: (1) Whether the sketch plan complies with applicable zoning and takes into consideration: (a) The Comprehensive Plan; (b) For Planned Unit Developments, the relevant Planned Unit Development Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan, as reflected in the approval of that Planned Unit Development; and (c) General suitability of the land for such development. Section 3. Amendment. Section 16.20.010, Chapter 16.20 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is amended to provide as follows: The subdivider, in compliance with Article II of this Chapter, must submit the preliminary plan of the proposed subdivision with the maps and supporting information required in this Chapter to the Town Council at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the applicant wishes to be heard. Section 4. Amendment. Section 16.20.040, Chapter 16.20 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is repealed and reenacted to provide as follows: The Town Council shall review the preliminary plan to determine whether the proposed subdivision conforms to applicable zoning and these subdivision regulations and whether it takes into consideration: (1) The Comprehensive Plan; (2) For Planned Unit Developments, the relevant Planned Unit Development Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan, as reflected in the approval of that Planned Unit Development. (3) Physical suitability of lots proposed for subdivision. (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses. Section 5. Amendment. Section 16.20.070, Chapter 16.20 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is repealed and reenacted to provide as follows: The Town Council shall hold a public hearing upon any application for preliminary plan approval submitted pursuant to this Chapter. Notice of such hearing shall be sent by first class mail, or delivered personally, at least twelve (12) days prior to the hearing date, to owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property in question. Owners of residential condominium units may be served with notice by mailing (or delivering) a copy of the notice to the owners association or its manager. The applicant shall furnish to the Town Clerk the names and addresses of the owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property in question. The public hearing and notice requirements hereof may be combined and run concurrently with the public hearing and notice requirements contained in Section 16.44.060 of this Code. Where subdivision approval will be required to implement development in a proposed PUD, a preliminary subdivision plan application must be filed and reviewed concurrently with the PUD application. The public hearing and notice requirements for preliminary subdivision plan approval shall be combined and run concurrently with the PUD public notice and hearing requirements as prescribed I Title 17. Section 6. Repeal. Sections 16.20.080 and 16.20.090, Chapter 16.20 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, are repealed. Section 7. Amendment. Section 16.20.120, Chapter 16.20 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is amended to provide as follows: The Town Council may, at its discretion, request that the preliminary plan be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission for specific recommendations. Section 8. Amendment. Subsection (a), Section 16.24.010, Chapter 16.24 of Title 16, Avon. Municipal Code, is amended to provide as follows: The subdivider shall submit the final plat for all or a portion of an area within an approved preliminary plan to which it must conform, with maps and information as required under Article II of this Chapter, to the Town Clerk at least forty-five (45) days prior to a the meeting at which the applicant wishes final plat approval. Section 9. Repeal. Sections 16.44.040 and 16.44.050, Chapter 16.44 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, are repealed. Ordinance No. 05-05 Subdivison Regs Page 2 of 3 Section 10. Amendment. Section 16.44.060, Chapter 16.44 of Title 16, Avon Municipal Code, is repealed and reenacted to provide as follows: The Town Council shall hold a public hearing upon any application submitted pursuant to this Chapter. Notice of such hearing shall be sent by first class mail, or delivered personally, at least twelve (12) days prior to the hearing date, to owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property in question. Owners of residential condominium units may be served with notice by mailing (or delivering) a copy of the notice to the owners association or its manager. The applicant shall furnish to the Town Clerk the names and addresses of the owners of property within three hundred (300) feet of the property in question. The public hearing and notice requirements hereof may be combined and run concurrently with the public hearing and notice requirements contained in Section 16.20.070 of this Code. INTRODUCED, APPROVED, PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 26th day of April, 2005, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council on the 10th day of May, 2005, at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. F AVON ATTEST: Pcl~ ~c Patty cK nny, T Jerk G , 6 , , " Ronald; C: a?Vol:fe, Mayor INTRODUCED, FINALLY APPROVED, PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED POSTED the 10th day of May, 2005. ATTEST: Patty cK nny, To n Jerk Wr AS TO FORM: Jo W. Dunn, Town Attorney Wolfe, Mayor Ordinance No. 05-05 Subdivison Regs Page 3 of 3 MEMORANDUM TO: TOWN COUNCIL FROM: TOWN ATTORNEY RE: SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS DATE: April 20; 2005 . At your last meeting, you asked that an ordinance be prepared which would remove deadlines on council approval of preliminary plans and variances, revise timelines to allow staff more time for review and incorporate into the subdivision regulations conformance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan and other, similar documents including The Village (at Avon) PUD. A proposed ordinance accompanies this memorandum. The following changes have been made (references are to sections of the ordinance): Sections 1. 3, and 8 extend the times for submittal of applications, to allow more time for staff review. Section 1 changes 15 days to 30 days. Section 3 changes 30 days to 60 days to allow time for referrals. Section 8 changes 30 days to 45 days. Section 2. The subdivision regulations currently require that a sketch plan conform with "the master plan." The pertinent section will be amended to change "master plan" to "Comprehensive Goals and Policies" and add additional language which broadens that concept. As you can see, the requirement for sketch plans will be similar to the requirements for preliminary plans. Section 4. Similar language is added for preliminary plan review. Section 5. This is a housekeeping amendment. The time for giving notice is being changed from 5 days to 12 days so as to conform with notice for hearing on zoning amendments. Sections 6 and 9. The several sections which place a deadline on council to approve or deny either a subdivision application or a variance from the subdivision regulations are repealed. Section 7. This is a housekeeping amendment. The subdivision regulations currently make reference to the Design Review Board, rather than the Planning and Zoning Commission. Section 10. The variance part of the subdivision regulations do not provide for a hearing, except in the indirect sense of requiring the Council to grant or deny the application within a particular time period. I have therefore added substantially the same language as is now in place for hearings on applications for preliminary plan review. I am assuming that you will want to give notice of that hearing and conduct it as a quasi-judicial review. That is consistent with the process for variances from the zoning regulations: JWD:ipse