TC Ord. No. 1997-15 WithdrawnOrdinance No. 97 -15 Series of 1997 Town of Avon Withdrawn TOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 97 -15 SERIES OF 1997 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 17.24.020 6. AND 17.24.020 8. OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW PROJECTS WITH RESERVED PARKING SPACES TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR PARKING REDUCTIONS AND TO CLARIFY THAT SPECIAL REVIEW USES ARE ELIGIBLE FOR PARKING REDUCTIONS, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS FOLLOWS: Section 17.24.020 6. Is hereby amended as follows: 6. Reduction in Parking Requirements for Mixed -use Projects. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C hereof, the minimum parking requirement for a mixed -use project shall be determined, by the planning and zoning commission as part of its review of any plan for development and shall be calculated as follows: Main level - 5.5 spaces /1,000 square feet; Additional levels, including basements - 4.0 spaces /1,000 square feet; Residential - in accordance with Section 17.24.020 (C) (1); Provided, the said minimum requirement may be reduced by a factor of fifteen percent upon determination by the planning and zoning commission that the following criteria are met: a. No parking spaces are reserved for use (except by handicapped persons or where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that the reservation of spaces will not significantly_ affect the availability of parking spaces within the development); b. The mixed -use project will be served by the town's bus system; c. The mixed -use project is located within a TC, SC, RHDC or PUD zone district; d. Adequate snow storage on -site will be provided; e. At least seventy -five parking spaces are provided; if application of the reduction formula results in the requirement of less than seventy -five spaces, the minimum requirement herein above provided shall govern and reduction will not be permitted. f. The development shall include a program approved by the town to encourage alternative modes of transportation such as providing pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities, programs to encourage car pooling such as vroviding reserved car pool spaces, programs to encourage transit use such as providing discounted bus passes and/or providing facilities for transit such as bus stops or shelters where appropriate. The alternative modes program must reasonably demonstrate a reduction in parking space demands roughly proportional to the requested parking reduction. , Reductions in the number of required parking spaces for mixed -use projects shall not be made in combination with a reduction made on a large single -use basis. Section 17.24.020 8. Is hereby amended as follows: 8. Reduction in Parking Requirements for Large Single -use Projects. Mminimum requirements for large single -use projects shall be determined in accordance with subsection C hereof. The minimum parking requirements for commercial uses established by subsection C hereof may be reduced by a factor of fifteen percent in the case of large single -use projects upon determination by the planning and zoning commission (as paA of 45 F-eviev., ef-aff plan for. hat the following criteria are met: 1lntserverlfile serverlcounciMrdinanc 197- 15baark.docl a. No parking spaces are reserved for use (except by handicapped persons or where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that the reservation of spaces -will not significantly affect the availability of parking spaces within the develoument);)-; b: The large single -use project will be served by the town's.bus system;, C. The large single -use project is located within a TC, SC, RHDC or PUD zone district; d. Adequate snow storage on -site will be provided; e. At least seventy -five parking spaces are provided; if application of the reduction formula results in the requirement-of less than seventy -five spaces; the minimum requirement herein above provided shall govern and reduction will not be permitted. f. _ The development shall include a program approved by the town to encourage alternative modes of transportation such as providing_pedestrian and/or bicycle facilities, programs to encourage car pooling such as providing reserved car pool spaces, programs to encourage transit use such as providing discounted bus passes and/or providing facilities for transit such as bus stops or shelters where appropriate. The alternative modes program must reasonably demonstrate a reduction in parking space demands roughly proportional to -the requested parking reduction. Reduction in the number of required parking spaces for large single -use projects shall not be made in combination with a reduction made on a mixed -use basis. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this day of ,199_, and a public hearing shall be held at. the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the day of ,199_, at 5:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Avon, Colorado Town Council Jack Fawcett, Mayor ATTEST: Patty Lambert, CMC, Town Clerk \\ntservertle server\council \ordinanc\97 -15b ark.do ': I INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this day of Town of Avon Town Council Jack Fawcett, Mayor ATTEST:" Patty Lambert, CMC, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney fttserverlfite serverl councillordinanc197- 15br)ark.doG