TC Ord. No. 1997-07 Amending Chapters 5.08 of the Avon Muni Code relates to applications for Liquor LicensesTOWN OF AVON ORDINANCE NO. 97 -7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE,OF THE TOWN OF AVON AS IT RELATES TO APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Paragraph C of Section 5.08.090 of Chapter 5.08, Title 5 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is amended to read as follows: "C. Payment in full of the town and state license fees and an additional five hundred dollar fee for the actual and necessary expenses of processing the application, conducting an investigation, conducting a public hearing, and for publishing and posting the required notice of such hearing;" Section 2. Amendment. Paragraphs A and B of Section 5.08.150 of Chapter 5.08, Title 5 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon are amended to read as follows: "A. To achieve a change in the location of a licensed outlet, the applicant shall submit all forms and material required by the State Liquor Enforcement Division, a fee to the town of five hundred dollars for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with processing the application, and any additional materials as reasonably required by the town attorney, town clerk or police chief, as well as any information, testimony or documents required by the local liquor licensing authority. B. Similarly, to achieve a change in the ownership of a licensed outlet, the applicant shall complete and submit all forms and material required by the State Liquor Enforcement Division, a fee to the town of five hundred dollars for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with processing the application, and such additional materials as may be required by the town attorney, town clerk or police chief, as well as any information, testimony or documents required by the local liquor licensing authority. If the licensee is a corporation, any transfer of more than ten percent of the stock of the corporation must be reported to the town clerk and the forms required by the State Liquor Enforcement Division must be completed and submitted not less than ten days prior to such transfer." Section 3. Amendment. Paragraph D of Section 5.08.190, Title 5 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon is amended to read as follows: "D. Process. The temporary permit set forth in this Section may be granted by the clerk of the town with the verbal approval of the chairman of the town local licensing authority and if the chairman is not available such approval may be given by any member of the local licensing authority. If so granted, the temporary permit shall be issued within five working days after the receipt of the completed application. A temporary permit issued in accordance with this section shall be valid until such time as the application to transfer ownership of the license to the applicant is granted or for one hundred twenty days, whichever shall occur first; except that, if the application to transfer the license has not been granted within the one - hundred - twenty -day period and the transferee demonstrates good cause, the local licensing authority may extend, in its discretion, the validity of said permit for an additional period not to exceed sixty days. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this 8th day of July, 1997, and a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the 22nd day of July, 1997, at 5:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Mayor A INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this 22nd day of July, 1997. 1 TE _ Mayo ::; d • - r To n Clerk APP OVED AS TO FORM: Tow ttorney STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT 5:30 P.M. ON THE 22ND DAY OF JULY, 1997, AT THE TOWN MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -7 SERIES OF 1997: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE 'TOWN OF AVON AS IT RELATES TO APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENSES. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Dated this 10th day of June, 1997. TOWN AVON, COLORADO BY: Patty Lamb t,_ CMC Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON JUNE 10, 1997; EAGLEBENDAPARTMENTS - CLUBHOUSE LAUNDRY; CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY COASTAL MART, INC.; AND AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY