TC Ord. No. 1996-08 Ezoning From RHDC to PUD and Approving PUD Development Plan for Lot 1 EaglewoodTOWN OF AVON � ivi `t n ORDINANCE NO. 96 k SERIES OF 1996 �€, AN ORDINANCE REZONING FROM RHDC TO PUD AND APPROVING A PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 1, EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, the Lowey Family Trust. owner of Lot 1. Eaglewood Subdivision, has filed an application with the To-Km of Avon to rezone the property from RHDC to PUD, and to approve a Development Plan for the PUD; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon on May 7, 1996, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed rezoning and development plan; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission forwarded its recommendations regarding the proposed rezoning and development plan to the Town Council of the Town of Avon; and AA% WHEREAS, after notices provided by law, a public hearing was held before this Council Cn on the 11 th day of June , 1996, at which time the applicant and the public were given an i0J opportunity to express their opinions regarding the proposed rezoning and development plan; and WHEREAS, based upon the evidence, testimony, and exhibits, and a study of the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Avon and of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, this Council finds as follows: 1. That the proper posting, publication and public notice were provided as required by law for the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council of the Town of Avon. 2. That the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council were both extensive and complete and that all pertinent facts, matters and issues were submitted at those hearings. 3. That the proposed rezoning to PUD and the Development Plan are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Avon, which designates the land use for this area as mixed -use. 4. That the structures and uses permitted by the Rezoning and Development Plan are compatible with adjacent existing and proposed land uses. and suitable for the site's specific topography, visibility, drainage, ambient noise levels and access. I IIIII IIIII 111111 X111 IIII IIIII 1111111 II 11111 Jill 111 608x420 11/27/1996 10:49A BK 712 PS 443 289 ge. 1 °f 5 REC 26.00 DOC 0.00 NOT 0.00 Eagle County Clerk 1uncil�rdinanci96 -8.doc NOW THEREFORE, DE IT ORDAINED B THE '1T0WN.0 OUNC'I1_ OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT the re onin�� crf l_ot 1. l aglee ►ooal Saabzli►'nslaora from RHDC to PI D, and the De velopment Plan (attached hereto as Exhibit "A "), are hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. All development on this property shall conform to the approved Development Plan which establishes the permitted uses, number of dwelling units, amount of commercial area, locations of buildings aind site improvements. building envelopes, parking and dri- vew-ay areas, and landscape plan. 2. The maximum of 130 dwelling units formerly permitted in conjunction with the RHDC zone district on this property is eliminated by this Rezoning and approval of the Development Plan. 3. Vehicle access to the site from Highway 6 must conform with Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) regulations. 4. Final architectural and site design must be approved pursuant to Town of Avon regulations prior to issuance of any building permit. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED, this 14th day of May, 1996, and a public hearing shall be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of than Town of Avon. Colorado on theZY th day of "- 1996, at 5:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Avon, Colorado Town Council %fi/`Y. ,y � 1i5`srfftt4Ri�I / ¢ Ear Albert J. yo w Mayor t , , W' at MC, Town Clerk 1111111 Hill HIM II1111 IBM III IN 1111 Jill 6084210 Page: 2 of 6 11/27/1996 10 :49A BK 712 PG 443 289 REC 26.00 DOC 0.@0 NOT 0.00 Eagle County Clerk j \c ouncAlkordinancX96-8.doc INTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this d2v of ^� .1996. Town of Aeon Town Council .'`Y'' .•....'.,,� ; `�� . Patty Neybar CMC, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: To4ftorney 1 11111 IIII 1l1111111i1 1111 1111111 111 Jill IIII Jill 608420 11/27/1996 10:49A BK 712 PG 443 289 ge: 3 of 5 REC 26.00 DOC 0.00 NOT 0.00 Eagle County Clerk G1 Albert J. R molds .'favor }Y : %YV "`:•'Y, } }, -nw, r r'',� •' .tea �. •,4Yy Patty Neybar CMC, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: To4ftorney 1 11111 IIII 1l1111111i1 1111 1111111 111 Jill IIII Jill 608420 11/27/1996 10:49A BK 712 PG 443 289 ge: 3 of 5 REC 26.00 DOC 0.00 NOT 0.00 Eagle County Clerk G1 i t4mow,m`p r+aritrp�V4y Zs+lAd't�mlm3ta4ai ma mr+s � m ,,.*4 -�vs �n+ea. rdca.m ar•m.�or+a:u:.5x , +Fs3s.moo�;m•soR r.amr ¢:. .taa•ri sa.. �¢ 4'etCD�trer+ cr.ereerr� t�.em.t.emtasw aar4meeeea7a �cwa4 i� awa•yrmni anm am rZo �w.+c �a4•we'nm :r .TAIP'm.•ou..•a1:gr S.esan �. Z.a neaaa m. aa.momea o HmoRS:P- Barr fr• Q r�L•xms a min m sb bey u�x aea Y9 rm wau. r_. w'1am a4rmmac" mwm a t svmia Ow m o em Faso �VA.V4 Egg *iaaa. 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NOO NLS2 rd700 Raau_ Sefte Loa "e .� ja /- i 1 EnSL.0 CONCRETE 9 � / r- SITE PLAN SCALE. T 5' 90' fry -,Imp t t+•tl+: F+1 f wtYYl tRl;v \1L0 ` � �i ,,•� �' '' ^.._ate.' � stoic x _ Y J. GA', 1 pdm gem lie it n J _t I f ( �� 1 120' CO Exhibit A.. .Q0 lAq ROM Pt" I � w•i a•t ac,MY)11 LAYaAW r' - 9 °i���' ''rte �,•h -��.. 1j 1 -00� _ _ I l i I l e 1 l `T I ' fi 1� `JWeiE •� VKIVIG GOrCACTC �0>� /7 �1�— ��� O' SITE PLAN 120' CD c C § ass a cs"= V2 ;-jS y 0 Goo E A C _2 .r. m V > 4• L Dom C ® V �OaC CO � .a>' j �w 3 M v 6Oa.N O mi < ® � mom R ara a® " •c •o WI rm ANY �'�K'am -- dem rm GO.IM R !� mamw.r�vas-c ® O ® m z W Q' A 3 ®�O n CL �c cn ®W � a N + E,4� SPM STATE OF COLORADO j COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT 5:341 P.M. ON THE 11TH DAY OF JUNE, 1996, AT THE TOWN MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 96 -8, SERIES OF 1996: AN ORDINANCE REZONING FROM RHDC TO PUD AND APPROVING A PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 1, EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISON, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, and*is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Dated this 29th day of May, 1996. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO 1 BY: _.. Patty Neyha t, CMC Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MAY 29, 1996; EAGLEBEND APARTMENTS - CLUBHOUSE LAUNDRY; CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY COASTAL MART, INC.; AND AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY 'Yr STATE OF COLORADO COUNT'S OF EAGLE Su TOWN OF AVON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AT 5:80 P_M_ ON THE 28TH DAY OF MAY, 1996, AT THE TOWN MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 96 -8, SERIES OF 1996: AN ORDINANCE REZONING FROM RHDC TO PUD AND APPROVING A PUD DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 1, EAGLEWOOD SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO A copy of said,Ordinance is attached hereto, and-is also on file at the office of'the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and posted by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado Dated this 15th day of May, 1996. BY: AVON, COLORADO Patty Neart , CMC Town Cler POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON MAY 15, 1996; EAGLEBEND APARTMENTS - CLUBHOUSE LAUNDRY; CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY COASTAL MART, INC.; AND AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY