TC Ord. No. 1991-06ORDINANCE NO. 91-6 AN ORDINANCE CONCLUDING A LEASEHOLD AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 14.9 (a) OF THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF AVON BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO: Section 1. Approval of Lease. The leasehold agreement between the Town and City Market, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A is approved and concluded pursuant to Section 14.9 (a) of the Charter of the Town of Avon. Section 2. Effective date. This ordinance shall be effective as of the date of said leasehold agreement. INTRODUCED, PASSED ON FIRST READING, this 22nd day of October, 1991 and a ordinance shall be held at the reguL of the Town of Avon, Colorado on the 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building Colorado. APPROVED AND ORDER POSTED, public hearing on this ar meeting of the Town council 12th day of November, 1991 at of the Town of Avon, Jerr Davi , Mayor Attest: Patty Ne hart, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, PASSED ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED POSTED this 1 2 day of I~c,vt r.~,i , 1991. Attest: Patty Ne hart, Town Clerk -t Reyno :'cts, Mayor Pro-Tem r. Exhibit A Su37=ASE AGR_DMETvT Agreement o; Sublease, made the 27th day cr February 19 90 bets=-n C."_Y MARKET, INC. , a Colorado cortoration, having its principal off_ce at Box 729, Grand Junct-Jo..^, Colorado, here_nafter _e- erred to as Landlord, and TOWN OF AVON, a Tuniciz-al cor-crat,cn, having its principal o=lice at P. 0. Box 975, Avon, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as Ten=nt, WITNESSETu, that the Landlord does hereby demise and lease tc the Tenan" -he s^ace outl"hied on t e d=. W_nc attached as F- ibit "A" being a portion of an addition to be constructed onto the existing C.tJ Market bui d1:!Cj. located in the Town of Avon, County of Eagle and State o= Colorado. Said demised premises shall contain apprcxi.nately 5,000 square feet of floor space. The demised premises shall be for the exclusi'Je use of the Tenant-, its agents, servants and invitees for any lawful purpose, upon tcie following terms, covenants and conditions: 1. TEPM. The term of this lease shall be five (5) years commencing the date of delivery o= possess'_on. 2. RENT. The Tenant shall pay as rent the sum of ONE H 7cDRF.D FIFTY-SIX THOUS:PND FOUR FiUNDRFD F GRTY DOLLAPS ($156,440), which shall be dire on the date of delivery o: possession. 3. REPAIRS; R_`"YFDI_S OF TENANT FOR L3~~ ' S NDLO . D D_rAT:IT; 7m:-7 1 __~.T; L?T_L_ITI=S. T Tenant s al_ maize necessary minor repairs to the interior o= the premises. The Landlor3 shall make all other repairs including struc-ural repairs , repairs to the exterior o' the -remises including the roc', skylights, sidewalks and parking areas, and repairs to the electrical, plumbinc, heating, air condition 4nc, sprinkler and hot water systems. The Landlord shall- also make anv repairs necessitated by water seepace or by other causes not under the Tenant's control. The Landlord shall also make any repairs or changes which may be necessary to make the premises and the use herein conternDlated comply with appli- cable laws, ordinances, orders or reCUl3tiOnS o-:-' any feder- al, state, co ntv or municipal authority now or hereafter in effect, and so long as the premises remain in good repair and no negligence is committed by the Landlord, the Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant for any injury cr damage occurring on or about the premises. However, if the Land- lord shall fail, within a reasonable time after recuest therefor, to make such repairs or changes, or repairs necessitated by fire or other casualty, or if such chances or repairs are negligently made, then (a) the Landlord shall be liable for any damages to property or loss thereby sustained b-% the Tenant, and (b) the Ten-=:t may have such repairs or chances made, or may have such repairs or oranges which were negligently made corrected at the expense of the Landlord. The Tenant, whenever the weather shall'- requ_;_-_, shall neat the premises. The Tenant Shall pay all charges for water, electricity and gas su-ppl_ed to the premises. Meters shall be installed by the Landlord to measure the Tenant's use e= such utilities. 4. aSSICNMENT 03 Si:3L~T^ING. The Tenant ma-_,.1 assig*: or sublet the da-miSed premises or any part therecf for the purposes herein permitted or for ar.v other lawful business not extra-hazardous on account of fire without relieving the Tenant fro- the Oblications hereunder; provid- ed, no such assignment or subletting shall alter any term hereof. 5. DFSTR'JCTION BY FIRE OR OTHER CASH~LTy. If during or prior to the terms hereby granted, the premises shall be damaged or destroved by fire or other casualty, the Landlord shall repair and restore the same at the Landlord's expense and as promptly as possible. If such damage or destruction: (a) shall be so extensive that the cost of repair or restoration would be in excess of 750 of the value of the demises premises when restored; and (b) shall occur at a time when the unexpired term of this lease shall be less than three years, this lease may terminate at the option of the Tenant. If the Tenant shall not terminate this lease, then the Landlord shall reoair or restore the demised Uremzises at the Landlord's expense and as promptly as possible, and the rent shall be abated in an amount ccrrespcndi_1Cj wit th.e time during which and the e`:ter:t to which the premises have been untenantable. - 3 - 6. RIGHT OF LANDLORD TO ENT7": The Landlord may enter the demised premises duri-a all reasona' le business hours to inspect the same or to exh_b_t the re _~~s to prospective tenants. 7. QQIET FENJOYMENT. The Landlord warrants and covenants that the premises may be used for the purpe=_es herein contemplated throughout the term of this lease and anv extensions thereof. The Tenant shall cuietly enjoy the premises for the full term herein granted. 8. TITLE OF LANDLORD. The Landlord covenants and warrants i t has full right and lawful authority to enter into this lease for the full tern: herein granted and that it is not in breach of anv term of the lease as to which it is lessee and that during the term hereof it will fully and promptly perform all the terms and conditions of said lease. 9. SLTBORDINATIGN. This lease shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage now against said premises or which may hereinafter be placed against the demised premises, provided that, in the event of termination of this lease, the unused portion of the prepaid rent shall be returned to the tenant. 10. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Tenant from time to time, at its expense, may paint and decorate the premises and make such nonstructural changes, alterations, additions and improvements as will, in the -uduma nt of the Tenant, better adapt the same for the our-cc-se of its A _ business. The Tenant may make structural alterations or ad- ditions only with the Landlord's approval, which apcroval the Landlord will not unreascnably withhold or delay. Tenant agrees to indemnify Landlord against any mechanic's liens arising out of anv improvements mace hereunder. 11. SURRENDER. On the termination of the Ten- ant's occupancy, the premises shall be surrendered in the condition in which the Tenant is hereby required to maintain the same. 12. REMOVAL OF TENANT'S F IXTUF - " The Tenant shall have the privilege at any time on or before vacating the premises o= removing any or all of its personal proper- ty, equipment and fixtures, and shall repair any damage thereby caused. 13. DEFAULT OF LANDLORD. If the Landlord shall fail to carry out any obligation on the Landlord's part in this lease contained, the Tenant may, after reasonable notice or without notice if in the Tenant's judgment an emergency shall exist, perform such obligation at the expense of the Landlord. 14. NIOTICES. Anv notice or demand, which, under the terms of this lease or by any statute or ordinance, must or may be giver or made by a party hereto, shall be in writing and may be given by certified or registered mail sent to the other party at the address of its principal - 5 - of=ice hereinabove mentioned, or to such other address as such party may from time to time designate by notice. 15. F_RF INSU_r`NCE The Landlord will insure the premises against fire loss by policies with extended cover- ace; and the Tenant shall not be liacle for ,-jury to the premises by fire or other casualty so covered by this type of insurance, it being understood that in case of such injury the Landlord shall look solely to the insure= for reimbursement and not the Tenant, ez~cept in the case of the necligert or intentional acts of the Tenant or its employees to the extent the same are not barred by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act. 16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The Tenant s1h_al l promptly execute and comDiv with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirements of any or all federal, state and municipal authorities having jurisdiction over the manner in which the Tenant's business is conducted. 17. NEW CONSTRUCT ON BY LANDLORD. The Landlord shall begin promptly the work called for on the specifica- tions attached as Exhibit "B" no later than. September 1, 1990, and shall complete same in a neat and workmanlike manner and in comoliarce with said specifications. The Tenant shall not be deemed to ha--e received actual pos- session of the premises until- all such work has been satis- factor-41 completed, anc the Landlord covenants that all such work shall be carried out in accordance 4:~th the - 6 - recu_rements, orders and limitations of all local, state or federal departments or bureaus having jurisdiction therein, and u-,= completion the premises shall be in compliance with all covernmer.tal reGUirements for the use which the Tenant may make of them. All permits and licenses and the neces- sary insurance required in connection with the above work are to be obtained and paid for by the Landlord. 18. WORK SPECIFICATIONS. The specifications and drawing hereinbefore referred to have been initialed by the parties for identification and are annexed to and hereby made a part of this lease. 19. TAXES AND COMMON EXPENSES. Tenant will pay its oro-rata share (based upon a scuare-feet allocation) of parking lot maintenance and snow removal, and Tenant will pay its pro-rata share of taxes if an exemption cannot be obtained from Eagle Ccuntv. 20. NO ORAL MODIFICATION. This lease may not be modified except by an instrument in writing, signed by the parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives, succes- sors or assigns. 21. NO FORFEITURE. Breach of anv covenant of this lease shall not entitle Landlord to a forfeiture of the term hereof. However, in the event of any breach of any covenant of this lease by a sublessee or assignee of Tenant, Landlord may, after demand on Tenant to do se, enforce the - 7 - terms hereof or evict such sublessee or assignee from the premises. 22. SUCCESSORS BOUND. The covenants and agree- ments contained in this lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives, successors, or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have execut- ed this lease the day and year first above written. A DES Secretary CITY MARK-T, INC. By: It President TOWN OF AVON B _ ayor Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of m Q/i.c.h , 1990 , by 4Eo r~2~N~r P as President, and AAt7;r vy F, t~,ei.~S iE as Secretary of CITY MARKET, INC. My commission exaires : / 2 Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public - 8 - STATE OF COLORADO ) ss. COUNTY OF ) STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ubscr_bed and sworn to before me this 11 day of 19 q C by Allan R. Nottingham, as Maj r, and Patricia J. Doyle, as Town Clerk, of the TOWN OF AVON. My commission expires: 6/a~ /q/ Witness my hand and official seal. Inrv Notiry Public N2021990 - 9 - EXHIBIT A 18' k 32' PRODUCE COOS 7. L CF9CE O 7 cn ; Z o z J Z F N ~ W U a N UBRAR`! 3,512sf ti w U x u U O ~ O O 0 ~O a C!RCULA nON COU TER n N < u LU) r MEN C O FOYER 0 Z I f~ d U WOMEN OFPCE a a RESORT A.SSCC.'A 90N 993sf OFFI C j~ O 0 0 AVON RENTAL ADDITION T #126 R A D O 2-27.4. 3.113 R VISED 3-1 90 3-20-10 EXHIBIT B AVON RENTAL ADDITION FINISHES EXTERIOR: 1. Painted block walls to match existing. 2. Double doors to be aluminum framed glass, Kawneer 190, or equivalent, set in aluminum frames. 3. Windows to be Fixed Thermal Pane in aluminum frames. 4. Sidewalk and parking plan to be generated by architect. INTERIOR: Offices, work areas and hallway; 1. Walls - painted gypsum board, painted exposed block. Tenant selects paint color. 2. Ceilings - 2' x 4' acoustical ceiling panels in exposed grid system at 9'. 3. Floors - Carpet by Armstrong, Commendation III, or equivalent. Color - Selected by tenant. 4. Doors - Foyer: Aluminum framed glass, Kawneer 190, or equivalent, set in aluminum frame. Delivery: 3° x 7° Hollow Metal in H.M. Frame Balance of interior doors: Hollow core wood set in hollow metal frames. All doors to be equipped with Schlaage locksets. 5. Drinking fountain: Oasis Simulated Semi-recessed, Model ODP7SM. 6. Electrical baseboard heat as specified by Electrical Engineer. 7. Lighting is 2' x 4' lay-in fluorescent light fixtures as specified by Electrical Engineer. 8. Electrical outlets as shown on drawing, 4 duplexes per 20 amp circuit. 9. Circulation counter provided and installed by tenant. 10. Ventilation by attic exhaust with thermometer. Continued Exhibit B coi rued Page 2 Restrooms: 1. Walls - Painted gypsum board. Handicap stall to have grab bar. 2. Ceilings - 2' x 4' acoustical ceiling panels in exposed grid system at 9'. 3. Floors - 12" x 12" 1/8" Vinyl Composition Tile as manufactured by Armstrong, Excelon. 4. Doors - Hollow core wood set in hollow metal frames, with passage door sets. 5. Fixtures - Mirror, towel dispenser, soap dispenser, Ekkay #CR3-1721 sink and a B-288 stainless steel toilet tissue dispenser in each compartment. 6. Hot water heater - 6 gallon mounted under counter of the Men's vanity to supply both restrooms. 7. Water closets - Kohler Corwyn #K-4400-ET siphon-jet, elongated bowl with back open front seat. 8. Urinal - Kohler Stanwell #K4970 T 18". 9. Toilet partitions are Bobrick 1041 series. 10. Electrical baseboard heat as sepcified by Electrical Engineer. 11. Lighting is 2' x 4' lay-in fluorescent light fixtures as specified by Electrical Engineer. NOTES: Note 1 - Tenant may apply Landlord's cost of above finishes instead as partial payment for upgrades, if Tenant gives Landlord written notice of such upgrades by May 1, 1990, and if Tenant consents to pay remaining cost of such upgrades. Note 2 - Architect shall review options available for substituting gas-fired heating system at cost similar to the electric baseboard heat proposed. Note 3 - Tenant shall provide exterior freestanding and/or building signs to be installed on south side of building near entrance. Landlord shall install spotlights for illumination of those signs. Tenant's signs shall not reduce amount of signage otherwise available to Landlord. STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS TOWN OF AVON ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, AT 7:30 P.M. ON THE 12TH DAY OF November, 1991, AT THE TOWN HALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 91-6, SERIES OF 1991: AN ORDINANCE CONCLUDING A.LEASEHOLD AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 14.9 (a) OF THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF AVON. A copy of said Ordinance is attached hereto, and is also on file at the office of the Town Clerk, and may be inspected during regular business hours. Following this hearing the Council may consider final passage of this Ordinance. This notice is given and published by order of the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1991. TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Ix A, L'i~ BY: Patty Ney art Town Clerk POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON ON OCTOBER 23, 1991: THE AVON POST OFFICE IN THE MAIN LOBBY THE CITY MARKET IN THE MAIN LOBBY THE COASTAL MART, INC.; AND THE AVON MUNICIPAL BUILDING IN THE MAIN LOBBY