TC Ord. No. 1981-13INDEX
Series of 1981
CHAPTER ONE (Title, Scope and General)
Title. . . . . • . _ • . • . . • .
• .1
Purpose. . . . • . . . . . . . _ .
. .1
Scope. • . . • . . _ . . • . . . .
. .1
Application to Existing Buildings
and Building Service Equipment. . .
. -
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .3 -
Conflicting Provisions . . . . .
. .4 -
Alternate Materials and Methods
of Construction. . . . . . . .
. .5
Modifications . . . . . . . . . . .
. .5
Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .5 -
CHAPTER TV70 (Organization and Enforcement)
201. Authority . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .6
202. Powers and Duties,of Building
Official . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 6
- 8
203. Unsafe Buildings,''Structures
or Building Service Equipment . .
. . 8
- 9
204. Board of Appeals. . . . . .
. ..9
CHAPTER THREE (Permits and inspections)-
301. Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .9 -
302. Application for Permit . . . . .
. . 12
- 13
303. Permit Issuance. . . . . . . . .
. . 13 -
304. Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .15 -
305. Inspections . . . . . . . . . . .
. .19 -
306. Special Instructions. . . . . . .
. .21 -
307. Connection Approval. . . . . . .
. . 25
308. Certificate of Occupancy. • .
. 25 -
309. Foundation Permits. . . .
•27 -
310. Phased Construction Permits. . .
. . 28
Table No. 3-A
(Building Permit Fees).
Table No. 3-B
(Electrical Permit Fees),. . . . .
. . 29
-Table No. 3-C
(Mechanical Permit Fees). . . . . .
. . 30 -
Table No. 3-D
(Plumbing Permit Fees)• . . . . . .
. . 31 -
(Penalties) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .33
(Saving Clause). . • • • . . . . . . .
. . 33
Chapter 1
Section 101. These regulations shall be known as the "Avon
Administrative Code", may be cited as such and will be referred to
herein as "this code".
Section 102. The purpose of this code is to provide for the
administration and enforcement of the technical codes adopted by
the Town of Avon.
Section 103. The provisions of the code shall serve as the
administrative, organizational and enforcement rules and regulations
for the technical codes which regulate the site preparation and
construction; alteration, moving, demolition, repair, use and
occupancy of building, structures and building service equipment
within the Town of Avon.
Application to Existing Buildings and Building Service:Equipment
Section 104.
(a) General. Buildings, structures and their building service
,equipment to which additions, alterations or repairs are made
shall comply with all the requirements.of the technical codes
for new facilities, except,as specifically provided in this
(b) Additions, Alterations or Repairs.' Additions, alterations
or repairs may be made to any building or its building service
equipment without requiring the existing building or its building
service equipment to comply with all the requirements of the
technical codes, provided the addition, alteration or repair
conforms to that required for a new building or building service
equipment and provided further that no hazard to life, health
or safety will,be created by such additions, alterations or
repairs. Any building so altered, which involves a chhn,ge in
use or occupancy, shall not exceed the height, number of stories
or area permitted by the Building Code for new buildings. Any
building plus new additions shall not exceed the, height, number
of.stories and area specified in the Building Code for new buildings.
Alterations or repairs to an existing building or structure which
are nonstructural and do not adversely affect any structural member of-
any part of the building or structure having required fire resistance
may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure
is constructed, subject--Ao approval by the building official.
Minor additions, alterations, renewals and repairs to existing
building service equipment installations may be made in'accordance
with the technical code in effect at the time the original installation
was made, subject to approval of.-the building official, and provided
such additions, alterations, renewals and repairs will=not cause the,.:
existing building'service equipment to become unsafe, insanitary or
EXCEPTION: The installation or replacement of glass shall be
required for-new installations.
(c) Existing Installations. Building service equipment lawfully
in existence at the time of the adoption of the technical codes may
have their use, maintenance or repair continued if the use, maintenance
or reqpair is in accordance with the original design and no hazard to
life,,health or property has been created by such-building service
(d) Existing Occupancy. Buildings in existence at the time of
the adoption of the Building Code may have their existing use or
occupancy continued if such use or occupancy was legal at the-time
of the adoption of-the Building Code, provided such continued use
is not dangerous to life, health and safety..
Any change in the use or occupancy of any existing building
or structure shall comply with the provisions of Section 308 of
this code and the Building Code.
(e) Maintenance. All buildings, structures and building service
equipment, existing and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained
in,a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are
required by the technical codes shall be maintained in conformance
with the technical-code under which installed. The owner or his
designated agent,shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings
structures and their building service equipment. To determine
compliance with this subsection, the building-official may cause any
structure to be reinspected.
(f) Moved Building. Buildings, structures and their building
service equipment.moved into or within the Town shall comply with
the provisions of the technical codes for new buildings or structures
and their building service equipment.
Section 105. General. For the purpose of this code, certain
terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as
specified in this section. Where terms are not.defined, they shall
have their ordinarily accepted meanings within the context with
which they are used. Webster's Third New International Dictionary
of the English Language, Unabridged, copyright 1961, shall be
considered as providing ordinarily accepted meanings. Words used in
the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words
used in the masculine gender include the feminine and the feminine
the masculine.
ADDITION is an extension or increase in floor area or height of
a building or structure.
ALTER or ALTERATION is any change or modification in construction
or building service equipment.
APPROVED, aterials, types of construction, equipment and
systems, refers to approval by the building official as the result
of investigation and tests conducted by him or by reason of accepted
principles or tests by recognized authorities, technical or scientific
APPROVED.AGENCY is an established and recognized agency regularly
engaged in conducting tests or.furnishing inspection services, when
such agency has been approved by the building official.
BUILDING is any structure used or intended to be used for supporting
or sheltering any use or occupancy.
BUILDING CODE is the Uniform Building Code promulgated by the
International Conference of Building' Officials.
BUILDING, EXISTING is a building erected prior to the adoption of
this code or one for which a legal building permit has been issued.
BUILDING OFFICIAL,is the officer or other designated authority
charged with the administration and enforcement of this code; or his
duly authorized representative.
BUILDING SERVICE..EQUIPMEN'I' refers to the plumbing, mechanical,
electrical and elevator equipment including piping, wiring, fixtures
and other accessories which provide sanitation, lighting, heating,
ventilation, cooling, refrigeration, fire-fighting and transportation
facilities essential for the habitable occupancy of the building or
structure for its designated use and occupancy.
DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE is the Uniform Code for the Abatement of
Dangerous Buildings promulgated by the International Conference of
Building Officials.
ELECTRICAL CODE is the National Electrical Code promulgated by
the National Fire Protection Association.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Avon/Eagle-Vail Fire Department.
LISTED-and LISTING are terms referring to equipment and materials
which are shown in a list published by an approved testing agency,
qualified and equipped for experimental testing and maintaining an
adequate periodic inspection of current productions and whose listing
states that the equipment complies with recognized safety standards.
MAY, as used in this code, is permissive for compliance.
MECHANICAL.CODE is the Uniform Mechanical Code promulgated by the
International Conference of Building Officials.
OCCUPANCY is the purpose for which a building, or part thereof,
is used or intended to be used. The term "occupancy" as used in this
code shall include the building or part thereof housing such use.
OWNER is any person,.agent, firm or-corporation having a legal or
equitable interest in the property.
PERMIT is an official document or certificate- issued by the
building official authorizing performance of a specified activity.
PERSON is a natural person, his heirs, executors,, administrator
or assigns, and'..-also includes a firm, partnership or corporation,
its or their successors or assigns, or the agent of any of the
PLUMBING CODE is the International Conference of Building Officials
Plumbing Code.
REPAIR is the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing
building, structure or building service equipment for the'puipose of
its maintenance.
SHALL, as-used.' _in_this code, is mandatory.
STRUCTURE is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or
building of any kind, or any piece of work-artificially built up or
composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
TECHNICAL CODES refer to those codes adopted by this jurisdiction
containing the provisions for design, construction, alteration,
addition, repair removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and
maintenance of all buildings and structures and building service
equipment as herein defined.
U.B.C. STANDARDS is the Uniform Building Code Standards promulgated
by the International Conference of Building-Officials.
VALUATION or VALUE, as applied to a building and its building
service equipment, shall be the estimated cost to replace the building
and its building service equipment in kind, based on current replace-
ment costs.
Conflicting Provisions
Section 106. Wherever conflicting provisions or requirements
occur between this code, the technical codes and any other codes or
laws, the most restrictive shall govern,.
Where in any specific case different sections within any of
the technical codes specify different materials, methods of con-
struction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern.
Where conflicts.-occur between any specific provisions of the
code and any'administrative provisions in any technical code which
is then applicable within the Town, those provisions becoming law
last in time shall prevail.
Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction
Section 107. The provisions of the technical codes are not
intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction,
not specifically prescribed by the technical codes, provided any
alternate has been approved and its use unauthorized by the building
The building official may approve any alternate, provided he
finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with
the provisions of the technical codes and that the material, method
or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equiva-
lent of that prescribed in the technical codes in suitability,
strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, safety and
The building official shall require that sufficient evidence or
proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made
regarding its use. The details of any action granting approval of an
alternate shall be recorded and entered in the files of the Building
Section 108. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved
in carrying out the provisions of the technical codes, the building
official may grant modifications for individual cases, provided he
shall first find that a special individual reason makes the strict
letter of the technical code impractical and the modification is in
conformity with the intent and purpose of the technical code, and
that such modification does not lessen health, life and fire safety
requirements or any degree of structural integrity. The details of
actions granting modifications shall be recorded and entered in the
file of the Building Department.
Section 109. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance
with any of the provisions of the technical codes or evidence that
materials or construction do not conform to"the requirements,of the
technical codes, the building official may `require tests as evidence
of compliance to be made at no expense to the Town.
_ 5- ;
r ~
Test method shall be as specified by the technical codes or by
other recognized test standards. In the absence of recognized and
accepted test methods for the proposed alternate, the buildng
official shall determine test procedures.
All tests shall be made by an approved agency. Reports of such
tests shall be retained by the building official for the period
required for the retention of public records.
Chapter 2
Section 201.
(a) Creation of-Enforcement Agency. There is hereby
established a building department which shall be under the
administrative and operational control of the building official.
(b) General. Whenever the term or title "administrative,
authority," "responsible official," "building official," "chief
inspector," "code enforcement officer;" or other similar designation
is used herein or in any of the technical codes, it shall be
construed to mean the building official designated by the Town.
Powers and Duties of Building Official
Section 202.
(a) General. The building official is herewith authorized and
directed to enforce all the provisions of this code'and the refer-
enced technical codes. For such purposes, he shall have the powers
of a law enforcement officer.
(b) Right of.Entry. Whenever necessary to make an
inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this code and the
technical codes, or whenever the building official has reasonable
cause to believe that there exists in.any.building or upon any
premises any condition or code violation which makes-such building
or premises'unsafe;'dangerous-or hazardous','the building official
may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to
inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon the building
official by such codes; provided that if such building or premises
be occupied, he shall first present proper credentials and demand
entry; and if such building or premises'be unoccupied, he shall
first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons
having charge or control of the building or premises and demand
entry. Should entry be refused, the building official shall have
recourse to every remedy provided by law;
When,the building official shall have first obtained a proper
inspection warrant or other remedy provided by law to secure entry,
no owner or occupant or any other person having charge, care or
control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after
proper demand is made as herein provided, to promptly permit entry
therein by the building official for the purpose of inspection and
examination pursuant to this code.
(c) Stop Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary
to the provisions of this code or any technical code, the building
official may order the work.stopped by notice in writing served on
any person engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done, and
any such person shall forthwith stop such-work until authorized,by
the building official to proceed with the work.
(d) Occupancy Violations. Whenever any building or structure
or building service equipment therein regulated by this code and the
technical codes isbeing_used contrary to the provisions of such codes
the building official'may order such use discontinued by written.
notice served on any person causing such use to'be continued.' Such
person shall discontinue the, use within the time prescribed by the
building official after receipt of such notice to make the structure-
or portion thereof,,comply with the requirements of such codes.
(e) Authority to Disconnect Utilities. The building official
shall have the authority to disconnect any utility service or energy
supplied to the building, structure or building service equipment
therein regulated by this code or the technical codes in case of
emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or
property. The building official shall whenever possible notify the
serving utility, the owner and occupant of the building, structure
or building service equipment of the decision to disconnect prior to
taking such action, and shall notify such serving utility, owner and
occupant of the buildng, structure or building service equipment
in writing, of such disconnection immediately thereafter.
(f) Authority to Condemn Building Service Equipment. When-
ever the building official ascertains that any building service
equipment regulated in the technical code's'has become hazardous
to life, health, property, or becomes insanitary, he shall order in
writing that such equipment either be removed or restored-to a safe
or sanitary condition, whichever is appropriate. The written notice
itself shall fix a time limit for compliance with such order. No
person shall use or maintain defective building service equipment
after receiving such notice.
When such equipment or installation is to be disconnected, a
written notice of such disconnection and causes therefor shall be
given within 24 hours to the serving utility, the owner and occupant
of such building, structure or premises.
When any building service equipment is maintained in
violation of-the technical codes and in violation of any notice
issued pursuant to-the provisions of this section, the building
official shall institute any appropriate action to prevent, restrain
correct or abate the violation.
(g) Connection after Order to Disconnect. No person shall
make connections from any energy, fuel or power supply nor-supply
energy or fuel to any building service equipment which has been
connected by the building official or the use of which has been-
ordered to be discontinued by the building official-until the
building official authorizes the reconnection and use of such equipment.
(h) The building official, acting in good faith and without
malice in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render
himself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons
or property as a result of any act or by reason of any act or omission-,
in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against the building
official because of such act or omission performed by him in the
enforcement of any provision of such codes shall be defended by
legal counsel provided by the Town until final termination of such
proceedings. Such codes shall not be construed to relieve from or
lessen the responsibility of any person owning, operating or con-
trolling any building, structure or building service equipment therein
for any damages to person or property caused by defects, nor shall
the code enforcement agency or its parent jurisdicti'onibe held as
assuming any such liability by reason of the inspections authorized
by such codes or approvals=issued-under~-such:codes.
(i) Cooperation of Other Officials and Officers. The
building-official may request, and shall receive so far as is required
in the discharge of his duties, the assistance and cooperation of
other officials of the Town.
Unsafe Buildings, Structures or Building Service Equipment.
Section 203. All buildings or structures regulated by this
code and the technical codes which are structurally inadequate or
have inadequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are
otherwise dangerous to human life are for the purpose of this
section unsafe.
Building service equipment regulated by such codes, which
constitutes a fire, electrical or health hazard, or insanitary
condition, or is otherwise dangerous to human life is, for the
purpose of this section, unsafe. Any use,of,_buildings, structures or
building service equipment constituting,a hazard to safety, health
or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation,
obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for
the purpose of this section, an unsafe use.,
Parapet walls, cornices, spires, towers, tanks, statuary and
other appendages or structural members which are supported by,
attached to, or a part of a building and which are in deteriorated
condition or otherwise unable to sustain the design loads which
are specified in the Building Code are hereby designated as unsafe
building appendages.
All such unsafe buildings, structures or appendages and building
service equipment are hereby declared to be public nuisances and
shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or removal.
Board of Appeals
Section 204. In order to determine the suitability of alternate
materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable
interpretations of the technical codes, there shall be and is hereby
created a Board of Appeals consisting of five or more members who
are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters
pertaining to building construction and building service equipment-.
The building official shall be an ex-officio member and shall act
as secretary of the board. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed
by the Town Council and shall hold office at its pleasure. The board
shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting, its
investigations and shall render all decisions and findings in writing
to the building official with a duplicate copy to the appellant.
Until such time as a Board of Appeals is appointed the Town Council
shall serve as the Board of Appeals.
Chapter 3
Section 301
(a) Permits Required. It "shall be unlawful for any person
firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building or
structure or make any installation, alteration, repair, replace-
ment, or remodel any building service equipment regulated by
this code and the technical code, except as specified in Subsection
(b) of this section, or cause the same to be done without first
obtaining a separate, appropriate permit for each building,
"structure or building service equipment from the building official.
(b) Exempted Work. A permit shall not be required for
the types of work in each of the separate classes of permit as
listed below. Exemption from the permit-requirements of this
code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to
be done in violation of the provisions of the technical codes or
any other laws or ordinances of the Town.
1. Building permits. A building permit will not be required
for the following:
A. One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and
storage sheds, playhouses and similar use, provided the
projected roof area does not exceed 120 square feet.
B. Fences not over 6 feet high:.-
C. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet high.
D. Retaining walls which are not over 4 feet in height
measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the
wall,-unless supporting a surcharge or impounding
flammable liquids.
E. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if-the capacity
does not exceed 5000 gallons and the ratio of height to
diameter or width does not exceed two to one.
F. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches
above grade and not over any basement or story below.
G. Painting, papering and similar finish work.
H. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage
sets and scenery.
I. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R,
Division 3, and Group M Occupancies when projecting not
more than 54 inches.
J. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R,
Division 3 Occupancy in which the pool walls are entirely
above the adjacent grade and if the capacity does not
exceed 5000 gallons.
Unless otherwise exempted by this code, separate plumbing,
electrical and mechanical permits will be required for the above
exempted items.
2. Plumbing permits. A plumbing permit will not be required,
for the following:
A. The stopping of leaks in drains, soil, waste or vent
pipe, provided,`however, that should any concealed trap, drain-
pipe, soil waste or vent pipe-become defective and it'becomes
necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, the
same shall be considered as new work and a .permit shall be
procurred and inspection made"as provided in this code.
B. The clearing of stoppages or the-repairing of leaks in
pipes, valves.or fixtures, not'for the removal and reinstallation
of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require
the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures.
3. Electrical permits. An electrical permit will not be
required for the following:
A. Portable motors or other portable applicances energized
by means of a cord or cable having an attachment plug end to be
connected to an approved receptacle when that cord or cable is
permitted by the Electrical Code.
B. Repair or replacement of fixed motors, transformers
or fixed approved appliances of the same type and rating in the
same location.
C. Temporary decorative lighting.
D. Repair or replacement of current-carrying parts of any
switch, contactor or control device.
E. Reinstallation of attachment plug receptacles, but not
the outlets therefor.
F. Repair or replacement of any overcurrent device of the"
required capacity in the same location.
G. Repair or replacement of electrodes or transformers of
the same size and capacity for signs or gas tube systems.
H. Taping joints.
I. Removal of electrical wiring.
J. Temporary wiring for experimental purposes in suitable
experimental laboratories.
K. The wiring for temporary theater, motion picture or
television stage sets.
L. Electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus or
equipment operating at less than 25 volts and not capable of
supplying more than 50 watts of energy.
M. Low-energy power, control and signal circuits of
Classes II and III as defined in the Electrical Code.
N. A permit shall not-be required for the installation,
alteration or repair of electrical wiring apparatus or equipment
or the generation, transmission, distribution or metering of
electrical energy or in the operation of signals or the trans-
mission of intelligence by a public or private utility in the
exercise of its function as a serving utility.
4. Mechanical permits. A mechanical permit will not be
required for the following:
A. Any portable heating appliance.
B. Any portable ventilating equipment.
C. Any portable cooling unit.
D.' Any portable evaporative cooler.
E. Any closed system of steam, hot or chilled water-piping,
within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by the Mechanical
F.' Replacement of any component part of assembly of an
appliance which does not alter its original approval-and complies
with other applicable requirements.of the technical codes.
G. Any refrigerating equipment which is part of the equipment
for which a permit has been issued pursuant to the requirements of
the technical codes.
H. Any unit refrigerating system as defined in the.
Mechanical Code.
Application for Permit
Section 302
(a) Application. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first
file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished for
that purpose. Every such application shall:
1. Identify and describe the work to be"covered by the permit'
for which application is made.
2. Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done
by legal description, street address or similar description
-that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed
building or work.
3. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work
is intended.
4. Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations and specifi-
cations and other data as required in Subsection (b) of this
5. State the valuation of any new building or structure of any
addition, remodeling or alteration to an existing building.
6. Be signed by permittee, or his authorized agent, who may be
required to submit evidence to indicate such authority.
-7. Give such other data'and information as may be required by
the building official.
8. Be accompanied by a recent survey,-plat and-legal-description
of the proposed building site or property, prepared by a
.registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in the State
of Colorado at the time of application fora building permit.
The.surveyor making the plat shall certify thereon that it is
correct and that the perimeter monuments described therein
have been placed as described and affix his name and seal.
Permanent reference monuments shall be set and marked and
shall be made of #5 reinforcing bar with a metal cap at least
one and three-eighths (1-3/8) inches in diameter, and-shall
protrude no more than four (4) inches from the ground.. The
plat submitted shall reflect the type of monuments set on
property corners and the location and dimension of all ease-
ments or right-of-ways of record or known, except when a
building permit is sought to reconstruct or remodel totally
within the limits of an existing building or structure.
9. When construction is proposed in "a flood plain area", the
application shall be accompanied by elevations or the lowest
floor of new or substantially improved structures in said areas.
If the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the
elevation of the floor immediately above must also be submitted.
10. Plans and specifications-for fire alarm components are to
be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. Specifi=
cations are to list components'by brand name and type when-
ever possible, and drawings showing actual locations for
system components are to accompany the specifications.
(b) Plans and Specifications: Plans, engineering calculations,
diagrams and other data shall be submitted-in one or more sets with
each application for a permit. The building official may require
plans, computations and specifications to be prepared and designed
by an engineer or architect licensed by the-state to practice as such.
EXCEPTION: The building official may waive the submission
of plans, calculations,"etc., if he finds that the nature of
the work applied for is such that reviewing of plans is not
necessary to obtain compliance with this code..
(c) Information on Plans and Specifications. Plans and speci-
fications drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth
and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature
and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will
conform to the provisions of the technical codes and all relevant
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
Permit Issuance
Section 303.
(a) Issuance. The application, plans and specifications,
and other data, filed by an applicant for,permit shall be reviewed
by the building official. If the building official finds that
the work described in an application for a permit and the plans,
specifications and other data filed therewith,conform to the
requirements of this code and the technical codes and other
pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees specified in
Section 304 have been paid, he shall issue a permit therefor to
the applicant.
When the building official issues the permit where plans,
are required, he shall endorse in writing or stamp the plans
and specifications "APPROVED". Such approved plans and speci-
fications,shall not be changed,, modified or altered without
-authorization from the building official, and all work shall be
'done in accordance with the approved plans.
The building official may issue a permit for the construction
of part of a building, structure or building service equipment
before,the entire plans and specifications for the whole building,
structure or building service equipment have been submitted or
approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements
- have been filed complying with all pertinent.requi-rements of the
technical codes. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his
own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building
structure or building service will be granted.
The building official may not issue a permit for any project
that requires new or additional facilities to be tapped into the
existing.water and sewer lines, without first receiving written
evidence from Avon Metropolitan District that service is
readily available upon payment of all required tap fees, and that
the proposed new construction can adequately be served.
(b) Retention of Plans. One set of approved plans and
specifications shall be returned to the applicant and shall be
kept on the site of the building or work at all times during which
the work authorized thereby is in progress. One set of approved
plans, specifications and computations shall be retained by the
building official until final approval of the work.
(c) Validity of Permit. The issuance of a permit or approval
of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit
for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of
this code or the technical codes, or of any other ordinance of
the jurisdiction. No permit presuming'to give authority to
violate or.cancel the provisions of these codes shall be valid.
The issuance of a permit based upon plans, specifications
and other data shall not prevent the'building official from
thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans,
specifications and other data, or from preventing building
operations being carried on thereunder when in violation,of
these codes or of-any other ordinances of the Town.
(d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the building official
under the provisions of the technical codes shall expire by limita-
tion and become null and void , if the'building or work authorized
by such permit is not commenced within.180 days from the date,of
such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such
permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is
commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be
recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and
the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new
permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will
be made in the original plans and specifications for such work;
and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not
exceeded one year.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an
extension of the time within which he may commence work under
that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time
required by the section for good and satisfactory reasons. The
building official may extend the time for action by the permittee
for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by
the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of
the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit
shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on
a permit afterexpiration, the permittee shall pay a new full
permit fee.
(e) Suspension or Revocation. The building official may,
in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions
of this code and the technical codes whenever the permit is issued
in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in
violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions
of these codes.
(f) Work Progress. Work equal to•10 percent of the valuation
of the entire project must be completed in each 60 day period
thereafter until completion of the project or said project shall
be deemed abandoned and the permit expired. In the event a permit
shall expire, then all below-grade excavation shall be filled
within 30 days of expiration, and all fences, railing, canopies
and other protective structures shall be removed within 10 days
of expiration.
(g) Term of Permit Abandonment. The applicant for a permit
shall, at the time of application, provide the building official
with an estimated date of completion, who shall consider the same
along with, other relevant factors, in his determination of the
expiration date of said permit in those cases where completion of
ten (10) percent of the valuation of the entire project within
60 day.-periods would work a substantial hardship on the applicant.
A-"permit once issued shall expire on the expiration date set forth
therein unless the applicant makes application to the building
official more than 30 days prior to said expiration date for
extension thereof.
Section 304.
(a) Permit Fees.- The fee for each permit shall be set forth
in this section.
The determination'of value or valuation under any of the
provisions of these codes shall-be made by the building official-.
The value to be used,in computing the building permit and building
plan review fees shall be the total value of all construction work
for which,the permit-is issued as well as all finish work, painting,
roofing, electrical,•plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators
fire-extinguishing systems-and any other permanent equipment.
The valuation shall be based on the average cost figures
per quare foot shown in the Building Valuation Data,Chart
published bi-monthly in the Building Standards magazine of the
International Conference of Building Officials multiplied by 1.5.
(b) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data,are
required to be submitted by Subsection (c) of Section 302, a
plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and
specifications for review. Said plan review fee for buildings or
structures shall be 65 percent of the building permit-'fee as shown
in Table No. 3-A.
The plan review fees for electrical, mechanical and plumbing
work shall be equal to 25 percent of the total permit fee as set Tables Nos. 3-B, 3-C and 3-D.
The plan review fee for grading work shall be as set forth
in Table No. 3-F.
Where a technical code has been adopted by this-jurisdiction
for which no fee schedule is shown in this code, the fee required
shall be in accordance with the schedule established by the
Town Council.
Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require
additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be
charged at the rate shown in Tables Nos. 3-A through 3-F.
(c) Expiration of Plan Review. Applications for which no
permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application
shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for
review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or be destroyed
by the building official. The building official may extend the
time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180
days upon request by the applicant showing that circumstances
beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from
being taken. No application shall be extended more than once.
In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the
applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee.
(d) Investigation Fees: Work Without a Permit.
1. Investigation. Whenever any work for which a
permit is required by this code has been commenced
without first obtaining said permit, a special
investigation shall be made before a permit may
be issued for such work.
2. Fee. An investigation fee in addition to the
permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a
permit is then or subsequently issued. The investi-
gation fee shall be the:amount,of the permit
fee required by this code. The minimum investigation
fee shall be the same as the minimum set forth
in Tables Nos. 3-A through 3-F. The payment of
such investigation fee shall not exempt any person
from compliance with.all other, provisions of either
this code or the technical codes nor from any
penalty prescribed by law.
(e) Fee Refunds.
1. The building official may authorize the refunding
of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously
paid or collected.
2. The building official may authorize the refunding
of not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid
when no work has been done under a permit issued
in accordance with this code.
3. The building official may authorize the refunding
of not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee
paid when an application for a permit for which a
plan review fee has been paid,is withdrawn or
canceled before any plan reviewing is done.
The building official shall not authorize the
refunding of any fee paid except upon written
application filed by the original permittee not
later than 180 days after the date of fee payment.
(f) Contractor Licensing Fees. All contractors shall procure
a license for conducting work=within the'Town of Avon.
Established Fees'are as follows:
Annual Fee
Class I.
General Contractor. . . . . . . . . . .
Class II.
Building Contractor. . . . . . . . . .
. . 25.00
e.g. drywall, masonry, roof covering,
excavation, concrete moving buildings,
painting, swimming pool, metal work,
elevator, carpentry.
Class III.
Subcontractor . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 25.00
e.g. fences, patios, insulation,.
light construction, siding, repair
and remodel, exterior sheet metal,
glass and glazing, carports, pipe and
ducts, scaffold erectors, tile and
Class IV.
Homeowner. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 25.00
construction own house or
major alterations:'
Class V.
Wrecking Contractor. . . . . . . . . .
. . 25.00
Plumbing Contractor. . . . . .
. . 25.00
(State License No. required)
Class VII.
Steam and Hot Water Contractor. . .
. .25.00
VIII. Heating and Ventilation
Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 25.00
IX. Gas Service Contractor. . . . . . . .
. . .25.00
X. Refrigeration Contractor. . . . . . .
. . .25.00
XI. Sign Contractor. . . . . . . . .
. . . 25.00
XII. Fire Protection Contractor. . . . . .
. . .25.00
XIII. Lawn Sprinkler Contractor. . . . . .
. . . 25.00
XIV. Electrical Signal Contractor. . . . .
. . .25.00
XV. Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . 25.00
XVI. Other. . . . . . .
A, Municipal:
Water; ' sewer and storm drains ,and
storm drains and water and sewer
service lines $
Class B, Municipal.
Paying, excavation, grading leveling,
sidewalk 50.00
Class C, Municipal.
Water and sewer service lines
including excavation, pipe placement
backfilling $ 25.00,
Contractors License As
May Also Perform As
Class I Class II, III, IV, V
Class II Class III, IV, V
Class III Class IV, V
Class VI Class VII, IX, XIII
Class VIII Class XIII
Class XV Class XIII
Class A C1ass.C
Licenses=issued pursuant to this section shall be
valid for a period of exactly one year from the date of issue.
Certificates of Insurance for Statutory Workmen's -
Compensation, and Public Liability of $100,000/person, $3,00,000/
accident and $50,000 property damage must be provided before a
Contractor's Permit is issued.
Electrical Contractors will not be licensed by the Town, but will
be required to be registered ($25.00 fee) annually and will provide
the same insurance and bond listed above. Plumbing Contractors will
be licensed until Colorado laws provide state licensing only, at which
time registration will be required ($25.00 annual fee), the same,as
Electrical Contractors.
Section 305.
(a) General. All construction or work for which a,permit
is required shall be subject to inspection by the building official,
and certain types of construction shall have continuous inspection
by special inspectors as specified in Section 306.
A survey of the lot may be required by the building official
to verify compliance of the structure with approved plans. It
shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to
be accessible and exposed for inspection purposes. Neither the
building official nor the Town shall".be liable for expense entailed
in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow
(b) Inspection Requests. It shall be the duty of the person
doing the work authorized by a permit'to notify the building
official that such work is ready for inspection. The building
official may require that every request for inspection be filed
at least one working day before such inspection is desired. Such
request may be in writing or by telephone at the option of the
building official.
It shall,be the duty of the person requesting any inspections
required either by this code or the technical codes to provide
access to and means for proper inspection of such work.
(c) Inspection Record Card. Work requiring a building
permit shall not be commenced until the permit holder or his
agent shall have posted an inspection record card in a con-
spicuous place on the premises and in such position as to
allow the building official conveniently to make the required
entries thereon regarding inspection of the work. This card
shall be maintained in such position by the permit holder until
final approval has been issued by the building official.
(d) Approval Required. No work shall be done on any part
of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each
successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the
building official. Such approval shall be given only after an
inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the
construction as indicated by each of the inspections required*
in Subsection (e)..
There shall be a final inspection and approval on all
buildingsand building service equipment when completed.and ready
for occupancy or use.
(e) Required Building Inspections. Reinforcing steel or
structural framework of any part of any building or structure'
shall not be covered or concealed without first obtaining the
approval of the building official.
The building official, upon notification from the permit
holder or his agent, shall make the following inspections and
shall either approve that portion of the construction as completed
or shall notify the permit holder or his.agent wherein the same
fails to comply with this code.
1. Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are
excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the
'foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from
a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is
to be used, materials need not be on the job.
2. Concrete Slab or Under-Floor Inspection: To be made
after all in-slab or,under-floor building service equipment
conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary,equipment
items are in place but before any concrete is poured or
floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. * -
3. Frame Inspection: To be made after the roof, all framing,
fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys
and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and
heating wires, pipes and ducts are approved.
4. Lath and/or Wallboard Inspection: To be made after all
lathing and wallboard, interior and exterior, is in place
but before any plastering is applied or before wallboard
joints and fasteners are taped and finished.
5. Final Inspection: To be made after.finish grading and
the building is completed and ready for occupancy.-
(f) Required Building Service Equipment Inspections.
1. General. All building service equipment for which a,
permit is required by this code shall be inspected by
the building official. No portion of any building
service equipment intended to be concealed by any
permanent portion of the building shall be concealed
until inspected,and approved. When the installation
of any building service equipment is complete, an
additional and final inspection.shall be made, Building
service equipment regulated by,the'shall
not be connected to the water, fuel or power supply or
sewer system until authorized by the building official.
2. Operation of Building Service Equipment. The requirements
of this section shall not be considered*to prohibit the
operation of any building service equipment installed
to replace existing building service equipment serving
an occupied portion of the building in the event a request
for inspection of such building service equipment has been
filed with the building official not more than 48 hours
after.such replacement work is completed, and before any
portion'of such building service equipment is concealed
by any permanent portion of'the building.
(g)' Other Inspections. In addition to the called inspections
specified above, the building official may make or require
other inspections of any construction work to ascertain com-
pliance,with the provisions of .this code or technical;codes,and
other laws which are enforced by the building official.
(h) Reinspections. A reinspection fee may be assessed for
each inspection or reinspection when,such portion of work for
which inspection is called for is not made.
This subsection is not to be.'interpreted_as requiring reinspection
fees the first time a job is rejected`for failure to comply with
the requirements of the technical'codes, but as controlling the
practice of calling for inspections--before the job is ready for
such inspection or reinspection.
Reinspection fees_may be assessed when the permit card is
not properly posted on the work site, the approved.plans.are not
readily available to the inspector, for provide
access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for
deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building
To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall file an
application therefor in writing upon a,form furnished for that
purpose, and pay the reinspection fee in accordance with
Tables Nos. 3-A through 3-E of the Building Code.
In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed,
no additional inspection of the work will be performed until
the required fees have been paid.'
Special Instructions
Section 306.
(a) General. In addition to the inspections to be made as
..specified in Section 305, the owner shall employ.a special
inspector during construction on the following types.of work:
1. CONCRETE: During the taking of test specimens and placing
of all reinforced concrete and pneumatically placed
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Concrete for foundations conforming to
the minimum requirements of Table No. 29-A of the-Building
Code and for Group R, Division 3 and Group M, Division 1
Occupancies, as defined in the Building Code, provided
the building official finds no special hazards exist.
2. For foundation concrete when the structural design is
based on a f'c no greater than 2000 psi.
3. Nonstructural slabs on grade, including prestressed slabs
on grade when effective prestress in concrete is less than
150 pounds per square inch.
4. Site work concrete fully supported on earth and concrete
where no special hazard exists.
Section 2626(h) of the Building Code.
A. During all stressing and grouting of prestressed concrete.
B. -During placing of reinforcing steel, placing of tendons
and prestressing steel for all concrete have
special inspection by Item No. 1.
-EXCEPTION: The special•inspector need not be present
:during.entire,reinforcing steel'and'-prestressing steel
placing operation, provided he has inspected for con-
formance with the approved plans, prior to the closing of
forms or the delivery of concrete to the job site.
A. A Ductile moment-resisting steel frames. As required by
Section 2722(h) of the Building Code.
B. All structural welding including welding of reinforcing
EXCEPTIONS: 1. When welding is done in an approved
fabricator's shop.
2. When approved by the building official, single pass
fillet welds when stressed to less than 50 percent of
allowable stresses and floor and roof deck welding and
welded studs when used for structural diaphragm or
composite systems may have periodic inspections as defined
in Section 306(e) of this code. For periodic inspection,-
the inspector shall check qualification of welders at start
of work and then make final inspection of all welds-for
compliance prior to completion of welding.
5. HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installations and
tightening operations.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. The special inspector need not be present
during the entire installation and tightening operation
provided he has:
(i) Inspected the surfaces and bolt type for conformance
to plans and specifications prior to start of bolting.
(ii) And will upon completion of,all bolting, verify the
minimum specified bolt tension for, 10 percent of the bolts
for each "type"'of connection for arepresentative number of
total connections established by the plans and specifications.
2. In bearing-type connections when threads are not required
by design to be excluded from the shear plane, inspections
prior to,or during installation will not be required.
6. STRUCTURAL MASONRY:. During preparation of masonry wall prisms
sampling and placing of all masonry units, placement of rein-
forcement, inspection of grout space, immediately prior to
closing of cleanouts, and during all grouting operation. Where
the f'c is less than 2600 psi and special inspection stresses
are used, test specimens may consist of either one prism test
for each 5000 square feet of wall area or a series of tests-
based on both grout.and mortar-for the first three consecutive
days and each third day thereafter.
EXCEPTION: Special inspection will not be required for
structures designed in accordance with the values in appropriate
tables for non-continuous inspection.
7. REINFORCED'GYPSUM CONCRETE: When cast-in place Class B gypsum
concrete is being mixed and placed.
8. INSULATING CONCRETE FILL: During the application of insulating
concrete fill when used as part of a structural system.
EXCEPTION: The special inspections may be limited to an initial
inspection to check the deck surface and placement of rein-
forcing.' The special inspector shall supervise the preparation
of compression test specimens during this initial inspection.
9. SPRAYED-ON FIREPROOFING: As required by U.B.C. Standard No.
10. PILING, DRILLED PIERS AND CAISSONS: During driving and testing
of piles and construction of cast-in place drilled piles or
caissons. See Items Nos. 1 and 3 for concrete and reinforcing
steel inspection.
excavations, grading and filling operations inspection-to
satisfy requirements of Chapter 29 of the Building Code.
12. SPECIAL CASES: Work which, in the opinion of the building
official, involves unusual hazards.
(b) Special Inspector. The special inspector shall be a qualified
person who shall demonstrate his competence, to the satisfaction
of the building official, for inspection of the particular type of
construction or operation requiring special inspection.
(c) Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector.
1. The special inspector shall observe the work assigned to
be certain it conforms to the design drawings and specifications.
2. The special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to
the building official, the engineer or architect of record,
and other designated persons. All discrepancies shall be
brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for
correction, then, if uncorrected, to the proper design authority
and to the building official.
3. The special inspector shall submit a final signed report
stating whether the work requiring special inspection was, to
the best of his knowledge, in conformance with the approved plans
and specifications and the applicable workmanship provisions of
these codes.
(d) Waiver of Special Inspection. The building-official may waive
the requirement for the employment of a special inspector if he finds
that the construction is of minor nature.
(e) Periodic Special.Inspection. Some inspections may be made on a
periodic basis and satisfy the requirements of continuous inspection
provided this periodic scheduled inspection is performed as outlined
in the project plans and specificaitons and approved by the building
(f) Approved Fabricators. Special inspection required by this
section and elsewhere in this code or the technical codes shall not
be required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator
registered and approved by the building official to perform such
work without special inspection. The certificate of registration
shall be subject to revocation by the building official if it is
found that any work done pursuant to the approval is-in violation
of the technical codes. The approved fabricator shall submit a
Certificate of Compliance that the work was performed in accordance
with the approved plans,and specifications to the building official
and to the engineer or architect of record. The approved fabricator's
qualifications shall-be-contingent on compliance with the following:
1. The fabricator- has developed and submitted a detailed fabri-
cation procedural manual reflecting key quality control pro-
cedures which will provide a basis for inspection control of
workmanship and the fabricator plant.
2.. Verification of the fabricator's quality control capabilities,
plant and personnel as outlined in the fabrication procedural
manual shall be by an approved inspection or quality control
3. Periodic plant inspections shall be conducted by an approved
inspection or quality control agency to monitor the effective-
ness of the quality control program.
4. It shall be the responsibility of the inspection or quality
control agency to notify the approving authority in writing
of any change to the procedural manual. Any fabricator
approval may be revoked for just cause. Reapproval of the
fabricator shall be contingent on compliance with quality
control procedures during the past year.
Connection Approval
(a) Energy Connections. No person shall make connections from a
source of energy,-fuel or power to any building service equipment
which is regulated by the technical codes and for which a-permit is
required,by this code, until approved by the building official.
(b) Temporary Connections. The building official may authorize
the temporary connection of the building service equipment to the
source of energy, fuel or power for the purpose of testing building
service equipment, or for use under a temporary Certificate of
Certificate of.Occupancy
Section 308.
(a) Use or Occupancy. No building,-or structure of Groups A, E,
I, H,.B or R, Division 1-.Occupancy, as defined in the Building
Code, shall be,used or occupied, and no'-.change in the existing
occupancy classification,of a building or structure or portion
thereof shall be made, until_the.building official has issued
a Certificate of Occupancy therefor as provided herein.
(b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building
shall not be made except as specified in the Building Code.
(c) Certificate Issued. After final inspection when it is
found the building or structure complies with the provisions
of the technical codes, the fire department requirements and
the cleanup and grading requirements set forth herein the
building official.shall issue a Certificate of occupancy which
shall contain the following:
1. The building permit number.
2. The address of the building.
3. The name and address of the owner
4. A description of that portion of the building for which the
certificate is issued.
5. A statement that the described portion of the building complies
with the requirements of.this code and the technical codes for
the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the
proposed occupancy is classified.
6. The name of the Building Official.
(d) Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds
that no substantial hazard will result from occupancy of any
building or portion thereof before the same is completed and
that substantial hardship will result if occupancy is not
permitted, he may issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy
for the use of a building or structure prior to the completion
(e) Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted in
a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed
except by the.building~official.
(f) In the case of buildings containing more than four units
(residential or commercial) "as built" drawings and plans
certified by the Architect, engineer, soils engineer and owner
as it pertains to structural, soils condition, plumbing,
mechanical,,electrical, landscaping, grading, and any other
requirements of the Design Review Board and the Town shall be
approved by the building official before issuance of a
Certificate.of Occupancy.
(g) No Certificate.-of occupancy shall be issued until cleanup
and landscaping,'including grading, drainage, paving, lighting
and installation of sprinkling systems (herein "cleanup and
landscaping") has been completed and all sums'charged for
cleanup by the Town paid. Provided, in.the case of-buildings
or structures completed during the months of May through
September, cleanup and landscaping may be completed within
60 days of issuance of a Temporary Certificate of occupancy
upon payment of a cleanup and landscaping deposit. Provided,
further, in the case of buildings, or structures completed
during months of November through April, a temporary certificate
of cocupancy shall be issued and cleanup and landscaping may
be completed by the end of the ensuing June upon payment.of
a cleanup and landscaping deposit.
1. The deposit shall be paid in cash and shall be paid to the
Town of Avon. In lieu of cash, and upon a showing to the Town
that adequate security will be provided thereby, the deposit
may be by letter of credit, written commitment of a lending
institution that funds have been set aside or a corporate com-
pletion bond including written undertaking of the surety to
complete all work upon demand of the Town. The amount of the'
deposit required shall be based upon a current bid by a
reputable contractor, good for a sufficient time to allow
completion of work, or upon some other basis deemed comparable
by the Town. In computing the amount of the deposit, partial
completion shall be taken into consideration. Further, as
landscaping is satisfactorily completed, the building admin~
istrator in his discretion may release corresponding amounts
of the deposit. Application for such release shall-not be-made
more often than monthly. Satisfactory completion of land-
scaping shall mean construction and/or installation of land
scaping items agreed to with the Design Review Board-and
Town before approval of a given site plan for a project,
including lawn sprinkler systems, grading, drainage; paving
and lighting. Any interest earned on the deposit shall be
paid to the permit holder.
2. In the event landscaping,. as defined herein, is not
completed by the permit holder to the satisfaction of the Town,
the Town may, but shall not be obligated to the permit holder
or to anyone else to-, complete such landscaping. In the event
the Town chooses to complete the landscaping, the cost of
doing so, together with a fee in the amount of 20% -of_such_-costs;
shall-be charged to the permit holder and deducted from the
cash deposited. If such cost,,plus the fee,-exceeds the
amount of the deposit, the excess, together with,
8% per annum,-shall be a lien against the property and may be
collected by civil,suit or may be certified to the Treasurer
of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as
delinquent ad.-valorem taxes levied against such property.
(h) Job sites shall be kept clean and orderly at all times,
and if it becomes necessary for the Town of Avon to clean
and/or haul debris or material from the site, after reasonable
notice to do so, a reasonable sum for such services shall be
char,gedto the permit holder, which sum shall be payable at
the time a certificate of occupancy is issued. Construction
debris shall be stored in one general location on the site
and shall be removed weekly by the permit holder or his agent.
Foundation Permits
Section 309.
(a) General. A foundation permit for Group A through B occupancies,
as defined in the Building Code, may be issued prior to the issuance
of the construction permit for the building provided:
1. -The total valuation of the project, excluding utilities, exceeds
two hundred thousand dollar
2.- Drawings for the proposed superstructure containing sufficient
detail relating to'the design of the foundation or substructure
are submitted to'the building-official. Complete calculations
shall be submitted to validate the design of footings, caissons
and all other substructure elements.
3. A-11-approvals-required are obtained prior to issuance of the
(b) Fee. The fee charged at the time of issuance of the foundation
'permit shall be based on the total valuation of the construction for
.both the substructure and the superstructure, plus an additional
25 percent. See Table 3A.
(c) Deviations. Any deviation from-the approved foundation permit
drawings must be approved by the building official.
(d) Responsibility. The contractor shall assume full respon-
sibility for the installation of all substructure.
Any changes in design or construction to meet the requirements of
the Building Code for combined substructure and superstructure shall
be the sole responsibility of the contractor. A permit issued under
this Section shall not be construed as approval for any portion of-
the structure not covered by the foundation permit.
Phased Construction Permits.
Section 310'.
(a) General. The building official may-issue permits for the
construction of a portion or a phase of a'building, structure, or
utility.prior-to the submission of the complete drawings and
specifications, provided:
1'. The approval of the building official has been obtained prior
to application for the initial permit.
2. The valuation of that portion of the work, including utilities,
is stated on each application.
3. Drawings shall show on each sheet the note: "Phased Construction"
._with a brief description of the phase`covered by the permit.
(b) Fees. Plan check fees shall be assessed in twice the amount
of those specified in Section 303(b). A permit issued under
this Section shall not be construed as approval.for any portion
of the structure not covered by the permit.
Total Valuation
$1,001.00 to $25,000.00 . . . . .
. . . . .$32.50 for the first $2,000.00
plus $6.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof
to and including $25,000.00.
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00. . . . .
. . . . .$170.50 for the first $25,000.OC
plus $4.50 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof
to and including $50,000.00.
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 . . . .
. . . . .$283.00 for the first $50,000.OC
plus $3.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof,
to and including $100,000.00.
$100,000.00 and up . . . . . . . .
. . . . $433.00 for the first $100,000
plus $2.50 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof.
Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
Tents, Temporary Buildings, Mobile Units . $10.. per 1,000 square foot
or fraction thereof per month.
Other Inspection and Fees:
Inspections outside of normal btiiness hours
$15.00 per hour
(minimum charge two hours)
Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of
Section 305(h)
$15.00 per hour
Inspections for which no fee is specifically
$15.00 per hour
(minimum charge-one half hour)
Additional plan review required by changes,
additions or revisions to approved plans
$15.00 per hour
(minimum charge - one-half hour)
Total Valuation
$100.00 to $800.00
$801.00 to $2,000.00
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00
$100,001.00 and up
$10.00 for the first $800.00
plus $2.00 for each additional
$100.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $2,000.00.
$34.00 for the first $2,000.00
plus $5.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $25,000.00.
$154.00 for the first $25,000.00
plus $4.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $50,000.00.
$254.00 for the first $50,000.00
plus $3.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to
and including $100,000.00.
$404.00 for the first $100,000.00
plus $2.00 for each additional
$1,000.00 or fraction thereof
NOTE: No permit shall be required for minor work, such as
repairing flush and snap switches, replacing fuses,
changing lamp sockets and receptacles, taping bare
wires and repairing drop cords.
For the issuance of each permit......`
For issuing each""supplemental permit
Unit Fee Schedule
For the installation or relocation of each forced
or gravity-type furnace or burner, including ducts
and vents•attached to such appliance, up to and
including 100,000 Btu/h
For the installation or relocation of each forced
air or gravity-type furnace or"burner, including
ducts and vents attached to such appliance over
100,000 Btu/h
For the installation or relocation of each floor
furnace, including vent
For the installation or relocation of each sus-
pended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-
mountediiunit heater
For the installation, relocation or replacement
of each appliance vent installed and not included
in an appliance permit
For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to
each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling
unit, absorption unit, or each heating, cooling,
absorption or evaporative cooling system, including
installation of controls regulated by this code
For the installation or relocation of each boiler
or compressor to and including three horsepower, or
each absorption system to and including 100,000
For the installation or relocation of each boiler
or compressor over three horsepower to and including
15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000
Btu/h and including 500,000 Btu/h
For the installation or relocation of-each boiler
or compressor over 30 horsepower, or each absorp-
tion system over 500,000 Btu/h to and including
1,000,000 Btu/h
For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
compressorover-30 horsepower to and including-50
horsepower, or for each absorption system over
1,000,000 Btu/h to and including 1,750,000 Btu/h........
For the installation or relocation of each boiler or
refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or
each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h
For each, air-handling unit to and including
10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts
attached thereto
This fee shall not apply to an air-handling
unit whichis a portion of a factory-assembled
appliance, cooling unit, evaporative cooler
or absorption unit for which a permit is
required elsewhere in this code
For each air-handling unit over 10,000 cfm
For each evaporative cooler other than portable type.......
For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct........
For.each.ventilation system which is not a portion
of any heating or air-conditioning system authorized
by a permit....
For the installation of each hood which is served
by mechanical exhaust including the ducts for such
For-the installation or relocation of each domestic
type incinerator....
For the installation or relocation ofeach commercial
or industrial-type incinerator
For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by
this code but not classed in other appliance categories
or for which not other fee is listed in the code...........
Other Inspections and Fees:
1. Inspection outside of normal business hours $15_.-00-per.-hour'
(minimum charge-two hours)
2. Reinspection fee assessed under provision of
Section 305(h) .....................................$15.OO.per each
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated............ ...................$15.00 per hour
_(minimum charge - one-half hour)
4. Additional plan review required by changes,
additions or revisions to approved plans $15.00 per hour
Permit Issuance
1. For issuing each permit............ ...........$10.00
2. For issuing each supplemental permit............ 4.50
Unit Fee Schedule (in addition to 1 or 2 above)
1. For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures
on one trap (including water, drainage piping, and
back flow protection therefor).... 4.00
2. For each building sewer and each trailer park
sewer ...........................................$10.00
Rainwater systems - per drain (inside building)
$ 4.00
For each cesspool (where permitted)...
For each private sewage disposal system
For each water heater or vent.........
For each gas piping system of one to five outlets....
For each gas piping system of vie outlets, per outlet-
For each industrial waste pretreatment inter-
ceptor including its trap and vent, excepting
kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning
as fixture,traps
For-installation, alteration, or repair of water
piping and/or-water treating equipment, each.......:.
For repair or alteration of drainage or vent
piping, each fixture.
For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter.
including back-flow protection devices therefor-........
For atmospheric-type-vacuum breakers not included
in Item 2: 1 to.=5
over 5; each
For eachbackflow protective device other.than
atmospheric-type. vacuuni'breakers :
2 1' ches ' and smaller.
5.00 _
Over 2 inches
For each,gas piping system,.of one to four outlets....*
- 2.00
For each gas piping system of five or more outlets...
Other Inspections and Fees
1. Inspection outside of.normal-business.hours.......... 15.00-p/h
(minimum charge - two hours)
2.: Reinspection fee assessed under provision of
Section 305(h) 15.00 each
3. Inspection for which no fee'is specifically
- indicated (minimum charge -one-half.hour).............. 15.00 p/h
4. Additional plan review required by changes,
additions or revisions to approved plans ..............15.-00 p/h
(minimum charge - one-half hour)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this Ordinance or any Code incorporated herein shall
be deemed guilty of a ,violation of this Ordinance, and any such
person, firm.or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation is committed, continued or permitted, and upon conviction
of any such violation, such person, firm or corporation shall be
punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for
not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Saving Clause
If.anypart,.section,,subsection, sentence, clause or phrase
of this ordinance or any of the Codes or-Standards adopted hereby are
for any reason held to be invalid, such,decisions shall not affect the
validity of the remaining sections of this'Ordinance or any of the
Codes or Standars adopted hereby; the'Town Council hereby declares
that it would,have passed this Ordinance and adopted the Codes and
Standards named in the title hereto in each part, section, subsection,
sentence, clause or phrase .thereof, irrespective of the fact that
any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses
or phrases be-declared to be invalid.
--3 3 -
ORDERED POSTED, this f~ day of , 1981 and
a public hearing on this Ordinance shall be h_ d at the regular.
meeting of the Town Counci of the Town of Avon, Colorado, on
the day of , 1981, at O P.M.,
in the Municipal Offices of qe Town.
A o Alpi M or
atricia J. Do le, Tow Clerk
1981. This Ordinance will become effective on 19
1981. -
A e o Alpi, i4o
_ l
A copy of said .Ordinance is attached hereto and is also on"file at the
office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during regular business
Following.this hearing, the Council may consider final passage of this
This notice given and published by order of-the Town Council of the
Town of Avon, Colorado.
Dated this 27th day of May, 1981.
MAY 29, 1981:
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