TC Ord. No. 1979-02• i
WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has determined
that there exists a need to establish a Building Department, and
WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon recognizes and
hereby declares that there exists a need to conform all structures
which will be built in the Town to certain standards, both for safety
and other considerations, and
WHEREAS, Senate Bill No. 432, adopted by the Colorado General
Assembly in 1977, requires each municipality which has a building
code to adopt energy efficiency construction and renovation standards
for non-residential buildings prior to July 1, 1978; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is adopting a building code; and,
WHEREAS, Senate Bill No. 159, adopted by the Colorado General
Assembly in 1977, recognizes the authority of a municipality to adopt
and enforce energy efficiency standards for the construction and
renovation of residential buildings;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the
Town of Avon, Colorado, that:
Section 1. Adoption. Pursuant to Colorado Revised
Statutes, 1973, 31-16-202, there is hereby adopted for the purpose
of providing minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health,
property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design,
construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and
maintenance of all buildings, structures and utilities within the Town
of Avon, the following codes:
a. The Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition, published
by the International Conference of Building Officials,
6530 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601.
b. The Uniform Mechanical Code; 1976 Edition,
published by the International Association for Plumbing
and Mechanical Officials, 5032 Alhambra Avenue, Los
Angeles, California 90032.
C. The Uniform Fire Code, 1976 Edition, published
by the International Conference of Building Officials,
5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601
and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, 5360 South
Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601.
d. The National Fire Code, 1976 Edition, published
by the National Fire Protection Association, 470
Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.
e. The National Life Safety Code - Pamphlet 101 - as
contained in the National Fire Code, 1976 Edition, published
by the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic
Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.
f. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 1976 Edition, published
by the International Association for Plumbing and Mechanical
Officials, 5032 Alhambra Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90032.
g. The National Electric Code, 1978 Edition, published
by the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic
Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02210.
h. The energy efficiency construction and renovation
standards for nonresidential buildings of the Town of Avon,
by reference thereto, the Colorado Model Energy Efficiency
Construction and Renovation Standards for Nonresidential
Buildings, adopted November, 1977, and published March, 1978
by the State of Colorado, Office of State Planning and Budgeting,
Board for Energy Efficient Nonresidential Building Standards,
1525 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203, and as the
energy efficiency construction and renovation standards for
residential buildings of the Town of Avon, by reference
thereto, the Colorado Recommended Energy Conservation
"Performance" Code for New Construction and Renovation of
Residential Buildings, adopted November, 1977, and published
March, 1978 by the State of Colorado, Division of Housing,
State Housing Board, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado
80203, both to have the same force and effect as if set forth
herein in every particular.
Three copies of the primary codes and each secondary code are
filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Avon, Colorado,
and may be inspected during regular business hours, the same being
adopted as if set out at length save and except the following amendments
and exclusions:
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Section 2. Additions or Modifications. The Uniform Building
Code, 1976 (UBC) is adopted subject to the following additions and/or
(a) Section 103 of the UBC is amended hereby as
For the purpose of this section; any remodeling of
an existing building or structure which requires the replace-
ment of an existing utility or installation of a new utility
system, or part thereof, shall require that such utility
installation be placed underground as is required for new
buildings and structures.
(b) Section 204 of the UBC shall include the following:
The Town Council shall act as the Board of Appeals
in all matters pertaining to the officially adopted 1976
Uniform Building Code, as amended in this Ordinance, until
such a board is created in the future.
(c) Section 301(b) of the UBC is amended hereby by
the following additional Paragraph 8:
"8. Be accompanied by a recent survey, plat and
legal description of the proposed building site or
property, prepared by a registered land surveyor,
licensed to practice in the State of Colorado at the
time of application for a building permit. The surveyor
making the plat shall certify thereon that it is correct
and that the perimeter monuments described therein have
been placed as described and affix his name and seal.
Permanent reference monuments shall be set and marked
and shall be made of #5 steel with a metal cap at least
one and three-eighths (1 3/8) inches in diameter, and
shall protrude no more than four (4) inches from the
ground. The plat submitted shall reflect the type of
monuments set on property corners and the location and
dimension of all easements or rights-of-way of record
or known, except when a building permit is sought to
reconstruct or remodel totally within the limits of an
existing building or structure."
(d) Section 301(b) of the UBC is amended hereby by
the following additional Paragraph 9:
"9. When construction is proposed in flood hazard
areas, the application shall be accompanied by elevations
of the lowest floor of new or substantially improved
structures in said areas. If the lowest floor is below
grade on one or more sides, the elevation of the floor
immediately above must also be submitted."
(e) Section 302(a) of the UBC is amended hereby by the
following addition:
The building official may not issue a permit for
any project that requires new or additional facilities to be
tapped into the existing Sewer and Water Districts"lines.
without first receiving written evidence from said Districts
that service is readily available upon payment of all required
tap fees, and that the proposed new construction can adequately
be served..
the following: (f) Section 302(d) of the UBC is amended hereby to add
Work equal to 10 percent of the valuation of the
entire project must be completed in each 60 day period there-
after until completion of the project or said project shall
0 9
be deemed abandoned and the permit expired. In the event
a permit shall expire, then all below-grade excavation shall
be filled within 30 days of expiration, and all fences,
railing, canopies and other protective structures shall be
removed within 10 days of expiration.
(g) Section 302 of the UBC is amended hereby by the
following additional Paragraph Section 302(f):
Section 302(f). Term of Permit-Abandonment. The
applicant for a permit P all-r-at theme of application,
provide the Building Official with an estimated date of
completion, who shall consider the same along with other
relevant factors, in his determination of the expiration
date of said permit in those cases where completion of
ten (10) percent of the valuation of the entire project
within 60 day periods would work a substantial hardship on
the applicant. A permit once issued shall expire on the
expiration date set forth therein unless the applicant makes
application to the Building Official more than 30 days prior
to said expiration date.
(h) Section 303 of the UBC is amended hereby as
(1) All Plan check fees of Section 303(b) shall
be paid.
(2) The minimum fee of $5.00 set forth in Table
3-A of Section 303 is amended to be $10.00. All other
building permit fees shall apply, except for the $5.00
(3) Section 303(e). Cleanup and Landscaping
Deposits. All persons who obt-- -a building permit with
a valuation of $2,000.00 or more shall pay a cleanup and
landscaping deposit in accordance with the following
- 50,000
$ 150
$ 11000
- 200,000
- 500,000
- 1,000,000
and up
The deposits shall be paid at the time of obtaining the
Building Permit and with the building permit fee. Job
site shall be kept clean and orderly at all times and if
it becomes necessary for the Town of Avon to clean and/or
haul debris or material from the site, after reasonable
notice to do so, a reasonable sum for such services shall
be deducted from the cleanup deposit. Thereafter, the
permit holder responsible for said deposit shall forthwith
reimburse his cleanup deposit account with the Town to
the amounts required above or be subject to the penalties
provided in this ordinance. Open burning of construction
debris is prohibited. All construction debris shall be
stored in one general location on the site and shall be
removed weekly by the permit holder or his agent.
The deposit for landscaping will be returned as soon
as all work has been satisfactorily completed and approved.
Satisfactory completion of landscaping shall mean
construction and/or installation of all landscaping items
agreed to with the Design Review Board and Town before
approval of a given site plan for a project, including
lawn sprinkler systems.
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(4) Section 303(f). Contractor
Insurance and Bond. All Contractor's
license for conducting work within th,
Established Fees are as follows:
Class I. General Contractor. . . .
Class II. Building Contractor . . .
Licensing Fees,
shall procure a
Town of Avon.
Annual Fee
. 100.00
. . . 25.00
e.g. drywall, masonry, roof
covering, excavation, concrete,
moving buildings, painting,
swimming pool, metal work,
elevator, carpentry.
Class III. Subcontractor . . . . . . . . . 25.00
e.g. fences, patios, insulation,
light construction, siding,
repair and remodel, exterior
sheet metal, glass and glazing,
carports, pipe and ducts,
scaffold erectors, tile and
Class IV. Homeowner . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
constructing own house or
major alterations.
Class V. Wrecking Contractor . . . . . . 25.00
Class VI. Plumbing Contractor . . . . . . 25.00
(State License No. required)
Class VII. Steam and Hot Water Contractor. 25.00
Class VIII. Heating and Ventilation
Contractor. . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
Class IX. Gas Service Contractor. . . . . 25.00
Class X. Refrigeration Contractor. . . . 25.00
Class XI. Sign Contractor . . . . . . . . 25.00
Class XII. Fire Protection Contractor. 25.00
Class XIII. Lawn Sprinkler Contractor . 25.00
Class XIV. Electrical Signal Contractor. 25.00
Contractors licensed as May also Perform as `
Class I Class II, III, IV, V
Class II Class III, IV, V
Class III Class IV, V
Class VI Class VII, IX, XIII
Class XII Class XIII
Certificates of Insurance for Statutory Workmen's
Compensation, and Public Liability of $100,000/person,
$300,000/accident and $50,000 property damage must be
provided before Contractor's Permit is issued. A
$2,000 bond or a bond in the amount of 2% of the
estimated cost of the construction, whichever is greater,
shall be provided, to guarantee faithful performance
in accordance with this code. Said bond will also cover
the deposit fees as listed in (3) above.
Electrical Contractors will not be licensed by the
Town, but will be required to be registered ($25.00 fee)
annually and will provide the same insurance and bond listed
above. Plumbing Contractors will be licensed until Colorado
laws provide state licensing only, at which time registration
will be required ($25.00 annual fee), the same as Electrical
(i) Section 306(c) of the UBC is amended hereby by
the following:
A Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued after
final inspection when it is found that the building or
structure complies with the provisions of the UBC and the
(1) All amendments to the Code as provided
in this Ordinance.
(2) "As Constructed" drawings and plans
certified by the Architect, engineer, soils engineer
and owner as it pertains to structural, soils conditions,
plumbing, mechanical, electrical, landscaping, grading,
and any other requirements by the Design Review Board
and the Town of Avon.
(j) Section 1705(d)(2) of the UBC is amended hereby to
read as follows:
Wood veneer of boards not less than one-inch
nominal thickness or exterior type panels not less than
three-eighths (3/8) inch nominal thickness may be applied
to one hundred (100) percent of the wall area of the first
story and thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of
the wall area for each story above the first story provided
such veneer shall be placed either directly against fire-
restrictive noncombustible surfaces or furred out from such
surface not to exceed one and three-fourths (1 3/4) inches
with all concealed spaces fire stopped as provided in
Section 2517(f).
(k) Exception No. 2 of Section 1706(a) of the UBC is
amended hereby to read as follows:
In building housing Group B occupancies, equipped
with automatic fire-extinguishing systems throughout,
enclosures will not be required for openings which serve
two (2) adjacent floors and are not connected with openings
serving other floors and which are not concealed within the
building construction, provided at each floor a draft curtain
and automatic fire sprinklers are installed around the
perimeter of the opening within two (2) feet of the draft
curtain. The draft curtain shall enclose the perimeter of
the underclosed opening and extend from the ceiling downward
at least twelve (12) inches on all sides. The spacing
between sprinklers shall not exceed six (6) feet. Provided,
however, that anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding
with regard to stairways which are required by this code,
the provisions of Sections 3308 and 3309 herein shall apply.
(1) Section 1707(d) of the UBC is amended hereby by the
addition of the following paragraphs:
(1) Exterior Wall Insulation. The exterior walls
of all types of construction shall be insulated with a
maximum coefficient of transmission U factor of .09. This
insulation factor shall be maintained by installation of
blanket or batt type insulation between studs by means of
staples at approximately eight (8) inch intervals. Other
recognized methods of insulation may be approved by the
building official providing a stable permanent anchorage is
maintained. Insulation must be complete and tight. Special
care shall be taken to cut insulation closely around projecting
electric, plumbing and other utility projections through the
stud space to insure the required insulation coefficient as
required above.
(2) Insulation standards and energy conserving
(a) Minimum insulation standards for residential
buildings on which construction or renovation commences on
or after April 1, 1979, shall be as follows:
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(1) Insulation having a minimum R-Value
of eleven shall be used in all exterior walls
contiguous to unheated areas above grade.
(2) Insulation having a minimum R-Value
of nineteen shall be used in all exterior
ceilings of heated areas above grade.
(3) All windows above grade shall be
(4) All exterior doors or doors leading
to unheated areas above grade shall be weather-
stripped and sliding glass doors shall be
(b) Computations submitted by a licensed architect
or engineer that the total energy required in a residential
building, through design or otherwise, equals or is less
than the total energy used if the dwelling is built or
renovated according to standards contained in subsection
(a) of this section shall be considered an acceptable
alternative for conformance with the prescriptive
standards set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
The total energy required shall be computed as the annual
estimated BTU's necessary to heat, cool, and light the
proposed residential building. For purposes of this
calculation, the exterior walls shall consist of no more
than the equivalent of twenty percent doors and windows.
(c) Building Permits.
(1) No building permit shall be issued
for the construction or renovation of any
residential buildings in any area under the
jurisdiction of the Town of Avon unless such
construction or renovation will conform to the
provisions of this part (a). The building
inspector shall inspect all places to determine
whether such places are in compliance with the
insulation standards required by this part (a).
(d) Insulation of slab on grade construction.
Concrete slab on grade in habitable areas shall be
insulated and damp proofed in the following manner:
(1) Slabs shall be provided with a base
course of at least six (6) inches of graded
gravel, crushed rock or other material approved
by the building inspector.
(2) A continuous vapor barrier membrane
with all seams or laps sealed shall be provided
between the above base course and the concrete
slab, and such membrane shall be turned upward
at the edge to the top of the slab.
(3) Slabs on grade shall be reinforced
with 10/10 - 6/6 two way wire mesh pulled up
into the approximate center of the pour.
(4) The foundation surrounding all such
slabs shall be provided with suitable insulation
to reduce loss from heated and unheated areas
to less than five (5) BTU per hour per square
foot of floor area. Such insulation will be
placed so as to seal the joint between the
slab, ground and foundation wall.
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(m) Section 2103(a)5 of the UBC is hereby amended to
read as follows:
as follows:
Wood columns, beams and arches conforming to
heavy timber sizes may be used externally where exterior
walls are permitted to be unprotected noncombustible
construction or one-hour fire-restrictive noncombustible
(n) Section 2201 of the UBC is hereby amended to read
Type V buildings may be of any materials allowed
by this code.
Type V, one-hour buildings shall be of one-hour
fire-restrictive construction throughout.
Type V, heavy timber construction shall conform
to Section 2106 except that permanent partitions
(nonbearing exterior walls) and members of the
structural frame may be of other materials, provided
they have a fire resistance of not less than one hour.
(a) Section 2305(d) of the UBC is hereby repealed and
reenacted as follows:
Snow loads full or unbalanced shall be considered
to be a minimum of 75 pounds per square foot. Potential
accumulation of snow at valleys, parapets, roof structures
and off-sets in roofs of uneven configuration shall be
considered. Where snow loads occur, the snow loads shall
be 75 pounds per square foot.
Snow loads in excess of 20 pounds per square foot
may be reduced for each degree of pitch over 20 degrees
by RS as determined by the following formula:
RS 40 2 or 1.375 lb for Avon
RS = Snow load reduction in pounds per square foot per
degree of pitch over 20°.
S = Total snow load in pounds per square foot.
( ) 'S'ection 2907(a) of the UBC is hereby repealed and
reenacted as fol ows
(1) Footings: Footings and foundations, unless
otherwise specifically provided, shall be constructed
of masonry or concrete and in all cases extend no less
than four feet, six inches (4'6") below finish grade.
Footings shall be constructed of solid masonry or
concrete. Foundations supporting wood shall extend
at least six (6) inches above the adjacent finish grade.
Footings shall have a minimum depth below finished grade
as indicated in Table No. 29-A unless another depth is
recommended by a foundation investigation.
(2) Ceiling Insulation: All attic ceilings shall
be insulated. Insulating material can be blanket or
fill type and shall provide a coefficient of transmission
U factor of .03 throughout. Special care must be taken
to form a tight seal where ceiling joists meet rafters.
(3) Foot Insulation: In the case where the roof
and ceiling are one structure (open Beam) the insulation
may be of an approved rigid type applied directly to the
exterior decking of the roof and covered by an approved
roofing material. Blanket type insulation between the
rafters may be used. Either method must provide a
coefficient of transmission of U factor of .03 throughout.
In roofs without attic spaces where the ceiling follows
the roof line, insulation shall be installed in the same
manner as for exterior walls and shall provide a coeffi-
cient of transmission of U factor of .07 throughout.
(q) Section 3322 shall hereby be added to the UBC and
shall read as follows:
Exits: Group R Occupancies. All basements in Group
R occupies shall have a second exit to other than the
first floor. The minimum opening shall be 12 square feet
in area, which can be a door or a window of 3 feet by
4 feet, operable from the inside without special tools,
and whose sill is not over 44" above the floor.
(r) Section 3801 of the UBC is hereby amended by the
additions of the following subsections:
(e) A visual signal shall be required whenever an
audible alarm signal is required for an automatic fire
alarm system. The visual signal shall meet the following
(1) In systems with a fire department connection
the light is to be located at least twelve (12) feet above
and as directly vertical to the fire department connection
as possible. In systems without fire department connection,
the light is to be located so as to be visible from the
nearest street.
(2) A sign with the words "Fire, Call Fire
Department" large enough to be visible from the center
of the adjacent street shall be mounted directly above
the light.
(3) The light shall not replace the audible
alarm, but is to be used in conjunction with it.
(4) The visual and audio signal shall be
together on a circuit separate from all other except
exit signs.
(f) An inside audible alarm is to be installed
wherever an alarm is required by Section 13.307 of the
Uniform Fire Code or Section 3802 of the Uniform Building
Code, except in single family, duplex, triplex and
fourplex residential dwellings. In the case of public
assembly areas with an occupant load of one hundred (100)
or more persons, or where in the opinion of the building
official or the fire chief, the installation of an inside
alarm may result in creating panic, the alarm signal shall
be installed in an attended area, (e.g. projection booth,
manager's office) from where there can be effectuated an
orderly evacuation of the assembly area pursuant to a
system approved by the building official or fire chief.
(g) All fire alarm systems within the town in
operation on the effective date of this ordinance shall,
within one year of said effective date, be brought into
conformance with the above requirements. The signal
from the fire alarm system shall be transmitted to a
station desi;gnated'by the fire department.
(s) Table 43-C of the UBC is hereby amended by adding
the following subsection to footnote 14 as follows:
(c) Topping of Grade A or B concrete not less than
one and one-half (1 1/2) inch thickness may be substituted
for the finish flooring required in subsections (a) and
(b) above.
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M The UBC is hereby amended by the addition of
Chapter 53 to such code, which said chapter reads as follows:
Section 5301 Purpose. This section encourages minimum
fossil fuel consumption by establishing minimum thermal
insulation standards for all occupancies and the use of
innovative energy conservation techniques in buildings.
Section 5302 Application and Scope. This section shall
apply to all buildings and structures in use - Groups A
(assembly), E (educational), I (institutional), B (business)
and R-1 (hotels and apartments).
Section 5303 Definitions. For the purpose of this
section, the following definitions shall apply:
"ASHRAE" is the American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers.
"Degree day" is a unit, based upon temperature
difference and time, used in estimating fuel consumption
and specifying nominal heating load of a building in
winter. For any one day, when the mean temperature
is less than sixty-five (65) degrees Fahrenheit, there
exist as many degree days as there are Fahrenheit degrees
difference in temperature between the mean temperature
for the day and sixty-five (65) degrees Fahrenheit.
"Glazing" is all transparent or translucent materials
in exterior openings.
"Exterior wall area" is the gross area of wall
surfaces adjacent to heated spaces, including glazing
and doors, exposed to ambient climatic temperatures
measured for a dwelling unit or group of units served
by a heating system.
"Infiltration" is air flowing inward as through
a wall, crack, etc.
"Special glazing" is glazing which has a minimum
U factor of .07 for all glazed surfaces.
"Thermal conductivity (K factor)" is the time rate
of heat flow through one square foot of homogeneous
material one inch thick when there is a temperature
difference of one degree Fahrenheit between the opposite
faces of material expressed in Btu/hour, square foot,
degree Fahrenheit per inch.
"Thermal resistance (R)" is the measure of the
resistance of a material or building component to the
passage of heat. The resistance value (R) of mass-type
insulations shall not include any value for reflective
"Transmissivity" is the capacity of a material to
transmit radiant energy.
"U factor" is the total heat flow through a given
construction assembly, air to air, expressed in Btu/hour,
per square foot, per degree Fahrenheit temperature
U = I
where Rt equals the sum of the resistance (R) for the
individual components of the assembly, U factors shall
be calculated according to ASHRAE methods.
"Unheated spaces" are any spaces exposed to ambient
temperatures and not provided with a heat supply capable
of maintaining a minimum temperature of forty-five (45)
degrees Fahrenheit.
Section 5304 Building Insulating Material Standards.
a. All materials used in the insulation of buildings
in order to comply with this section shall conform with
the following standards:
Cork board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F . S . HH-I-561
Cellular glass . . . . . . . . . . . .
Expanded polystyrene insulation board. . .
Fiberboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
F.S.LLL-1535 or
ASTM C-208,
Class C
Insulation board (urethane). . . . . . . .
Insulation, thermal (perlite). . . . . . .
Mineral fiber, pouring or blowing. . . . .
Mineral wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mineral wool (roof). . . . . . . . . .
Perlite, silicone treated loose fill . . .
'Reflective, thermal. . . . . . . . . .
*Structural fiberboard insulation roof deck
AIMA IB Spec. #1
Vegetable or wood fiber. . . . . . . . . .
Vermiculite. . . . . . . . . . .
Vermiculite, water repellant loose fill. .
Wood fiber blanket . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1) Expanded perlite:
modified to permit the basic
substance made of rock, slag
processed from a natural sta-
cellular form with a minimum
pounds per cubic foot.
F.S.HH-I-526 may be
material to be a mineral
or a mixture thereof,
to into fiberous or
density of eight (8)
(2) Perimeter insulation shall comply with the
FHA test procedure, "Test Procedure to Determine
Acceptability of Perimeter Insulation for Concrete
Floor on Ground" dated June, 1956.
b. Labeling. Mineral fiber insulation shall be
labeled as follows:
(1) Blanket type, or combination blanket with
reflective facing:
(i) Name of manufacturer or distributor.
(ii) insulation'type
(iii) Thermal resistance "R" value of
insulation fiber at the labeled insulation
(2) Type I blankets with no membrane cover may
either bear a label on a partial membrane facing or
may be branded with verticle stripes. Three (3)
stripes indicates the thermal resistance R equals 11.
Five (5) stripes indicates a resistance R equals 19.
No lower "R" value is acceptable.
0 0
(3) Types II and III blankets with non-
reflective and reflective membrane coverings
respectively, shall be labeled with appropriate
"R" value of 7, 11, or 19. No lower "R" value is
(4) Thermal resistance "R" values apply to
mineral fiber only.
c. Labeling. Reflective insulation shall be
labeled as follows:
(1) Blanket type
(i) Name of manufacturer or distributor.
(ii) Insulation type.
(iii) Thermal resistance "R" value.
(R value to include single or multilayers, foil
or kraft backed, one or both sides.)
(iv) Designate direction of heat flow.
Identification labeling and marking of all
other acceptable building insulating material shall
comply with their appropriate standard listed in
this section.
Section 5306. Floor Section, Foundation Walls and
a. All buildings and structures in Group R-1.
(1) Floors over unheated basements, crawl
spaces and garages: The maximum U value shall be
0.05 or the walls of the foundation shall be
insulated to a depth of the footings with a
maximum U value of 0.09.
(2) Slabs-On-Grade: Perimeter insulation
shall be required from the top edge of the slab
to a depth of two (2) feet below grade. The
maximum U value shall be 0.1.
(3) Structural concrete mats on grade shall
be required to perimeterly insulate the full depth
of the mat. The maximum U value shall be 0.1.
Section 5307. Thermal Design Standards for Glazing.
a. All windows, skylights, and doors shall be
glazed with insulating glass as defined in the ASHRAE
Guide double glazing or shall be equipped with
storm windows and storm doors. Closure providing
equivalent resistance to heat transmission will be
Exception: All buildings in Group B-2 may use
single glazing for display areas which are completely
sealed from the interior heated spaces.
b. The total glazing area of a building shall not
exceed fourteen (14) percent of the total floor area
for all classes of structures.
(1) Skylights shall be included as glazing
areas in these calculations.
(2) South facing glazing of a building, i. e.,
glazing oriented between the true bearings one hundred
sixty-five (165) degrees one hundred ninety-five (195)
degrees, shall not be restricted as to total glass area
upon meeting the following requirements:
(i) South glazing shall be clear and untreated.
(ii) The total combined glazing area on all
other exposures (compass coordinates other than one
hundred sixty-five (165) degrees one hundred
ninety-five (195) degrees) shall not exceed twelve
and one-half (12.5) percent of the total floor area
for all classes of structures. Skylights shall be
included as glazing areas.
(c) All exterior doors leading to unheated areas shall
be weather stripped and sliding glass doors shall be double
glazed and sealed.
Section 5308. Heat Distribution Equipment
a. All heating distribution ductwork and piping running
through unheated spaces shall be insulated.
(1) Minimum R value of duct insulation R-5.55.
(2) Minimum R value of piping insulation R-3.7.
Section 5309. Infiltration.
(a) Caulking and sealing: Exterior joints around
windows and floor frames, between wall and foundations, between
wall and roof, between wall panels, at penetrations of utility
services through walls, floors and roofs, and all other openings
in the-exteriors envelope shall be caulked, gasketed or
otherwise weather stripped.
(b) All buildings in Groups A, E, I, and B-2 shall be
required to institute entrance sealing by using double
entrance systems.
Section 5310. Requirement for Day-Night Thermostats.
a. All structures in Groups A, E, I, and B-2 shall be
required to install day-night thermostats to reduce heating
demand during periods when building is not occupied.
Section 5311. Design Conditions .
a. All R-1, R-3 and I group structures shall use an
outside design temperature of minus fifteen (15) degrees
b. All buildings in Groups A, E, and B-2 shall use an
outside design temperature of minus ten (10) degrees Fahrenheit.
Section 5312. Design Flexibility. Structures shall be exempt
from Sections 5304, 5305, 5306, 5307 of Chapter 53, Energy
Conservation and Thermal Insulation, upon meeting all the following
Occupancy or Use
Residential and multi-family
Maximum Design Load for
Space Heating for Square
Foot of Heated Flgor
Space Btu/h/ft
18 Btu/h/ft2
Commercial, institutional
and office buildings
Restaurants, auditoriums,
gymnasiums, theaters, churches
and all other buildings where
outside air is governed by
makeup air requirements
24 Btu/h/ft2
30 Btu/.Ii/f t2
b. All calculations for determination of the
design heating load shall use the following design
(1) All R-1, R-3 and I structures shall
use an outside design temperature of minus
fifteen (15) degrees Fahrenheit, interior design
temperature of seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit.
(2) All buildings in Groups A, E, and B-2
shall use an outside design temperature of minus
ten (10) degrees Fahrenheit, interior design
temperature of seventy (70) degrees Fahrenheit.
(3) The building department will require
calculations by a registered professional engineer
or architect in the State of Colorado to justify
compliance with the requirements of Chapter 53.
Such calculations shall conform to the procedure
outlined by the American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Engineers.
Section 5313. Exemptions to Chapter 53 Requirements.
All dwelling units approved by the Colorado Division of
Housing as meeting the mobile home standard ANSI 119.1, and
all R-Division 3 residences shall be exempt from the
provisions of this Chapter 53.
Violations and Penalties
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to
erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve,
remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain
any building or structure in the town, or cause or permit
the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any
of the provisions of this Code. Any person, firm, or
corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such
person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for
each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed,
continued or permitted, and upon conviction of any such
violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not
more than $300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
6 0
Section 3. Additions or Modifications. The National Electric
Code, 1978 Edition, (NEC) is adopted subject to the following additions
or modifications:
a. Amendment. The following general amendment is made
to the provisions of the NEC:
All electrical wiring in Group A, E, I, H and B
occupancies, as defined in the Uniform Building Code,
shall be encased in metal conduits, raceways, or in
approved armor. All wiring in Group R shall be encased
in metal conduits, raceways, or in approved armor to
the circuit breaker box for each unit. No aluminum
wire or copper-clad aluminum wire smaller than Size 8
will be permitted within the Town of Avon.
b. Inspection.
(1) Upon the completion of the wiring of any
building it shall be the duty of the person doing the
same to notify the building inspector, who shall inspect
the installation within three (3) working days of the
time such notice is given. If the structure is found
to be fully in compliance with the Uniform Building Code
and the electrical service is fully in compliance with
the National Electrical Code adopted by reference in
this article and the other provisions of this article
and does not constitute a hazard to life and property,
he shall issue a certificate of inspection authorizing
connection to the electrical service and the turning on
of the current. All wires which are to be hidden from
view shall be inspected before concealment, and the
person, firm or corporation installing- such shall
notify the building inspector, giving him three (3)
working days in which to make the required inspection
before the wires are covered. It shall be unlawful
for any person to fail or refuse to give such notice
as kequired herein.
(2) The inspector periodically shall make a
thorough examination of all the electrical wires and
appliances installed within the Town. When such wires
or appliances are found to be in a dangerous or unsafe
condition, he shall notify the person owning, using,
operating or installing the same to place them in a
safe condition within fifteen (15) days or such longer
time as may be deemed reasonable by the inspector.
Such notification shall be in writing. It shall be
unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to obey,- such
order. The building inspector is hereby empowered to
order the disconnection of electrical service to any
defective installation or appliance if the same shall
constitute an immediate hazard to the public health,
safety and welfare. All changes in uses of previously
approved buildings shall require updating of all wit'ing
and electrical items in accordance with the 1978 NEC and
these amendments.
c. General requirements for light, power, or heating
No certificate of inspection shall be issued unless
the electric light, power or heating installation and all
other electrical apparatus connected with it are in strict
conformity with all the provisions of the article and the
code adopted by reference in this article and unless they
are in conformity with the latest and most approved methods
of construction for safety to life and property. The
regulations laid down in the National Electrical Code,
1978 Edition, of the National Fire Protection Association
shall be prima facie evidence of such latest and most
approved methods. It shall be unlawful to energize any
electrical installation or equipment until a certificate
of inspection has been issued.
d. Specifications for installations generally.
All service conductors outside a building shall
be in approved conduits. The service cabinet shall
be so arranged that it shall not be over six (6) feet
above a permanent floor. The cabinet may be located
inside or outside the walls"of buildings in the nearest
accessible place to the-point where the wires enter the
building, but in no case shall there be more than ten (10)
feet of nonfused service entrance wire or cable located
within the confines of any structures, except as
provided in Section 230-47 of,the National Electrical
Code, 1978 Edition. Approved frangible padlocks may
be placed on switch prevent opening and
closing by unauthorized persons with the prior approval
of the electrical inspector and the fire chief:: Current
metering devices shall be located outside the building
or in a location always accessible to the electric
-utilities which complies with the National Electrical
Code requirements for service panel access.
e. Permit required for wiring alterations and additions.
It-shall be unlawful for any-person to make any
alterations or additions in the existing wiring for the
placing'of any electric lights, motors, heating devices,
or appliances requiring the use ,of electric current:; or
make any alterations in any,. electrical appliance or
wiring without first applying-for and securing a permit
therefor as provided in this article. However, no
permit shall-be required for minor repair,work, such
as--re pairing flush and snap'switches-,=replacing fuses,
changing lamp sockets and receptacles-, taping bare wires
and repairing drop cords.
f. Permit required for wiring.`and-appliances.
It shall be unlawful for any person to install any
electrical wires or appliances without first obtaining
a permit therefor from the building inspector.
g. Application
Application for install electrical wires
and appliances shall be made to the building inspector
by the contractor or other person installing such wires
and appliances.
h. Fees
Where.a-permit is required by this article; there
shall be imposed an inspection-fee as determined by the,
schedule adopted in C.R.S. 1973, as-amended,-,Section'
142-2-19, as it exists or may hereinafter be"amended.
i. Record keeping required for building inspector.
-The building inspector shall keep a record of all
permits issued and inspections made under the provisions
of this article.
j. Liability for damages.
This article shall not be construed to relieve from
or lessen the responsibility or liability of any party
owning,.operating, controlling or installing any electrical
equipment for damages to anyone injured or any property
destroyed'by reason of the performance of any inspection
authorized by this article, or the issuance of any
certificate of inspection under the provisions of this
0 0
k. Installation of meters.
No electric meter shall be installed within the
Town of Avon by any utility company without first
having received the approval of the building inspector
for such installation.
1. Special Items for Town of Avon.
Each apartment or condominium unit shall have a
separate circuit breaker box which shall be located on an
inside wall of the unit. All dining room areas shall have
a ceiling outlet with lighting fixture and wall switch.
All kitchen sinks shall have an overhead light, a garbage
disposal unit, and an adjoining automatic dishwasher.
Section 4. Additions or modifications. The Uniform Plumbing
Code, 1976 Edition (UPC) is adopted subject to the following additions
or modifications:
a. Section 1004 amended - Water Pipe.
Subparagraph (a) of Section 1004 is amended to
read as follows:
Water pipe and fittings shall be of brass, copper,
cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, galvanized wrought
iron, galvanized steel, lead, or other approved materials.
All materials used in the water supply system except
valves and similar devices, shall be of a like material,
except where otherwise approved by the Administrative
Authority. Provided, however, that lateral water lines
up to and including 2 inches in diameter shall be of
Type K copper tubing and lateral water lines larger
than 2 inches in diameter shall be of ductile iron pipe.
b. Section 1005 amended.
Subparagraph 1005 (b) is amended to read as follows:
A fullway valve shall be installed for each
dwelling unit. Individual shut-off valves shall also
be provided at each fixture.
Subparagraph (g) is added to Section 1005 to read
as follows:
(g) A 6-inch gate valve of brass or other
approved material shall be installed 3 feet ahead of
each fire hydrant.
C. Section 1103 amended.
(a) The building sewer beginning 5 feet from any
building or structure, shall be of vitrified clay pipe,
approved cast iron pipe, or approved PVC pipe.
(b) Vitrified clay pipe joints shall be the
improved permajoint type.or approved rubber gaskets.
(c) Cast iron soil pipe joints and PVC pipe joints
shall be approved rubber gaskets.
(d) All sewer lines 8 inches or larger in diameter
shall be tapped into a new or existing manhole.
0 0
Section 5. Additions or Modifications. The Uniform
Mechanical Code, 1976 Edition (UMC) is adopted subject to the following
additions or modifications:
a. Section 803 of the UMC is amended hereby by deletion
of the second paragraph and subsequent subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4.
b. Section 804 of the UMC is amended hereby to
read as follows:
Floor Furnaces shall not be permitted within the
Town of Avon.
c. Section 2213(J) of the UMC is amended hereby to
read as follows:
Barbecue or Fireplace Outlets. All gas outlets
located in a barbecue shall be controlled by an approved
operating valve located not more than four (4) feet from
such outlets. Gas outlets in a solid fuel burning fire-
place are not permitted.
Section 6. Pursuant to the power and authority conferred
by the laws of the State of Colorado and the Town of Avon, Colorado,
it is hereby adopted as the fire code of the Town of Avon, Colorado,
by reference thereto, the Uniform Fire Code, 1976 Edition, including
the appendix, except Sections C, F, and H of said appendix, and
excepting Sections 1.203,.1.204, 1.214, 1.215, 3.104, 15.407, 15.602,
15.703(h), 26.115(a) and 26.116 and Tables numbered 15.402, 15.407
and 15,409 of such code published by the International Conference of
Building Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California
90601, and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, all to have the same
force and effect as though set forth herein every particular.
The adoption of the uniform Fire Code, 1976 Edition (UFC)
is subject to the following additions and modifications:
a. The Section 1.409 definition of "guest" shall read:
"Guest shall mean any person hiring or occupying a room or
bed for living or sleeping purposes."
b. The Section 1.410 definition of "highway" shall
read: "Highway shall mean any public street, public road
or public alley."
C. The Section 1.421 definition of "street" shall
read: "Street shall mean any thoroughfare, alley or public
space not less than sixteen (16) feet in width which has
been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
(d) Section 11.105 is amended to read as follows:
"Before a permit is issued, as required by subsection (a)3
of Section 11.104, the applicant shall file with the Town
of Avon, a corporate surety bond in the principal sum equal
to the amount required by the Colorado State Statutes of
persons engaging in similar activities, or a public liability
insurance policy for the same amount, for the purpose of the
payment of all damages to persons or property which arise
from, or are caused by, the conduct of any act authorized by
the permit upon which any legal judgment results. The fire
chief may specify a greater or lesser amount when, in his
opinion, conditions at the location of use indicate a greater
or lesser amount is required. Public agencies shall be
exempt from this bond requirement."
0 0
(e) Section 11.201(j) is amended to read: "Storage of
explosives in quantities exceeding fifty (50) pounds shall
in a a Class I magazine, except that a Class II magazine
may be used for temporary storage of a larger quantity of
explosives at the site of blasting operations where such
amount constitutes not more than one day's supply for use
in current operations. At the end of the day's operations
any remaining explosives shall be safely destroyed or returned
to a Class I magazine."
(f) Section 11.201(k) is amended to read: "Storage
of explosives in quantities of fifty (50) pounds or less
shall be in Class I or Class II magazines, except that
explosives in any quantity when stored in remote locations
shall be in Class I, bullet resistant magazines."
(g) Section 11.301(b) is amended to read: "The
handling and firing of explosives shall only be performed
by the person possssing a valid explosives certificate
issued by the State of Colorado."
(h) Section 15.201(a) is renumbered 15.201(a)l and
is amended to read: "Hereafter no tank for the storage
of flammable fluid in excess of ten (10) gallons shall be
erected, repaired, renewed or replaced either wholly or
partially above ground,and,~where, in the opinion of the
fire chief, an existing tank constitutes a fire hazard
through neglect or disrepair, he shall order such tank
removed; provided, however, that tanks or other facilities
for the storage of class 6 fuel oil may be installed above
ground if approved by the fire chief and in accordance
with existing codes and regulations pertaining to above-
ground storage."
(i) Section 15.201(a)2 is added to read: "A permit
shall be obt- ed from the fire chief for the storage or
keeping of any volatile inflammable fluids in excess of
five (5) gallons in any building and of ten (10) gallons
on any premises. The fire chief is further authorized to
issue temporary permits for the aboveground storage of such
fluids in tanks which shall not exceed a five hundred (500)
gallon capacity for the purpose of providing fuel for heavy
equipment used in building construction, earth moving, earth
grading or similar operations, and such permits may be issued
only for sites where there are not close buildings, combustible
materials or other fire hazards. Such temporary permits
shall be issued with time limits set which shall conform to
the reasonably necessary time for completion of the individual
job for which the permit is issued."
(j) The title of Division IV of Article 15 is
amended to read "Container Storage."
(k) Section 15.401 is amended to read: "This division
shall apply only to the storage and dispensing of flammable
or combustible liquids in drums or other containers not
exceeding sixty (60) gallons individual capacity."
(1) A new Section 15.602 is added which will provide:
"Hereafter no tank for the storage of flammable fluid in
excess of ten (10) gallons shall be erected, repaired, renewed
or replaced either wholly or partially above ground, and
where in the opinion of the fire chief an existing tank
constitutes a fire hazard through neglect or disrepair, he
shall order such tank removed."
(m) The last sentence of 15.703(c) is amended to read:
"Class II and III liquids may be stored within service
station buildings in an approved container of not more than
sixty (60) gallon capacity."
(n) Section 15.704 is amended by the addition of
subsection (f)5 which reads: "Any coin-operated, card-
operated, remote preset type or other self-dispensing or
self-service device shall meet the requirements of Under-
writers' Laboratories and bear the seal of approval of that
(o) Section 15.704 is further amended by the addition
of subsection (f)6 which reads: "If the dispensing of Class
I liquids at a service station available and open to the
public is to be done by a person other than the service
station attendant, the nozzle shall be approved automatic-
closing type without a latch-open device."
(p) Section 15.1104 is amended by the addition of
the following subsections:
"(n) When tank vehicles are engaged in making
deliveries of Class I flammable liquids, there shall
be maintained a liquid and vapor-tight screwtight
connection between the tank vehicle and the tank being
filled. Other equally effective means of maintaining
a tight connection may be employed upon approval of
the fire chief."
(o) The maximum length of the delivery hose
used to connect the tank vehicle to the tank being
filled shall not exceed twenty (20) feet.
(p) The following limitations upon capacities
of motor vehicles used in transport shall be enforced.
(1) Tank delivery vehicles used for the
delivery of flammable liquids as defined in this
article, having an aggregate capacity in excess of
one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons shall be
equipped with a single cargo tank mounted thereon,
self-propelled, and of the diesel powered type.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any motor
vehicle having a tank capacity in excess of eight
thousand five hundred (8,500) gallons aggregate,
or with any one compartment thereof in excess of
five thousand (5,000) gallons individual capacity,
to deliver flammable liquids to any place of
storage within the corporate limits of the town.
(3) It shall be unlawful for any motor
vehicle having a tank capacity in excess of
eight thousand five hundred (8,500) gallons liquid
capacity to deliver LP gas to any place of storage
within the corporate limits of the town.
(4) It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle
transporting flammable liquids in excess of eight
thousand five hundred (8,500) gallons, or any motor
vehicle transporting LP gas in excess of eight
thousand five hundred (8,500) gallons liquid, or
any vehicle transporting explosives and other
dangerous articles, to remain within the city for
a period exceeding one hour, unless as provided
0 0
(5) It shall be unlawful for any motor
vehicle other than a "tank delivery vehicle" as
defined herein to deliver flammable liquids, LP
gas, or other dangerous articles to any place of
storage within the corporate limits of the town."
q. Section 26.101 is amended to read: "No place of
assembly as defined in Article I shall be maintained, operated
or used as such without a certificate of occupancy."
r. Section 13.307 is amended by the addition of
subsections (e, (f), (g) and (h), which said subsections
(e) A visual signal shall be required wherever
an audible alarm signal is required for an automatic
fire alarm system. The visual signal shall meet the
following requirements:
(1) In systems with a fire department
connection, the light is to be located at least
twelve (12) feet above and as directly vertical
to the fire department connection as possible.
In systems without fire department connection,
the light is to be located so as to be visible
from the nearest street.
(2) A sign with the words "Fire, Call
Fire Department" large enough to be visible
from the center of the adjacent street shall
be mounted directly above the light.
(3) The light shall not replace the audible
alarms, but is to be used in conjunction with it.
(4) The visual and audio signal shall be
together on a circuit separate from all other
except exit signs.
(f) An inside audible alarm is to be installed
wherever an alarm is required by Section 13.307 of the
Uniform Fire Code or Section 3802 of the Uniform
Building Code, except in single family, duplex, triplex,
or fourplex residential dwellings. In the case of
public assembly areas with an occupant load of one
hundred (100) or more persons or where, in the opinion
of the building official or the fire chief, the
installation of an inside alarm may result in creating
panic, the alarm signal shall be installed in an attended
area (e.g. projection booth, manager's office) from
where there can be effectuated an orderly evacuation of
the assembly area pursuant to the system approved by the
building official or fire chief.
(g) All fire alarm systems within the Town shall
be capable of transmitting a signal to the station
specified by the fire department.
(h) All fire alarm systems within the Town in
operation on the effective date of this ordinance shall,
within one year from said effective date, be brought
into conformance with the above requirements."
0 0
Section 7. Violations and Penalties.
a. Violations. The following clause concerning violations
is hereby set forth in full and adopted with reference to all
of the Codes and Standards named in the title of this
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use,
occupy or maintain any building or structure in the Town
of Avon or cause or permit the same to be done, contrary to
or in violation of any of the provisions of any of the Codes
or Standards named in the title of this Ordinance.
b. Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation violating
any of the provisions of any of the Codes or Standards named
in the title of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and any such person, firm or corporation shall
be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day
or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the
provisions of any of the Codes or Standards named in the
title of this Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted,
and upon conviction of any such violation, such person, firm
or corporation shall be punished by a fine of not more than
$300.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or
by both such fine and imprisonment.
Section 8. Saving Clause. If any part, section, subsection,
sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance or any of the Codes
or Standards adopted hereby are for any reason held to be invalid,
such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining
sections of this Ordinance or any of the Codes or Standards
adopted hereby; the Town Council hereby declares that it would
have passed this Ordinance and adopted the Codes and Standards
named in the title hereto in each part, section, subsection,
sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact
that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences,
clauses or phrases be declared to be invalid.
Section 9. Emergency Clause.
WHEREAS, Eagle County has discontinued the provision of
certain services to the Town of Avon, effective March 1, 1979, including
the issuance of Building Permits and related services, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Avon must provide these services
previously provided by Eagle County, and
WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Avon has
determined that it is necessary to establish a Building Department in
order to provide for the issuance of Building Permits and related
services, and
WHEREAS, requests and applications for the issuance of
Building Permits have been made and are presently pending, and
WHEREAS, the enactment and passage of this ordinance is
immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health,
safety and welfare, and
WHEREAS, the emergency on which this ordinance is
predicated is the immediate need for the services to be provided by
the Town of Avon Building Department,
WHEREFORE, the Town Council of the Town of Avon hereby
declares that this is a necessary emergency ordinance pursuant to
Section 6.6 of the Town Charter for the Town of Avon.
0 0
Section 10, Repeal. Any or all ordinances or parts of
ordinances of the Town of Avon, in conflict or inconsistent herewith,
are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall not
affect any offense committed or act done, any penalty or forfeiture
incurred or any contract, right or obligation established prior to
the time of such repeal.
PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF (~yt~r~, , 1979.
By: 0~' , EEO
An o V Alpi, ayo
By: lvs i Sam, 04u-
Leslie James Allen, Town Clerk
This Ordinance shall take effect Eight Days after Passage.