TC Minutes 07-17-2013AV, 0 N TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:10 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Dave Dantas, Jennie Fancher, Todd Goulding, and Jake Wolf. Councilor's Chris Evans, Todd Goulding and Buz Reynolds were absent. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Deputy Town Clerk Debbie Hoppe, Finance Director Scott Wright, Senior Planner Matt Pielsticker and Planner II Jared Barnes, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, as well as other staff members and the public. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Carroll noted the following changes to the agenda: 1. Addition of letter to the US Forest Service stating support for USFS 7 -779 to be "open to all vehicles" as shown on the 2013 Motor Vehicle Use Map, which is currently under review (Dave Neely, USFS) 2. May need some flexibility with timeframes as the Winterwondergrass Request discussion would need to occur at 7:30 pm 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments made at this time. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION BEGINS AT 5 PM (THIS MEETING IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) Mayor Carroll moved to meet in executive Session at 5:12 pm for the purpose of receiving legal advice pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(b) related to settlement matters regarding Town of Avon v Traer Creek Metropolitan District, 20o8 CV 0385 and Traer Creek, LLC, et.al. v Town of Avon 2010 CV 316. Councilor Dantas seconded the motion and the members met in Executive Session. Mayor Carroll noted that the discussion would be confined only to the purposes of the executive session as stated above and that if at any time during the executive session anyone believes that the discussion does not concern the topic and purpose of the executive session, to please raise your objection immediately. The following people were present during the executive session: Mayor Rich Carroll, Councilor Dave Dantas, Councilor Jennie Fancher, Mayor Pro Tern Todd Goulding,, Councilor Jake Wolf, Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil. Councilor Chris Evans and Councilor Buz Reynolds were absent. Town Attorney Eric Heil noted that this executive session was for the purpose of providing legal advice on specific legal questions, and requested that the Town Clerk cease recording the executive session at this time. Mayor Carroll noted that the executive session adjourned at 5:56 PM and the meeting now reconvened in regular session. He asked if any Town Council member believed that any discussion in executive session was inappropriate and not related to the topic and purpose of the executive session to please state the objections at this time; there were no objections. 5. AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 6:05 PM AND ADJOURNED AT 6:15 PM (LIQUOR BOARD MINUTES DRAFTED SEPARATELY) 6. ACTION ITEMS 6.1. Action on a letter to the US Forest Service stating support for USFS 7 -779 to be "open to all vehicles" as shown on the 2013 Motor Vehicle Use Map, which is currently under review (Dave Neely, USFS) Dave Neely, USFS, spoke about the public input received on this topic. Council supported sending a letter to the USFS regarding the Eagle -Holy Cross 2013 Motor Vehicle Use Map ( "MVUM ") in support of the updates Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17.Minutes Page i �V 0 N TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET to this map as the area is accessed directly from the Wildridge neighborhood. Councilor Fancher moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter in support of the USFS Eagle -Holy Cross 2013 Motor Vehicle Use Map; Councilor Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.2.Approval of Minutes from June 25, 2013 Councilor Dantas moved to approve the minutes from June 25, 2013; Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.3.Public Hearing on Amplified Sound Permits (Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager) 6.3.1. TEAM Unlimited LLC for Start of Xterra Mountain Championship Race on July 2otn (Trey Garman, XTERRA) The applicant presented the event application for the XTERRA race. After some discussion, Mayor Carroll opened the public hearing, no comments were heard, and the hearing was closed. Councilor Wolf moved to approve the amplified sound permit for TEAM Unlimited LLC for Start of Xterra Mountain Championship Race on July 20; Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and the permit was approved unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.3.2. Vail Valley Charitable Fund for BecTri Duathalon on August 3rd (Michelle Maloney, BecTri) Patty McKenny presented the application on behalf of the applicant. Mayor Carroll opened the public hearing, no comments were heard, and the hearing was closed. Councilor Wolf moved to approve the amplified sound permit for Vail Valley Charitable Fund for BecTri Duathalon on August 3rd; Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and the permit was approved unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.4. Action on 2013 Intergovernmental Agreement with Eagle County for GIS Services (Matt Pielsticker, Senior Planner) The IGA for GIS services with Eagle County was presented in an effort to assist the town with its needs for routine datalayer updates, maintenance of digital information and special projects and mapping. With a vacancy in the position, staff determined there was no longer a need for full time work in this area, thus it was determined that outsourcing this function with the county made sense. After some discussion, Councilor Wolf moved to approve the IGA with Eagle County for GIS services; Councilor Dantas seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.5. Public Hearing on Second Reading of Ordinance 13 -o8, Series of 2013, An Ordinance Approving the Amended Final Plat, A Replat of Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) It was noted that there were some minor changes to the plat along with minor modifications to title certificate per information provided by Dominic Mauriello, representing applicant Syndham Vacation Resorts, Inc. as the applicant. The changes were reviewed by staff and the Town attorney Dominic Mauriello presented the revised final plat showing the modification to the lot lines, etc. Councilor Fancher moved to approve Ordinance 13 -o8, Series of 2013, on second reading, an Ordinance Approving an Amended Final Plat, a Replat of Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek subject to the revisions provided by the applicant at second reading which include: Avon Council Meeting 13-07-17-Minutes Page 2 V . jl l N CO TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET • modifications to the exceptions in the title certificate; • the clarification of the language of note 6, so that this plat appropriately re- dedicates the transportation hub easement; • the addition of a new note 8 which vacates all previous amended plats affecting the property (a relocation and clarification of the previous title certificate note 18); • extending the 20' wide transportation hub easement westward to the new right -of -way for Lettuce Shed Lane; • correcting the adjacent property owner names on the plat; and • any other technical changes or corrections required by Town staff • and finding that the approval of the Application is in compliance with the mandatory review criteria for Final Plat Major Subdivision found in the Avon Municipal Code Section 7.16.070(f). Councilor Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). Since the hearing was not opened earlier, Mayor Carroll opened the public hearing, no comments were made, the hearing was closed. 6.6. First Reading of Ordinance 13 -09, Series of 2013, Ordinance Amending Title 7 of the Avon Municipal Code, including General Procedures, Planned Unit Development Amendments, Natural Resources Protection Standards, and Engineering Improvement Standards (Matt Pielsticker, Senior Planner) The memo was presented from the Council packet that included a description of the items included in Ordinance No. 13 -09 in response to the Council's 2013 strategic plan. There was a prioritizing of the topics with a list of amendments broken into "Tier 1" and "Tier 2" amendments by PZC. A review of the Proposed Amendments was made noting that the proposed modifications outlined would not only provide clarity, but would also cleanup Development Code (Title 7, AMC) sections that are redundant, contradictory, obsolete, or have been found to be troublesome for code users. The following sections were addressed: Table 7.16 -1, Development Review Procedures and Review Authority — Page 52 Section 7.16.020(e), Step 5: Public Hearings — Pages 56 -57 Section 7.16.020(g), MinorAmendment — Pages 58-59 Section 7.16.o6o(e)(4), Review Criteria — Page 65 Section 7.16.o6o(h), Amendments to a Final PUD — Pages 67 -68 Section 7.16.o8o(b)(2) Minor Development Plan — Page 75 Section 7.16.ogo, Design Review — Page 77 Section 7.28.1oo(a), Steep Slopes — Pages 170 -173 Section 7.32.02o, Layout and Design Generally — Pages 199 -200 There was discussion and input on the ordinance as follows: ✓ Discussion about hearings and timeframe for rendering final decisions ✓ Delete minor amendments; defines administrative amendments, clarification on review criteria ✓ Discussion about calling up PZC items by the Town Council Public input was received from both Avon resident Michael Cacioppo and Dominic Mauriello who submitted some comments addressing minor PU D amendments, Minor subdivisions, and Zoning Amendments. Councilor Fancher moved to approve on first reading Ordinance 13 -09, Series of 2013, Ordinance Amending Title 7 of the Avon Municipal Code, including General Procedures, Planned Unit Development Amendments, Natural Resources Protection Standards, and Engineering Improvement Standards and schedule a public hearing and second reading of the Ordinance for August 13, 2013. It was Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17.Minutes Page 3 AVO FROM P, qi N TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET also agreed that a change to minor subdivision would be made to allow for it to be approved administratively. Councilor Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans, Goulding and Reynolds absent). 6.7. Review and Action on Dates and Seed Funding Request for WinterWonderGrass Festival, a 3 -day music event in Nottingham Park, February 21 — 23, 2012 (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) Virginia Egger, Town Manager, presented an introduction to the topic by providing information about the town's 2013/14 strategic plan that supports increasing special events including the addition of three music events each year in Avon. It was noted that an RFQ was released and three responses were received. Scotty Stoughton, event promoter, presented his concept for a WinterWonderGrass Festival for Avon Colorado. (Councilor Goulding arrived at 7:40 pm.) He reviewed his presentation with information about their vision, format of festival, future of the event, details, partnerships with Avon and Beaver Creek and businesses, promoter information, the marketing and branding benefits for Avon, and their request for seed funding. There was success with the event in Edwards last year, but he sees an opportunity in hosting the event in Avon that would allow future growth opportunities as wells as a safe and promising venue. Mayor Carroll invited those in the audience to give input: ✓ Tom Beaver, Montana's, encouraged Avon to support this kind of event, better market to pursue, also commented on the police presence, ✓ Tony Karen, Ft. Lauderdale, loves Avon, former CFO, and supports this kind of event ✓ Liz Farren, Montana's, supports the music festival to help promote community, people are afraid to come to avon becuz of the law enforcement ✓ Jake Wolf: commented on their discussion w/ Chief Ticer about not including police inside this venue ✓ Kent Bidel, Loaded Joes, sees this has a huge opportunity to host more events, with store in vail, towns operate differently, vail operate events year round with great success for them, this event could be a huge opportunity, avon is missing it, there hasn't been a spirit for hosting the events in avon, ✓ Jonathan Levine: hummers of vail and local limo service, police service has improved over the years, this type of event would attract visitors, asked council to strongly consider this event, did see conflict with snowbowl with their business, think about: prefer it only go until g pm to transition to local establishments, ✓ Michael Caccioppo, resident, retired music promoter, supports ticket fee that town could collect, great promoter, bad event in snowball, better demographic, great ongoing event for avon, comparing vail to avon vail funds promoters don't have ticket fees, avon getting a better deal ✓ Brandt, Loaded Joes, supported Scotty Stoughton and the kinds of things they did with snowball were great Council commented on a number of items as follows: ✓ Could be a great event for Avon and the park ✓ Some discussion about how festivals and police interface ✓ Great time to try out an event before 2015 championships ✓ Discussion about crowds number maximums, some supported higher numbers; promoter wanted to keep it manageable at around 3000 Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17.Minutes Page 4 AV - oN TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET ✓ Discussion about sponsors role and ticket fees and need to understand financial information, some preferred to keep it a business partnership Councilor Wolf moved to approve the following parameters of WinterWonderGrass — 3 day music festival: • Approval of event dates for February 21 -23, 2013 • Approval of in -kind up to $25,000 • Approval of $50,000 in musician support to be paid from the CIP — Economic Development line item ($750,0oo budgeted) • Approval of ticket sales not to exceed 4,000 per day • Approval of the Town Manager to sign an agreement for production, including but not limited to all planning and producer performance dates, insurance, indemnification, deposits, marketing plan, security and law enforcement plan, demographic data collection and other metrics as may be determined, and reporting requirements • Direct staff to research and prepare legislation for a Special Event Ticket Fee in the amount of $2.00 per ticket/per day. Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans and Reynolds absent). 6.8. Approval of Street Improvement Contracts based upon the Lowest Qualified Bid (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) The Bid Opening for both Projects is July 18th. Due to scheduling of the next Town Council meeting on Aug th and the desire to begin construction as soon as possible after Bid Opening on July 18th 13 , staff is requesting that Council preauthorize issuance of Notice of Award for both contracts provided the lowest, qualified bid for each project does not exceed the approved Town of Avon 2013 Capital Projects Fund budgeted amounts as shown in Table 1 of packet: 1) Asphalt Overlay Project which includes milling, crack repair, and asphalt overlay of Draw Spur and Beaver Creek Point in the Wildridge Subdivision, and 2) the Slurry Seal Project which consists of crack repair, application of an asphalt sealer containing fine aggregate, and striping. Roads included in the Slurry Seal Project are: Saddle Ridge Loop, Old Trail Road, Beartrap Road, Shepherd Ridge, and Ked Spur in Wildridge and Nottingham Road (west from Swift Gulch). The proposed work is anticipated to begin in early August and be completed by the end of September. There was discussion about the bike lane evaluation on Metcalf Road as not a viable project because there is not enough road to accommodate the uphill bike lane. Councilor Dantas moved to authorize the Town Manager to award Asphalt Overlay and Slurry Seal contracts to the lowest, qualified bidder for each project provided that the bid does not exceed the budgets as approved in the Town of Avon 2013 Capital Projects Fund; with the condition that the number is $551,553 Which would include completing the parking spaces at the new Avon West Preserve, and that the Town Manager is further authorized to amend the project scope, if needed, after evaluating as bids per the available funds. Councilor Fancher seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans and Reynolds absent). 6.9. Notice of Award for Recreation Center Membrane Roof Replacement (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) It was noted that the Recreation Center flat EPDM roofs leak and there was a need to replace ithis year as part of the CIP Fund budget. Staff noted that the lowest bidder Horizon Roofing of Eagle should be selected to complete the project, bid amount of $116K. Councilor Dantas moved to award the construction contract for the Recreation Center Flat Roofs Replacement project to Horizon Roofing in Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17.Minutes Page 5 N F A- O' ,.T.�,"o TOWN OF AVON COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET the amount of $116,68o, and allow Town Manager to approve amendment to the contract if changes are within the budget. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Councilors Evans and Reynolds absent). 6.1o. Phase II Recreation Center Expansion and Recreational Improvements 6.1o.1. Review of Ballot Schedule and Draft Question for Phase II Expansion and other Recreation Improvements (Scott Wright, Finance Director) The report on the Phase II Recreation Center Expansion and Recreation Improvements was presented to the town council. It was noted that a final decision would be need prior to September 6th as that is the last day to certify the ballot content to Eagle County for the election. A number of topics were reviewed: ➢ Proposed costs are being fine tune to be presented at the next meeting ➢ It was noted that there must be an understanding of recreation center and programming trends ➢ Discussion about surveying the community to obtain feedback about this topic ➢ A review of the ballot materials was made by Dee Wisor, Sherman and Howard It was agreed that more discussion was need at the August 13th meeting. 6.10.2. Action on Telephone Survey Questions — (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) There was consensus to delay the telephone survey. 6.10.3. Action to Notice Eagle County Clerk of Town Participation in November 5, 2013 Coordinated Mail Ballot Election — ballot question [May be rescinded if no ballot question is completed] (Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager) There was direction to notice Eagle County that the Town would participate in the November 5, 2013 election in light of a possible ballot question. 7. WORK SESSION 7.1. Economic Development Report: 7.1.1. Trimester Report from Department's on Economic Activity (Scott Wright, Finance Director) The information presented shows positive economic trends at this time; the URA refinancing is moving forward, and there was support for this kind of information with a staff analysis of the data to be included in the report. 7.1.2 Council Review: Draft Economic Development Plan, Including Council Review Direction on RFP for Town of Avon Branding and Marketing Initiative; and Hiring a Director of Economic Development Initiatives (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) Discussion focused on the some of the following topics: ✓ Business community support of the economic development efforts and direction suggested by the town ✓ Town takes the lead and then hands it over to business community ✓ Consider holding a business summit ✓ Discussion about funding the position from general fund or capital fund ✓ Market position in ski resorts and Denver Colorado The Town Council supported hiring the position taking time to conduct the interview process to hire the right person; staff was directed to draft the hiring process for their consideration. Town Council also supported releasing an RFP for services to assist in brand development and marketing implementation strategies for the town. Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17-Minutes Page 6 ANow", VU­111 I' � TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1.1. 2 "d Quarter 2013 -14 Strategic Plan Report (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) It was noted that this report would also be used as a discussion document during the upcoming retreat. 1.2. Review of August 13 Retreat Agenda: Walking Mountain Science Center (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) It was noted that an agenda would be drafted and if there were any other topics of interest to forward to town manager and the Morrison Group would continue providing the facilitation services for the meeting. 1.3. Village at Avon Update (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) The outstanding Village at Avon settlement issues were reviewed per the memo as the 1) taxable vs. tax - exemption bond situation, 2) the Nottingham Ditch Maintenance Obligations, and 3) the timetable for November 13, 2013 as the deadline date to mee. 2. COMMITTEE MEETING UPDATES: COUNCILORS AND MAYOR There updates presented on the following meetings: 2.1. EGE Air Alliance (Rich Carroll, Mayor) 2.2. Eagle County School District Meeting with Superintendent (Rich Carroll, Mayor) 2.3. Eagle County Regional Collaboration Meeting on Transportation (Rich Carroll, Mayor) Some comments were made in light of the email from Buffalo Ridge Apartments about how to address the lack of transit services to that location and Nottingham Road 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION CONTINUED FROM EARLIER IN THE DAY (THIS MEETING IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) At 11:25 pm Mayor Carroll moved to meet in Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal advice pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(b) related to settlement matters regarding Town of Avon v Traer Creek Metropolitan District, 20o8 CV 0385 and Traer Creek, LLC, et.al. v Town of Avon 2010 CV 316. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding seconded the motion and the members met in Executive Session. Mayor Carroll noted that the discussion would be confined only to the purposes of the executive session as stated above and that if at any time during the executive session anyone believes that the discussion does not concern the topic and purpose of the executive session, to please raise your objection immediately. The following people were present during the executive session: Mayor Rich Carroll, Councilor Dave Dantas, Councilor Jennie Fancher, Mayor Pro Tern Todd Goulding, Councilor Jake Wolf, Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil. Councilor Chris Evans and Councilor Buz Reynolds were absent. Town Attorney Eric Heil noted that this executive session was for the purpose of providing legal advice on specific legal questions, and requested that the Town Clerk cease recording the executive session at this time. Mayor Carroll noted that the executive session adjourned at 12:40 PM and the meeting now reconvened in regular session. He asked if any Town Council member believed that any discussion in executive session was inappropriate and not related to the topic and purpose of the executive session to please state the objections at this time; there were no objections. Avon Council Meeting 13.07.17.Minutes Page 7 PON, TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FROM REGULAR MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM. APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Chris Evans Jennie Fancher Todd Goulding Albert "Buz" Reynolds Jake Wolf RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: au Patty M e ny, Clerk Avon Council Meeting 13-07.17-Minutes Page 8