TC Minutes 02-12-2013TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Rich Carroll called the meeting to order at 3 :45 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Jennie Fancher, Todd Goulding, Buz Reynolds and Jake Wolf. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Assistant Town Manager /Town Clerk Patty McKenny, Finance Director Scott Wright, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Recreation Director Meryl Jacobs, Community Relations Officer Jaime Walker, as well as other staff members and the public. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Several revisions were made to the agenda. It was noted that an update would be provided about the recent emergency preparedness meeting hosted by Senator Udall. Councilor Dantas noted that Councilor Wolf was nominated for a Grammy award this year for his efforts with music education; everyone was encouraged to visit the Grammy's website for more information about this award and his nomination. WORK SESSION a) Committee and Board Meeting Updates i) Mayor's and Manager's Meeting Mayor Carroll presented several highlights of the Mayor /Manager's meeting; he noted the next meeting to be held in May and noted that there would be further discussion about regional collaboration and cross over with the M/M meetings. ii) UERWA Update Mayor Pro Tern Goulding presented several highlights from meetings held in January (proposed rate increase to cover debt service, CIP updates, topics identified through the water summit meeting). He noted that this water summit information would be reviewed by the council in the near future. iii) Eagle Air Alliance Mayor Carroll presented updates from the EGE Air Alliance meeting with their great priority being the need for additional funding for the flights into Eagle Airport. Questions were raised about the airline's service levels related to cancellations and the lack of customer service provided in this regard. iv) Meeting with Senator Udall regarding Wildfire Preparedness Update Mayor Carroll presented an update on the meeting noting that it was held in meet with the agencies responding to this emergency ahead of time in order to ensure all groups are working together and communicating collaboratively about what services the community could expect during the fire season ahead; there would be further updates about communication between governmental agencies. b) Discussion on Understandings of Council and Staff Roles and Responsibilities when Representing the Town on Committees, Boards and Commissions Mayor Carroll presented this topic for discussion along with a revised committee update worksheet that described member representation according to in -house town committees /subcommittees, Intergovernmental Committee and Authorities, and Liaisons. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page iofio TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 �V U N MEETING BEGINS AT 3:4.5 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET ACTION ITEMS a) Benchmark Lake at H.A. Nottingham Park Update on the Lake Liner Schedule and Budget — Action to delay improvement until after XTERRA (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer and John Curutchet, Interim Recreation Director) Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, presented this topic for Council's consideration noting that there were three proposals outlined in the packet memo that described advantages and disadvantages to each one. He noted that estimated costs were provided for each scenario: Option 1: Construct the liner in the spring and early summer; Cost $1,783,000 Option 2: Fill the lake for the XTERRA, and construct in late summer to fall; Cost $1,616,000; estimates for repairs are $1oK; Option 3: Do not fill the lake and construct in the late summer to fall; Cost $1,482,000 Some discussion ensued about the cost differences. John Curutchet, Interim Recreation Director, addressed the Town Council regarding recreation programming and the ability to host and produce the summer events, both Salute and XTERRA. He noted the value of the lake as a town amenity and asset for summertime events, and noted that the Recreation Department supported Option 3 in order to be able to hold the events. Tim Baker, Executive Director BCRC, noted that he was pleased to talk about this topic together and that the lake was a great amenity for the community. He also spoke about working with Avon to create a spectacular 4t" of July week full of events with both parties working together. He noted his concern about the possibility of not having access to the lake for the XTERRA event, but understood that it would be an Avon Town Council decision about the lake liner project. There were discussions about each option. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding requested that more financial impacts should be identified if events are lost as that might impact his final decision as he consider either Option 2 or Option 3. Councilor Evans moved to approve Option 2 to address the CIP project to repair the Benchmark Lake Liner (as presented in the Town Council memo Option 2: Fill the lake for the XTERRA, and construct in late summer to fall; Cost $1,616,000; estimates for repairs are $1oK). Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed with a six to one vote (Councilor Goulding — nay). Mayor Carroll accepted public input as follows: ➢ Kathy Ryan, resident of Avon along the lake, was present to express her opinion about how great the lake is as a community amenity and wants to ensure that the lake gets filled as quickly as possible. She noted her disappointment that this would have to be done during the summer and noted her concern about the residents having to be impacted by the construction and potential odors that would be remitted from the site for a period of summer months ➢ Fara Denhart, BecTri Event Race Director, also spoke about the need for their event to use the lake on August 3rd It was noted that town staff would work with them to assist in helping to come up with alternatives for their event WORK SESSION c) Advanced Guideway Systems Presentation regarding Land Use and Identifying Alternative Station Connections in Eagle County (Beth Vogelsang, OV Consulting) Several representatives were present as follows, Beth Vogelsang, OV Consluting, David Krutsinger, CDOT, Transit & Rail Manager, Mike Riggs, AZTEC/TYPSA Consulting. The following list highlights some of the topics presented to the Town Council and public, AGS History, Feasibility Study, Project Overview, Locations, Project Goal, Project Process, Stations in the region identified as Vail & Eagle County Regional Airport. It was noted that station locations were determined based on 1) role of station in the system, 2) ridership demand, 3) alignment options and technology. After some discussion there was unanimous support by the Town Council for a station to be located in Avon. It was noted that the town's new I -7o Regional Operational Facility would serve as a great amenity to having an Avon Station as it would support the mass transit being Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 2 Of 10 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO Fvvok � MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 N MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM ° ' ° R ' ° ° AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET discussed. In summary, there was Council direction that staff continues their involvement with the AGS process and actively express that Avon be considered as a location for a station. ACTION ITEMS b) CONSENTAGENDA i) Minutes from January 22, 2012 Councilor Evans moved to approve the minutes; Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members voting (Councilor Goulding abstained due to his absence at that meeting). c) Proclamation for One Book One Valley (Lori Barnes, Vail Librarian) Lori Barnes, Vail Librarian, presented the Proclamation that announced the title of the book that will be highlighted for the 2013 community reading project, One Book One Valley Program as the novel "Into the Beautiful North" by Luis Alberto Urrea. Mayor Carroll read the proclamation and a roll call vote showed unanimous support of the proclamation. d) PEG Fee Grant Request from Public Access TV5 (JK Perry, Executive Director, Public Access TV 5) Review request to use monies to purchase capital equipment Scott Wright, Finance Director, presented the PEG Fee Grant request on behalf of Public Access TV5, noting that US cable companies are required to fund local organizations in order to provide training and access to media technology and cable distribution to local cable systems. He noted that to Town's franchise agreement with Comcast is a 50 cent charge to be utilized solely for PEG access equipment and facilities; the fee is collected and remitted to the town quarterly. In recent years the amount collected has been approximately $1oK, and in 2012, the town approved a grant of $2oK to public access 5 for the 2011 and 2012 PEG fees received. JK Perry, Executive Director, also made the request of the Town Council and presented highlights about Channel 5, its history and future direction as follows: ✓ New location with more space to create a more functional studio ✓ Greater efforts to find revenue stream ✓ Hiring of a 3o hour /week employee ✓ Updating and improving equipment ✓ Board to update their long range capital plans Mayor Carroll moved to approve the PEG Fee Grant request made by Public Access TV 5 to use for the purchase of capital equipment; Councilor Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mayor Carroll presented the Lot 61 Wyndham Vacation Club Development Application noting the following two items to be considered by the Town Council at this time. e) LOT 61 WYNDHAM VACATION CLUB DEVELOPMENT i) Public Hearing on First Reading on Ordinance No. 13 -02, Series of 2013, Ordinance Approving amendments to the Avon Development Code to amend definitions, permitted uses in the Town Center Zone District, and amendments to regulations concerning time shares and fractional ownership (Jared Barnes, Planner 1) ii) Public Hearing on First Reading on Ordinance No. 13 -03, Series of 2013, Ordinance Approving a Rezoning Application, Major Design and Development Plan Application, Alternative Equivalent Compliance Application, and Development Agreement for "Wyndham- Lot 61 ", located on Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek (Matt Pielsticker, Planner II) Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 3 Of 10 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Jared Barnes, Planner I, noted that Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group, representing the owner of Lot 61, Wyndham Vacation Resorts, applied for a code text amendment in response to issues brought forth at the December 18th, 2012 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting with regard to the legality of timeshare uses within the Town Center zone district. It was noted that Ordinance 13 -02 proposed Code Text Amendments that would amend the following portions of Title 7, Development Code: Chapter 7.o8, Definitions; Section 7.24.04o, Table of allowed uses; Table 7.24 -1, Table of allowed uses; Section 7.24.050, Use - specific regulations; and, Section 7.24.o6o, Special review uses. He noted the proposed legislation addressed the following items: • an amendment to AMC Chapter 7.o8, Definitions, is to establish definitions for "Hotel, Motel, and Lodge" and "Vacation Club ". • an amendment to AMC Section 7.24.040, Table of allowed uses, and Table 7.24 -1, Table of allowed uses, is to establish a use type of "Dwelling, Timeshare, Interval Ownership or Fractional Fee Ownership /Vacation Club Ownership" and its allowance within each zone district. • an amendment to AMC Section 7.24.050, Use - specific regulations, is to establish specific limitation and conditions for "Dwelling, Timeshare, Interval Ownership or Fractional Fee Ownership ( "timeshare ") ". • an amendment to AMC Section 7.24.o6o, Special review uses, is to establish a special review use process for any conversion of an existing dwelling to a "timeshare" use. Further review of each item was made and addressed in the staff report included in the packet. It was noted that the PZC reviewed the proposed amendments at their January 15, 2013 meeting and after holding a public hearing, they recommended approval of the proposed amendments as exhibited in PZC Resolution 13- o1. Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello and Associates, had no further comments on this matter. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding moved to approve Ordinance No. 13 -02, Series of 2013, Ordinance Approving amendments to the Avon Development Code to amend definitions, permitted uses in the Town Center Zone District, and amendments to regulations concerning time shares and fractional ownership with the following two staff recommendations: 1. Staff recommends the Town Council approve the first reading of Ordinance 13 -02 and schedule a public hearing and second reading of the ordinance for February 26, 2013. 2. Staff recommends the Town Council waive the application fee for the Code Text Amendment application, since the Applicant proposed the proposed Code Amendments to ensure they coincided with the review of the Lot 61 Rezoning, Major Development Plan, and Alternative Equivalent Compliance applications. Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mayor Carroll presented the next agenda item, Ordinance No. 13 -03, and noted that the staff report summarized the development application components related to "Wyndham - Lot 61 ". He explained that the owner of the lot, Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Inc. ( "Owner ") was seeking approval of a fifty -eight (58) unit timeshare project, with supporting retail space. In addition, he noted that the Ordinance was drafted to include all items relevant to the project such as the Rezoning, the Major Development Plan, the Alternative Equivalent Compliance ( "AEC ") application (collectively the "Application "), and related Development Agreement for Lot 61. Reference was made to the staff report that addressed the process, the Planning and Zoning Commission's ( "PZC ") recommendation, and Staff analysis of the applicable design and development standards, a summary of the relationship to the Town's long range planning documents, the Application materials which included a narrative with supporting documents, as well as the full Development Plan and narrative including analysis of the proposal, responses to the mandatory review criteria, and graphic Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 4 Of 10 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO NOW MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AV O `° N MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET representations. In order to process the review of this development the following concurrent reviews were made on the application identified below: ➢ Rezoning: the existing zoning designation for the property is planned unit development and the application would rezone the property to the Town Center Zone District. ➢ Major Development Plan: this application would approve the physical and architectural design elements of the project. ➢ Alternative Equivalent Compliance "AEC ": the application is reviewed concurrently with the Major Development Plan, and allows variations to certain design standards. The application proposes variations to the following standards: ➢ 20% maximum irrigated area for landscaping ➢ Requirement for commercial on all sides of the building ➢ Building walls over forty -five feet shall step back ➢ Requirement for storefront windows and entrances on all sides of the building In addition, a review in conjunction with the Rezoning and Major Development Plan, the applicant and staff have been cooperatively preparing a development agreement which implements elements of the proposed public private partnership. Key aspects of the Development Agreement include: ✓ Amenities Fees will be remitted to town based on a dollar amount /per point total of interest ✓ Public improvements and /or reimbursement obligations on town right of way ✓ Agreement to relocate western property line with a future subdivision ✓ Ongoing maintenance obligations ✓ Snowmelt fee agreement to utilize town's heat recovery system Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group, introduced the project team. Ted Hunter, Senior VP with Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Development Planning and Construction, addressed the town council with some general comments about the company & the project. Others present as part of the project group included Amanda Hanks, Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Becky Stone, Oz Architecture, Greg Perkins serving as legal counsel. The following points were highlighted in the presentation: ✓ Description of Company was made: Wyndham Vacation Resorts: world's largest development and marketer of flexible points -based vacation ownership products ✓ Project Goals: identified several points of importance to the project ✓ Reviews by Planning & Zoning Commission were listed by dates ✓ Background history of the property in relation to its zoning and Judgment on the 2004 application ✓ Description of the Original Lot 61 and what was given to the town as an exaction ✓ Diagram of the premises ✓ Meetings and letter from Avon Center Representatives ✓ Photos of adjacent properties showing relationships of height and stories of buildings ✓ Project proposal details and diagrams of the premises by level 1, 2, and roof plan ✓ Circulation diagram ✓ Site Plan ✓ Elevations of the project from all sides and entry gable were shown ✓ Transit area diagrams reflecting landscaping in the are ✓ Materials were shown ✓ Drive by recording was shown as well as mock up flyby of the with the project and photos from multiple locations ✓ Parking Operations and Management ✓ Parking and Valet Plan diagram Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 5 Of 10 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET ✓ Scheduling of Trash Removal ✓ Garage air venting ✓ Proposed Zoning: Town Center in order to zone the property correctly ✓ Zoning Analysis table ✓ Reference to the 1) Avon West Town Center Plan, 2) District -Wide Guidelines, and 3) Investment Plan ✓ Compliance with both the criteria of the rezoning and the major development plan ✓ Compliance with the Alternative Equivalence Compliance criteria ✓ General Public Benefits Criteria: transit center easement, pedestrian access, increase revenue to town Scott Wright, Finance Director, addressed the financial analysis of the project with a review of Exhibit 1, Wyndham's revenue projections. He noted that the exercise was a revenue analysis not a municipal cost analysis to the town. Four revenues were reviewed, property taxes, timeshare amenities fee, real estate transfer tax, and accommodation / sales tax on room rentals only. There was some discussion about the real estate transfer tax projections; there was consensus to better understand how those projections were made. There was mention of some municipal cost of services impacts related to recreation, transportation, public works, parks and police. Mauriello finished with some final slides addressing the following: ✓ Revenue projections in graph formats and final highlights of the financial impacts to the town of over $6M to the town and its authorities over the next nine years. ✓ Planning and Zoning Commission Conditions were highlighted ✓ Landscaping Areas reflecting "who" maintains where ✓ Development Agreement Exhibits that show Areas A, B, C ✓ Diagram that shows snow melt areas and "who" maintains where There were some discussions regarding the following aspects of the project: ➢ Too little retail space for the project ➢ Trash Removal Proposal ➢ Construction and Maintenance of Path along Lettuce Shed Lane ➢ Request for a final mockup of the materials to be used on the project ➢ Operations of the generator ➢ Question about bench locations ➢ Financial assumptions for the real estate transfer tax Mayor Carroll opened the public hearing. He noted that there were letters included in the materials from 1) Ticino owner Charles Frey, and 2) Johnson & Repucci LLP from Eben Clark dated 12/13/12 representing Avon Center at Beaver Creek. No other comments were heard that evening and the hearing was closed. Town Council comments, questions and discussion were heard at this time and some of the items addressed included the following: ✓ Preference for more retail to be offered with the project ✓ Concerned about the pedestrian experience for Main Street and in this area of the project ✓ Preferred to see a more detailed mockup of the materials ✓ Concerned about providing something more for the guests, more retail ✓ Is there the ability to allow for farmers market and /or vendors ✓ How does the generator operate and allow for venting ✓ The trash removal process coming out onto lettuce shed lane was of great concern ✓ Great review by staff, the process has been exceptional between the town staff and the applicant Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 6 of to TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON, ' MEETING BEGINS AT 3:4.5 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET ✓ Landscaping and hardscape items are not about the cost of either construction or maintenance, but rather about creating the consistency of the look of the area around the project The applicant, Ted Hunter, stated for the record that the project would not go forward with any requirement to include more food or retail in the space, they would not be able to convert units to anything and stay financially on target with the project, the fitness center would be a must, and the trash room could not be converted to another use as it has other functional items in the room. The applicant agreed to further review the trash removal aspect of the plan. A review was made of the conditions from the PZC and the staff comments as follows: 1) Landscaping to the west of lettuce shed lane path: there would be further refinement of this as defined in the motion z) Landscaping to north of the building: there would be further refinement of this as defined in the motion 3) Building height must be confirmed at foundation: this was stricken since this is a code requirement 4) All potential exterior signage must be approved by the PZC: this was stricken since this is a code requirement 5) Prior to issuance of any permits related to the construction 6) Pursuant to 7.28.ogo: this was stricken since it is a Code requirement for common spaces 7) Final approval of the building materials: this item was delegated to PZC 8) The applicant will provide a drawing of the proposed mockup for review & approval by the PZC prior to the construction: this was agreed upon by the applicant; review was delegated to PZC g) The air intake louvers adjacent to the bus stop be relocated: this was determined as no longer an issue A short break was taken to allow the town attorney to draft a motion that would summarize the discussion into recommended conditions; the meeting reconvened at g PM and a vote was taken. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding moved to approve Ordinance No. 13 -03, Ordinance Approving a Rezoning Application, Major Design and Development Plan Application, Alternative Equivalent Compliance Application, and Development Agreement for "Wyndham- Lot 61 ", located on Lot 61, Block z, Benchmark at Beaver Creek with direction to town staff and the applicant to address the following matters for second reading: 1. Development Agreement and Development Plan shall be amended to not permit trash removal on Lettuce Shed Lane. z. Development Agreement shall provide that on the west side of the building, Town shall fund, construct and maintain the Lettuce Shed Lane pedestrian path and landscaping to the west side of path. Town and Applicant shall coordinate landscaping on Lettuce Shed Lane to insure consistency in planting. 3. Applicant shall agree to provide a mock -up of exterior materials which shall be reviewed by Avon Planning and Zoning Commission with the right to appeal to the Town Council in accordance with the Avon Development Code procedures. 4. The Development Agreement shall be amended to provide that testing of the generator shall occur no more frequently than once a month and shall define hours of testing. 5. The Development Plan shall be amended to define location and type of bench. 6. Town Staff shall verify financial assumptions with Applicant for real estate transfer tax. Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mayor Carroll noted that second reading and the public hearing on Ordinance No. 13-03 would occur on February 26, 2013. Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 7 Of 10 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 3:4.5 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET f) VILLAGE (AT AVON) SETTLEMENT IMPLEMENTATION i) Update on Settlement Implementation (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Eric Heil, Town Attorney, presented an update regarding the many settlement documents pending final review and execution. He noted that they continue to review all details of the documents. He noted that March 12th would be a comprehensive review of the Village documents as follows: ✓ Amendments to the mixed use and commercial declarations ✓ Add on retail sales fee collection services agreement ✓ Asphalt overlay agreement ✓ Various Conveyance documents (4 or 5) He noted a proposed final deadline for executing water documents as May. It was noted that all escrow documents would need to be finalized prior to any bond reissuance by the Water Authority. g) First Reading of Ordinance 13 -04, Series Of 2013, Ordinance Amending Section 2.02.010 of Town of Avon Municipal Code to Establish a Parks and Recreation Department and Eliminate the Human Resources and Transportation Administrative Departments (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) h) Resolution 13 -04, Series of 2013, Resolution Transferring Funds Totaling $30,100.00 from the General Fund Community Development Department to the General Fund Administrative Services Department for the Hiring of a Part-time Administrative Receptionist (Virginia Egger, Town Manager) Virginia Egger, Town Manager, presented both Ordinance No. 13 -04 and Resolution No. 13 -04. She noted that the analysis for these topics was outlined in the Council memo packets. She noted that staff had made a full and critical review of both the Recreation and Public Works Departments in light of recent vacancies at the director levels. Their analysis resulted in a recommendation to reorganize responsibilities under a department called Parks and Recreation Department with three division, Parks & Grounds Division, Recreation Division, and Buildings Division. It was noted that the division remaining in Public Works would include Fleet, Transportation and Roads & Bridges. She noted numerous benefits to the plan as follows: ➢ Reduces management overlap, oversight, negotiation ➢ Employee efficiencies in communication ➢ Special Events will receive enhanced and unified support ➢ Improves and standardizes procurement practices ➢ Ends fragmented maintenance of facilities across departments In light of these changes, she noted that the Town's Charter required Council's approval establish the administrative departments. She noted that there was some cleanup language suggested in order to remove Human Resources and Transportation as departments since in reality they are divisions under a department umbrella. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding moved to approve Ordinance 13 -04, Series of 2013, Ordinance Amending Section 2.02.010 of Town of Avon Municipal Code to Establish a Parks and Recreation Department and Eliminate the Human Resources and Transportation Administrative Departments. Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed with a six to one vote (Wolf — nay). There was also a review of Resolution No. 13 -04 that proposed transferring funds between departments. She noted that the administration department was understaffed and there was not a need for filling the Community Development Director position at this time in light of the levels of activity in the department. She indicated that both planners would manage the development applications with her oversight as well the group would focus on economic development along with the finance staff. She requested that a new part- Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 8 o f io TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO J MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 �V O N MEETING BEGINS AT 3:45 PM AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET time receptionist position would assist with implementing Laserfiche, assist with cashiering, and provide a central location for the public to conduct business. She would continue to evaluate job descriptions for the Community Development staff, including the planners and the GIS analyst position. She noted that both the GIS and court clerk positions would assist with some planning tech duties. It was noted that the resolution if approved would allow a budget transfer from Community Development to Administration to allow for these proposed staffing recommendations. Mayor Pro Tern Goulding moved to approve Resolution 13 -04, Series Of 2013, Resolution Transferring Funds Totaling $30,100.00 from the General Fund Community Development Department to the General Fund Administrative Services Department for the Hiring of a Part-time Administrative Receptionist. Councilor Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. WORK SESSION - CONTINUED 1) Review of Town of Avon Vision Statement, 20132014 Strategy Plan and 2013 Work Plan, developed at the January 14th Council Retreat Mayor Carroll presented the topic for Council input and discussion. Town Manager Virginia Egger noted that a dynamic review of the document would be done on a quarterly or semiannual basis so as to keep track of progress. Mayor Carroll requested consideration of the following ideas: ✓ Would the name be better stated as the town's "strategic Plan for 2013" rather than vision ✓ Include in the 3rd paragraph something about how to develop the town's community spirit ✓ Include a reference to "green initiatives" or reference to some type of stewardship in decision making with our natural resources ✓ Updating the private public partnership document; the investment policy ✓ Is the work plan too aggressive ✓ Would council consider another retreat in 2013 It was noted that revisions would be made and the Council would consider a resolution adopting the plan at the next meeting. 2) Councilor Evans Letter Regarding Residency, Report only MAYOR REPORT 1) Future Agenda Items Mayor Carroll asked that council members forward any agenda suggestions to him. It was noted that the Council would meet with the PZC members at the 2/26/13 council meeting; an agenda for that joint meeting would be drafted. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9 :45 pm, Mayor Pro Tern Goulding moved to convene to an Executive Session to discuss the following: 1) Discussion to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and /or instructing negotiators, under C.R.S. §24- 6- 402(2)(e) related to economic development 2) Discussion of a personnel matter under C.R.S. §24- 6- 402(2)(f) The motion was seconded by Councilor Reynolds and the members met in Executive Session. Mayor Carroll noted that the executive session adjourned at 11:30 PM and they were now reconvened in regular session. He asked if any Town Council member believed that any discussion in executive session was inappropriate and not related to the topic and purpose of the executive session to please state the objections at this time; there were no objections. Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page 9 of io TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO MINUTES FOR THE AVON REGULAR MEETING FOR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2013 AVON MEETING BEGINS AT 3:455 PM c o i -q -A u o AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Chris Evans Jennie Fancher Todd Goulding Albert "Buz" Reyno Jake Wolf RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: P�-V� Patty McKenn To n Clerk Avon Town Council Meeting February 12, 2013 Page io of io