A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Town Hall, One Lake Street,
Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Rich Carroll called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members
present were Dave Dantas, Chris Evans, Amy Phillips and Buz Reynolds. Kristi Ferraro and Todd
Goulding were absent. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Town Manager Larry Brooks,
Assistant Town Manager Patty MCKenny, Community Development Director Sally Vecchio, Finance
Director Scott Wright, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Director PW &T Jenny Strehler, Deputy Town
Clerk /HR Asst. Catherine Mythen, Community Relations Officer Jaime Walker, as well as other staff
members and the public.
Mayor Carroll noted the following changes to the agenda:
✓ Councilor Reynolds would provide an update on the Beaver Creek meeting
✓ Move the Proclamation the first item under New Business
✓ Resolution No. 12 -02, Series of 2012, Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement
between the Town of Avon and the State of Colorado Department of Transportation Division of
Transit and Rail for CDOT FASTER Project # STL R 300 -180 (18519) Avon Transit Op Facility Phase
1D, SAP PO #271001618 CMA# 12 HA 3 would be removed from the agenda and scheduled at the
next meeting
Councilor Evans moved to approve the modified agenda, all members agreed.
✓ Tom Hix, part time resident of Avon, gave input on behalf of he and his wife of their support of how
the Town has been run, and he thanked Larry Brooks for all his efforts in that regard. He indicated
his surprise that there would be a change in management
✓ Tamra Nottingham Underwood, resident Hurd Lane, council member from 2004 — 2008, also spoke
about her disappointment that Town Manager Larry Brooks was leaving his position, both in light of
his long tenure and loyalty to the town, and under the circumstances in which it happened.
Mayor Carroll noted that is a sad decision especially when they are made without all council involved.
a. Beaver Creek Meeting Update (Buzz Reynolds, Councilor) discussed transit, and ideas about future
transit funding opportunities, it was noted that the transit customer service this year is excellent,
and the service is acceptable although some of the connections have been difficult to achieve
b. Public Access Television (Channel 5) Meeting Update (Amy Phillips, Councilor) It was noted that the
"live video streaming" was up and running at this time
c. ECO Transit Meeting Update (Amy Phillips, Councilor) the 2011 year end ECO review was presented
d. Community Development: Update on Development Code Fee Structure
Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director, presented an update on this topic, and it was
suggested that if "flat rates" were desired on the smaller projects, a code amendment would need
to happen as well as a fee schedule change. There was consensus from the council members
present to direct staff to bring back some language that changes the fee structure.
e. Salute to USA Sponsorship Update (Danita Chirichillo, Special Events Supervisor) Review status of
sponsorships for event/ Memo only
Mayor Carroll noted his conversation with Town of Vail Mayor about creating an environment of more
valley wide cooperation.
f. Financial Matters (Kelly Huitt, Budget Analyst) Report only
Mayor Carroll asked for a motion on the consent agenda. Councilor Evans moved to approve the
consent agenda; Councilor Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present
(Ferraro and Goulding absent).
a. Minutes from January 10, 2012
b. McMahan and Associates Audit Engagement Letter for 2011 (Scott Wright, Finance Director)
Letter that engages auditors for services
a. Proclamation Supporting One Book, One Valley Program Hosted by Town of Vail Public Library,
Eagle Valley Library District (which includes Avon Library), Colorado Mountain College and the
Bookworm of Edwards (Rich Carroll, Mayor) Recognizing Town of Avon support of this Program in
the Community
Laurie Barnes, Vail Librarian, presented information about this initiative and thanked Mayor Carroll for
his time giving this effort county wide recognition. Councilor Evans moved to approve the
Proclamation Supporting One Book, One Valley Program Hosted by Town of Vail Public Library, Eagle
Valley Library District; Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those
present (Ferraro and Goulding absent).
b. Mountain Travel Trip Program ( "MTRiP ") Client Agreement (Kelly Huitt, Budget Analyst, Todd
Goulding, Councilor) Review agreement that outlines participation in the MTRiP Program which
provides lodging performance benchmarking to mountain resorts
Town Attorney Eric Heil noted that there were some basic governmental revisions provided the MTRiP
representatives. The council memo highlighted the types of reports that would be provided. There
was some concern about whether or not the hotels would participate; it was noted that that
arrangement was already made. It was noted the town budgeted almost $8K in funds that the town
would receive from the hotels to participate in this program. There was consensus to wait on
executing the agreement until it is confirmed by the hotels that they are participating. No action was
taken, and the item would be scheduled again for consideration on 2/14/12.
c. Town Manager Recruitment Process and Discussion about the Role of Acting Town Manager (Eric
Heil, Town Attorney, Rich Carroll, Mayor)
Town Attorney Eric Heil noted that the council packet memo provided a snapshot regarding a general
recruitment process; he noted that there are several executive search firms that assist municipalities
with town manager recruitment. There was some discussion about some of the following:
• Using a "request for proposal" process to recruit a town manager.
• The idea of creating a town manager "profile"
• How the timeline might work
• The use of a facilitator who could conduct an organizational and community assessment
• Whether or not to use separate consultants for the assessment vs. recruiting.
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■ Which process would happen first, second or simultaneously
There was also some discussion about the role and expectations of an interim acting manager, and how
to proceed in naming an interim manager. After some discussion, Councilor Reynolds moved to
appoint Patty McKenny as the Interim Acting Manager effective March 1, 2012 subject to determining
appropriate compensation and job duties; Councilor Evans seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously by those members present (Ferraro and Goulding absent). It was noted that it would be
appropriate to hold an executive session at a later date with her to discuss compensation. There was
also direction to draft a "request for proposal" for both an organizational assessment as well as for
executive search recruiting services. These items would be reviewed at a possible special meeting prior
to the February 14, 2012, next regularly scheduled meeting.
a. Ordinance No. 12 -01, Series of 2012, Second Reading, Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.30 Town
Code of Ethics of the Avon Municipal Code (Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Review proposed
amendments to the Code pertaining to conflict of interest and code of ethics
Town Attorney Eric Heil presented this ordinance on second reading that revised the Avon Municipal
Code language with proposed amendments that primarily adopt language in the State Code of Ethics,
set forth in C.R.S. 24 -18 -101 et. Seq. and address the option of a home rule municipality to supersede
Article XXIX of the Colorado Constitution. Some of the specific additions and revisions addressed the
following topics (see memo for details):
✓ Definition of Confidential Information
✓ Definition of Officer
✓ Definition of Substantial Financial Interest (additional amendment)
✓ Exemptions
✓ Disclosure of Conflict
✓ Voting when Conflict Exists
✓ Enforcement
After some discussion, it was decided to hold off on final approval of this ordinance until all members
were able to deliberate on the topic and there was ample opportunity for the public to see the
suggested revisions. Councilor Phillips moved to continue Ordinance No. 12 -01, Series of 2012, Second
Reading, Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.30 Town Code of Ethics of the Avon Municipal Code to the
February 14, 2012 meeting. Councilor Dantas seconded the motion and it passed unanimously (Ferraro
and Goulding absent).
b. Ordinance No. 12 -02, Series of 2012, First Reading, Ordinance Approving Amendments to Title 7,
Avon Development Code, To Allow Childcare Centers as Special Review Uses in the Industrial
Commercial (IC), and Public Facilities (PF) Zone Districts; and Adding Use - Specific Regulations (Sally
Vecchio, Community Development Director) Proposed recommendations from Planning & Zoning
Commission regarding amendment to the Code to include Child Care Centers as special review uses
in certain zone districts
Sally Vecchio, Community Development Director, presented the ordinance noting that the Council did
approve initiating this amendment. She reviewed some of the following elements of the topic:
✓ Definition of child care
✓ Definitions of zone districts & review of the Zone District Map
✓ The addition of "Use Specific Regulations" for Child Care related to safety issues,
recommendations that were building code and planning related principles
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✓ Summarized the review criteria
There was discussion about whether or not to include the regulations that the State already oversees
as well as even including this type of use in an industrial zone.
Councilor Evans moved to approve Ordinance No. 12 -02, Series of 2012, First Reading, Ordinance
Approving Amendments to Title 7, Avon Development Code, To Allow Childcare Centers as Special
Review Uses in the Industrial Commercial (IC), and Public Facilities (PF) Zone Districts; and Adding Use -
Specific Regulations with the removal of Section 3 (2), (4), and (5) and the addition of "Preschool and
Nursery schools, and Child Care in home" as special review uses to Section 2. Councilor Phillips
seconded the motion and it failed with a three to two vote (Carroll, Dantas, Reynolds — nay; Evans and
Phillips — aye; Ferraro and Goulding absent).
A second motion was made by Mayor Carroll to approve Ordinance No. 12 -02, Series of 2012, First
Reading, Ordinance Approving Amendments to Title 7, Avon Development Code, To Allow Childcare
Centers as Special Review Uses in the Industrial Commercial (IC), and Public Facilities (PF) Zone
Districts; and Adding Use - Specific Regulations with the addition of the "Preschool and Nursery schools,
and Child Care in home" to Section 2. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it failed with a three
to two vote ( Dantas, Evans, Reynolds — nay; Carroll and Phillips — aye; Ferraro and Goulding absent).
A third motion was made by Councilor Reynolds to continue the item until the February 14, 2012
meeting; Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed with a four to one vote (Carroll, Dantas,
Phillips, Reynolds — yea; Evans — nay; Ferraro and Goulding absent).
Mayor Carroll thanked Sally Vecchio for her services to the town for the past two years.
Larry Brooks, Town Manager, recognized Sally Vecchio's efforts along with her staff's efforts, on
finishing the development code for the town; he was thankful for her abilities to complete the task that
the consultant's left unfinished.
The Town Attorney reported on potential state house legislation.
Councilor Phillips moved to convene to an Executive Session at 7:20 pm; Councilor Evans seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Ferraro and Goulding Absent).
a. Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions
pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(b) and determining positions relative to
matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations; and instructing
negotiators pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(e) related to town's water rights
and water agreements
b. Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of discussing the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer,
or sale of a real property interest pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6402(4)(a), for the
purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute
§24- 6- 402(4)(b), determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations,
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developing strategy for negotiations; and instructing negotiators pursuant to Colorado Revised
Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(e) related to a deed restricted unit at Chapel Square
c. Meet with Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice to specific legal questions
pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute §24- 6- 402(4)(b) related to pending litigation and pending
settlement negotiations regarding Town of Avon v Traer Creek Metropolitan District, 2008 CV 0385
and Traer Creek, LLC, et al. v Town of Avon 2010 CV 316
The Executive Session adjourned and there being no further business to come before the Council, the
meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Rich Carroll
Dave Dantas
Chris Evans
Kristi Ferraro
Todd Goulding
Amy Phillips
Albert "Buz" Reynolds
Regular Council Meeting
Minutes 12.01.24
Patty McKenny, Jerk
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