TC Minutes 08-17-2010MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD AUGUST 17, 2010 A special meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, One Lake Street, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Rich Carroll, Dave Dantas, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, and Brian Sipes. Buz Reynolds was absent. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Town Manager Larry Brooks, Assistant Town Manager Patty McKenny, Assistant Town Manager Community Development Sally Vecchio, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, as well as members of the public. AGENDA APPROVAL & DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST Mayor Wolfe noted that there would be no changes or conflict of interests related to this meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the consent agenda. Councilor Carroll moved to approve the consent agenda; Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously: a. Minutes from August 10, 2010 ORDINANCES Public Hearing Continued From July 27. 2010 and August 10, 2010 on Ordinance No. 10- 14, Series of 2010, First Reading, An Ordinance Amending the Avon Municipal Code by Enacting Title 7, The Avon Development Code; Repealing Title 16: Subdivisions; Repealing Title 17: Zoning; and Repealing Portions of Title 2: Administration and Personnel (Sally Vecchio, Asst Town Manager Community Development, Eric Heil, Town Attorney) Review proposed Development Code as adopted by the Planning & Zoning Commission / Mayor Ron Wolfe asked that two additional meetings be included in order to further the discussion on the proposed development code, on August 31St and September 7th. There was some discussion and agreement on the proposed dates. Sally Vecchio, Assistant Town Manager Community Development, summarized the format to be used in further reviewing the proposed development code, noting that P &Z members were available to participate in the conversation as well. Eric Heil, Town Attorney, presented a review of the chapters, specifically a review of Chapter 7.40: 1041 Regulations, the statutory process that provides the local government the means to regulate, review, and manage growth issues and projects that have a regional impact; it allows the local government the ability to be part of a review authority. He noted that the language was a compilation from other municipalities. He noted the town's receipt of comments from Linn Brooks, ERWSD, and that some revisions would be made to the code. There was some discussion about this section. Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing, no comments were made, the hearing was closed. A presentation was then made by Community Development staff with a review of the following topics: ✓ The FAR requirements ✓ The Bonus Development Regulations ✓ The Design Standards ✓ The PUD Overlay Planning & Zoning Chairman Todd Goulding the commission decided upon certain topics. spoke about numerous topics and how and why Numerous "design tests" results were reviewed. There was further discussion on the FAR requirements and possible unintended consequences that might occur. Mayor Wolfe opened the public hearing and the following people spoke: ➢ Dominic Mauriello, resident, spoke about: ❖ impacts on personal property rights ❖ the market plays a role ❖ eliminate the bonus density ❖ just cleanup the underlying zoning ❖ use minimum FAR in the main street area ➢ Tambi Katieb, planning consultant spoke about: ❖ development bonus component is not viable ❖ already exists good development design oriented plans ❖ the PUD process ❖ community benefit relies on the economic modeling Town Council comments were made as follows: ✓ in general the density bonus is not right ✓ doesn't want to take away property rights ✓ more time is needed to discuss the PUD process ✓ some would prefer to eliminate the FAR and control with the design standards & zoning ✓ keep some parking standards ✓ keep it more site specific ✓ possibly keep the FAR minimum requirements in the main street and the town centers ✓ describe a gateway development ✓ want to create a vitality standard ✓ some support the calculation provided by the bonus density aspects ✓ could leave FAR as a tool for the developers ✓ how to approach parking and view of parking districts ✓ continue transit oriented development discussion and the current transit system ✓ will need to update the town center west & east plans in order to connect with the code updates ✓ need to address the building submittal extension and the need to just allow for submittals until the new code is adopted It was noted the topic and public hearing would continue at the next regularly scheduled meeting on August 24th There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM. APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas Kristi Ferraro Amy Phillips Albert "Buz" Reynolds Brian Sipes Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting 10.08.17.doc Page 2 of 2