A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:55 PM. A roll call was taken and Council
members present were Rich Carroll, Dave Dantas, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, Brian Sipes, and
Tamra Underwood. Also present were Town Attorney Eric Heil, Town Manager Larry Brooks,
Director Administrative Service Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Assistant Town
Manager Community Development Eric Heidemann, Police Chief Brian Kozak and Public Works
and Transportation Director Jenny Strehler as well as members of the public.
Mayor Wolfe made one addition to the agenda; to convene into an executive session to be held
at the close of regular business for discussion related to negotiations with the Eagle River Water
and Sanitation District. There were no conflicts of interest noted.
Tommy Schneider, Pastor Calvary Chapel, presented a preview of the Fall Family Fun Night to
take place on Friday October 31, 2008.
Chris Green, P&Z Member and Avon Resident, presented the American Institute of Architects
Colorado West Chapter - Eagle River Valley Sustainable Design Team Assessment Program.
He noted the study would be proposed for late September 2009, he outlined the study area as
the Eagle River Valley, he identified the steering committee & other partners interested in
participating in the program. A review was made of other regional studies and what areas of
study were completed, i.e. transportation, land use, economic development, etc. In summary, it
is an application that requires an outside review of the big pictures issues of sustainability
challenges. Both a preliminary and final report will be presented to the communities. He noted
that he was looking for: a letter of support, a financial partner on the project, support from Avon
in assembling the application, follow up with the University of Colorado. Council then asked for
copies of recommendations from the studies completed & what has been acted upon. Councilor
Ferraro moved to approve a letter of support from the Town Council; Councilor Carroll seconded
the motion was supported.
Val Barry, Finance Officer, presented the 2009 Town of Avon Budget and Capital Improvement
Project Budget and noted that a public hearing was required. She noted that the required public
notices were made and copies of the documents were available with the town clerk. Larry
Brooks, Town Manager, presented an update about Avon's budget in light of the current
economy. Staff had recently revised budget estimates of approximately $800K reduction from
the general fund, cash flow revisions were made to the capital projects budget, and numerous
projects were deferred. In summary, he noted that almost $1 M worth of reduction were made in
revising Avon's financial plan. In addition, staff has been asked to continue to suggest an
additional 5% and 10% reduction to department budgets. To date he noted that there have
been an additional $538K in suggestions for reductions in the General Fund. If revenues are
short, there will be recommendations made at the same time for further cuts. This has been
noted for the public record. The town remains within its fund balance reserve ratios. Mayor
Wolfe opened the public hearing, no comments were made, and the hearing was closed.
Councilor Carroll asked about an update on the monies due from Beaver Creek Metro District
as related to termination of operations of transit services by the town. Town Manager Brooks
noted that after an audit of records and further discussion, the issues were likely to be resolved
(including questions related to transit housing, coding of signs, and insurance coverage credits
applied when the management of the system was ceased). Brook noted that less than $25K of
reconciliations were in order at this time. He hoped that final payments would be made in the
near future, estimated around $98K. Councilor Carroll noted that he hoped payment would be
made prior to leasing the parking with them.
Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the consent agenda. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to
approve the consent; Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
a. Minutes from October 14, 2008
b. Beaver Creek Metro District Parking Services Agreement (Jenny Strehler, Director of Public
Works & Transportation) Request for site usage at Swift Gulch for parking for BCMD transit buses for
the 2008-2009 ski season `
c. Beaver Creek Metro District Fleet Maintenance Agreement (Jenny Strehler, Director of Public
Works & Transportation) Fleet Maintenance Agreement with BCMD for vehicle maintenance
d. Resolution No. 08-36, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving Revisions To The Town Of
Avon Down-payment Assistance Program (Patty McKenny, Director of Administrative Services)
Revisions to program that would enhance participation
e. Change Order 001 - Recreation Center Remodel (Shane Pegram, Engineer 1) Change Order 001
to the Avon Recreation Remodel Project is for addition of repairs to the southwest patio
Eric Heidemann, Community Development, presented Ordinance No. 08-10, Series of 2008,
Ordinance approving Memo of Understanding with NWCCOG for performing Elevator
Inspections on first reading. He noted that the Agreement outlines the roles of each of the
parties as related to the inspection of elevators within the Town of Avon. It was noted that since
this is an IGA a 2/3 vote is required. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes noted that the state is doing
something different that those services provided by NWCCOG. Willie Gray, Chief Building
Official, presented information surrounding this topic, noting legislation adopted last year. He
noted that through dialogue with the State & with NWCCOG, the state is acceptable to the
services provided by NWCCOG. Councilor Underwood moved to approve Ordinance No. 08-
10, Series of 2008, Ordinance approving Memo of Understanding with NWCCOG for performing
Elevator Inspections on first reading; Mayor Pro Tern Sipes seconded the motion and it passed
Shane Pegram, Engineer II, presented Resolution No. 08-37, Series of 2008, Resolution
approving Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge Town of Avon, Eagle County
Colorado (2160 Long Spur). He noted that the applicant Patrick and Laura Campbell have
submitted a Final Plat to resubdivide Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge into two distinct lots, Lot 30A
and Lot 30B. Councilor Ferraro moved to approve esolution No. 08-37, Series of 2008,
Resolution approving Final Plat, A Resubdivision of Lot 30, Block 1, Wildridge; Councilor Dantas
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Councilor Dantas moved to convene into an Executive Session at 7 pm pursuant to C.R.S. 24-
6-402 (4) (e), for the purpose of determining and developing strategy for negotiations with Eagle
River Water & Sanitation District. The Executive Session adjourned at 8 pm and the only matter
discussed was that referenced above.
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There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at
8 PM.
Patty McKenny, To Clerk
Rich Carroll
Dave Dantas
Kristi Ferraro
Amy Phillips
Brian Sipes
Tamra Underwoc
Ron Wolfe
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