TC Minutes 07-22-2008MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL HELD JULY 22, 2008 A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers. Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Rich Carroll, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, Brian Sipes, and Tamra Underwood. Dave Dantas was absent. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager Larry Brooks, Director Administrative Service Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Assistant Town Manager Finance Scott Wright, as well as members of the public. APPROVAL OF AGENDA & DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST Mayor Wolfe added to "Other Business" the "Appointment of a 2nd alternate to the UERWA". John Dunn asked if there was any ex parte contact on the agenda items. Councilors Ferraro & Carroll noted they would recuse themselves from the discussion and vote on the Riverfront Resort & Spa Final Plat Resolution (item 8.e). COMMUNITY INPUT Fraidy Aber, Executive Director, Vail Symposium, presented an update to the 2008 Healthy Home Tour & Fair. Walter Dandy, Avon resident, commented on the noise ordinance for the Town. He noted the following: ➢ Noise as an important consideration in terms of quality of life for the residents and for commercial businesses and the need for a balance for all ➢ Requested that a review of the amplified sound ordinance would be in order It was noted that Community Development staff would be taking a closer look into this request. INTRODUCTION OF NEW POLICE EMPLOYEES & AWARDS PRESENTATION Brian Kozak, Police Chief, introduced new police employees and made several award presentations to the following people: NEW BUSINESS Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer presented the Main Street Preliminary Design Streetscape Improvements - Presentation of Preliminary Design Options. The Britina Design Group presented the preliminary design of the new Main Street. It was noted that the project consists of a new road from Avon Road to the east portal of Harry A. Nottingham Park in the current location of the pedestrian mall. The project includes utility, drainage, and roadway work on the area immediately east of the library and will consist of a shared vehicular / pedestrian roadway that prioritizes public gathering spaces, plazas, and unimpeded pedestrian movements. The streetscape will follow the design guidelines and concepts set forth in the Town Center West Investment Plan. Britina Design Group presented the conceptual design options for the streetscape. The goal was to provide an update on the status of the project and to receive council direction on the two design options. In addition to feedback, staff requested direction on three specific parameters of the streetscape design before final documents can bee completed as follows: ■ Clear direction on the installation of snowmelt: Council consensus was support for providing snow melt options in light of the heat recovery project that has been proposed ■ Changes to the road cross section as a result of the removal of snowmelt from the majority of main street ■ Cars on Main Street; P&Z Commission asked that council reconsider vehicular traffic on main street: Council supported keeping it as a vehicle & pedestrian way Britina consultants explained the process & conceptual design of the project as a result of the community meetings. The programs were described and the design and themes of both options a) and b) were presented. Overall there was support for a mix of the two designs. RESOLUTIONS Shane Pegram, Engineer II presented Resolution No. 08-26, Series of 2008, A Resolution Approving the Condominium Map, The Gates Residences, Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision - PUD, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (38390 US HWY 6). He noted that this condominium map resubdivides the existing Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision - PUD into 49 distinct condominium units, general common elements, and limited common elements. He noted that council comments made at that last meeting have been addressed with CSC Land, LLC and the map is in conformance with Title 16 of the Code. Councilor Ferraro moved to approve Resolution Approving the Condominium Map, The Gates Residences, Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision - PUD, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado (38390 US HWY 6). Councilor Carroll seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer presented Resolution No. 08-28, Series 2008, Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements Installed and Constructed in Accordance with the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for the Riverfront Subdivision and Establishing the Warranty Period for the Public Improvements. He noted that this action was for acceptance of improvements consisting of streets, roads, walkways, drainage facilities & utilities required to access & serve the subdivision. The project has been completed since November 2007, but the request was made to delay this action until further along in the construction. It was noted that the road would be open to the public; however, the crossing would not be opened until the completion of Lake Street. It was noted that signage would be used to indicate the road was not fully opened. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to approve Resolution No. 08-28, Series 2008, Resolution Approving and Accepting the Confluence Metropolitan District Improvements. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance presented Resolution No. 08-29, Series of 2008, A Resolution to Amend the 2008 Town of Avon Budget. The Budget amendment addressed changes to both the General Fund and the Transit Enterprise Fund. He noted the various budget revisions included in the resolution related to adjustments to general fund revenues (specifically related to building permit fees, Village at Avon municipal services, sales, utility and franchise taxes, and court fines). The 08 budget expenditures were also revised by department directors in light of year-to-date actual numbers. Wright explained the net changes to the town's budget. Councilor Carroll moved to approve Resolution No. 08-29, Series of 2008, A Resolution to Amend the 2008 Town of Avon Budget; Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). Scott Wright, Assistant Town Manager Finance presented Resolution No. 08-30, Series of 2008, A Resolution to Amend the 2008 Town of Avon Capital Projects Fund Budget. The Budget revisions were related to changes in various projects and estimated revenues (specifically related to real estate transfer taxes, forest service land acquisition, carryover of unexpended project funds from 2007 and a delay or reduction of previously approved projects). There was also an adjustment made due to the development analysis and review of projects. Councilor Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 4 08-07-22 Carroll moved to approve Resolution No. 08-30, Series of 2008, A Resolution to Amend the 2008 Town of Avon Capital Projects Fund Budget.; Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). Councilor Carroll & Ferraro left the podium at this time due to a conflict of interest on this matter. Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer presented Resolution No. 08-31, Series of 2008, Resolution Approving the Final Plat and Condominium Map, Riverfront Resort & Spa, Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. He noted that the applicant Riverfront Village Hotel, LLC, 126 Riverfront Lane, submitted a final plat & condominium map to resubdivide Lot 2 into 227 distinct hotel units, commercial units, and residential condo units, plus common elements. Andy Gunion, East West Partners, commented on what would be considered possible office space for East West Resorts; it was noted the documents provide for the future rights of this space. He noted the map does not convert the units to residential, but through the declaration with the association they can convert the units, information contained in the PUD documents.. Some discussion ensued on the detail showing the encroachments into the view corridor, (plat notes 8 & 9). Councilor Phillips moved to approve Resolution No. 08-31, Series of 2008, Resolution Approving the Final Plat and Condominium Map, Riverfront Resort & Spa, Lot 2, Riverfront Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado. Councilor Underwood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Carroll & Ferraro recused from vote; Dantas absent). Patty McKenny, Director Administrative Services, presented Resolution No. 08-32, Series of 2008, Resolution canceling August 12, 2008 Regular Council Meeting. She noted that the meeting would be canceled due to 2008 Primary Election Day being held at Avon Town Hall Council Room. Councilor Underwood moved to approve Resolution No. 08-32; Councilor Carroll seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Wolfe asked Council to consider the appointment of a 2nd alternate to UERWA as Town Engineer Justin Hildreth; he noted that neither Sipes nor Underwood would be able to attend the next meeting and that it was in order to appoint a staff member to attend on the Town's behalf. Councilor Underwood moved to appoint Justin Hildreth as 2nd alternate to UERWA; Mayor Pro Tern Sipes seconded and the motion passed unanimously by those present (Dantas absent). TOWN MANAGER Larry Brooks, Town Manager, commented on the following items: 1. Notice has been received that the Town's water rights related to the whitewater park have been completed and adjudicated. 2. A meeting would be arranged in the near future to negotiate the water tank agreement between the Town, the Village at Avon and the water authority. MAYOR REPORT Mayor Wolfe noted that the USFS negotiations would be moving forward in a few weeks. Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 4 08-07-22 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. It was suggested to include the Wildwood area in the trails master plan. It was noted that the transportation master plan will address trails to Wildridge. Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to approve the consent agenda that included only the minutes. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present (Dantas & Ferraro absent; Underwood recused). Mayor Pro Tern Sipes moved to approve the other two items (b & c); Councilor Underwood seconded and the motion passed unanimously by those members present (Dantas & Ferraro absent). a. Minutes from June 24, 2008 & July 8, 2008 b. Contract Award to Anasazi Trails, Inc. for Town of Avon Trails Master Plan (Jenny Strehler, Director of Public Works & Transportation) Proposal for a trails plan that addresses trails & open space within town limits c. Inter-Mountain Engineers & Terrasan Landscape Architects proposal to update the April 2000 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Improvement Plans (Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer) Proposal to prepare design modifications to the 2001 East Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvement Drawings There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: C Patty McKenn , own Clerk APPROVED: Rich Carroll Dave Dantas ~j Kristi Ferraro Amy Phillips Brian Sipes Tamra Underwood Ron Wolfe Regular Council Meeting Page 4 of 4 Q8-Q7-22