A regular meeting of the Town of Avon, Colorado was held at the Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado in the Council Chambers.
Mayor Ron Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. A roll call was taken and Council
members present were Rich Carroll, Dave Dantas, Kristi Ferraro, Amy Phillips, Brian Sipes and
Tamra Nottingham Underwood. Also present were Town Attorney John Dunn, Town Manager
Larry Brooks, Administrative Services Director Patty McKenny, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth,
Asst. Town Manager Finance Scott Wright, Community Development Director Eric Heidemann,
Public Works/Transportation Director Jenny Strehler, and Community Relations Officer Becky
Lawlor as well as members of the press and public.
There were no changes to the agenda. John Dunn, Town Attorney, asked if there were any ex
parte contact related to the appeal on the agenda; none were noted.
Devin Trickle, Avon Rec Center, presented Council with a placque from Eagle County EMS
Prevention Committee thanking Avon for its sponsorship & participation in the Eagle County
Camp 911 held for children in Eagle County.
Jeanette Hix, Avon resident & Historic Committee Member, made a review of five pending
projects that the committee has undertaken in their efforts on the Preservation Committee, as
■ Develop a Historic Site Inventory
■ Avon waterwheel stabilization & preservation and estimate of related costs
■ Grant Application process with State of Colorado Historical Society
■ Preservation and relocation of Red House & Barn located at Avon Road & Hwy 6
Membership of the Committee
Danita Chirichillo presented Tom Frye, Vail Valley Soccer Club Board Member, who gave a brief
overview of the large scale soccer event taking place in Eagle County on October 6th & 7th He
thanked the Town Council for supporting the club by allowing them to use the Avon fields.
Matt Pielsticker, Planner II, presented Resolution 07-35, Series of 2007, A Resolution Amending
Resolution No. 05-13 To Allow the Appointment of Karen Nagel, Greg Macik and Kim
Nottingham to the Historical Preservation Committee in the Town of Avon, Eagle County,
Colorado. A review of the criteria for appointing four members to the Historic Committee was
made; some discussion ensued about revising the requirements to include appointing people
who submit a letter of interest and not necessarily include residence as a requirement. Council
was supportive of the idea. Councilor Underwood moved to approve Resolution No. 07-35;
Mayor Pro Tern Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Matt Pielsticker, Planner II, presented Resolution 07-34, Series of 2007, A Resolution Approving
Revised Town of Avon Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines -
Procedures, Rules And Regulations. He noted that the guidelines were originally adopted
November 6, 2001 and the proposed changes were reviewed &,recommended by Community
Development Subcommittee & P&Z Commission with changes specifically to the definition of
duplex development". The changes were a resultof an appeal earlier in 07 that contemplated
the duplex connection; this language was drafted in hopes of make the definition clearer.
Councilor Phillips moved to approve Resolution 07-34, Series of 2007, A Resolution Approving
Revised Town of Avon Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines -
Procedures, Rules And Regulations, As Originally Adopted November 6; 2001. Mayor Pro Tern
Sipes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Duplex Final Design - Appeal
Property Location: Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision /540
Applicant / Owner.- Jerald Wuhrman
Description: Final Design review for a duplex development on Nottingham Road. The design
incorporates stucco, stone and wood siding as well as a flat and gabled roof form. This
application was denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 21, 2007, and the
decision is being appealed to Town Council by the property owner.
Eric Heidemann, Community Development Director, presented the above referenced appeal
request submitted by Jerry Wuhrman. He noted that per the Charter Council is required to
respond within 30 days; it was also noted that Council's role is to uphold, remand or deny the
decision of the P&Z Commission. The application was reviewed over the course of several
meetings from May through August 2007 and was denied based on concerns with access,
grading, drainage, roof forms and architectural interests. Council's scope of role was to review
P&Z decision with the evidence before them and then make a determination to uphold, deny or
remand back to the P&Z the decision. Jerry Wuhrman, property owner & developer of the
project, address council with why he did not feel that his project should be denied by the Avon
P&Z Commission. He distributed a memo dated 9/10/07 outlining his comments requesting the
Council to consider remanding the decision back to P&Z Commission. He presented the history
of his application including the application for a variance which was denied. Neighbors have
volunteered on their own to support the project. His concern is 'not the fee, but rather the need
to have to redo all the drawings & site plans. The public hearing was opened and the following
people spoke:
• Todd Goulding, VP of Bristol Pines HOA, resident of Avon, P&Z member, commented on
how the commission arrived at its decision to deny this application.
Y Chris Evans, P&Z Chair and resident of Avon, commented on the commission's decision
to deny noting that the project just did not comply with the guidelines and the applicant
had ample opportunity to rectify their concerns.
The public hearing was closed. Councilor Dantas moved to uphold the decision of the Planning
& Zoning Commission to deny the Duplex Final Design for Lot 70A, Block 1, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision /540 Nottingham. Councilor Carroll seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously.
Councilor Carroll & Councilor Ferraro left the room at this time due to conflict of interest on this
topic. John Dunn, Town Attorney, presented Ordinance No. 07-12, Series of 2007, First
Reading, An Ordinance Providing for the Vacation of a Portion of a Roadway within Riverfront
Subdivision. Dunn made a review of the legislation which will implement a settlement
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agreement entered into among the Town, East West Resort Development XIV; Confluence
metro District & Union -Pacific Railroad. He noted that this is a vacation of land 'acquired from
the Union Pacific Railroad ;located within the Riverfront Subdivision and that following the
ordinance is a Notice of Merger which reflects that the property acquired from the railroad will
merge into the title of the property interested dedicated by the plat of'Riverfront Subdivision. He
noted that,the exhibits were not in the correct order & needed to be switched, around'. Mayor
Pro Tem Sipes moved to approve Ordinance No. 07-12, Series of 2007, First Reading, An
Ordinance Providing for the Vacation of a Portion of a Roadway within Riverfront Subdivision.
Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those members present
(Carroll Ferraro recused due to conflict of interest).
Larry Brooks, Town Manager, provided updates on the following topics:
• Skier Shuttle arrangements with Beaver Creek Resort Company (a final agreement on
an abbreviated ski school shuttle)
• Union Pacific work train has arrived in avon and rollout of the schedule for the aigrade
improvements & crossing installation.
• Village at Avon updates for Traer Creek Metropolitan District & Village Metropolitan
District Board meetings ' & Nottingham Puder Ditch Project. Scott Wright presented an
update to the meeting addressing the items outlined on the agenda. Justin Hildreth
presented an update on the ditch maintenance agreement with Traer Creek.
Mayor Wolfe asked for a motion on the Consent Agenda. Councilor Underwood moved to adopt
the consent agenda; Councilor Ferraro seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
a. Minutes from September 11, 2007
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20
Rich Carroll
Dave Dantas
Kristi Ferraro
Amy Phillips
Brian Sipes
Tamra Underwooi
Ron Wolfe
Ratg-McKennv. Town Clerk
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